Fights and tears!!

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Kaif's POV.
I run to my room to tell her whatever I had in my heart. The feelings,the knocks, everything. I was so excited and crazy to tell her that I'm in love. I'm in love with her. With my Anaya my Rapunzel. I was smiling and took a deep breath before entering the room. I turn the knob and took my steps in. My eyes landed on her who was  busy in wardrobe. I cleared my throat to get her attention but she didn't look at me and keep herself busy in her work.

"Um..Ra..Rapunzel." I called her and waited for her reply but not she was all silent.

She turn toward the bed and took the clothes which were placed on bed and again was busy in arranging clothes in the wardrobe.

"Anaya." I called her again by taking a step closer to her.

She turned to me and passed by my side and went to the table where some magazines were placed.  She took all the magazine and keep them in the book shelf.

"Anaya I..want to talk to you " I said again but this time she went in the dressing room.

I was standing there like a fool. Am I become invisible?? Can't she see me or can't she hear me??? What is happening.??

I was waiting for her to come out. After 15 minutes she came out and her dress was change. She didn't look at me and just start combing her hair. I was so lost in watching her. She was looking so beautiful in her long brown frock. Her long hair were touching her waist and I was dying to feel her hair with my hands.

"Anaya listen to me." I said but she didn't reply.

Is she avoiding me???

And the answer was yes.

She tied her hair in a braid She took her dupatta and start moving toward the door. As she was passing me I hold her wrist to stop her.

"What happened?? Why are you avoiding me??" I asked and turn to her.

"Leave me." She tried to free her hand but I was not going to leave her.

"No. I'm talking to you and you are continuously ignoring me. What happened?? Please tell me." I said and cupped her face.

She look up and pushed my hands away from her face.

"Don't touch me. I don't like you touching me. Don't talk to me Mr Kaif." With that she run out of room leaving me all shocked.

What did she say???

She don't like me touching her?? But what happened all of sudden??

No no there is something she's hiding from me???

I went out of the room to see her but she was nowhere in hall.. I walked out in lawn but again I didn't find her there. I went in kitchen and there she was busy in cutting the vegetables with Farah and Nighat.

"Anaya I want to talk to you." I called her directly but she didn't look up.

I was waiting for her to come but she didn't move. My mom also turned to see her. I saw also Farah and Nighat were waiting for her to look up and answer but she remain silent busy in cutting vegetables like this was the most important work for her.

I turn and walk out of the kitchen. I was not understanding what happened to her all of sudden??

She always behave strange but this time she was weird totally weird. I was walking in lawn thinking of what to do. How to know what happened to her.

Finally the night fall and we all were on dinning table having our dinner but I was just looking at her who was carrying a non expressionless face. Her eyes were fixed on her meal while she was not taking any interest in talking with Farah and all other girls who were continuously talking about Farah and Night's marriage.  I wanted her to look up at me but she was lost. She even didn't touch her food. I was not understanding what is she doing and what the hell happened to her all of sudden!??

As we all finished our meal,we all men to the Masjid for prayer with Agha Jaan. I was so restless all the way back to home from Masjid. I wanted to know what was going on her mind. As I entered in my room,I saw her coming out from washroom in her sleeping dress. She was wearing her white Pajama with blue shirt.

"Anaya I need to talk to you." I said but she just didn't listen to me and went to the couch.

That's it

I thought and walked to her. I grabbed her arm and turned her toward me.

"What happened huh!! Why are you ignoring me.?! Since morning I'm trying to talk to you but you are showing me your arrogance. What actually happened?? Tell me! And what rubbish you were talking in morning. I'm not understanding what happened to you??" I was telling and she was looking at me with no expressions and feelings.

"Done!! Now leave me. And I told you in morning that don't touch me. I don't like you touching me." She said while trying to free herself from my grip.

"What!!?? What did you say?? You don't like me to touch you! Ha that would be the biggest lie. We both know what's the truth. " I said looking deeply in her eyes.

"Truth!!. You know the truth. Hah! That's funny because if you know then it will be obvious that I'm not interested in talking to you. And leave my hands. I'm hating it. I hate it when you touch me. You got that. That's the truth. Stop being close to me. Don't forget our marriage is just a deal which our fathers made" She said and pushed my hands away from her arms.

