This is Business #1

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The next thing Vivi knew, she was waking up. She had dozed off, which she actually needed. As soon as she stepped off the plane in Tokyo, it would be game time. They were due to land in two hours and were about to have breakfast served. Order placed, she went over the meeting notes one last time. She had this and just needed to stop stressing over it. Her game face was ready. There was no way Mr. Handsome would upset her balance. Vivi was pretty sure that he knew she was the one he would be meeting with.

It was now time to gather not only herself but her belongings. Briefcase in order, documents at hand and a final confirmation for her driver, Vivi got down to business. She felt eyes on her, but all that would have to wait. The landing was uneventful as she gathered her items to de-plane. She thanked the attendants for their hospitality and made her way down the jet bridge. Thank god she could read kanji and kana. Wanting to look presentable, she quickly found a restroom before heading to immigration/customs.

Now she was ready to face who and whatever. Customs was a breeze and she found the baggage claim without issue. Occasionally she noticed the stares she was getting which wasn't a surprise. She was tall, beautiful and fierce; who wouldn't notice that? While waiting for her luggage she caught a brief glimpse of Mr. Handsome as he walked away from baggage claim. Vivi made her way to the luggage delivery booth, then off to get her metro passes, money and a sim card. All of this went by fairly easily and soon she saw a man standing with her name on a sign.

'V. Williams'

As she approached the driver she could tell he was not expecting to see her beautiful melanin complexion. The driver smiled and Vivi greeted him and bowed politely. Time to get this show on the road. Driving to the office complex, she enjoyed all the sights Tokyo had to offer her on such a beautiful day. Checking her phone there was a brief message from her boss wishing her luck. Soon she approached her destination. She thanked the driver after he opened the door for her.

"Enjoy your stay in Japan Ms. Williams. Here is my card if you require a driver during your time here."

Vivi found the gesture odd but was grateful for the offer. She would contact him for a ride to her hotel if he was available. The building was impressive with beautiful and lush landscaping. Walking inside, she was instantly noticed. Just from glancing around she could tell that few if any people of color came through their front door. Nearing the reception/security area, two ladies stood and bowed as they greeted her. Vivi informed them of the business she was visiting and signed in. She was given a visitor's badge and directed to the elevators. While she waited she caught another glimpse of Mr. Handsome as he was walking with other businessmen into a side hallway.

{Alright Universe, don't go getting cute with this now.}

Inside the elevator there were only 3 other women. Vivi could hear them whispering when one of them gently tapped her shoulder. Vivi turned and smiled.

"I love your dress Ms.!"

"Why thank you so much!"

Finally she had reached the 10th floor. She smiled again at the women and stepped off. Yoyoda Corporation had the entire 10th floor. Vivi entered the spacious waiting area and approached the receptionist desk. The two ladies stood and bowed as they greeted her, she did the same.

"Ms. Williams, I have a meeting with-" One of the ladies stopped her before she could even finish.

"You are expected Ms. Williams, please follow me and I will show you to the conference room."

"Thank you."

Walking through the office, more looks, mostly from the men as she was taken to the meeting room. Vivi was there 40 minutes early. Entering the room, there was no coffee, no water, nothing.

"Can we get some coffee and pitchers of water along with cups and glasses?"

"Uhh, yes I will have the items sent over promptly."

"Thank you, is the AV system working?"

"Yes Ms. Williams. Everything you need is located on the cart in the corner."

The woman smiled, bowed and left to get the requested items. Vivi busied herself with setting up her laptop to the projector. She had some b-roll playing showcasing The Petra Group. The lady returned with someone else who set up a drink station for her. Vivi was setting out the info packets for the attendees, one for each chair.

"There are only three for the meeting Ms. Williams."

"I see, thank you Ms?"


"Thank you Ms. Odomo."

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