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Kaif 's POV.
She was here in my arms. I was feeling so good. I was holding her tightly close to me. I could feel her heart beat next to mine.

"Anaya." I called her and pulled back to see her.

What I saw scared me. she has her eyes closed and was in my arms unconscious. I slightly slapped her face to wake her up.

"Anaya get up." I called her but  no movement.

I saw blood steaming down from her left side of forehead. I carried her and slowly lay her on bed. We were still on the spot where kamraan kept her. I pour some water on her face to bring her back to her conscious but she was not opening her eyes.

"Anaya please wake up." I said as I again splash some water on her face.

"Sher." I yelled to call my guard.

I picked her dupatta and cover her upper body with it.

"Yes sir." Sher answered as he came in room.

"Bring the car.hurry ." I said and he nodded and left from there.

I carried Anaya in my arms and went out that cottage. She was looking pale and weak. Blood strains were scaring me. My heart was beating in fear,fear of loosing her.

Sher open the back seat and I lay Anaya on it. I went inside the car and put her head in my lap. Sher took the front seat and start driving. I was looking at her who was laying unconscious. I don't want to happened anything to her.

"Sher faster. Hurry up." I said and he nodded.

Car stopped outside the hospital and again I carried her in my arms and I walked in. As we reached in hospital,doctors took her immediately to emergency room. I was waiting outside for her. My heart running fast. I was praying to Allah for her life.

After half an hour,doctor came out and I ran toward him.

"My wife is she okay??" I asked impatiently.

"She's okay now. It seems that she is passing through some kind of tension and fear. She's been calling you in her unconscious." Doctor said and paused for a second.

"But she's fine now. Her wounds will be fine in few days. We are shifting her to a private can see her there." Doctor said and I nodded.

Anaya was shifted to a private room. I was waiting to see her. Since three days I was dying to see her. Now she was here and I thought I lost my all control.

I rushed inside the room where she was. As i entered the room,I stopped. Her pale face was in front of me.  A white bandage was covering her forehead while his right hand and arm was also injured. Her face had marks of fingers on it. My blood start boiling thinking about kamraan. How dare he to slap her.

I sat next to her on bed and just keep looking  at her. My hand reached on her face and my fingers start touching her features.I touched her forehead which was covered with bandage hiding it from me. From her forehead,my fingers moved to her eyes. I slightly touched her lashes and smiled. I leaned on her face and kissed her eyes. I moved my fingers to her cheeks where she has some finger prints. I slowly leaned on her face and kissed her left cheek.once and then twice. My eyes were getting wet. I moved to her right cheek and kissed it twice with love. I look up  at her face. My fingers moved to her nose and I touch the tip of her nose. Her red nose flashed on my mind making me smile. I bend toward her nose and kissed it. I moved back and my fingers moved toward her lips. Her lips had a cut from the corner. I really wanted to kissed her there but stopped myself. I just kept looking at her. She was here in front of me that was enough for me. I just don't want her to disappear from my eyes.

"Kaif.' She yelled and got up.

She sat and look at me. My hand reached her face and cupped it.

"Kaif that..." She tired to say but tears were not letting her.

"Shah..calm down. I'm here now. Nothing will happened to you." I said and she hugged me in the next second.

I wrap my arms around her protectively. I took her in my embrace in which I was giving her believe that nothing will happened to her. I won't let anyone come to her. This time I won't let anyone to hurt her.

She stayed there in my arms for a long time. She didn't move and I also didn't tried to move. I was feeling so good having her in my arms. Her sobbing ended and now she was peacefully  sleeping in my arms. I slowly pulled away and saw her sleeping with a small smile on her face. I lay her on bed carefully and tried to get up but she was holding my shirt from front and back so tightly. I was not able to move away. I kissed her forehead and lay down next to her. I pulled her in my arms and she rested her head on my chest. I smiled and closed my eyes.

After three days,I was sleeping peacefully because she was with me. My heart was filled with happiness. Her hold on my shirt,her breath against my neck was enough for me and her body against mine was flutter my heart.

I drawn into sleep having her in my arms.

I was asleep when someone shake my shoulder. I slowly open my eyes and saw nurse was leaned on me.

