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Kaif's POV.
My heart was running so fast with happiness. The moments I spend with Anaya were making me crazy. And I really wanted to go to her.

Her nearness,her fragrance everything was making me crazy. She was looking so beautiful when I saw her standing near the dressing table. I just couldn't hold myself from getting closer to her. And I don't know how I start kissing her. And the most surprising thing was that she didn't stop me. She didn't stop me from touching her,from kissing her. I could see the colour of shyness and love on her face. Her blush was driving me crazy. The way she kept her hand on my chest,I really wanted to keep her in my arms to feel her. But I had an important meeting. So I went out of my room before going any further with our moments.

I was driving and smiling. I was recalling her nervous face when I touch her lips indicating her about the kiss. Gosh I really wanted to go back.

I just finish this meeting then I'm coming Anaya.

I smiled again and increased the speed. I was in my own thought that I didn't notice a truck hit my car from left side. My car roll down on road and then car get another hit. I was trying to understand what is happening. Another hit with truck on my car and I lost the conscious.

Anaya's POV.
I rushed to the hospital. As I enter, I saw sher standing near the receptionist.

"Sher." I called him and went near him.

I saw Sher's cloths had the marks of blood. I was panicking.


"How's kaif?? Where is he?? Is he okay??" I asked all the questions I had in my mind.

"Relax ma'am. Sir will be fine. Come" I walked with sher to a corridor.

I saw we were in front of a room. I look up and saw this was an operation theatre. I turned to sher who was looking at me.

"Ma'am sir is in operating. Don't worry he'll be fine." He said and I lost my control.

I fall on ground and start crying. I was scared. Scared of loosing him.

"Ma'am please control yourself. Sir will be fine." Sher said and I got.

"How all this happened??" I asked looking at sher.

"Actually sire was driving his car. I was following him in another car. Suddenly a truck appear from the left side and start hitting his car. Before we guards can reach there,that truck escaped. I bring sir here and informed you." He said and I once again start crying...

"Did you call his parents??" I asked snd he nodded.

"They'll be here soon."sher said and I sat on a chair.

I was praying for his life. My heart was beating in fear. How this happened?? I was so happy and then this???

Please don't let happen anything to my kaif!!!

I was praying and just praying. My heart was hurting thinking about his pain and hurt. After two hours,doctor came out of the operation theatre. I and sher run toward the doctor.

"Doctor My husband is he okay??" I asked impatiently.

"The accident was on major scale. He got injured badly. We have to keep him in observation for the coming 24 hours." Doctor said and left from there.

I was shocked and hurt. Tears were rolling down on my cheeks. I sat on ground and was crying continuously.

I saw they were shifting kaif to a room. I start walking with Kaif. His eyes were closed. A big white bandage covered his head and forehead. His arms were also injured. His right hand and arm were plastered. He was shifted to ICU. I was not allowed to go in. I just kept looking at him from the glass door. Doctors put an Oxygen mask on his face and I hold my heart .

Please Kaif please get up...

"Ma'am your phone is ringing." Sher came and give me my mobile.

My eyes were fixed Kaif and I received the call.

"Hi love." Again that voice shocked me.

"How's your husband??? Is he alive??? Is he taking breath???" Kamraan was asking and I was now fully awake.

"You..." I thought I lost my voice.

"He's breathing na!!! But don't worry He's going to take his last breath soon. Hahaha...then you'll be mine. He have to die." With that he cut the call.

My blood was boiling. I look at kaif who was laying their with a lot of wounds. I look at sher and he was already looking at me.

"Sher come here." I said and start walking outside the hospital.

As we reached out,I stopped. He was looking at me.

"Kamraan escaped from jail or not??" I asked and he nodded.

"Inspector informed me in morning but before I could inform sir,this happened." He said and I nodded.

"Find him. Do whatever you want. Use all your power. I need him in front of me. Before Kaif open his eyes,I want him in front of me on his knees. You get that on his knees sher in just 24 hours." I said looking at sher.

"Done ma'am. He'll be in front of you soon." He said and left from there.

I walked in and sat outside Kaif's room. My tears were rolling down on my cheeks. This time kamraan I'm not going to spare you. You have to pay what you have done.

I saw a nurse coming and I ran to her.

