Night of Love!!!

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Anaya's POV.
I run out of the kitchen to see him. I was dying from inside and now when I heard that he came I felt a new life awaken in me. As I feel alive. My foots were moving rapidly toward hall. I could hear his laughter. My heart beat was increasing. Since he left I was waiting for him and now his voice,the feel of his presence around me enough to make me alive again.

I stopped when my eyes landed on him. He was there seated in front of me with Ibrahim and talking to him. His right hand was carrying a glass of juice while in other he was holding his handkerchief. His white shirt was making him more adorable that I forgot to blink. My eyes refused to move because after  more than two week he was in front of me. I wanted to fight with him. I wanted to talk to him. I wanted to hug him to kiss him to kiss his every feature. His eyes his nose and his lips. I wanted to lost in his eyes and his arms. I wanted to feel the warmth his protective arms around me. I wanted to hear him calling me Rapunzel. I wanted to live every moment with him but I just keep looking at him. I wanted to run to him but my foots stuck to the ground. My eyes start getting burn and I could feel the water rising in them.

"Anaya beta come." I startled on the voice of Agha Jaan.

At the same time Kaif turn to me and our eyes met. Everything around me freeze. Our eyes just lost in each other and none of us blink. My heart beat increased on his gaze but I also was lost in looking at him.

"Anaya come." Mama called and I lower my eyes.

I walked toward mama and sit beside her in sofa while I heard him again talking to Ibrahim.  I just keep sitting there waiting for him to call me at least but it seems that he was really not interested in talking to me or maybe he forgot me. And yeah why would he remember me! He has his Hina to remember.

The thought of him being with Her burned me and I just marched out.

To hell with him!!

I thought as I entered the garden. I took deep breaths to calm myself but I doesn't help. My tears start rolling down and I just breakdown into tears. I fall on ground and just keep crying. Crying for all the pain for all the hopes which never come true.

After sometime I controlled myself and then I wipe my tears.

If he does not care for me. If he doesn't love me then I won't care too. I don't give a damn if he's interested in Hina or some other witch. To hell with him and with his Hina. I won't show him that what's happening inside me.

I nodded and walked in. I was moving toward my room when I saw Farah smiling mischievously. I didn't understand what she was doing. I stepped in my room and as I look up,my heart jumped because the monster was in front of me again shirtless. He turn to me and our eyes met but only for a second. I moved toward bed while he start taking out his cloths from his bag. I sat there in bed waiting for him to go in the washroom but I felt his presence around me.

"So enjoying!!?" He asked and I look up.

He walked toward me and I got up from my place. My heart jumped as he was coming more closer making me nervous. He threw his cloths on bed and stand in front of very close. I startled and took step back but my luck,there was no place to move. My legs touched bed telling that I'm stuck.

"Mo.....Move." I manage to say but my eyes were still on ground.

"Look at me!" He said and I intertwined my fingers trying to control my shivering body and beating heart.

Nervousness overwhelmed. And he was shirtless showing me his biceps. His body heat was consuming me.

"Kaif move. I...I want to go." I said and took a step from side to escape from there but his strong arm reached my waist and in second he pulled me strongly to his chest making me fall fully in his arms.

My hands wrapped around his bare shoulders. I look up in his eyes.

"Leave me." I said trying to move but he straighten himself but still having me in his arms.

His left hand reached my face and his fingers start playing with my hair locks hanging on my temple. His eyes were just fixed on my face as he was capturing me in his eyes.

"You know you are very bad." He said looking deeply in my eyes.

He leaned to my face and I move back. He smiled. His smile Gosh I'm crazy for that. That moment I realize I love everything about him and I could resist it.

"Don't flinch away. You have to come to me." He whispered in my ear and then I felt his lips kissing my ear.

He moved back freeing me from his embrace. I fall on bed. His mobile start ringing. He check the caller and then receive it.

"Hi Hina Darling." He said and I look up.



"I'm fine. Just missing you so much. I wish you can join me." He said and that was enough for me to hear.

I walk out of the room with tears rolling down on my cheeks making my face wet. But I don't care. If he's interested in that Hina then why he's playing with my heart.

I hate you kaif!!

I thought and run to Zimal's room.

Kaif's POV .
I laughed. I laughed loudly when I saw my cute little angry cat rushing out of the room in anger.