"Sir you should get up from here. Let her rest." She said and I nodded.

I tried to get up but Anaya snuggled more in me and hold me more tightly. I smiled and kissed her forehead. I tried to remove her hand from my shirt but she was holding me tight.

"Its okay sir. She'll be comfortable with you." Nurse said and leaved from there.

I smiled and turned to Anaya. I pulled her fully in my arms.

"Why were you going??" I heard her and my eyes widened.

She was awake. She was listening my and nurse conversation. Then why she was not letting me go??

"Anaya." I called her and she opened her eyes.

"You were again going. Leaving me all alone." She said and her eyes start getting wet.

"I'm not going anywhere. I was just giving you space to take rest." I said and wipe that tiny tears from her cheek.

" you don't need to go." With that she hugged me and wrap her arms around my back.

"I'm scared." She said and I just keep caressing her back.

"Don't be. I'm here now." I said and she got relaxed.

She dozz off into deep sleep but I was not. I just keep feeling her. I start remembering the last three days which I spent without her. I was analyzing myself. The restlessness in the last three days I felt and now the peace I was having in my heart. What is happening to me??

Without her I was all restless. Not a second of my life was peaceful because she was not with me. Why?? What I'm feeling??

This time what I'm feeling; what is this?? These feelings??? Am I falling for her??? Is this called love???

I though I will love Hina but when Anaya was not with me I don't want to see anything,anyone; not even Hina. Since the day ,this girl enter in my life I forgot everything and I remember all time is Anaya.

Am I falling for you???

Am I falling in love with you???

Is this called love???

When you just want to see the person who makes your heart beat faster. You just wanted to see her. You like to fight and talk with her.

I like being with you. I like to fight with you. I like to hold you in my arms. And when you keep your head on my chest,my heart start beating fast. I want that moment never end. When you call me by my name,I felt my all world stop. My room,my house and even my life was empty without you. In these three days, I missed you so much. My every breath was longing to see you. I didn't go to my room because you were not thereWhat are you doing to me Anaya?? What is happening to me?? Why I love to see you and i can keep looking at you my whole life. Why??? Why Anaya???

Every time I see your smile,I felt my world stopped. When you don't talk to me,I feel restless. When you turn to your fighter mood,i like to fight with you.

I was whispering looking at her face who was sleeping peacefully. My fingers were running in her hair.

Why I like your this red nose which pulled me toward you??

I whispered and kissed the tip of her nose. I just keep looking at her and trying to understand my feelings.

Anaya's POV.
Why I like your this red nose which pulled me toward you??

He was whispering and I was just listening him. I was pretending that I was asleep but I heard each and every word he said. My heart was running fast. I was feeling my hands getting sweaty. He was almost confessing his feeling in front of me. My heart was beating so fast. I was scared that he might caught me that I'm not sleeping. I don't want to open my eyes now. I just wanted to keep listening him.

My heart was jumping with happiness. Why??? Was I waiting for him to confess these feeling to me?? Do I want him to feel something about me???

I again felt his lips on my cheeks and my heart beat increased. As his lips touched my skin,I felt tingling in my heart. How was he doing it?? I mean he was giving me a lot of butterflies in my stomach just through his touch.

He slight removed his hands around me and lay me down on bed. I suddenly miss the protective wall of his arms around me. I didn't open my eyes. I heard his footsteps and then the door opened. Few seconds later, I open my eyes and sat up. I rested my hand on my chest to control the heart beat. I touched my cheeks where he just kissed. My body was heated up. I was shivering in the feelings he just gave me.

I heard again the door open and before I could lay down again he saw me and came close to me.

"You okay??" He asked while putting his hand around my face.

I just nodded. My words were not coming put. I thought I forgot how to speak.

"You need anything??" He again asked but I was so lost to answer hin.

Lost in watching him. His that deep eyes,which were deeply fixed on me. His hands which were holding my hands.

"Anaya." He called me and I came to my senses.

"" I srutter and was surprised on my words.

I mean I never stutter then why now?? His eyes were making me nervous.

He gave me water which I drink it in just one take. I gave him the glass and he smiled.

"Doctor said we can go home now." He said while tugging the strand of my hair behind my ear.

