Friday A.M.

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Vivi was up at 7:00 in the morning. She took another quick shower and got dressed for the day. She had hung her skirt up to air out during the night and put on the clean garments she had packed. Once she got back to the hotel, she would change for the flight home. Now to get to cooking a sexy man a hearty breakfast. Walking into the main living area, it was peaceful and still quiet. First things first, she wanted to see if he had any coffee and a coffee maker.

Viv was mindful as she quietly opened each cabinet door, finding everything that she needed. Coffee maker cleaned out, she sniffed inside the coffee container to make sure it was fresh enough to drink.

"It's still fresh. I bought it a couple of weeks ago." Ken was sitting on the other side of the small island.

"Morning." It was Vivi's turn to surprise him as she walked over and gave him a good morning kiss.

"I could get used to this." Ken wasn't wanting the kiss to end but he was also hungry.

Viv smirked at him and went back to fixing breakfast. "How do you like your coffee again?"


{Don't you even say it Vi!}

Coffee brewing, Viv started the hot water kettle so she could have some green tea that she found in one of the containers. She could feel Ken's eyes on her but that was okay. Vi knew he was waiting to see what she could fix with almost no food in the house. Opening the cabinet by the stove, she needed some seasonings. Cinnamon, nutmeg, pepper, italian seasoning which was odd and soy sauce. Now for the fridge, there were eggs, spinach, mushrooms, green onions, white onions, four potatoes and half a zucchini. As far as meat goes, there were 3 sausages left. The loaf of bread that he didn't use was tiny and only had 6 large pieces of bread in it. There was about ½ cup of milk in the fridge that was still good as well. That would do.

Cinnamon french toast with a veggie omelet, seasoned fried potatoes with onions and sliced sausages. Fresh cups of coffee and juice; breakfast was served. Ken just stared at the plate in front of him as Vivi sat down across from him.

"You Vivi, are a Goddess."

"I know."

"Ha ha ha." Ken took a picture of his plate with his phone and texted it to someone. His phone began to ring immediately and he wasted no time in answering it. Ken put the call on speaker phone. "Morning mom!"

"What are you eating?!"

"Vivi cooked me breakfast!"

"You sent that to your mom?" Vivi gave him her 'I can't believe you did that!' look.

"Kenny-chan! She's a keeper, do you hear me? Listen to your mother, I know what I'm talking about!"

"Yes mom."

Ken took the call off speaker phone to finish the conversation as he knew how embarrassing his mom could be. Viv ate while he talked. The conversation didn't last long and he hung up the phone with a laugh.

"My mom really likes you."

"So I noticed."

"This is really good babe."

"Babe? Ooo, I've been upgraded to babe status?"

"That you have."

"I've been thinking. When I come back, I don't think I want to get an airbnb. It just makes more sense to stay with you the entire time."

"I completely agree."

"Well why didn't you say something when I mentioned it?"

"Because Vivi, it was your choice. If that's what you felt you needed to do to be comfortable with staying and us getting to know each other, then so be it."

"You are something else handsome."

"Eh, just being myself."

{Thank you!}

"Oh. I have my flight info already, my time off was approved and I fly out Friday evening." Vivi slid her phone over to him so he could see her flight details.

"Excellent. So that gives us the weekend for you to get over jet lag and just relax. Monday and Tuesday I have meetings, after that we can come back here to Osaka if you want."

"Oh yes! I prefer Osaka over Tokyo. Plus I'd like to cook dinner for you parents one evening. They are just so sweet and kind."

"Oh God, please don't go spoiling them. They are worse than little kids! They will start to expect it."

"Hey, you only have one set of parents."

"Ahhhh, true true.  You got me there."

They finished their early morning meal in silence with Vivi taking care of the dishes while Ken went to get dressed. He returned to find her sitting at the small island, enjoying a cup of tea.



"What are we going to do if we really hit it off those two weeks?"