"Sister can I see him?? Can I go in??" I asked

"No you can't now." She replied.

But I really wanted to see him.

"Please sister only for 5 minutes." I again asked and she nodded.

I smiled and slowly start walking toward the room. I open the door and saw him laying motionless on the bed. My heart got a punch seeing him like this. I moved closer to him and sat on bed. I hold his hand in mine and look at the machines working around him.

I slowly leaned on his ear.

"Kaif." I whispered in his ear.

I know he like to hear his name from me.

"Kaif." I again called him but this time my tear slipped from my eye and fall on his  ear.

I slightly touch his ear and wipe that tear. I leaned more closer to his ear and kissed it.

"I know you are listening. I'm waiting kaif. Waiting for you." I whisperer in his ear.

"Please open your eyes. I promise I will never fight with you please get up." I cried while saying.

I came back to see his face. My hand reached on his eyes and I slightly touched his eyes and I remember the day when he was leaning on me back in the village and I saw the shine of his eyes for the first time.

I leaned on his eyes and kissed them. Many tears fall on his face but I had not control on my tears.

"Open your eyes Kaif. I want to see the shine of your eyes." I whispered while cupping his face.

I put my head on his chest slightly to hear his heat beat. My tears were absorbing in his shirt.

I slightly move and look up at him.

"Please please get up." I said while crying and pressed my lips on his forehead.

I moved back and just keep caressing his cheeks. I was just looking at him. I was recalling his every word,his every touch on me. Our every fight was making me smile.

"Ma'am you should go now." Nurse said and I nodded.

I kissed his hand and went out of the room. As I step out,I saw mama and baba jaan coming. I ran toward them and hugged mama.

"Mama kaif." I was crying while she was caressing me back.

"Shhh...beta he'll be fine." Mama said and I parted from her.

I saw her eyes were also wet. But she smiling. A smile which gave me courage to handle the situation. Her smile was telling me that nothing will happened to him.

I turned to baba jani and he hugged me. I was crying and he just kept his hand on my head. I saw behind them another man standing. I covered my head with dupatta.

"Assalam-o-Alikum." I greeted him and he kept his hand on my head.

"Bless you beta. Don't worry he'll be okay. He's a tough man." He said and I slightly smiled.

"This is Kaif's Bade papa.(father's big brother.)" Dad introduced him to me and I nodded.

They all sat on the chairs. I saw mama going near his room and she was looking at him. A tear slipped from her eye which I immediately wipe.

"Hell be fine. He have to be." I said and she nodded.

"Baba jani and bade papa went to talk to doctor about kaif's condition while me and mama were consoling each other.

All night passed but he didn't open his eyes. We were waiting for him to open his eyes but he was not opening his that bright eyes in which I wanted to lost.

Doctors were observing his every moment. At 7 of the morning doctor came and went inside to check him. After few time he cane out and we all rushed toward him.

" How's he now??" I asked worriedly.

"He's out of  danger now but still he didn't came to conscious,so we are little worried. He got hit badly on his head. We hope he didn't get any inner wound. Once he came to his conscious then we'll do all the tests." Doctor informed us about his condition.

I was relieved that he was out of danger now but then why is he not opening his eyes. 

Doctor left from there and baba jani turned to us.

"Anaya beta I think you and your mama should go home now for some rest. As you heard the doctor,he's out of danger now and Inshahallah he will come to his conscious soon. Younio home. We'll inform you." Baba jaan said.

"No please I want to stay here. With Kaif please." I said looking at Kaif from the door.

"Please beta. Go and get fresh. Then come to hospital." He said and I nodded.

Me and mama went to home but my thinking were fixed on Kaif. I went in my room and I really missed seeing him in front of the mirror. My tears start rolling down on my cheeks. I took out my dress and went to take a shower to freshen my self. As I came out,I comb my hair. I turned to his study table. My eyes were fixed on his files and pens. I slowly walked toward the table and sat on the chair. I was touching his things. His files,pens,papers. I was smiling feeling him. I open the drawer of the table and saw a book there. I open it and it was a sketch note book just like mine.

I smiled thinking about zimal's words that Kaif also sketched. I open the first page and my eyes widened. My face was sketched on the very first page of the book. I check the date and then look down where he wrote.

Angry cat.

I smiled as I read his word. Angry cat!!!!