My eyes were fixed on her. Unbelievable. I can't believe what I heard. She was saying that she hate to feel my touch!!

Marriage a deal!! Where that comes from???

She think its all a joke!

"Rapunzel what are you saying?? What happened to you all of sudden??" I asked again and she laughed..

A laughter which was completely hollow making fun of both of us.

"Rapunzel!! Really!!! " she said and again laughed.

I saw her eyes getting wet. She stopped her laughing and turn to see me.

"I hate it when you call me Rapunzel. I hate it when you touch me. I hate it when you take my name. I hate being close to you. I hate it when you are around me. And the truth is that I hate you. I hate you Mr Kaif. From the bottom of my heart. I just hate you. I don't want to see you around. Just don't come closer to me. Don't even try to talk to me." She said and rushed out of the room leaving me with shock.

What I heard!!?

She hates me!!

She hates me?!!!

My Rapunzel hates me!??

I fall on bed and hold my head in my hands. A silent tear slipped on my cheeks as I felt the pain in my heart caused by her words. Her words were killing me. She don't love me and I was crazy for her but...but what was that we shared with each other. The closeness, the smiles,the kisses and of course love that we had for each other in our heart then how can she say that she hates me.

She hurt me today. Badly. My heart my soul loves her and she's just hating me. She hates me then why my heart is not accepting it. Why I'm not believing it.

I fell back on bed to closed my eyes to think what just happen all of sudden in my life that it shatter like this. There were no answers but all her words I could hear again and again ringing in my ears making the pain and hurt increase in my heart.
Many tears slipped from the corner of my eyes and absorb in the pillow. She didn't return in room and I also didn't go after but just keep thinking all the night.


Three days passed but we didn't talk to each other. We both were ignoring each other. I was not even looking at her. The anger and the,pain was not letting me go to her and to talk to her. She was not sleeping in room and I didn't care.

Yes I don't give a damn if she didn't came in room every night for sleeping. I hardly see her in room. Whenever we came face to face or around each other we tried our best to avoid each other. There was silence we could have around us. None of us was trying to clarify what happened between us. I was waiting for her to say something but she was all quite. If she don't care about it, about me then I also don't care. I don't gave a damn. Hell with her.

"Hell with her." I whispered under my lips and pack my bag.

I took my bag and went out of my room. Everyone was there in lawn enjoying evening tea with each other.

"I'm going." I said and look at all of them.

I saw her startling and then she again lower her eyes.I avert my eyes from her and look at Dad and Agha Jaan.

"Why?? Where are you going all of sudden??" Dad asked as he stood in front of me.

"Dad I have to go back to Karachi. I have some important work there. And as you know I'm going for a week to France." I said and look at her who also look up and our eyes met for a second.

But then we both look away. I wanted her to stop me but she was looking down at the grass and was playing with it.

"What?? For a week!! Bhai that's mean you wouldn't attend my wedding??" Ibrahim asked while standing up.

"I will. Don't worry but now I have to go.  I have to go. Next week I'm flying to France. But I will surely come back to just attend your wedding." I said and look at her who was not looking at me.

She was showing that she was not even listening me. Her attention was fixed on the grass and I was waiting for her to look up but she didn't want to then fine.

I sighed and hugged mom and said my bye to everyone and walked toward my car. I didn't look back. I wanted to but stop myself. She wanted me to stay away from her and now I'm going far from her.  My heart was hurting and crying to look back to come back to her but I didn't. I'm going far as she wanted.

I sat in car and start driving. With every passing second I was feeling weak. With every passing step far from her was making me cry. With every move I was staying far from her was making me die. I was dying from inside but I can't go back because she don't want to see me. So I just let myself die and drove to Karachi leaving her back far from me.

I reached Karachi and put myself into endless work only to divert my mind from her. I was keeping myself busy in work,meetings, presentations only to stop myself from thinking about her but with every second she was with me. In my heart. Each and every moment was filled with her thought and I really wanted to see her. To hug her to feel her. To hear her voice to see her smile to drawn into her deep black eyes but no I was just longing but I know what was reality.I was a hated man for her. She hates to feel me around her. I don't know what happened to her all of sudden but I become a hateful person in her life that my touch ,my presence, my voice everything was hurting her. She don't want to see me and I was just giving her what she wanted.