We heard a knock on door and then his bodyguard entered in.

"Sher we are going home. Bring the car." Kaif said and his bodyguard walk out.

Doctor came and again check me.  As I stand and tried to take a step,I feel a sharp pain in my ankle. I stopped and again sat on Bed. I look at my left foot which was covered with bandage.

"You have a miner fracture in your ankle. You need some rest. You'll be fine soon." Doctor said and kaif nodded.

Wait!!! How am I suppose to walk now??

I look at kaif who was smiling looking at me. He came near me and leaned on my ear.

"Rapunzel you got a new ride." He said and I didn't understand what he was saying.

He called me Rapunzel..!!

Gosh how much I missed it!!!

He bend down until his right hand reached my legs,while other on my back. And in the next second I was in his arms. He carried me in his arms and my arms wrapped his neck. He start walking while I was just looking at him.

Sher open the door of the car and kaif slowly made me on the front seat. He took the key from sher and sat on the front seat. Kaif start driving and I was lost in looking at him.He was so perfect in evey manner. His personality has special effect that can make crazy anyone for him. He was looking so adorable that I missed my sketch book. I really wanted to sketch him right now.

"I know I'm so handsome.stop looking at me like this Rapunzel." He voice snapped me out from my gazing.

I lower my eyes. My heart was beating fast. I heard his chuckle.

"I didn't know Rapunzel can shy too." He again said and I look up at him.

"Shy and I? Please. And why would I shy??" I said looking in his eyes,trying hard to control my inner feelings.

He look at me and then again fixed his eyes on road.

"So you are saying that you can't be shy and blush??" He asked and I nodded.

"Of course. " I said and look sway.

"We'll see." He slowly said and smiled.

We reached home and he,again carried me in his arms. This time I was not looking at him. He slowly made me sit on bed.

"Kaif I want to change my clothes." I said looking at him.

"Okay." He said and was about to turn.

"My dress. I mean could you please give me my dress from  wardrobe." I said and he nodded.

He bring an orange colour frock. I look at him who was already looking at me..

"You change your clothes. I'll just come." He said and was about to turn when again I called.

"Kaif." And he turned to me fully.

"He..he..didn't do anything with me." I slowly said looking down.

"Who??" He asked.

"Kamraan. I...I didn't let him touch me that way." I said and waited for his reply but he was all quite.

I look up at him. He walked toward me with a smile on his face. He sat next to me on bed and hold my hands.

"What makes you said all this to me??" He asked looking at me.

"I..I thought. You should be thinking about me and kamraan. I mean I was there for three days and night. You are my husband,so you might be thinking about this. But kaif he didn't touch me. I didn't let him to come closer to me. " I said looking at him.

"You don't need to tell anything to me. I know he can't do anything to you. For me you are most sacred person I have ever met." He said and I smiled.

"You trust me??" I asked and he nodded.

"More than anything else." He replied and I smiled.

"You know when kamraan was trying to kiss me,I kick him down of bed." I said and he laughed.

"Ninja Anaya. I didn't know that." He said and again laughed.

Gosh his smile!!

I thought. I was so lost in watching him. His eyes and smile was making my heart go crazy for him.

He slowly leaned near my ear and touched my earlobe with his fingers. My breath stopped. A sensation run inside my body.

"Don't kick me down when I kiss you." He whispered in my ear and then I felt his lips kissing my ear.

I shivered and he slowly get back. I look at him whose face was few inches away from me. His breath was fanning my face. My face flushed red.He winked at me and then went out.I was still lost in the moment.

What he said???


He said he would kiss me???

Do I want him to kiss me???

And if he does what will I do??

I asked a lot of question to myself and all I get was a beating heart on every question. I closed my eyes and a smile appear on my lips.

I changed my dress and lay down on bed. My head was paining. Kaif entered in room with a bowl. I closed my eyes because my head was hurting a lot..

"Come on get up. Have this and then you have to take medicine." Kaif said and I slowly got up.

"I don't want to eat anything. My head is painting a lot " I said and he nodded.

"But you have to take this soup." He said and before I could say anything he just put a spoon full of vegetable soup in my mouth.

"Kaif." I said while sipping down the soup.