"Always thinking ahead. I don't know hon. I'm sure we'll figure it out."

"Mn. You want to walk around town and head back? We can get some lunch once we arrive in Tokyo."

"Sounds good! Just let me grab my bag."

While she did that, he made sure things were closed and locked. Bag ready, Vivi was set to go. The two left the apartment hand in hand as anything else would just be uncivilized. Walking down to the lobby, they ran into one of his neighbors. He was an older American man.

"Ah Ashiro, how are you? We don't see you that often."

'I'm good Mr. Taylor. Let me introduce you to Ms. Vivi Williams."

Mr. Taylor just nodded as did Vivi and they were off to see the town for a little bit. It was still morning but people were out and about. Store owners had their stalls open and before she left Osaka, she wanted to get her boss and LaShaun a gift. Vivi got them both beautiful yukatas and various snacks. Luckily she left room in her suitcase for souvenirs.

By the time they were done shopping and looking around it was time to head to the station. Soon she would be on a plane bound for home, but before that happened, she wanted to enjoy what was left of her time here.

Pulling into the Tokyo station, Vivi was getting excited about all that she wanted to get done before her next trip.

"Oh, you don't have to make a special trip to take me to the airport. I have a ride."

"It's no problem Viv. I'll be by around 4:30?"

"Hon, I would prefer to be at the airport by 3:30. I want to get there early incase I have any issues."

"That's fine. I tell you what, we'll hold off on lunch, go to your hotel, you can change and pack, then we can eat and I'll drop you off."

"Are you sure you don't mind?"


"Okay, okay."

So that is exactly what happened.  They walked back to the hotel with Ashiro staying in the lobby as he had some more phone calls to make. Vivi was glad that she had gotten things ready the night before and had plugged her laptop in to charge. There wasn't much for her to do besides change into comfortable athletic wear and she opted to put her hair in a ponytail after brushing it out. Boarding pass, passport, documents, she checked the bathroom a final time and grabbed her room key to check out. Before she left the front desk, Ashiro was there, taking her suitcase for her.



"What do you want for lunch?"


"What?" Vivi bounced her eyebrows at him. "Okay, okonomiyaki it is."

After putting bags in the car, they walked back to the station. There was a side alley that he took her down and soon they came to a busy little spot. Walking in, Ashiro waved and led Vivi over to a side table.

"Do you know what you want on yours?"

"No seafood."

"Iced green tea okay to drink?"

"Yes, thank you hon."

Ken went up the bar type counter and ordered then went to the drink fridge and got them something to drink.

"I take it you know the owner?"

"Yup, he's a good friend of mine." Ken had a seat.

"I have really enjoyed my time here, thank you hon."

"Oooh, you are making it a habit of calling me hon, babe."

"And you with your babe."

"I'll be glad when you're back."

"Oh will you now? We've barely known each other a week."

"When you know what you want Vi, you know what you want."

"Well okay then. I will not argue with that."

Food arrived and they ate with more talk of the upcoming visit. Ashiro would be there at the airport Saturday and they would go to his Tokyo apartment till Wednesday morning. After that they would drive to Osaka and visit the grocery store before getting settled. While they were in Tokyo, he wanted her to get used to Anubis as the large dog could be somewhat intimidating. Vivi wouldn't have a problem with him as long as he wasn't jumpy.

Meal done, she wanted to get to the airport. This time her return flight had her leaving out of Narita. Ken checked with her to make sure she had everything that she needed. Vivi asked if he would be in the office all next week and he would. That was perfect as she would order his wine gift once she was stopped by the airport lounge.

The airport was packed. Vivi had managed to convenience Ken to just let her out in the unloading zone. Bags out of the trunk, he pulled her over for a hug.

"Keep me posted during your trip."

"I will hon. I'll text you when I board and when I finally get home."

"Sounds good. All set?"

"All set."

One last kiss and Ken let her go. Vivi waved a final time before heading into the terminal.

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