This is Business #2

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Vivi was now ready to get this deal in the bag and enjoy the rest of her Japan stay. She already knew that they would doubt if the Petra Group could deliver since the last failed meeting two years ago. Things were different now.

The door opened and in walked three men in very nice, tailored, expensive suits. She bowed and greeted them, motioning for them to have a seat.

"Gentleman, please, enjoy some fresh coffee or water. I won't waste your time or mine."

Vivi dove right in with why they could rely on the Petra Group this go around. There had been a restructuring and the Petra Group was now one cohesive unit, not a bunch of scattered departments with lack of communication and egos. Now, information flowed seamlessly. Vivi presented them with previous high end contracts and video snippets of satisfied customers. She knew that wouldn't be enough.

"Now, I'm not here to toot my company's horn. What questions do you have? And do not hold back as I can feel that you are all wanting answers."

Ashiro motioned for his colleagues to go before him. The older one asked what the Petra group could promise as other firms in the running for the contract had laid out a list of promises.

"Promises are empty and do not lead to the success of a corporation. What you want are proven facts, results and numbers. The portfolio before you details such information, not promises."

"Who will be in charge of our contract in case we have questions or want last minute changes."

"Mr Henderson who is the head of our contract support group."

Mr. Handsome raised his eyebrow that the head of support would deal with them and not one of his subordinates. "Why is the head of support handling customer inquiries and not a member of his support team?"

"Because Mr. Ashiro, as the head of contracts it is his responsibility to be the initial point of contact for all of our clients. We don't want to waste our customers' time from them dealing with someone not capable of making the decisions that need to be made on the spot. Those working under Mr. Henderson are in a supportive role and handle all follow up afterwards. The Petra Group is dealing with million dollar plus clients. Do you really want some underling to be your first point of contact who has to put you on hold for who knows how long while they follow up with their superior?"

"Point well taken Ms. Williams."

This back and forth Q&A session went on for almost an hour with Vivi not faltering once. For every question she had a solid answer. For every doubt she presented data and numbers to put their worries at ease. She made it a point to mention that nothing was 100% and that issues would arise but that the Petra Group would do what was necessary to ensure that their customers were satisfied and that their relationship was mutually beneficial.

At the end of her 'interrogation', the men looked at each other but didn't say a word.

"Thank you for your time Ms. Williams. Your presentation was very...informative. We will make our decision within the next two hours after reviewing all of the contracts collectively." Mr. Handsome/Ashiro took out her business card from the info packet. "You'll be contacted concerning our decision. Do you need a ride to your hotel?"

{Oh no you not sugar!}

"I have made arrangements for my transportation, thank you."

The men all stood and bowed. The receptionist was already there waiting to escort Vivi back to the lobby. She bowed and left the conference room. Following the receptionist, Vivi still kept her composure. She thanked her and made it over to the elevator and down to the main lobby. She thanked God and his angels that she was alone in the elevator. A huge sigh of relief, she couldn't wait to get to her room and out of the dress and into something comfortable. On the way down, she called the driver from the airport, Mr. Tomo. He was available and would be there shortly.

Ride taken care of, the rest required nothing but simple patience. She put on one of the best presentations to date and with the intense questioning, there was nothing else she could have done better. Vivi would follow up with her boss at a decent hour for the States. Ten minutes and her ride was there.

"Thank you so much Mr. Tomo. I hope your company doesn't mind you providing such personalized service."

"No Ms. Williams. My partner and I own the company!"

"Well then, that is amazing. I will definitely refer your service to others."

"That would be much appreciated!"

On the way to her hotel, Mr. Tomo gave her some tips on things to see and do. If he wasn't available, his partner Sinichi might be. Vivi let him know that she had purchased a metro/jr pass and wanted to just wander around. She would use him for the ride back to the airport. He let her know to reserve her spot a day before to ensure that they would be available. Pulling up to the hotel, her hand was on the door handle. Mr. Tomo let her know there was no charge; this time.

She thanked him again and made her way into the hotel. Checking in, her luggage was already in her room. Thanking her lucky stars that she didn't have to carry it herself, she quickly made her way to her room. Shoes, jacket, earrings off, Vivi tossed her suitcase on the nearest bed and took out her pjs. Sleep was desperately needed as jet lag had been hanging over her before she even landed. Hair pinned up and dress off, it was time for a much needed long hot shower. She would worry about food after she woke up. There were plenty of 24 hour places near her hotel so she wasn't worried about being able to find food.

Ready for some downtime, Vivi sat on the bed and braided her hair. She wanted to check her email and let her boss know that the meeting had gone well.  

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