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The station was busy but at least they could move around easily. Vivi was glad she had purchased metro cards in the airport right after she landed. She would add more money onto them before the return trip home.

"Oh Viv?  Soon as you get your flight info, let me know. I'll pick you up from the airport."

"Okay, I'll fly into Haneda airport."

"That's fine and a lot closer to Tokyo. We can leave the following day for Osaka."

"Sounds like you've been thinking this out already?"

"Oh, just a little."


{Look at you planning things!}

The metro was about to arrive so they made their way to the platform. It was open seating but the ride wouldn't take long. Standing in line, Vivi felt a small hand tap her on the shoulder. Turning it was the young woman from Nezu's office.

"Oh hi! You look amazing!"

"Thank you so much! I took your advice. Now I have a much better job! Oh, Hi Mr. Ashiro!"  The young lady had on a flowy pink skirt and black three quarter sleeve shirt with a modest scoop neck styling

"Kimiko, how are you?"

"I'm really good. Sorry to bother you, I just wanted to thank you Ms. Williams."

"You're welcome dear!"

Kimiko waved one more time before disappearing into the crowd. Vivi was left beaming like a proud mom.

"She's so adorable."

"Is that what Nezu was mad at?'


"Oh. Yeah he came to my office yesterday after hearing about the meeting we had and was going ballistic."


"Oh yeah. Little men hate when they feel their egos have been damaged. Kimiko is his niece. He said she was walking around like...like an escort. I'm not repeating what he actually called her; blamed it all on you."

Vivi couldn't help it as she burst out laughing, drawing attention from those around her. At that moment she didn't care about 'etiquette'.  What she had just heard was absurdly hilarious.

"Fine with me! He can blame me all he wants!"

"Oh trust me, he will."

Waiting for people to get off before they could board, Ken took her hand and pulled her closer to him. They managed to get on and find seats. There were more groups of school aged kids who took up a good portion of the train. Settled into their spots, a group of chatty school girls sat across from them. Vivi quickly noticed that one of them was mixed. Her beautiful coily hair was pulled back in a tight, bushy ponytail; Vivi smiled at her.

More giggles and hushed talking came from the young girls when the young biracial girl got up and approached her, bowing politely.

"Hi, my name is Aiko. You're really pretty!"

"Nice to meet you Aiko. My name is Vivi."

"Is this your husband?"

"No, he's.."

"Hi Aiko. I'm her boyfriend."

The girls behind her erupted in more giggles.

"Can I have a picture with you Vivi? You look just like my mom!"

"Of course dear!" Vivi moved over so Aiko could sit next to her for a selfie. Her friends wanted in on it too. Some of the older riders were giving them annoyed looks for being so noisy.

"Hey! I want to take a picture too!"

"Me too, me too!"

Vivi was now the center of attention as the girls gathered around her for a group selfie. They thanked her and returned to their seats. Ken and Vivi could overhear them saying how handsome Ken was. Vivi softly elbowed him as she laughed. The rest of the ride was quiet as most of the students were busy on their cell phones. Coming to their stop, Ken stood only to hold onto the railing in front of the door.

Doors opening, Vivi smiled and waved to the young girls and reached for Ken's hand. The Jiburi station was less hectic than Osaka. Vivi couldn't wait to look around the quiet town. This was her first time being outside of a major city while in Japan. Making it out of the station, Ken led her over to a large building of small shops.

"Here, we can get something for my parents over there."


Walking along, something had already caught Vivi's eye. "Oh! Let's get some of that!"

"That's the ichigo daifuku."

"Ha haha!" Vivi pulled Ken into the store and went straight to the counter. "Can we try one please?"

"Oh yes!" The woman at the counter took one out and cut in in half for them.

"Perfect! I'll take a dozen please!"

"Oh thank you! A dozen coming right up Ms.!"

"You are so spoiling them Vivi and you haven't even met them yet."

"You started it." Ken rolled his eyes at her as the store owner handed her a bag with the delicious treats.

Now to walk to his parents house. Vivi would stop about every 6 feet to look at something interesting. At this rate it would take them two days to get there but Ken didn't care. She was enjoying herself and that was all that mattered. Before she knew it, they were in a residential area.

There were open areas next to the houses, each holding luscious garden spaces. People were out and about, walking, visiting or tending to their plants. Ken suddenly stopped. There was a couple out busy tilling soil and surveying plants.

