First-class Lounge

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Vivi made her way through security and quickly made it to the first-class lounge. She was so glad she left when she did. Viv found an empty table out of the way and with a wonderful view of the tarmac. Now that she had a nice seat, she wanted to grab a bite to eat to make up for not having breakfast. Walking to the buffet, she felt eyes on her but didn't care. First thing she wanted was a cappuccino, she found the coffee center and went to order one. Standing in the small line, a guy approached her.  He was handsome, but from a distance she could feel his arrogant energy.  Blonde hair and blue eyes, most women would have welcomed his presence but not her.

"Well hello there."

Vivi turned and gave him a quick smile. She was not in the mood to deal with others right now, least of all him. He had on a high end suit, probably Armani, and he carried the part of the overly entitled Executive perfectly.

"Join me for breakfast?"

"No thank you."

Vivi just wanted her coffee and to get started on preparing for her meeting. Someone else also noticed her but stayed in the background. The businessman didn't like being told 'no'.

"Come on, a beautiful woman like you should never eat alone."

"Actually, yes I should and since I've already told you 'no' once, don't make me tell you again."

This time the man in the background came forward as he saw the guy in the expensive suite getting ready to reach for her.   A firm hand stopped him from going further with the disrespectul action.

"I believe the lady has given you an answer." His voice was commanding yet soft. Causing a scene is not something he wanted to do, but he got his point across. The man gave him a furious look and turned to Vivi to give her a look as well, but she beat him to it. The man left, stomping off to his area.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome."

With that, the man she had bumped into earlier smiled and left. This time it was Vivi who kept her eye on him as he walked away. Coffee in hand, she selected some fresh fruit and a danish to enjoy. Taking her seat, she finally took a moment to enjoy her surroundings. But only briefly. There was work to be done, and it wasn't going to do itself.

Before boarding, Vivi wanted to confirm that her driver and hotel were in order. She called the hotel in Japan to confirm. Vivi had a comfortable enough handle on the Japanese language that she could converse with them. Someone overheard her. After the call ended, she felt someone approaching.

"Your Japanese is very good!"

Vivi turned to see the man she bumped into when she arrived yet again. This time he was speaking to her in Japanese. She figured she would go along with it. He was handsome and had a good energy to him.

"Why thank you again. Running into each other is becoming a habit."

"So it seems....Ms.?"

Vivi stood and bowed respectfully. "Vivi is fine, and you are?"

"Ken. You can call me Ken."

"Nice to meet you, I'm sorry but I have a lot to get done before my flight."

"As do I. A pleasure getting to meet you Vivi."

"Like wise."

As he left, she returned to her seat to continue researching the Yoyoda corporation. She needed to be on her game for the meeting that was set in two days. Once she got to Japan, she wanted to rest and do more research. There was also a ramen place she wanted to go to and of course, Daiso. 

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