"Sir you okay??" I heard sher saying from other side of phone.

It was actually Sher's call which I addressed as Hina.  I wanted to see the reaction of my Rapunzel and I got what I wanted to see.

"How's everything going??" I asked sher.

"Looking okay sir but I still want you to come for once to check. He's getting dangerous. He almost injured our two people last week. Kamraan is getting more dangerous. He's after you sir. Please listen to me and report to police." Sher said and I sighed.

"I know he's after me. He want to kill me and for that he will try to escape but make sure to keep him under strick security." I said and instruct sher.

"Okay sir but you too take care." Sher said and I after saying my byes cut the call.

I sat on bed and took my clothes in my hands. I start remembering the day when I received Aasiya's call.

"I'm friend of your Rapunzel." She said and my eyes go wide when I heard her calling Anaya Rapunzel.

"Yes sorry I mean I don't understand why you called??" I asked.

I was confused what I ask. Why she called me.

"Kaif I wanted to talk about Anaya so that's why I called you." She started and I get restless.

About Anaya!!

Is she okay??

"About Anaya?? Is she okay??  Something happen to her?? I'm going to call her." I said and was about to cut the call but her voice stopped me.

"She's fine. And I could feel how restless you are for her like she's for you." I heard her.

I look at my Mobile I was holding. I think I heard her wrong.

"Sorry!! Restless and she for me!!? Impossible!! For your kind information your friend hates me." I said remembering her words to me.

"Yeah true. And why wouldn't she when she heard you saying I love to some other girl. Any girl do the same which Anaya did." Aasiya said and I was not getting it.

"Sorry I didn't get you. What she heard??" I asked again.

"You were maybe saying I love you to your friend and she heard you. She heard you saying I love you to some other girl." Aasiya said and I hold my head in hand.

"God that stupid girl.!" I mumbled.

"Don't call my friend stupid." Aasiya heard me and said.

"Why can't I?? Such a stupid girl. I was actually practicing with my friend because those words I was saying were for Anaya not for my friend." I said still holding my head.

"So you mean you love her?? You love Anaya??" She asked.

"Of course I love her. I love Anaya but she said she hates me not for once jut several times she use these words for me. It hurts." I said tried to control the pain.

"Your Rapunzel loves you." she said and my mobile was about to Fall from my hand.

"Huh! Come again!" I asked in disbelieve.

"She loves you. She's missing you. She just called me and Confessed that she's madly in live with her devil." I smiled on the words I heard.

Rapunzel loves me.

She loves me!!!

"I knew she misunderstood something that's why I called you." Aasiya said and I just sighed with happiness.

"She loves you. Go back to her. She's waiting for you desperately." Aasiya said and I smiled with wet eyes.

"Thanks. You really are an angel and true friend." I said and she laughed.

"That's I am.!! Bye take care." She said and cut the call.

I leaned back on the chair with close eyes. Smile appear on my lips but a tear also escaped from my eyes. How badly I wanted to hug her to tell her that how much I love her. These two weeks were just a punish for me. Without her every second was a hell. I just wanted to go back and I just finished my meeting and cancel the other pending meetings and just fly to my country where my life was waiting for me.

My Anaya.

My Rapunzel.

We were on dinning table and she was all quite. I was looking at her time to time  but she was just busy in her dinner.

"Bhai how was your trip??" Zimal asked.

"It was good." I said looking at Anaya.

"Kaif tomorrow Anaya's father is coming so be at home." Papa said and I nodded.

We finished our dinner and went to offer prayer. I came back from Masjid and went to my room to sleep as I was so tired. As I enter my room I find it empty. She was nowhere. I smiled and fall on bed. I know she won't come. She's so stubborn. My angry cat.

I smiled thinking about her and close my eyes to sleep.

"Assalam-o-alikum." I said as I hugged Anaya's father.

He replied me and hug me back. I saw her who was smiling and looking so happy to see her family.

"So how's everything going!!??" I turn on the voice and saw a girl standing next to me.

"Aasiya!!" I asked and she nodded.

"Well your friend is so stubborn to handle." I said she giggled.

"We'll do something. Don't worry." She said and I nodded.

All the day was so busy as I was attending my business calls and she was busy with her friend and Taayi Ami. Finally the night fall and I was waiting for her to come but she didn't. I was so restless to take her in arms. But she was bad testing me. I don't care if she don't.

