Chill and Peaceful #2

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"Well good evening Ms. Williams."

"Mr. Ashiro. How is it that we keep running into each other?"

"Fate? Luck? May I join you?"

{Oh, now come on now. Damn you Lashaun}

"Um, sure. But I'm afraid I'm not the best company tonight."

"That's okay, sometimes it's just nice to sit and enjoy."

{Cue Sade's Smooth Operator...}

Ashiro went inside to place his order and returned to join her at the table.

"You didn't have to stop what you were doing to join me."

"I was just out enjoying the nice night after work."

"It's almost 11pm!"

"Yes. Typical day for me."

Vivi just gave him a look. She really wasn't the best of company tonight. All she wanted to do was enjoy what she had ordered and people watch.

"Have you talked to your boss yet Ms. Williams?"

{Oh? So now I owe you a conversation since you signed the deal?}

"Yes. There is another company that I need to connect with tomorrow."

"I see, do you know which one?"

"No, I'll find out in the morning. So do you always work this late?"

{See, I'm not even gonna mention that deal!}

"Usually, just depends on what I have going on. So how long will you be in Japan for?"

"I leave Thursday early in the morning."

"So if I want to take you out, I guess I better not waste anytime then should I?"

Vivi just gave him a look.

"It's your choice of course."

"And why would Mr. Ken Ashiro, one of Japan's most eligible and sought after bachelors, be interested in me?"

{You gonna have to earn this honey}

Vivi could already hear Lashaun fussing in her head.

{Girl stop playing hard to get!!}

"Because you, Ms. Williams are a confident and beautiful woman. One that's not swayed by status and can hold her own. That is very attractive and hard to come by these days."

{Ooooo Vivi, guuurl. That answer just checked off 4 boxes to a 'Yes'. Lashuan is right, I need to learn to relax and enjoy.}

"How are you still single?" Vivi thought she said it herself but, the Universe is working hard right now.

"Because those that have approached me, I haven't found interesting. I want someone that can hold an intelligent conversation or just sit quietly and people watch with. Someone that doesn't need me, but wants me. Does that answer your question Ms. Williams?"

"Yes it does. Alright Ken. I have your number. I'll get in touch with you for dinner tomorrow. How does that sound?"


Vivi smiled at him. He was fine as hell and from the t-shirt he had on, she could tell that what was underneath was even better.

"Tomorrow then. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to get back to my hotel and prepare for tomorrow."

Ashiro knew not to offer her a ride. She was just as headstrong as he was and she would have refused the offer. He stood, letting her know that he would take care of dish and bid her good night. Vivi could feel those sexy brown eyes of his on her as she walked towards the metro station.

{I better not trip or I'm kicking someone ass!}

When she felt she was far enough away from his gaze, she whipped out her phone and called Lashaun. Vivi didn't care who was looking at her.

"Uugghh. Woman. I love you but you is working my nerves!"

"Your girl Vivi is going on a date!"

Other's turned to look as all those close by could hear Lashuan screaming on the other end of the phone.

"Good! Amen, Thank you Jesus!!"

"Oh shut up."

"So he - wait? Ain't it like almost midnight there? He called you this late to ask you out?"

"No, I was out at a cafe and he saw me and stopped."

"Okay, hold up, wait a minute, none of dis is making sense."  ((Lashaun was signing this part))

"I was hungry so I went out to get something to eat and found a super cute cafe. Lashuan gurl, Tokyo be poppin'! There people all over the place!"

"Mmmmm see! Karma destiny, Karma destiny! But seriously Vivi, I'm glad you said yes. I got a good feeling about you two."

"Oh really?"

"Yes! And so does the universe cause I pulled a tarot card for you last night."

"You did?"

"I did. I'm telling you, the universe is working for both of y'all to hook up!"

"Well what card did you pull?"

"The Lovers!"

"Why did I even bother to ask?"

"Because you still doubting all of this! You need to sit and think about how y'all keep coming together. It's Fate gurl."

"If it's fate then I'll run into him again tomorrow now wont I?"

" done went and put it out there. It comes back to you, don't you turn it away!"

"Night Lashaun, my metro is here."

Making it back to the area her hotel was in, she stopped at the 7-eleven for some snacks then went up to her room. Now she just wanted to sleep. Vivi would check her email first thing in the morning, then she was hitting the breakfast buffet and after that she would start her day.

The alarm was going off a lot sooner than she felt it should be. Looking a the clock on the side table it was 6am.

"Vivi, get ya ass up girl."

Throwing her legs over the side of the bed, jet lag was hitting her and it was no joke. She found her tylenol and took two and got dressed to hit the breakfast buffet. Hair pulled back into a ponytail, she put on the same sweat suit she wore last night, it was still good. Vivi was about to walk out the door but stopped to check her email. Sure enough, Diane her boss had sent her an email detailing the other business she was to contact. Making sure everything was sent to her phone, Viv went to the business center to print out the information.

Now, food. Going down to the lobby, it was still early enough that it wasn't that crowded, thank God. Making it to the restaurant, she was led to her seat. As she ate she reviewed the information that her boss had sent her. So far there was a strong potential of the deal being a good one.

Back in her room, Vivi was glad she had set out an outfit to wear for the new meeting.

Dressed, Vivi needed to coordinate a ride. It was too last minute to contact Mr. Tomo so she went to the front desk to see what her options were. There was personalized taxi service that was available so she quickly reserved one and went to the business center to do some work and send a follow up to Ashiro. The follow up was part of her job and she cc'd the email to Diane, don't want to give Mr. Handsome any ideas.

Vivi had to admit that she was getting a little excited about actually spending time with someone that was not only handsome but intriguing.

{Universe, you better be right about this man or we gonna have a tension filled moment.  Don't make me come at you...}

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