You made me angry. You now that.

I saw his picture and said. I turned the next page and a tear slipped from my eye with a smile. There was again and I was sketched with him. It was our mehndi day when I went to his room to know about his purpose behind this marriage.

He was holding me by my arms. My arms were touching his chest. We were stranding so close to each other. He very beautifully sketched us together.

Monster & his prey.

I read his words and almost laugh.


I whispered under my breath. I turner the next page and saw myself again. It was the next day of our wedding as I read the date. I was sleeping and some drops of water were pouring on me. I remembered that day when I was sleeping and he pour water on me to wake me up.

Sleeping beauty.

His words bring a huge smile on my face. I touch the sketched and turned to the next page.And again I was sketched. My face was visible in moon. He sa ,me in moon this thought make my heart go crazy for him.

Oh kaif what are you doing to me???

I read the words which he wrote in the corner.

Two moons together.

I smiled and closed the sketch note. I put it again in his drawer and closed my eyes. My thinking were roaming around him. How we met?? Our marriage and the effect we have on each other. There my sketches were filled with him and here his thoughts were visible on his sketch note and that's me. I was in his thought. I smiled again thinking about him and stood up.

"Anaya." Mama came inside my room and I turned to her.

She was smiling. The smile which relaxed me.

"Come I want to show you something." Mama hold my hand and start walking.

I didn't know where she was taking me but I was just following her. She stopped in front of a room and slowly open the door. She was still holding my hand.

We both stepped in the room. She pointed toward something and I turned right to see and my eyes widened. I put my hand on my heart and my eyes start getting wet. I turned to mama and then again to the thing. It was huge canvas on which I was painted. My face was beautifully painted. My hair were flying on my back and some strands were touching my temple and cheeks.

"Mama this.." I paused and turned to mama.

"He painted you. " mama said and I was shocked.

He thinks about me. He has an effect of me on him. Tears were rolling down in happiness. I was happy that the feelings which were raising in me,he was also experiencing them. He was also feeling me in him like i felt him inside my heart. I smiled and hugged mama.

"Your son is so bad." I said and mama chuckled.

"Really!!" She pulled back and asked

I nodded with tears...

"He's making me cry. Why is he not opening his eyes?? I ...." I cried and mama hugged me again.

"Shh...Anaya. He'll be fine Inshahallah. And you know what!" She said I look st her.

"He never painter anyone's face. Zimal how many time asked him to make a painting of her but he never listen to her. You are the one which made him paint a face. He painted you because you are in his heart and in his thoughts. He has to wake up. For us and specially for you." Mama said and Kissed my forehead.

"My son is falling for you." Mama said and smiled.

I blushed and look down. My heart was beating fast. We both came out from the room and I really wanted to go to the hospital to see him.

"You ready to go to the hospital??" Mama asked and I nodded.

"Come let's go then. I can't stay here." Mama said and we both took steps forward.

As we about to reach the door,I saw sher coming. He stopped on the door. He folded his hands on his back.

"Ma'am you have to come with me. I got him." Sher said and anger run in my blood.

Mama look at me confused and I turned to her.

"Mama you go. I have an important work. I'll be there soon." I said.

"But !" Mama tried to say.

"Mama please. "I said and she nodded.

Mama drove to hospital while I went with sher. Sher was driving and I was impatiently waiting to reach the spot. Car stopped. Sher open my side door and I came out. He lead me to a building. As we entered he start moving toward underground section. I  followed him. As I entered a hall I saw a lot of men were standing there.

" Assalam-o-Alikum ma'am. " they all greeted and I just nodded.

A man brought a face in front of me which I wanted to kill. Kamraan was standing in front of me. He smirked and took a step closer to me. But before he could reach me sher stopped him and punched him on his face. Which makes him fall on ground.
Sher make his sit on his knees.

I went closer and slaped his face harder. One,twice,thrice and just keep slapping him until he fall on ground again. He smiled and tried to sit again.

" to.." Before he could say any further I put my foot on his hand harder which makes him yell in pain.

"Don't...don't you dare to call me love again. You really thinks its a game. Okay then we'll play this have played your shot. Now its my turn. And this is from husband. I punched him on his nose that it start bleeding.

I turned to sher who was looking at me.

