Chill and Peaceful

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Vivi set the alarm on her phone to go off when it was a decent hour back in the states. She wanted to personally follow up with her boss on the meeting. Even though it was the middle of the night for her, she had rested to fight off the jetlag that was still trying to creep up on her. She also wanted to call her bff Lashaun and fill her in on the craziness. But first, the boss.

Vivi caught her boss just as she entered her office.

"Oh Vivi! I'm so glad you called, I didn't feel like typing everything out. You did it! Ashiro signed the contract. Not only did he sign the deal, but he complimented you on your knowledge and professionalism. Thank you Viv, seriously. You are the headstrong, confident person we need like 10 more of!"

"Thank you, Diane."

Diane Spears, the Vice President, filled Vivi in on another possible contract negotiation if she was interested. It wasn't an actual negotiation but Diane wanted to know if the client would be a good lead to pursue. If it was something Vivi wanted to tackle, Diane would email her all the information and contacts. Vivi agreed to at least talk to them to see if what the were looking for was something Petra Group would want to do.

"Thank You Viv! I've amended your plane ticket home and your stay as been extended an extra day. I don't want you to rush, rush while you are there. Take some time for yourself please. The front desk will contact you shortly about your extended room stay."

"Okay! I will contact them in the morning and get something set up!"

"Thanks. Keep me posted and let me know if you need anything."

"I will."

Now Vivi needed some girl time with Lashaun. It took two tries but 'Shaun finally answered.

"...girl why you calling so early?"

"'s 10am there! Get up!"

"Ugghhh. This better be good!"

"Honey! You are not going to believe this shit!"

"Okay, I'm awake now!"

"Remember Mr. Handsome and Honey?"


"Girl! That man was the one I was meeting with!"

"Ha ha hahaaaa!" Lashaun laughed for a good 5 minutes. "Oooooo! Now see, that's some Karma destiny right there gurl!"

"Okay. It's either one or the other, it can't be both."

"In YOUR case, it's karma destiny. Don't correct me! I know what I'm saying!"

"You are a hot mess."

"You the one that called and woke me up! So you gonna let him take you out? When y'all meeting up again?"

"Whooooa. Ain't nobody said nothing about going out!"

"Listen Vivi. The Universe is trying to tell you something. Stop being so damned hard headed and listen! Remember what you said last Friday night when we were out to dinner?"

"I said a lot of stuff last Friday night 'Shaun."

"Well you said; and I quoteth!: God need to bring me a good man to treat me like the Queen that I am, and I un-quoteth!"

Vivi was silent for a few seconds as the full memory of what she said smacked her in the face.

"I said that didn't I?"

"Yes. And it looks to me that God and the Universe has answered you! Now YOU need to decide what to do with that fine specimen of a man."

"Hush, you are such a trip."

"Honey I say enjoy it!"

"I'll see."

"Said the blind man..."

"Oh shut up and go back to sleep! Love you goofball."

"Love you to girl."

Vivi tossed her phone to the other side of the bed and fell back onto it, a deep and heavy sigh leaving her. Looking over to the side table, it was late but she was hungry. Vivi had seen a 7-eleven close by so she decided to walk across the street to it for some snacks. Sweats was what she had on and sweats was what she was wearing. It was a convenience store, not Prada and she wanted food.

Since she was staying for an extra day, she wanted to get enough to hold her over and for the flight back home. Walking down the hall to the elevator, the building was quiet. Elevator to the lobby and now the entrance, the Tokyo night was still alive. Vivi didn't expect things to still be going strong but they were. She was glad she was dressed comfortably as she walked out into the night, sneakers, comfy sweats and a hoody. Instead of just going to the store and back to her room, she decided to take a walk. She had set the google map on her phone to track where she went, all she had to do was follow the route back to the hotel, plus she had the address so it was no problem.

She decided to take the metro rail to a popular spot. Stepping onto the metro she of course got looks, she expected it so it was no surprise. One little girl, who had the cutest chubbiest cheeks, smiled and waved at her. Vivi smiled and waved back at her, the little girls mom smiled as well. Reaching the next station Vivi noticed she was in the same area that she had her meeting. Not thinking much of it, she continued. There were couples, kids on bikes, families, business men, groups of friends; everyone was out and about. She saw a small cafe with a beautiful outdoor patio area. A table opened up so she went inside to get something to drink and a bite to eat.

Order placed, she returned to the patio table. It was a beautiful night to enjoy it sitting outside, people watching. Soon the barista brought out her drink and melon pan. Enjoying her drink and gazing out into the crowd, she caught sight of a familiar face.

{Who on earth is writing the story of my life right now?!  They need Jesus and about 12 bible versus.}

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