"Otousan! Okaasan!"

"They're here!" The older woman tossed her gloves and the garden tool aside and rushed towards them. The man just stood with his hands on his hips, shaking his head. The woman was careful to dodge the plants and mounds of earth.  As she got close to them, Ken moved in front of Vivi with his arms open for a hug.

"Out of my way!" His mom shoved him to the side. "Oh let me look at you dear!"

"Hey!" Ken was feeling a little dejected by his mom's actions as she grabbed Vivi by the arms.

With a squeeze to the sides of her arms, Mrs. Ashiro gave Vivi a quick hug when her face suddenly changed to one full of frowns. She whipped around to her son and hit him on the arm.

"Ow! What was that for!"

By now his dad had made it over to them, his hands placed behind his back.

"So this must be the young lady that has everyone worked up. Welcome dear. I hope my son is treating you well?"

His mom pointed her finger in his face. "What did you do to your sister to cause her to behave in such a vile manner. There is nothing wrong with this young woman. She's not Japanese, but...tomato, potato."

"That's toh-may-toh, toh-mah-toh, mom."


"Nice to meet you both. This is for you." Vivi presented his dad with the gift bag. Both of Ken's parents peeked inside.

"Ichigo Daifuku!!!"

"Oh I like her already! And she has meat on her bones! That means she is a good cook son!"


Vivi had to laugh at that as she knew his mom didn't mean anything disrespectful by it. Mr. Ashiro wanted some of the treats she had brought.

"Come! Let's head inside, shall we?"

"Yes, here, I will take the daifuku and serve some of it up. Ken-chan, please show the young lady around."

"Okay mom."

His dad led them to the front of the house. Entering the genkan, Ken gave Vivi a pair of slippers to wear from the shoe shelf. His parents went off in separate directions, leaving the two of them alone.

"I think my parents like you!"

"You think?"

"Mmhm. I'll give a quick tour of their house."

"Did you grow up here?"


The house was cozy with a side courtyard that contained a pond and vibrant plants. There was even a small zen rock garden off in the corner. The upstairs contained the bedrooms and a larger open family room. Back downstairs, his parents had changed into Yukatas and his mom had water on for tea. Their kitchen had a traditional style dining room area where they all gathered. Taking a seat at the table, Vivi asked his mom if she needed any help.

"Ah! Your Japanese is very good dear! No, I have everything taken care of."

While his wife busied herself in the kitchen, Mr. Ashiro wanted to get to know the lady before him a bit more.

"So Ms. Williams, how did you two meet?"

"We actually met in the airport back in Los Angeles. We ran into each other numerous times while there. I came here initially on business and Ken ended up being one of the meetings I had scheduled."

"Ohhh! That is what we call fate my dear!" Mrs. Ashiro clapped and returned to the kitchen as the tea kettle whistled away.   The shrill sound soon stopped and she returned with a tray that contained the tea kettle, cups and some of the daifuku. The treats were arranged and sliced with napkins available. "Here we are. Thank you again my dear for the treats!"

"You're very welcomed."

"So are you two dating?!"

"Mom, mom, mom. We have just met so we are taking things slow."

"Well don't go slow poking along! I want grandkids while I can still move around and enjoy them!"

That got Vivi as her sip of tea went down the wrong pipe. Ken was quick to pat her on the back.

{Good Lord this woman is something else!}

"Well don't go killing her off mom!"

"I'm *cough *cough I'm fine."

"Ita, now don't scare the young woman off dear. When do you return to the states Ms. Williams?"

"Tomorrow sir."

"That doesn't give you very long to get accustomed to each other!"

"Calm down dad, she's coming back for a week after she gets things settled back home."

"Oh excellent! You two must come over for dinner."

"We'll see mom."

They sat and talked for another three hours with Mrs. Ashiro telling embarrassing stories about Ken, much to the delight of Vivi.

"Mom, we need to get going. I promised Vivi I would cook her dinner this evening."

"If you must."

They said their goodbyes with his mom getting hugs and Vivi thanked them for their hospitality. Walking out the front door, they could both hear his parents cheering once the door closed.

"Oh good grief, those two. Sorry about all that."

"It's okay. I enjoyed the visit, your parents are really nice."

"Nice and weird!"

"Ha ha ha. Hey who's taking care of your dog?"

"Don't worry, he's in good hands. Now let's get back to Osaka."

"Yes, I can't wait to see what you cook."

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