Dinner and Chill #2

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The steaming hot plate of noodles, veggies and chicken was sat down in front of her. Lowering her head, she took a deep breath.


"Ha ha ha! Try it first before you praise it."

Forkful of food and Vivi was in yakisoba noodle heaven.

"Wow! This is really good."

"Why thank you."

"Thank you for cooking! You are spoiling me."

"Of course. I've waited a long time to spoil someone special."

{Here I am handsome!}

Vivi just smiled as they enjoyed their dinner. She offered to clean up since he cooked but he refused to let her in the kitchen. Now was she glad that her flight wasn't until the evening tomorrow. Meal finished, kitchen cleaned, they enjoyed another glass of wine out on the balcony as the night was still pleasant. The conversation stayed light and Vivi limited herself to only two glasses of wine. Ken let her know that they would leave around 10am tomorrow and if she wanted to do laundry she could, his apartment had a washer and dryer, a rare thing to find in japan.

After an hour of sitting out on the balcony, Ken had to excuse himself to get some work done for a meeting tomorrow and make a few phone calls. Vivi understood and would use this time to get some things done. She didn't really need to wash anything as she had an extra shirt and undies so she was fine. She did want to research the area for airbnb's and order a little special gift for him as she really did appreciate everything he had done for her.

Vivi set her clothes out for tomorrow and took out her tablet. Logging onto airbnb, she did a search for the area and found a very nice 1 bedroom apartment right down the street. Vivi already knew that she wanted to pursue this relationship, being there two weeks, she was not going to spend the entire time at the airbnb.

Ken Ashiro had passed her 'what I want in a partner' test.

Airbnb picked out, now to get her flight. She wanted to take a week at work to get things in order for her to be gone for 2 weeks.

{Child? Don't go trying to do all this off the top of ya head. Make a list, damn!}

Vivi got up and went to her bag again, she needed the pen stylist so she could take notes.

**Email boss to confirm time off
Double check dates with Ken
Plane ticket
Email to do deadline at work
Order Ken's surprise (case of wine)
Reserve airbnb
Place hold on mail
Pick out outfits
**Dr. Appt!!

Noting the time, Vivi got busy by emailing her boss with an official time off request and sending out an email that anything that needed her immediate attention be sent to her by the end of day Wednesday. She would fly out late that Friday evening.

Now Vivi was in work mode and the bed was scattered with pieces of paper. She checked her email and jotted down who/what to follow up one. Later, she would transcribe it into notes, meetings, tasks and emails later. An hour in and she was half way through emails and had received her vacation approval. Soon there was a knock at the door.

"Come in?"

Ken opened the door and stood against the door frame with his arms crossed. "I thought you were going to relax?"

"I am relaxing but since you are here, will the 7th to the 21st work for you?"

"Yes, there may be 1 or 2 days that I have something to attend to at work but those dates are fine. Just make sure to send me your flight info when you get it."


"About breakfast in the morning."

"I'll cook that."

"Oh really?"


"Well I won't argue with that!"

"Good, because you wouldn't win."

Ken just shook his head at her. "Fine, I'm curious to see what you can fix with what's left in the fridge."

{Sugar do you not see this sexy, full figured body?? This is not from eating salads, you girl can whip up some magic!}

"Challenge accepted."

He gave her a look and chuckled. Ken surprised her by giving her a kiss goodnight, and not a little peck on the cheek either.

{Damn I just might have to cancel that airbnb all together!}

"Night beautiful."


He gently closed the door, leaving her to finish her work.

"Where's my phone? I have got to call LaShaun!"

Finding her phone, Vivi set about trying to multitask with getting all her notes into her work calendar and set up her return flight. Viv had her earbuds with a mic on it so she didn't have to talk so loud. LaShaun picked up on the second ring, this time it was a video chat.

"About time you called! How's it going out there?"

"LaShaun Renee Arlene Stevens."

"Oh hell...do I need to send you bail money?"

"Honey I will be back here in a week!"

"A week? Vivi what's going on?"

"I found him LaLa. I have found him."

"Who? Jesus?"

"Don't be stupid...him."

"You mean him, him?"


"The sexy kissed by the deepest shade of honey carmel sexiness from the airport, him?"


"Praise the Lordt!!"

"Okay Madea..."

"Are you being serious right now Vi?"

"Look where I'm at." Vivi panned the phone around to show LaShaun the room she was in

"That don't look like no hotel room Vi."

"It's not. LaLa you need to have a seat cause I'm about to floor you. This man went with me from Tokyo to Osaka; an almost 2-3 hour train ride. We get here LaLa, he took me to meet his parents!"


Viv needed a minute to get her hearing back.

"Oh. My God! Are you serious?"

"Yes, took me right on over to meet his parents. Passed go and collected $200!"

"I do not believe this!"

"Me either but it's happening. Right now I'm at a small two bedroom apartment he has in Osaka. I have my own room with an ensuite bath. I've already gotten the time off approved at work and when I get off the phone with you, I'm getting my plane ticket back out here."

"Good! Here you had to go halfway across the damn planet to find a man worth a damn!"

"I know, if these two weeks work out, I'm gonna have some serious decisions to make."

"No you not! What you talkin' bout Willis? If he's the one and he treats you like a queen honey I'd be putting in my notice and be like, see ya wouldn't wanna be ya I'm out!"

"Now LaShaun!"

"Now Vivi! How long have you waited to find someone even remotely like this man you got here? You can take what you do for the Petra Group and start your own consulting firm! Don't you let this man slip from your luscious thighs!"

"Girl, you need to stop."

"It's true! Trust me, if I found someone like that....baby girl you only live once. If it works out, fabulousity. If it doesn't, then at least you gave your heart a chance."

"Well ain't we just full of knowledge and wisdom!"

"I have my moments! Besides, if Japan can work for you, it can work for me and I'll need someplace to stay and someone to translate when I visit so make sure you give me your new number and address!"

"Crazy woman! You know it. In it to win it."

"In it to win it. Look I gotta go and get this bread and butter. Love you keep me posted."

"Love you too crazy girl."

Things just got a little more clearer in the world of Vivi Williams.

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