It's a Date!

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"Of course my phone is going to ring now. Hello?"

As Vivi waited, she further enjoyed watching the people walk by. Ken politely stepped away to take the call which of course had to deal with work. Returning 15 minutes later, he had on the perfect poker face.

"Will you let me drop you off at your hotel Vivi?"

"No. I'm going to walk around some more, but thank you for the offer."

"Of course. Unfortunately I have to return to work to take care of some things. So is tomorrow doable?"

"Yes, What time?"

"What time were you planning on leaving?"

"9 am. There's a breakfast buffet at the hotel I'm staying at and I wanted to get some things for the trip."

"Okay. Meet in your hotel lobby at 8:45?"

"Sounds good."

"Perfect. You'll love Nagoya and Osaka especially."

"Are you familiar with the areas?"

"Oh yes and I can't wait to show you around the cities."

"Why thank you Ken. I really appreciate you doing this."

"Of course. Let me walk you back to the front."


Standing outside, Vivi surprised him with a quick hug and continued her sight seeing day. Secretly on the inside she was bouncing off her internal walls and couldn't wait to tell Lashaun.

{That man know he can give a sensuous hug}

Vivi walked around for another 2 hours. Since tomorrow was going to be another serious day of walking, she wanted to rest her feet. She also needed to follow up with her boss on the Nezu situation. Now that she had met Mr. Handsome for lunch instead of dinner, that left her evening open to relax. On the way back to her hotel she had stopped at a small little store and gotten a bath bomb and something for bubbles. It would be a solo girls night tonight.

Hair pinned up, she got her outfit ready for tomorrow.

Everything ready for her day out, she relaxed on the bed.

{Time to do some work Vi, this ain't a vacation.}

Vivi checked and followed up on all her emails. There were more than usual but then again she wasn't in the office to handle the small issues.

Ashiro walked into the lobby of his building. He could hear the yelling before he even made it to the reception desk. It quickly changed his demeanor.

"What is going on?!"

"I-i-i-i-t's M-m-mr. Nezu sir." The receptionist was about to fall to pieces as she shook like a frightened rabbit. Ashiro stormed back towards the junior assistants area where Nezu was going on a tirade. Other employees moved out his way.

"NEZU! That is enough!"

"Oh! Really? You think so?"

"What the hell do you think you're doing?!"

"Don't play dumb with me Ashiro!"

"What are you talking about?"

"That fat bitch that was here is trying to ruin me! That's what I'm talking about. Everyone thinks she's put me in my place! Well she hasn't."

"Nezu...what are you going on about."  Ashiro was already over Nezu and his whining.

"Tamagachi and others head about how my meeting went."

"Oh and who told them that?   Cause no one from here was at the meeting. So why you are in here yelling like a lunatic is beyond me and if you continue, I will escort you out of this building."

"Not only did that bitch ruin my name but my neice quit and is walking around like some fat whore! Dressing in provocative and tight fitting clothes. I won't tolerate this!"

"What does all of this have to do with me or this office?!  And if Ms. Williams did put you in 'your place' then you deserved it because you are a sexist asshole. Everyone knows that! Now, your presence here is done!"

Ashiro firmly gripped Nezu's arm and walked him towards the front door as the man continued to yell and protest. Nezu tried to struggle but it was no use as Ashiro was much stronger than him. The two men reached the lobby reception area.

"If Mr. Nezu shows up here again, call security immediately." Ashiro turned to Nezu. "If I hear you calling Ms. Williams anything other than Ms. Williams, I'll break your jaw."

"Threatening me! You're threatening me?!"

"No, I'm stating a fact of what will happen." Ashiro pushed Nezu out of the building, others looking and whispering as the man stormed off. Ashiro thanked and apologized to the reception staff. He let them know that if anyone else came in with that type of attitude to call security immediately. They did not have to put up with rude behavior. Ashiro returned to the junior assistants area and apologized to them as well and to get more information on what led up to the outburst.

"Sorry sir, but none ofus  know what his issue was. He just came back here yelling, accusing everyone of being out to get him. He said he caught a glimpse of you with Ms. Williams walking around Tokyo Tower area. He...he thought you two were together and working to steal his company from him."

It took all of his strength not to burst out laughing, but a few chuckles escaped. "Sorry, but that's the most absurd thing I've heard all year. Sorry again for his outburst. I've instructed the receptionists to contact security if he shows up here again."

They all bowed as Ashiro went to his office to wrap things up for the day.

Vivi ended up working till almost 6 in the evening. Most of her time was spent researching and the other half dealing with emails, especially when folks started showing up at the office and were getting immediate responses from her. Seeing how people were at work now, she called to follow up with her boss.

"Vivi! How did it go with Nezu? Is this something we want to pursue?"

"No! If there was a word stronger than 'no' I would use it. He was nothing but a rude, sexist jerk! Evidently he thinks the Petra Group is also running an escort service, so no, we should not deal with him on anything! I also let him know that."

"Oh my, Oh Viv dear I'm so sorry. I had no idea he would be like that, otherwise I would have told him no to begin with."

"It's not your fault and there was no way for you to know what he would be like."

"Thank you for handling it. Well, I don't have anything else for you so enjoy your extra day in Japan! We'll touch base when you get back to the office."

"Thank you, good bye."

Next on the call list was LaShaun


"LaShaun. LaShaun. LaShaun."

"Ooohhhhh what did you do now?!"

"Ms. Vivi Williams here, is going on a date tomorrow. An ALL DAY date!"

"Aggghhhhhh!! Yaaassssss. Give me all the Yaaas's!! Good! It better be with that sexy man you sent me a picture of!"

"It is, it is, it is! I think...are you sittin' down for this now? I think I might just give Mr. Handsome a chance."

There was a scream then silence.


"LaShaun are you there?"


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