Anaya's POV.
"Why are you doing this?? Why are you not going to your room??" Aasiya asked but I just keep silence.

"Anaya I'm asking you something!" Again aasiya asked.

But what should I say?? That why I don't want to go to my room! Because that devil is there and if once again he came closer to me so I couldn't stop myself from bursting out whatever is going on inside me.

"I don't want to go. You sleep I'll sleep in hall." I said while getting up.

"Stop idiot. Come sleep now." Aasiya pulled me on bed and I lay down.

"Don't do this to yourself and with him. Maybe he would  be waiting for you." I heard aasiya but I turn to right side and close my eyes.

I know what she's saying is wrong. That's not true. He's not waiting for me. He don't care if I'm there in his room or not. He's just lost in his Hina's dream. All he could think is about that witch. If he don't need me than I'm also not going to stay here. I thought something and close my eyes to sleep.


Today we were invited by night's in-laws on dinner because coming tomorrow was the day of Hina(Mehndi) of both couples. All the preparations were done for the Hina. Girls were so excited. I was in my room because I knew kaif is with Agha Jaan so it was good opportunity for me to get ready. I was avoiding him. Every single moment I want to avoid in which he's with me because I don't want to be weak. And I know his presence around me could make me weak that's why i thought something.

"Oh so you got remember that this is your room??" I turn on the voice and saw Kaif standing in the middle of door.

I didn't reply but again turn to mirror and start combing my hair. After tieing my hair in a loose braid I put my earrings in my ears and then I give a little touch of lipstick to my lips and then turn to take my dupatta.

I didn't look up at him who was still standing there. I walked toward the exit but he didn't move but just keep blocking my way.

"Move." I said still looking down.

"Why are you running from me??" He asked.

"Move every is waiting." I said try to go but he block my way again.

"Let them wait." With that he just stepped in closing the door behind him and pulling me in his arms.

"Leave me. What are you doing??" I asked as his fragrance ring the best of my heart and I was feeling already weak in his arms.

"Why you look so beautiful every time that I can't control myself." He whispered in my ear sending chills to my spines.

" me." I said and he look at me.

"I missed you." He said and Kissed my forehead.

.I was getting weak. I wanted him. More than anything else. I wanted to hide in his arms. I wanted to feel the warmth of his body against mine. I wanted to feel his kisses and most of it I wanted to feel that he's here with me and that he's mine. Completely mine but I know its not true. He can't be mine so I won't let myself weak in front of him. I won't let him know what my heart wants. What I want.

"Move.I told you not to touch me." I pushed him back and rushed out without turning.

My eyes were getting wet. But I just manage to stop my tears. I know what I was doing was right.

Everyone was in hall waiting for us. I smiled and join the girls. Nighat was sad because she was not going with us as she was bride so she was not allowed to go. badi Maa was also not going because she was staying with Nighat at home.

I saw Kaif coming but his expression really made me feel guilty. I was feeling bad for pushing him back but he didn't leave any choice for me.

"Shall we now??" Baba Jaani said and we all moved and I took my steps toward Agha Jaan because I know what I have to do now.

Kaif's POV.
I was hurt because of her behavior. I know she's angry with me but I wanted her to open up in front of me. If she loves me then she should stop me from taking another girl's name. I wanted her to show me her right on me. She was my wife she should fight for her love for her husband but she was showing me her arrogance and staying far from me.

All the time at dinner I was not in my seses. My all thinking were fixed on her. I wanted to end this. This all separation.

"Kaif." I turn to the voice.

Aasiya was standing in front of me. we just reached home and I was going to my room as I was so tired  from all this.

"I want to tell you something." Aasiya said and I nodded.

"Anaya is tying to escape from here. I heard her talking to Agha Jaan. She was asking permission to go with her dad." Aasiya said and my eyes widened.

"What?? Is she mad??"  I yelled.

"She said she will go with us back after attending this wedding." Aasiya said and that was enough for me.

I walked toward the room where Aasiya was,staying. I know she would be there. This is the limit now. I mean how can she think to leave me and my house. Our home. Our world.

I open the the door and saw her who was seated on bed. She was still in her red frock which was touching her ankles. Matching bangles and jewellery were making her beautiful. She look up and I walk to her. I hold her arm and make her stand

"What are you doing?? Leave me." She tried to free herself but I was going to leave her today.

