10| Riolus And Lucarios

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Y/n's POV 🍒

"What the - ?! Don't you think that's way too early to be mentioning that?!?!" I replied before I sweat dropped a little.

"Hey, I'm just saying in general terms. I'm not getting to the cart before the Rapidash about it." Byron went as he had both of his hands up in defense.

"I know, but, geez..." I went as I rested my hand on my forehead.

When we arrived and went in the hospital, as our usual daily visit to see if Roark had gained consciousness, me and Byron heard voices in the room before the doctor stepped out.

"Oh! Sorry about that...You're both here to visit Roark again, aren't you?" He says as he looked at us.

I nodded my head in response to the doctor.

"Well, you're just in time too, Roark had recently gained consciousness a few seconds ago." The doctor says as he smiled.

As soon as I heard that, I immediately wanted to squeal and jump up and down out of joy right now.

But, I restrained myself from doing that, despite the fact that I didn't want to disturb the other patients in the other rooms.

Once the doctor moved out of our way and left, I bolted in the room a little, seeing Roark still lying in the bed, but awake now.

Looking over, he noticed me and Byron before carefully sitting himself up and putting his glasses on.

"Dad? Y/n?" He says as he looked at us.

"Hey, son...How are you feeling?" Byron asked as I walked over and sat down next to the bed, gently setting my bag down on the floor.

"Good..." Roark answered simply before rubbing his eyes as he yawned a little.

After talking to each other for a bit, Roark looked over at me as Byron sat down as well.

"How's the gym challenge going for you, while I was unconscious?" He asked.

In response, I took out my badge case and showed him the badges I've earned so far.

"Nice...Two more to go, huh? You've been making some progress well." He says as I putted the case away.

"Yeah. I've been visiting you before and after I battle a gym leader, during those times." I replied.

"Also, I ran into and got a pokémon egg from Riley, when I went to Iron Island to get my pokémon a little bit stronger."

Right on cue as I mentioned that, I suddenly noticed movement in my bag, before we heard a egg-cracking sound from it.

"Oh! The pokémon's starting to hatch!" I went before quickly getting my bag open and gently taking the egg out, seeing cracks on it already.

Curious and interested, Roark and Byron looked at the hatching egg too, probably wondering the same thing that I'm wondering about.

After a few seconds, I spotted something black and blue, since the cracks were large enough for me to get a small peek at the pokémon.

Then it didn't take long before the pokémon emerged from the egg.

"Well, I'll be! Riley gave you a Riolu!" Byron says as I looked at it, before he grabbed a trash can and discarded the egg shells for me.

"Congrats, y/n!" Roark says as he smiled.

"Thanks." I replied as I looked at him and smiled in return, before diverting my attention back to Riolu.

Looking back, the riolu seemed curious about me and it's surroundings.

"Hello there, little one. Welcome to the world." I said as I gave the riolu a warm smile.

The riolu smiled back, before I gave it a head pat.

"Hehe...You're so cute. I'll do my best to raise you well since you're a new member of my pokémon team." I say as I hugged the riolu gently.

When I did, I noticed Riolu yawning a little before it dozed off in my arms, exhausted from using up the energy it had, just to hatch out of the egg.

"Aww..." I gushed in adore.

"So, what are you gonna name it?" Roark asked as he looked at me.

"I don't really know yet..." I answered, as Byron came back and sat down.

"You don't know? I'm a little surprised." He says.

"I'm thinking on naming it after you, if the riolu's a boy though." I teased, making Roark blush hard a little.

As soon as Byron heard that and saw his reaction, he started laughing, while I did too.

In response, Roark just gave us a pout as he folded his arms.

"Aww...Someone's being cute." Byron teased.

"Dad!" He went before hiding his face, as it got more redder.

We laughed again at that before we stopped teasing Roark.

"Why do you both have to tease me?" He says in embarrassment.

"Because we can..." I replied as I chuckled a little.

Rolling his eyes and shaking his head a little at that, Roark sighed before lying back and just stared at the ceiling for a moment, as I took my pokédex out and scanned Riolu for data about it.

"Riolu. The emanation pokémon. The aura that emanates from its body intensifies to alert others if it is afraid or sad." The pokédex says as I read it.

"Huh...Riolu's an aura pokémon? Interesting." I went before looking over at it, as it continued to sleep.

"So, that also means those black things on it, are its aura sensors."

Then I putted the pokédex away in my bag.

"That Riley is interesting himself alright...You meet him and help him out with something, he gives you a riolu egg. Even Maylene and the champion were probably given one by him too." Byron says as he rested both of his hands on the back of his head.

"Originally, I wanted my son or Riley to take my place as the steel type gym leader since I plan on stepping down soon, but Roark wanted to be the rock type gym leader.

And as for Riley, what can I say about him? He probably had his own ways too, so, that's why he's not the steel type gym leader...But, I respected both of his and Roark's decisions on what path they wanted to go."

"I honestly did not know about that...." I went as I looked at Byron.

"But, Riley giving out riolu eggs might possibly explain everything on how Maylene has a Lucario like Riley's..." I say while rubbing Riolu's back soothingly.

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