Osaka #1

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The train came in nice and smooth as it entered the terminal. Vivi no longer thought it odd when Ken reached for her hand as they stepped off the train.

"Now, to the grocery store! Are you okay with walking for a bit?"

"Yes, I want to see the city!"

"Good! If you see anything that looks interesting just say so and we can sto-" The conversation was interrupted by a phone call. Ken guided Vivi towards a wall and out of the way. Looking at his phone there was a message from his mom and the call was from his brother. He went for the text from mom.

"Well Ms. Williams. Seems my parents are wanting to meet you!"

"Are they now?"

"Oh yes, mom is quite adamant about it. What did she say? 'You bring her by or I will be devastated!'"

Vivi just gave him a look that said everything.

"Seriously! Look." He showed her the text message as Vivi's eyes grew in size.

"Well. If momma ain't happy, no one is. Guess I'm meeting your parents."

A chuckle and a quick side hug, Ken called his mom right then and there.


"Ah! Kenny you bring that woman over here right this instance! Meet someone special and not tell your dear mother?! Do you not love me? Am I not important?"


"He he heee! Your sister Emi has already called me to complain!"

"Oh good grief!"

"Trust me, I know. She is my daughter and I love you all dearly but sometimes you kids can be outright brats! Are you trying to drive me to an early grave?!"

"Mom? Why are you yelling?"

"Because you left me out of the loop that's why!"

"Okay, Okay. Please forgive your humble son for such a horrible transgression."

"Hmpf! This time, but don't make it a habit! Do you hear!"

"Ha ha ha, okay mom."

"Don't you sass me! Now. When can we expect you both?"

"We just got to Osaka. Say, in an hour?"


With that his mom abruptly hung up the phone. Ken rubbed his ear from the scolding he had just received from his mother.

"Change of plans."

"So I heard. Lead the way."

Before exiting, they both stopped at the restroom and a vending machine for more water. Stepping out of the station it was just as busy outside of it as it was inside of it.

"We're going to one of the other stations and take the metro. It's too far to walk. They live about 10 minutes from the Jiburi station."

"Do they live in a house or apartment?"

"House. My mom has to have her garden space."

"They have room for a garden in the city?"

"No, they are right outside of Osaka. Just far enough to have some peace and quiet."


"Are you nervous?"

"No, not really. They either like me or they don't."

{My God, LaShuan is going to die when I tell her what's been happening. Meeting the folks already? Jesus take the wheel and obey the traffic laws. I'm leaving this all up to you}

Vivi was trying not to laugh as she argued with herself in her head. Since they were meeting his parents, she wanted to get something to take over to their house as a gift. Walking around the city streets, Vivi was beginning to like Osaka more than Tokyo. There were shrines hidden here and there, small parks and shops upon shops. Not to mention all the photo opportunities. They were easily spotted from the groups of people with phones out and peace signs being given.

"Ken, I want to stop and get something to take to your parents."

"Oh you don't have to do that."

"Yes I do, it's customary to take a small gift when you visit someone and you know that!" Vivi poked him in the side causing him to laugh.

"What would you like to take?"

"I don't know. What do they like? They're your parents, you know them better than me!"

"Come on, mom and dad love ichigo daifuku."

"What's that?"

"Mochi with anko and whole strawberries."

"Oh wow, that sounds delicious."

"It is and it's my mom's favorite."

"Oooo, getting me in on good graces I see?"

"Of course."

Almost to the metro station, Ken's phone was ringing again. It was his brother. This time he decided to take the call, otherwise he would just continue to disrupt his day. He already knew where the conversation was going to go. For now he ignored it until they got inside the station.

"You want something to drink Viv?"

"No, I'm good."

"Mn. I have a quick phone call to make, let's go over there?"

"Okay." They went to a small seating area right inside the station. It was a small open air courtyard with tables and chairs. Vivi found a seat while Ken went off to the side.

"What do you want?"

"Wow, hello to you to asshole." Ken's brother was just as headstrong as him. "So Emi tells me you finally got a new side piece."

"Side piece? She's a person not a thing."  Ken pinched between his eyebrows.  How those two were his siblings, he'd never know.

"Yeah, whatever. Emi also said she's pretty hefty. Come on little bro! That's not like you."

"You don't know what I'm like. Look, I'm going to tell you basically the same thing I told Emi. Don't go there with me cause you will NOT win."  Again the conversation quickly ended. For now, Ashiro blocked his brother's number along with Emi's. until tomorrow.  Not hearing from the two of them for the rest of the day would be a blessing. Taking a deep breath, he shook off the anger that had been building and returned to where Vivi was sitting.

While he was off talking to his brother, Vivi had been going through her emails. The one she sent to her boss earlier, already had a reply.

[Time stamp:  2:41am]
YES!! Take some time off finally!! Wrap things up when you get back from this trip then get the hell out of the office!'

Vivi chuckled at how enthusiastic her boss had been about her taking time off. Later that evening when she had some down time she would schedule her return flight and accommodations.

{Wait...2:41 in the morning!?!  Who checks their email at 2 in the morning?!}

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