I pulled her with me and keep walking. She was trying to free herself but I failed her every try and pushed her in our room.

"What you think you are doing?? Why are you escaping from me??" I asked taking step toward her.

"And why are you not getting that I don't want to talk to you. I don't want to be around you. let me go." She said and took steps to leave but I grabbed her arms and pushed her toward the wall.

I pinned her to the wall and put my both hands on either sides of wall to cage her.

"Why are you running from me?" I said looking in her eyes.

"Kaif let me go."  said again.

"Why are you doing this?? You know what I want!  Because you want the same." I said looking at her who smiled.

A smile that didn't reach her eyes.

"Of course I know what you want. Then what are you doing here. Go to her to your Hina. The one you love." She said and I smiled.

"Oh so this all anger is because of her. You heard us right!" I asked and she nodded.

"So Anaya is getting jealous.!?" I said.

"No why would I be jealous." She said while shaking her head.

I could see the wetness of her eyes she was trying to hide.

"And why wouldn't you!! I'm your husband. You have full right to get jealous." I said while touching her lashes which were getting wet.

"Don't...don't do this. Don't play with me again. Just go to your Hina." She said and pushed me back.

I hold her who was about to run from there and again Pinned her with wall.

"Why are you making it so difficult! It hurts when you look at me like this. It hurts to think that it's so easy for you to leave me and our house our world." I said and she look at me.

"It hurts. It really hurts but you didn't leave any choice for me." She said and tried to go again but I hold her to the wall.

"Why can't you see the love in my eyes!? Why are you not understanding that I love you. I love you Anaya." Finally I said which was in my heart.

Anaya's POV.

Why can't you see the love in my eyes!? Why are you not understanding that I love you. I love you Anaya." My eyes widened on his words.

I heard him right??

He said he loves me???

"Is this a joke?? I don't like such jokes. Let me go." I said while pushing him but this time he was not moving but coming more closer.

Two tears stream down on my cheeks and I just keep pushing him back. He hold my hands and pin them on wall.

"This is not a joke. I'm in love with you. I love you and what you heard that day was also true." He said and I look at him confused.

"That day each and every word I said was for you. Actually I was...practicing to propose you with hina." He said and my eyes widened.


He's telling truth??

"And what was that you both did in front of me. Avoiding me all the time and holding her hand and all!?" I asked and he start scratching his head.

"Actually I...I...was trying to make you jealous!" He said and my eyes widened.

"What!!" I yelled.

"Anaya listen I was just...." He tried to say

"Just what? How could you Kaif. I was crying. I was hurt and you were enjoying this.I hate you I really hate you." I said while hitting his chest.

"You hate me?" He asked and I look in his yes.

I pushed him a little back. He faltered.

"Of course I hate you. I hate you. You are very bad." I was crying and pushing him back with every word.

He hold my hands and pulled me in his arms. As I collide with his chest,his lips claim mine and my breath stuck in my throat. He gave me a hard and passionate peck and move  back leaving me breathless. His eyes were fixed on me. His grip tightened around me.

"Say you love me." He said and touched my jaw with his left hand.

"I hate you. I hate...." My words stuck in throat as his lips again touched mine and this time with more passion.

My eyes closed down as I felt his lips moving on mine giving me a passionate kiss. Sensations all I could feel running in my body. My body start heated up. He moved back and we both were out of breath.  I slowly open my eyes to meet his intense gaze. He cupped my face and leaned on me.

"Now say you love me." He asked again.

"I..I....ha..." He put his finger on my lips to stop me from saying.

"Don't... Don't say that you hate me because I know you don't. I want to hear those three words. Or else I won't stop on just kissing you if i  again heard you saying that you hate me." He said while caressing my jaw with his thumb.

I look down and stat biting my lips. His words just make my body more heated up. Heart was running a marathon. I think for a second and then look up. I hold his shirt on his chest and stand on my tip toes. I leaned to his ear.

"Maybe I don't want you to stop on just kissing " I whispered in his ear and turn immediately to other side taking steps far from him.

My heart was beating as hell. What I asked!! What I just said. Anaya you are such a stupid girl. I was accusing myself when all the lights of the room turned off and there was all dark I could see. I turn around to see but I couldn't see anything.

"Kaif." I called him but he didn't answer.

Suddenly a light night bulb turned on. I look at the direction of switches but there was no one.