Its been a week that I came to Karachi leaving my life my smile back there in my village. But she don't cares. Right then I also don't. I look at the picture I painted. My eyes were on her face and my eyes were getting wet.

"You hate me right!" I said looking at the painting.

"I'm going far from you. Then you can stay happy." I said and wipe the tear which roll on my cheek.

I rush out of the room to my room. I took my bag and pack my stuff. I took my mobile and dialed a number.

"Sher I'm going tonight but make sure that he didn't try to escape again. As I'm going for a week so its better to keep an eye on him all the time. I don't want him to hurt her again. And also alert our security back there in village without informing anyone. Okay!!" I said to sher.

"Okay sir. You don't worry. I'll handle everything." Sher said and I cut he call.

I was far from her. She hates me but I love her. So I can't let anyone to harm her and especially that kamraan who was in bad state but still was trying to escape and this was making me worried. My Mobile ringed and I received the call.

"Sir we are on airport. Are you coming?!" My one of the employee asked from the other side.

"I'm coming." I said and cut the call.

I took my bag and went out of the house. I sat back in the seat and the driver start driving. I was going to France for some business deals and meetings. But I have to hear her voice before going. Its been a week I haven't heard her. I dialed a landline number and start waiting for anyone to receive it. Ring was ringing and my heart was beating fast. I was hoping that Anaya receive it.

"He...hello." The voice and my eyes closed down as a peace run in my body.

All the restlessness of these days just vanished. My breath become ragged as her voice go through from my ear to my mind,to my heart to my soul.

"Hello." She again said but I didn't say anything and just keep listening her.

Her voice,her breath,her presence, her bangles voice. I could feel her nervous. I could imagine her playing with her hair lock. I smiled and cut the call. Now I can go to where I was going as I heard her and my heart finds what it wanted. Peace. Smile.

I reached airport and fly to France for I don't know how long.

Its been a week I was in France attending my meetings and presentations. The meetings were with different people and i was attending a lot of business dinner with our delegations. I was so busy or can I say that I don't want to remember anything. I just wanted to keep myself busy in work so that i won't think her but that was a lie. I was thinking her all the time. With every passing second with every breath I was thinking about her. My all day and nights were filled with her thoughts and memories.

I was in a meeting when my mobile ringed. I cut it off and again start concentrating on the meeting but again my Mobile start ringing. It was on silent but I can see that someone was calling again and again continuously.

"Excuse me gentlemen." I said and walk out with my mobile.

"Hello." I said frustrated as I picked the call.

"Is this Kaif??" A female voice came from other side.

"Yes. Who's it??" I asked again.

"Aasiya." She said but I didn't recognized her.

Who's she now??

I saw everyone coming out from meeting room.

"Sir there is half an hour break before starting the presentation." My secretary said and I nodded.

I went inside a cabin and sat on chair to relax myself.

"Hello!!" I hears the voice and I remembered that I was talking on mobile with someone.

"Yes hello. Sorry I didn't recognized you." I said and waited for her reply.

"I'm friend of your Rapunzel."  She said and my eyes widened.

Anaya's POV.
He was gone. He was not around me and that's what I wanted then why I was feeling restless. Why my eyes again and again travelled to the door to see him.

I know what I did. What I said to him. But he didn't left any choice to me. I know he doesn't love me then why he's trying to show that he do. I don't want him in my life. I wanted love, care and most if it respect. But I think he just make fun of my feelings. He was doing all this intentionally.

He hurt me. I trusted him and he just broke my trust. He never loved ne and will never love me this thought was enough to kill me. His words which he said to Hina still stab in my heart and it hurts really hurts.

"I will never talk to him. I hate him." I said to myself as I start cleaning my room only to divert my mind from him.

Really!! You hate him!! Don't lie to yourself at least.

My heart said and I fall on the ground defeated. I know I was lying to myself. I lies to him. I told him that I hate his presence around me. I hate being close to him. I hate his touch but I know all was a lie. I was lying and he just believe that and it also hurt that he believe on what I said. And then he left leaving me all alone with tears.

Its been two weeks but he didn't came back. unintentionally I was waiting for him. All the day my eyes roam around the entrance of the house.I don't know why but I was waiting for him. But he didn't show up. He even didn't call for once and my heart was crying.