"Sher do whatever you want with him. No one should know that we have him. Do whatever you want because I want him beg for his life." I said looking at kamraan who was smiling.

"Snatch his smile. Make his every day miserable. His every breath,his heart everything beg for life. You get that Sher, I want him begging for his life. I want to see him in worst." I said looking hatefully at him.

"We'll do it ma'am." Sher said and I start taking step out but stopped.

I turned and saw him.

"You will regert Mr.Kamraan that what you did. You will now never see the light of the world. Live with your lust in the darkness." I said and stepped out.Sher dropped me in hospital and I almost run inside. I saw mama,baba jani and bade papa in corridor. They were looking sad that means he still didn't came to his conscious. I sigh and slowly open the door of his room. I entered and saw him laying in the same position.I walked toward him and sat close to him on bed.

"Kaif." I called him.

I leaned on his face and kissed his cheek.

"Get up please." I whispered and kissed his another cheek.

"I'm waiting kaif." I placed my lips on his forehead.

"Open your eyes." I kissed his eyes and my tears fall on his face.

I leaned near his ear and kissed it.

"I'm waiting...for your kiss." I whispered in his ear and moved back. I hold his hand and closed my eyes.

"Please get up. Please." I cried while holding and kissing his hand.

I leaned again on his face and just keep looking at his face.

"Come on get up devil. You can't keep silence like this. I will die if you didn't open your eyes." I said and my tears Fall on his eyes.

I felt his hand tightened on my hand then his eyes moving. My eyes widened and he slowly opened his eyes.

"Kaif." I cupped his face.

His eyes were fully opened. He was looking at me and I was smiling,crying. Happiness was overload.

"You awake." I said and kissed his forehead.

He was just looking at me. I run out to tell mama and  baba jani.

"Mama his eyes." I said happily and we all rushed again in the room.

Bade papa went to call doctor. Mama was caressing kaif's face and crying. Baba jani was smiling. I was just look at him. Doctor came and checked him. He removed the oxygen mask and I took a breath of relieve.

"He's absolutely fine now." Doctor said and I thanked Allah.

"You okay??" I asked going near him as the doctor left.

He look at me and then his parents.

"Mom who is she??" He asked and I felt falling.

"Kaif..." I whispered.

He was looking at me strangely. Like he was trying to recognized me.

"Kaif that's Anaya." Mama said and I took step closer to him.

But he remain silent. I was waiting for him to say any further.

"Who Anaya?? Is she our relative?" He asked looking at his mom.

He don't remember me???

He forgot I'm his wife.

"Kaif I'm..your..." I stopped and tears start falling on my cheeks.

"My what???" He asked.

"I'm Anaya. Don't you remember me.?" I asked as I sat next to him.

"Mom she's not Anaya." He said looking at his mom.

I looked at him confused.

"She's don't you think is that angry cat whose nose reddened because of anger." He said and my eyes widened.

He laughed and I just kept looking at him. He was joking!!!

"You two talk. We'll see you after sometime." Mama said and they all left.

I just kept looking at him and then got up and sit right in front of him on bed.

"What was that??" I asked and he laughed.

"Stop laughing. " I hit his chest.

"Ahhhh." He yelled in pain.

" it paining??" I asked and he nodded innocently.

I hit again because I knew he was acting.

"You are so bad." I said was about to get up but he pulled her closer.

My face was leaning on him.

"What happened Rapunzel??" He innocently asked and my tears start rolling down on my cheeks.

"You are very bad. You almost give me mini heart attack. I thought you forgot me. " I said and his left hand wipe my tears.

"How can I forget this angry cat??" He said and I hit his hand.

"You really are a devil. You know how scared I was. You just..." I was saying when he put his finger on my lips.

"Devil huh!!! You called me devil and cry for me." He said and I lower my eyes.

"You okay na??" I asked and he nodded.

"I'm fine as Rapunzel is here." He said and I smiled.

"Now don't talk. Have some rest." I said and got up.

He was looking at me. At the time nurse came and gave him injection. He just kept looking at me. I was melting under his gaze. How badly I wanted to hug him now. Only I know how I was controlling myself.

He fell asleep peacefully and I went to thank my Allah. I offered Nawafil to thank Allah and then came back to see him. He was sleeping peacefully.

