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Nashi's POV

I run into my room, grab a doll or two, run back into the living room and sit down next to my sister

"You wanna play dolls?" I ask my sister, who is unable to talk. She giggles and grabs a doll and starts messing around with it. Mommy stands next to us and smiles

"Where's Daddy?" I ask as my mother frowns a bit

"He went on a job" Mommy said smiling sadly at us

"Oh, when will he be back?" I ask

"Sometime in the next two weeks" She says as she starts to walk into the kitchen

"Mommy can I help with dinner?" I ask running next to her

"Sure!" She says as we get out the ingredients for the food

Timeksip cause why not?

it was now about 8 O'clock and the twins were already asleep. I was getting ready for bed when I suddenly heard a loud thud. I walk down the stairs to see no one downstairs. I gulp nervously as I make a ice sword

"Is anyone down here?!?!?"

"..." Silence. I swallowed the lump in my throat and walk around the house. When I see nothing the ice melts into water and I absorb it. I walk upstairs and brush my teeth.

I jump on my bed while getting a book to read. Soon my eyes start to feel heavy as sleep consumes me.

Someones POV

'Phew that was a close one.' I thought as I run to my home. I almost got caught inside that old house.

I reach the guild as my father grins evilly at me. I grin back

"Any new news?" He asks. I shake my head

"No not yet, but I did find out that the father is out on a job.." I say

"Oh really?" He asks as another grin finds a way on his face

Nashi's POV


A few days ago mommy got a letter saying that daddy should be home a few days later, and it's been a few days! So he should be coming home soon!

Since today's a Saturday (when I'm making this it's Saturday! Ok sorry) I got to stay home from school. I'm sitting on the couch watching Tom and Jerry. Suddenly mommy screamed. I jumped with wide eyes. I quickly ran to the kitchen where she was making lunch, to see mommy not there.

"M-Mommy?" I asked clutching onto my shirt.

"MOMMY?!?!?" I screamed

"...." silence, tears started to swell up in my eyes as I decided to get some help. I ran to the guild.

I barged through the door as everyone stopped what they were doing.

"SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME!" I screamed letting my tears fall. Uncle gray ran towards me and picked me up

"What happened?!" Uncle gray asked comforting me.

"Something happened to mommy!" I say as some of the guild members gasped. Uncle gray let go of me and ran towards our house.

A/n I'm sorry this is so short it took me awhile to get the inspiration for this so yeah. I hope you have an amazing day/night byyee!


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