."I hate vegetable soup." I said while making bad face.

"But you have to take this." He said and again put another spoon in my mouth.

"Kaif." I yelled.

"Yes Rapunzel." He said mischievously.

"Stop Rapunzel me." I said and hit his hand in which he was again carrying another spoon full of soup.

"I'm not gonna eat this stupid soup. I hate soups. All soups." I said and covered my face with blanket.

No voice no movement. I was trying to understand that if he was still here or gone. I slowly removed blanket from my face and my eyes widened.

His face was few inches away from me. He was almost leaned on my face. His breath was burning my face. My eyes stuck on him.

"What...are you...doing??" I asked looking in his eyes..

"What you want me to do??" He whispered as his hand reached my face and he start playing the hair strand on my temple

"Ka..if.." I hardly spell his name.

"Yes Rapunzel." He said and kissed the tip of my nose.

Before he could do anything else,I hide my face again in blanket and I heard his laughter.

"I didn't know you can be scared of me." He said and I took that blanket off.

"Who said I'm scared??!" I said and saw him who was near door.

"Really?? Then first drink this soup." He said and walked toward me.

He slowly start making me have that stupid soup and I just keep drinking it. As the soup finished,he gave me medicine which I obediently took.

"Good girl. Now sleep." He aid and i lay down to have a peaceful sleep.

Days were passing and kaif was taking good care of me. I slowly start walking on my foots. Its been 15 days of the kidnapping incident. 

"Anaya did you take..." Kaif's voice stopped and I turned to see him.

"Kaif what happened??" I asked looking at him who was froze on the door.

I was standing right in front of the mirror. I was wearing a sea green colour frock. My hair were hanging on my right shoulder. I was holding my earring in my hand.

"Kaif." I called him again.

He start walking toward me. I was getting nervous on his gaze. I look at myself in mirror. I was not wearing my dupatta. I look up and saw him standing in front of me.

"Kaif.." I whispered looking down.

His hand reached my face and touched my nose pin. I look up and met with his intense eyes.

"Kaif." I again called him and he came to his senses.

He took his hand off from my face. My hands were shivering.

"Did you take your medicine?" he asked and I nodded.

I closed my eyes and control my heart. I open my eyes and saw him still standing there looking at me.I start wearing my earring but his eyes were disturbing ne. I was trying again and again to slip that earring in my ear but i didn't succeed.

Somebody please tell him to stop looking at me like this!!!

"Like what??" He asked and I turned to him fully.

What???? I spoke that loudly!!!!!

"How should I look at you then?" He said and took a step closer to me

I was taking a step back when his hand reached my waist and he pulled me towards him.  I tried to move but he pulled me more closer that my nose touched his nose.

"Stop looking at me like this Rapunzel. Or I will do something." He whispered in my ear and I was feeling my palms wet.

My heart pace increased. My eyes were shivering. I lower my eyes when I again heard him.

"This is not helping. " he said and with that I felt his lips on my forehead.

"You are driving me crazy Anaya." He whispered and again kissed my forehead.

He travelled down to me eyes and Kissee them. I couldn't control myself from gasping. My body heated up with his touch. He moved to my cheeks and kissed them sweetly. His lips moved to my jawline and start kissing me sweetly. My heart was running fast and I was feeling all the butterflies in my stomach. My eyes were closed and I was holding his shirt tightly in my fist. He moved to my ear and kissed behind it. A moan escaped from my lips and he again kissed me on the same spot behind my ear making me moan again.

"Kaif." I whispered his name lost in his touch.

He moved toward my neck and placed his lips. A sensation run down to my spine. He kissed me before he could go any further, we heard a knock on door. I open my eyes and realize what we were doing. He slowly pulled away and look at me.

I lower my eyes and he went to open the door while I ran inside the washroom to hide myself from him. My heart was running a marathon. I look at myself in mirror and saw my face was red as beetroot.

What he was doing???

Why didn't I stop him??

Why I was liking his touch on me???

Am I falling for him???

I washed my face to reduce the heatness. But my body was shivering and I was still feeling his touch on me. My heart was feeling all tinglings inside.

How I'm gonna face him now???