I look around me and saw everyone busy in themselves. In the coming week the marriage of Farah and nighat was going to happen but he was still not home. Everyone was busy in shopping and preparations. I could seew the colour of happiness and shy on Farah and Nighat's face. The colour of love which I think i will never get. My eyes start getting wet but I hide it. I can't be weak.

I went in my room and hide my face in pillow and start crying. I cried. Cried for the pain,for hurt,for love which I never get. The feel of love. The feel of be loved. But I think this was not in my destiny. I can never be love. I can never feel how it feels to be loved by someone.

I went to the phone and took the receiver and start dialing a number. I wipe my tears and just keep waiting.

"Hello." Her voice appear and my tears again start rolling down on my cheeks.

"Aasiya." I said and cried.

"Anaya...what!!? What happened??" She asked worriedly

"He doesn't....he doesn't love me." I said and start crying again.

"Shhh...calm down first. And then tell me what happened??" She asked but I was not able to speak.

My hiccups were not allowing me. The tears were steaming down on my cheeks rapidly and I didn't care to wipe them.I just sat on the ground keep holding the receiver near to my ear.

"Hey...just listen okay. If you want me to help you then first stop crying and tell me what happened??" She asked and I nodded as if she was looking at me.

"Kaif doesn't....doesn't love me. He calls me Rapunzel but he just broke his Rapunzel's heart. His words still ring in my ear saying I love you to some other girl. I'm hating myself Aasiya that I still love him. I love him Aasiya. I love that devil.but he just don't care about me.  I know he can't love me but why my heart is not listening me. I...I....will die Aasiya without him. He...made me feel all this. I hate him." I said and again stat crying. .

I heard her sighing and I just keep myself busy in crying.

"So you fell for him right!!" She asked and I nodded again.

"Stop nodding stupid. I want to hear it from you clearly. Say it " she said and I felt my heart beat increased.

"I..I love him. I love him a lot. I love Kaif." I said and start crying again.

"Oh ho first stop crying and listen to me." She said and I waited for her say something more.

"What made you think that he doesn't love you??" She asked and all the moments of that day start recalling itself on my mind.

"I don't want to remember that day. He...he was saying I love to his best friend. I just don't want to remember that day." I said while closing my eyes tightly.

"Did you hear him saying her name while saying I love you.??" She asked.

"No I mean I didn't heard. I just heard him saying those words to her and she also replied with smile. Aasiya I just don't want to remember. " I said and she sighs.

"Okay but why are you restless then?? If you don't want to listen or think anything then why are you so upset??" She asked and I don't know what to answer.

"I...just...don't know. He's gone for two weeks. Didn't show up for once. What he think I can't stay without him. I can. I just don't want to see him I hate him. I don't know what I'm feeling but whatever it use I'm hating it." I said fully confused.

I really don't know what I want.

"First decide that you love him or hate him?? And one more thing you really don't know what you want??" She asked and I didn't answer anything.

"I think you know what you want but not accepting. Everything will be okay. And guess what I'm coming. With uncle and your taayi Ami I'm coming to attend your cousins weddings." She said and my eyes lighten up.

"Really! I'm so happy Aasiya. Please come soon." I said happily.

."coming darling and I will set your marriage life." She said and I smiled lightly.

"Okay take care of yourself and don't think too much. I'll be there soon." With that she cut the call and I just closed my eyes and rest my head back to the edge of chair.

Only three days were left from the wedding but he still didn't came back. I was waiting for him but then scolded myself for being fool. He must be enjoying his Hina's company.

"Bhabhi you know what??" Farah came inside panting.

"What happened?? Why are you panting??" I asked and gave her a glass of water.

"No..I don't...need it..Kaif...Kaif bhai is here " she said and the glass drop from my hand.

A/N::  Assalam-o-Alikum readers.

How are you all??

How was the chapter??

I hope you enjoyed. The journey which we started with this lovely couple is about to end. Yes the story is about end soon. Merely five chapters more and then the story will be end. I hope you enjoyed being with Kaif and Anaya.

Your views about the chapter???

And about the ending??

I'm waiting for you all to comment. And please do vote.

Thanks for reading.

Till next update Allah Hafiz.

Keep reading...
Keep smiling...

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