You is a Mess!

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Vivi hung up the phone as there was no point in talking to someone that wasn't there. She was getting hungry and didn't really want to go anywhere so she just ordered room service. While she waited, she organized all of her business expense receipts. Tomorrow would be a complete and total personal day. Standing in the room thinking, Viv decided pack an overnight pouch just in case. Vivi was going to let the Universe dictate how tomorrow would go and she wanted to be prepared for whatever it threw at her. There was an empty small packing cube so she packed a pair of leggings, undies, t-shirt, scraf, and the toiletry amenity kit from the bathroom. The hotel had provided the room with a kit that contained a small tube of body wash, toothpaste, travel toothbrush and floss. She added her deodorant and small perfume bottle to it. If things progressed to an overnight stay, Viv was prepared.

{Not that I'm expecting or planning for this to happen, but I better slip a condom in there just in case.}

Everything fit perfectly in the packing cube which in turn fit right into her bag. Packed and ready, her food had arrived. Viv just ordered a simple burger and fries. While she ate, she flipped through the channels. There was nothing but dramas, news and bad game shows. Vivi was glad she had downloaded movies to her tablet and connected it to the tv. She was needing some Madea in her life right and Tyler Perry had her back.

Right as the movie started, her phone began ringing.

"LaShaun what happened to you?!"

"Gurl!! Got all kinds of excited and my phone went flying out of my hand! Cracked my screen and the back came off. Just now found the battery."

"Sus, you are a straight up mess!"

"I do not care cause you need to fill me in on this date!"

"Oooo. Let me tell you! The Universe listened Shaun, it listened. This man is respectful, thoughtful, protective but not in a 'you getting outta control'  kind of way."

"Good! Honey I have been praying that you give that sexy man a chance. That and that he doesn't turn out to be a jackass!"

"No, I have been completely and totally impressed with him. He has the confidence AND maturity I've been looking for. You know how you run into some men that act mature but then they always have to try to control and belittle you? Nope, this is not him.  So I will give him a chance."

"You do know you live in the US and he's in Japan right?"

"Yes and thank you for pointing out that obvious fact!"

"I'm just sa-....wait, what if you two hit it off and get into like a relationship, relationship?"

"Can ya girl just get through the first date before you have me moving across the planet?!"

"Something to think about V."

"We will see how tomorrow goes, let's start with that."

"Well, take some protection with you cause you never know. He could whisper in your ear with a deep sexy voice or touch you on that special spot and the next thing you know panties are on the floor!"

" a hot mess LaShaun! A hot mess!"

"Okay! You come back here with the immaculate conception going on...I ain't babysitting!"

"Shaun? You need to stop watching all those bad reality tv shows."

"Haaha ha haaa! So what are y'all going to do tomorrow? Are you sure he's single?"

"We already talked about being single. Tomorrow I want to take the Shinkansen to a couple of other cities. He's going to go with me and show me around since he said he was familiar with them."

"What's the Shinkansen?"

"Bullet train."

"Ohhhh. Well good. Seriously though V, I'm glad you gave yourself a chance."


"Yes, stop acting like you don't know what I'm talking about. Stop being afraid of love woman! If you ask the Universe for something, don't be afraid to accept it. Besides, I got a good feeling about this."

"Oh really?!"

"Yes! Now just make sure you call me afterwards to let me know how it went."

"Oh you know I will!"

"He heee. Okay love you crazy girl. I need to get to work on some things. Talk to you tomorrow."

"Love you to bonehead. Bye."

With all of that done, Viv gathered up her night clothes, wrapped her hair up and went to soak in a nice hot tub for a bit. She added the bath bomb and a little of the bubble bath. Relaxing into the tub, she let out a long sigh.

{Now this is the life right here. So glad I have an extra day to enjoy Japan.}

Bath finished, she dressed for the night and returned to the bed. It was still too early to go to sleep so Vivi did a little research on the two cities she would be going to. She also wanted to go to Kagawa but that would have to wait for another trip due to the distance. Getting the offline google maps together and places of interest, Vivi started up another movie. This time she went old school with some Blacula.

Stretching out she turned off the lights, except for the small but dim desk lamp by the tv. Vivi felt her phone vibrating. Looking at the screen, it was Mr. Handsome.

"Well hello Ken."

"Good evening Vivi. I hope I'm not bothering you."

"No, I just finished up with work."

"I see. The reason I'm calling is I wanted to know if you had to be back by a certain time tomorrow?"

"No why?"

"The trip to Osaka will take a little over 3 hours one way. We may not get back till late."

"That's fine. My plane doesn't leave until 6pm the following evening. So there's no rush."

"Okay Great! I will see you tomorrow at 8:30."

"See you tomorrow."

{This man cooking up something...}

Viv just shut the tv off. She was no longer interested in what was playing. She laid there and stared at the ceiling. What if this did turn into something serious, what would she do then? Did he even want anything serious?

{No no no V, stay out of your own head darling. We not gonna lay here and do this to ourselves.}

She got up to turn off all the lights and make sure the door was secure. It was going to be a long day tomorrow and she wanted to get some much needed rest.

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