"Missing me??" An abrupt voice just near my ear and two arms wrapped around my stomach telling me who it was.

My breath start getting uneven as his hold around me tightened. His warm breath was touching my neck and his hot lips were touching my earlobe sending chills to my spine.

"I missed you so much. I missed your fragrance, your feel. Your voice taking my name. I missed you Anaya." His intense voice was making me lost my senses.

My eyes were closed and I was feeling his lips on my neck intensely. My breath was uneven.

"I love you. How badly I wanted to say these words to you. I missed you my life I love you." He was snuggling more in my neck making me breathless.

His hands tighten around me and it was getting harder for me to stop myself. I can't stay far from him. I wanted to hide in his arms. I turned immediately and hugged him tightly. My head was rested on his chest while hands were clutching his shirt tightly in my fist on his back. He hugged me back.

"I love you. I love you Kaif." I said and he hold me more tightly bringing me more closer.

"I love you Kaif. I love you." I said again lost in his arms.

It was feeling so good to confess what is in my heart. What I feel for him is beyond words. I can't explain it. My lips touched his neck and I kissed him. My lips moved to his collarbone kissing him all the way.

He moved a little back and we face each other. His intense gaze was fixed on me and was mine on him.

"Say it again. I'm...I'm not believing on my ears." He said and I saw a tear slipped on his cheek.

He was asking for the believe and I was going to give him believe that I love him and only him.

I cupped his face and tip toe and kissed his tear.

"I love you." I said while kissing his cheeks.

"I love you." I was kissing his face,his eyes,his cheeks,his jaw his chin and with every kiss I was giving him believe that I love him.

"I love you my devil." I kissed his forehead and whispered.

I stopped near his lips. He open his close eyes and our eyes met. Only an inch distance was left between our lips. I could feel my breath ragged and so was his. His arms around my waist pulled me more closer and locked his lips with mine. The passion and desire burned us and we both lost ourselves in the kiss. We were kissing each other passionately until we both were lake of breath and I feel his lips travelling to my face kissing my every feature. My heart beat was increasing and with his every kiss sensations were running in my body and I was completely melting in his arms. His lips start teasing my skin on my neck.

"Kaif." I moaned his name.

My restlessness increased when he start kissing my neck passionately and it was getting hard for me to stand on my feet. But he was not stopping. His hands were roaming on my back,playing with my earrings,running in my hair. I was holding his shirt tightly on shoulders.

"Kaif...I....I...can't stand anymore." I said breathlessly.

But he didn't stop and keep kissing my neck and collarbone.

"Kaif please." I said holding his hair in my fist.

He moved up to my lips and crushed his lips on my lips in a rough and passionate kiss making me groan loudly between the kiss. He keep kissing me and I was holding him from right hand and with other I was playing with his hair. We broke the kiss to take breath. Our eyes met and he picked me in his arms. We were lost in each other's eyes. He gently placed me on the centre of bed and hover over me. Our gaze was,still the same intense. He slowly removed my earrings and my eyes closed down on his burning touch.

"I love you." He whispered on my ear and kissed it.

"Kaif." I moaned his name slowly.

He travelled sweet kisses from my ear to my neck to collarbone and then he moved to my right shoulder removing the sleeve from my shoulder. A slow moan escape from my mouth feeling his intense kisses. His hands were roaming on my waist making me more restless for him. I fisted the bed sheet when his hot lips touched my bare shoulder. His kisses was giving me a new world of sensations. My hands moved to his shoulders and I find him bare. I didn't realize when he removed his shirt. I was so lost in him. He was showering his love on me and I was melting in his arms. I was lost in his touch,his fragrance, in his kisses. This is the world I dreamed of. The one who loved me unconditionally.  And he's really giving me the believe that he loves me. With his every touch every kiss,every breath I was feeling his love. The night was passing him showering his love on me and we were become one. The pain,hurt,tears,distance,separation everything was fading away as we were coming closer to each other and that night I come to know how it feels to be loved.

A/N:: Assalam-o-alikum readers.

How are you??

Please please tell me how was the chapter??

Was it romantic???

Hope you all liked it. It took three days to write this chapter.

Tell me your views and of course your favorite scene?

Do vote.

Thanks for reading.

Till next update Allah Hafiz.

Keep reading...
Keep smiling...

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