Nagoya #2

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"I take it your sister isn't happy with your choice of who you spend the day with?"

"Viv, my sister isn't happy about the designer bag she carries. You are just fine, she's the problem. She's usually not like that, she must have spent too much time around my brother recently."

"Ohhh. I see. Remind me not to spend time around your brother."

"Trust me, you won't if I can help it. Shall we go to the castle?"


Nagoya Castle could be seen from a distance. The crowd seemed to gravitate towards that direction. There were various small shops along the path to the castle. Most selling either souvenirs or small bites. Vivi saw a taiyaki vendor and stopped to get one filled with custard instead of the sweet adzuki bean paste. She shared it with Ashiro on the way there.

"So are your parents like your sister and brother?"

"No. They are very pleasant to spend time with. I honestly don't know what my sister and brother's issues are. They are more interested in the status of 'I'm better than you'."

"I get it. That's too bad."

"But their choice."


Ken wanted to change the subject as there was no point in talking about his siblings who had no desire to change anything about themselves.

"I know you wanted to go to some of the gardens and the museum, but I don't think there will be time to do all of that and go to Osaka."

"I was thinking about that. Let's do the castle, then catch the train to Osaka?"

"Sounds good. Are you sure you'll be okay with staying over in Osaka?"

"Yes, I'll be fine Ken. If I can't handle one evening, me staying a week isn't going to work. It's not what I planned but, I'm just going with the flow today.  Well trying to.  If there's something I'm not comfortable with I'll let you know."

"Ha ha ha ha, you have a very good point!"

"Since your parents live in Osaka, do you visit them often?"

"Every weekend."

"Wow! I'm impressed. I figured you would be busy rubbing elbows with the elite."

"Nope. I prefer real people and so do my parents."

"What do they enjoy doing?"

"You're asking a lot about my parents."

"Oh I'm just curious."

"Well if you're up for meeting them we can."

"We'll see where the rest of the day takes us. I don't want to intrude on them."

"Sounds good."

By now they had reached Nagoya Castle. It was a sea of tourists, locals and school aged tour groups. Vivi didn't want to deal with any of that right now, she was enjoying their one on one time too much.

"Is it always this packed?!"

"No, I don't know what this is all about."


"Ha ha ha ha!"

"Let's go to Osaka!"

Ken shook his head and chuckled.

"Walking around Nagoya was enough for me. I can see more when I come back."

"Alright. The walk to the station will be a nice one and the trip to Osaka shouldn't take more than an hour."

"Nice. So what are you planning on cooking for me?"

"Hmmm. I'll come up with something once we get there."

Walking to the station, Vivi was starting to finally relax with Ken. She was enjoying the walk, the weather, being in a foreign city, everything. This was something she could really get used to. It had always been her dream to live in Japan. Vivi got lost in her thoughts for a few moments.



"Did you hear what I said?"

"Oh, I'm sorry! I was daydreaming. What did you say?"

"Do you want to get another bento box once we get to the station?"

"Oh! No. I'm good. I would rather wait till dinner."

"Okay, what were you thinking about?"


"That's a serious subject."

"No, not this time."

It didn't take them long to reach the station for the bullet train. Osaka was the last stop for the Shinkansen line that they were on. Reaching the station, Vivi stopped for a bathroom break and to freshen up. Ken waited for her outside the door. Meeting up again, she saw he was on his phone.

"Everything okay?"

"Yes, Just texting my dad."


"He said we're more than welcomed to stop by if you want."

"I knew you were going to do that."

"So is that a yes?"

"Led the way, handsome tour guide."

"That I shall, beautiful tourist."

They both chuckled at their mutual silliness. Vivi did stop to get a bottle of water from one of the vending machines in the station. Ken wanted to stop at the Starbucks for a latte. Drinks in hand, they headed to the platform where they waited on a bench. Vivi gave Ken one of the train tickets.

"Are you enjoying your day so far Vivi?"

"Yes! This has been like the perfect day. Thank You."

"Of course. I'm glad you're enjoying things. When you make it back to Japan, we can spend the day in Nagoya if you want."

"That would be perfect!"

"So what about your parents?"

"Eh, they do their own thing. Right now they are probably on some cruise."


Soon the roar of the train could be heard as people cued up for the lines. Ken wanted to wait for the line to die down before they boarded. They had reserved seats so it wasn't imperative that they make it onboard quickly. On board, Vivi led the way to their seats. This time they were seated side by side and not across. Bag stowed away, she got ready for the ride to Osaka.

"So what were you thinking about earlier?"

{This man is not going to let it go.}

"When I was younger I thought about moving to Japan, but life happened and things changed. I had pretty much given up on the idea, thought I was far too old to make such a drastic change later on in life."

"You are never too old and there's always a way."

"And here I am now. Already in Japan and planning a return trip before I even make it back home."

"Well, there are plenty of opportunities in Japan for you. Especially since your Japanese is so good."

"We'll see."

"Mn. Do you have everything you need to stay overnight in Osaka?"

"I think so. I packed some things just in case this would happen."

"Oh really?"

{No, no sugar beets. Don't go getting all woo-hooy}

"Yes, I learned a long time ago that when traveling, always make sure you have enough to get you through till morning and take it with you just in case. It's no fun wearing underwear two days in a row, shower or no shower!"

"Ha ha ha ha!!"

"You laugh, but I'm serious!"

"Oh I don't doubt that for a minute! My mom would give me the same advice."


"I think she gave up, probably thought I wasn't listening but I heard her loud and clear. Everything I need is at my apartment in Osaka. She just doesn't know that."

"Sneaky butt."

"Wa ha hahaa!"

"Goofball. So where are we going once we get to Osaka?"

"I want to go to the grocery store, then drop stuff off at my place. From there, we can walk around and take in more sites."

"Sounds good. I was thinking, since you have an apartment in Osaka, maybe staying there instead of Tokyo?"


"By 'there' I mean Osaka, not your apartment."

"Okay, that's fine with me. I'm flexible."

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