I Saw You!

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Vivi did a little more work then went to get more fruit. She was thankful that no one bothered her. But the one thing she noticed was the handsome man from earlier. Being only human, Vivi couldn't resist sneaking a pic of him. This one she absolutely had to send to LaShaun.

Vi: Ooooo sus! This man is fiiiiiiine.
LS: Daaaaaamnnn! 😎😎

Vi: I know!!
LS: guuuurl you gots that fever!
Vi: What fever, I'm not sick!
LS: Don't be stupid. You got that Asian boy fetish. 😝
Vi: #1 this a grown ass man, not no boy. #2 fetish is like eating toilet paper.... appreciating a handsome honey colored man is called good taste!!
LS: well have fun!! 😘😘

Vivi had to laugh at herself. Looking at her watch, it was getting close to boarding time. She wrapped up what she was working on and headed to her gate. Walking past Mr. Handsome, they exchanged smiles. Walking past Mr. Conceited Asshole, she ignored him. Vivi walked through the airport, her beautiful head held high and confident, her heels clicking away. She passed a young couple but didn't pay them any attention. When she was out of ear shot, the young woman made a rude remark about Vivi's size. She thought no one heard but she was wrong. Mr. Handsome walked up to her without hesitation, taking her by surprise.

"That, little girl is what is called a grown woman. Maybe when you grow up, you can be half as gorgeous as she is." With that, he smiled and walked off. The young woman's boyfriend couldn't help but laugh at her. She punched him, but he didn't care.

"Don't get mad at me! He's right, she was hot, thic'ness and all. Maybe you just jealous."

"Oh! See, fuck you!" with that she stormed off.

"You already did!"

She turned and flipped her boyfriend off as she continued on her own.

Vivi checked in at the counter, she hoped she had a single seat and not in the section with two seats. After a couple of minutes, Vivi got what she hoped for. She walked back through the terminal as she wanted to stop at one of the shops to pick up a few snacks as she knew airplane food didn't always agree with her, plus she just loved snacks. But she wanted to get the check in thing taken care of.

As she returned to the gate, it was time to board. Vivi had priority boarding so she took her spot in line. As she waited, Mr. C.A* {conceited asshole} took the spot behind her. Again, Vivi ignored him. He stood unnecessarily close to her, 'accidentally' brushing his hand against her butt. Before his hand returned to his side, Vivi whipped around and back handed him with such force that he stumbled out of the line. She didn't say anything as he tried to compose himself. Starting to defend himself, a little kid ratted him out.

"That's what you get for touching her on the no no spot! I saw you!" Now this little kid was not only pointing but yelling as well, drawing everyone's attention. Vivi tried not to laugh as the little kid was adorable as they called the man out. Mr. C.A. made a move towards the kid when Vivi stepped in front of him, blocking him from harming the child.

"Don't make me put hands on you again." Vivi stared him down, almost daring him to make another move towards the child.

By now the little girl's mom was there, starting to cause a scene. She thanked Vivi and turned her attention to Mr. C.A. moving her child behind her. Two buff security guards were there. Mr. C.A. tried to use his 'entitlement card' but that shit got revoked!

"About time you got here. I want her arrested for assault!"

Vivi folder her arms and waited, no one was moving as they were all waiting to see what would happen.

"No! I saw him, he touched her on the booty!" The little kid was relentless. One of the guards turned to Vivi.

"Sorry ma'am, you're free to go."

"Thank you. And thank you my dear." Vivi smiled at the child, then made her way to the plane.

'Shit, what a day!'

Vivi definitely wanted a drink after all of that craziness. Mr. Handsome/Ken who had been standing off to the side on a phone call, took the entire scene in.

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