Days passed and Kaif was recovering rapidly. His reports were clear. He was absolutely fine now. It was almost a month later that he stepped in house. Mama and baba jani were still here with us while Bade papa left.

"Rapunzel." I heard him calling me and I rushed inside the room.

He was laying peacefully on bed. I walked toward him.

"What happened Kaif??" I asked and he hold my hand and pulled me on him.

I fall on him and he hold my waist.

"What are you doing??" I asked trying to free myself.

"What I'm doing?? I'm just enjoying your company." He said removed my hair from my face.

"Why you called me??" I asked looking at the scar on his collarbone.

"Just wanted to see you." He said still playing with my hair.

I slightly touched his scar on collarbone. He put his hand on mine. I look up and he was already looking at me.I freed my hand and straightened myself.

"Let me go. I was preparing lunch for you." I said and tried to free myself.

He pulled me and spun on bed that our positions changed. Now he was on top of me and I was in his arms on bed.

"Kaif...what...leave..." I was saying when he put his hand on my mouth to shut me up.

"You can't remain silent for few seconds. "He said and I just blink my eyes.

" you are driving me crazy Anaya." He whispered and my eyes lower down.

"Kaif." I whispered and his thumb touched my lower lip.

I shivered under his touch. His face,his touch,his closeness was making me crazy. He was leaning on me and I was feeling my heart beat increased. My breaths gets heavy. His lips touched my forehead and I hold his shirt tightly. He kissed my cheeks and my grip on my shirt tightened.

"Open your eyes Rapunzel." He whispered in my ear making me Shiver.

"Kaif." I whispered looking in his eyes.

He pulled me in his arms and I hugged him tightly. I closed my eyes as I rested my head on his chest. I feel myself melting. How badly I want to hug him. Now in his arms I was feeling awesome. My heart was fluttering.

"You are taking advantage of me Rapunzel." He said and I hit his chest.

He laughed and hugged me tightly bringing me more closer to him. I gasp on our closeness.

"Gosh why I'm loving this??!!"He said and kissed my head.

" Anaya." He called me and my heart skip its beat on his voice.

"Hmmm." I hummed still hugging him tightly.

"Will you sleep with me like this tonight??" He asked and I blushed.

"Anaya where are you???" I heard mama's voice.

I tried to get up but Kaif failed my attempt and pulled me more closer to him. I gasp and look at him.

"Kaif leave me. Mama is coming." I said.

"let her see us like this. She should knew how her son take care of her daughter in  law." He said and winked at me.

"Kaif please leave me." I tried once again but this time he hold me more frimly.

My arms were on his back and his were around my waist. His eyes were fixed on me.

"First promise me you will sleep with me like this tonight. " He said and I lower my eyes.

"How can I sleep with a devil??" I said and look at him mischievously.

"Devil again. Okay then go." He said and freed me.

I look at him who turned to other side. I smiled and went out of the room. I saw mama coming and I went with her in kitchen.

Kaif's POV.

As I open my eyes in hospital I saw her in front of me. My heart beats fast. I really wanted to see her and she was in front of me. I act like I didn't remember her and enjoyed her condition. But her tears hurt me.

With evey passing second she was close to me. I really wanted to take her in my arms but I was not able to. Its been a month that I was in hospital. She was so caring.  She took care of me with every passing second.

Now finally I was home and she was still far from me. I called her to see her and I just couldn't control myself and pulled in my arms. I hugged her tightly and she too hold me tightly as she was also waiting to come in my arms. We were so close to each other. This closeness was overwhelming me. I just wanted to stay with her like this.

When I asked her to sleep with tonight like this,I saw a blush on her face but she tried to say as no calling me devil. That she won't sleep with devil. So I showed my anger and turned to other side. But she went out without saying anything. She doesn't care that I'm angry but she just left.

I'm not gonna talk to her.

Yes that's confirm.

A/N:: Assalam-o-Alikum readers.

How are you all???

I know I'm very late in updating but thank fully I updated. I was so tired but still I completed the chapter.

This chapter is not end now. It was getting long so I thought to divide it in two parts.

So how you find the chapter???

what do you think about kaif and Anaya's closeness????

You favorite scene???

What should I do with kamraan???

Tell me please.

Till next update Allah Hafiz.

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Keep Smiling...

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