4| Staying The Night

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Y/n's POV 🍒

"And I don't think you have a place to stay either." Roark says.

"O-Okay..." I went while I felt my face heat up and turn red a little.

"Since it's getting late, have you eaten anything before or since you arrived here?" Roark asked.

"I don't think so. All I remember is that I was mostly focused on coming here." I responded simply.

"That's alright. I'll go get you something to eat..." He says before I told him my f/f.

Then he left, leaving me all by myself in his room.

"I can't believe it...I'm staying over at Roark's house for the night!!!" I thought to myself as my inner me was internally screaming like a fangirl.

But, to be fair, it was also my first time staying over at a guy's house.

Knowing that I'm not really the type to sit still, I decided to take a look around Roark's bedroom for a little bit, before he comes back.

The first thing I looked at was the things he was interested in, aside from rock type pokémon and mining stuff.

Gazing over at his bookshelf, I happened to notice a book that caught my eye, before I took it out to get a better look at it.

Looking at the cover of the book, it was about crystals and all sorts of gemstones. Even the most rarest ones known to mankind.

Curious, I read a few pages of it before returning the book to its rightful place in the bookshelf.

Looking in the bathroom, and at the shampoo brand he uses, they were surprisingly the men's kind of the shampoo that I like.

"How bizarre...We both like the same brand and scent." I thought after taking the bottle and looking at it.

Shockingly, the bottle was light, meaning that he uses it a lot.

Returning it, I left the bathroom and looked at his dresser and desk to see if there was a single hint of jewelry in the room.

The only thing I found was a military dog tag necklace, even though there were no traces of Roark being in the military.

Noticing a photograph on the dresser, I looked at it, seeing a picture of him with his parents and grandparents, along with a picture of him when he was little.

"Aww! He looks so cute!" I gushed in adore. "Such an adorable tiny tot too!"

After setting the picture back down, I randomly just looked at some of the clothes in Roark's closet, just out of boredom.

Some of them were casual or everyday and some were miner related.

I took his jacket out from the closet and tried it on, curious to see if his clothes were the same size as mine.

Surprisingly it fitted me well, only it was just a little bit bigger.

"His clothes smell nice and kinda...earthy. Cologne and laundry wise." I thought to myself, after catching a whiff of the jacket's scent.

Enjoying the scent, I decided to keep Roark's jacket on and read the book that caught my interest earlier until he returns.

Eventually, when he did return, I had already fallen back asleep in his bed, still wearing the jacket as I was curled up into a ball, while the book I was reading was next to me.

Roark's POV 🪨

After seeing y/n asleep on my bed, with one of my miner jackets on, while one of my books was resting next to her, I was surprised at first before chuckling a bit in adore over that.

Setting the food down on my desk, I walked over and tucked her in, before moving the book at the foot of the bed, seeing that she was probably reading it while I was gone.

When I was about to turn around and head downstairs, I suddenly felt y/n grab my hand and squeeze it lightly before saying, "Where do you think you're going?"

Glancing over my shoulder, I noticed that she was awake now, as she was smiling at me.

"Welp, didn't expect you to wake up so suddenly." I said as she letted go of my hand and sat up, while I turned to face her.

"Sorry." She replied before sticking her tongue out at me in a playful manner.

I did the same in return before handing her the food she requested.

As y/n started to eat, I moved my PC aside and sat down at my desk before I started to eat my food too.

For a while, we were eating our food in silence until I heard y/n giggle a little.

"What's so funny?" I asked after drinking a cup of moo-moo milk.

Y/n points at the top lip of her mouth, giving me the message that I got a milk mustache.

Looking at the mirror, I noticed it and wiped it off my mouth, as y/n started laughing a little.

"Heh...Whoops." I went after she stopped laughing.

I got a smile from her in response to that, before we finished eating.

Once we were done, we threw the trash away in the garbage can, since the food I got for us, was simply just take out.

"I guess I'll sleep somewhere else for tonight..." I said as I stood up and stretched before yawning a little.

"Awh...Okay then..." Y/n says before she gave me a small pout.

"Oh? What were you hoping for if I slept with you?" I asked as I smirked. "Something kinky?"

"Nope! Just you and your cuteness." She answered simply.

"Hey!" I went as my face turned red a little, while y/n started laughing again.

"But, I wasn't hoping for anything kinky out of you. You just assumed that's what I was thinking, you pervy miner." She says.

"Ah, hush...That aside, we should get some rest for tomorrow. You still got a challenge to conquer and I got coal mining to do. But, I'll still stick around in the gym, just in case I didn't miss a challenger." I say as y/n laid back down, while I tucked her in the bed again.

Getting a nod in response from her, I told her good night and left the room, as I already grabbed a spare blanket and a pillow, deciding that I was gonna sleep in the guest room for the night, until morning comes tomorrow.

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