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Grays POV

'Not again!' I think as I run to Y/n and Natsu's house.  My breathing was uneven and I was tired from running, but I don't care.

Once we reach their house, I run into the kitchen and freeze at what I saw. Y/n was gone.

My breath hitched in my throat as Nashi walked in behind me

"U-uncle Gray?" She says putting a hand on my leg. I hear her sniffle a bit as I turn around

"I'm sorry sweetie." I pause trying to think of the words

"But your mother has been taken" I say as she nods slowly.

"We need to get her back! We need daddy to get home so we can find her!" She says as she starts to run somewhere

"Nashi wait!" I yelled as I ran after her

Someone's POV

I snort as I watched that pathetic guild frantically try's to find where the parents are.

Ah yes I forgot to tell you didn't I? I kidnaped those annoying wizards Natsu and Y/n.

You might be wondering what kind of magic I have, right? My magic is transformation magic, which means I can transform into anyone of any age.

Don't worry thought I'm not going to pretend to be Natsu or Y/n.

I look at my small five year old self, and roll my eyes. I transform into my normal self.

I brush my long red hair out of my face, and yawn. It had been a very eventful day, but it wasn't over yet

Nashi's POV

The guild decided to split into groups to look for my parents, but the thing is I have a very bad feeling about this.

Uncle gray wanted me to stay here with my siblings. I didn't want to stay at the guild I wanted to help, but I know that he knows best. He is really old after all!


It was now evening and I'm having dinner with Mrs. Mirajane, but that bad feeling grew stronger.

Suddenly the doors slammed open, and Mrs Mira and I looked over to see a man with red hair and blue eyes. I gasped at how much he looked like Archer. Mrs Mirajane quickly went in front of me to protect me.

"Who are you!" Mrs mirajane says with as threatening tone.

The man smirked as he stated his name.

"My name is...."

To be continued

I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I hope you don't  mind the cliffhanger. I'm sorry for the late update. I hope you have an amazing day/night byeee!!

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