I came out of the washroom and saw him standing near the Bed. I slowly went toward the bed where my dupatta was placed. But the problem was that my dupatta was under his files which were placed on bed. I stopped near him and tried to took my dupatta but he grabbed my hand and pulled me toward him.I collide with his chest.

"Anaya." He called me  and I just keep looking at him.

"I told you not to look at me like this or else I won't stop myself from doing what we were doing few time ago." He whispered in my ear, making me feel all the butterflies again.

"Kaif leave me." I said with closed eyes.

His fragrance was overwhelming me. I was feeling lost in him.

"Anaya." He called me and again I  felt his lips on my neck.

"Please." I whispered.

What I want???

What I was trying to say???

Do I want him to stop???

.what I'm asking him to do???

"Please what??" He whispered as he nibbled my earlobe.

A moan escaped from my lips and i clutched his shirt in my fist.

"I guess I know." He whispered again and trial sweet kisses from my ear to my neck.

I didn't stop him. I don't want him to stop. His touch was burning me and I wanted to keep myself burning in his flame.

He kissed my chin and moved near my lips. I open my eyes and our eyes met.

"You make crazy. You eyes always flutter my heart." I heard his words and I smiled .

He cupped my face and start leaning toward my lips. My breath start getting uneven. Before he could touch my lips I turned to other side. He hugged me from behind and kissed my temple.

"You are forgetting your words. You said you don't  shy. Then why now?" He asked as he put his chin on my shoulder.

"Kaif I..." I lost my words.

"I'm going. He said and I turned to him.

"Where??" I asked putting my hand on his chest while his hands were around my waist.

"I have a meeting nearby. I'll be back soon." He said and I nodded.

"Can I go now??! He asked and I nodded again.

"One more thing." He said and I look at him confused.

"I want to see you blush more when ..." He stopped and his finger start tracing my lower lip.

I lower my eyes and tried to control my heart beat which was increasing as hell.

Kaif kissed my forehead and went out of the room taking his files with him. I sat on Bed holding my heart. My body was shivering and I was smiling shyly.

What is happening to me??

You are effecting me kaif Hashim.

I smiled thinking about him. I went near the mirror and my eyes went to my lips. I touched my lower lip where he just touched.

Is he really going to kiss me???

And if he does what will I do?

I will stop him. Yes I will stop him.

Will you???

What the hell? I don't know?? Why is a kiss necessary?? But why I'm thinking about the kiss??

My whole day passed with this thought. I mean his lips kissing mine. I start watching tv and what I saw me and kaif kissing.


My mind was again and again imagining his lips on mine. I took my sketch book and took my pencil. I went out in lawn and tried to sketch the beautiful view of garden and when sketch completed,my eyes widened.

Again me and kaif were sketched. He was holding me tightly in his arms while his lips were kissing my lips. I closed my eyes.

When this stupid kiss is gonna happen.??

I wrote today's date and think for a moment.

Kiss me Kaif.

I wrote it on the corner and close the book.

"Ma'am there is a call for you." Uzma said and I nodded.

I walked in and receive the call.

"Yes Mrs.Anaya kaif Hashim speaking." I said.

"Ma'am its sher here. Sir met with an accident. You please come to the hospital." Sher said and receiver dropped from my hand.


Tears start rolling down on my cheeks. I came to my senses and,pick the receiver again.

"Hello sher. Is he okay??" I asked while crying.

"Ma'am come fast." Sher said and tell me the hospital name in which he was taking kaif.

No no nothing will happened to you!!!

I said and rushed out of the House.

A/N:: Assalam-o-Alikum dear readers...!!

I hope you all are fit and fine. You are smiling or not???

Okay so how was the chapter??? Did I keep my promise?? Mean did you like all kaif and Anaya scenes???

The romance between kaif and Anaya is blooming. Both are compelled by hearts. Now I'm waiting for them to realize their feelings for each other.

And one more thing do you guys like the kissing scenes of the chapter or not??? Please tell me about it. So i can put this kind of romance in the coming chapters.

Your favourite scene???

Best dialogue???

Any suggestion???

Please take good care of your self and pray a lot for everyone in this Ramadan.

Till next update Allah Hafiz.

Keep reading...
Keep smiling...

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