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Kaif's POV.
"Kaif." I heard Anaya yelling my name.

"Anaya." I called her name and went out of the room.

As I took two more steps she bumped into me. I hold her from her shoulders. She looked up and I saw a clear line of fear on her face.

"What happened?" I asked worriedly.

"Kaif that...someone on the phone." She said while trembling.

"Shhh..first calm down." I hold her hand.

We walked toward the hall where she attend the phone call. The receiver was hanging down. I picked the receiver and put it near my ear but there was no one on other side.

"There is no one." I said and put the receiver down.

"Please believe me..someone was laughing and..and..." She stopped and I could see fear in her eyes.

"And?" I asked as I went closer to her.

"He was talking rubbish. I'm scared." She said and I just kept looking at her.

My hand went to clean the sweat from her forehead. She was just looking at me with her that big eyes.

"Relax. You don't  have to be scared. I'm here okay." I said and she nodded.

"Come let's have our dinner." I said and took her to the dinning table.

She was holding my arm tightly. I can sense that how scared she was.

She sat on a chair and I bring that tray from the kitchen in which she served the meal. I placed it on table and start eating. But she was not eating.

"I didn't know that the big angry cat also scared of something!" I said to lightened her fear.

"Excuse me! I'm not scared okay." She said and start eating her meal.

I smiled. I actually succeed in diverting her mind.

"Really then who was trembling in fear? Come on how can you be so scared only to listen something on phone!" I teased her.

"Yeah right! That voice was so horrible. I got scared." She said and I chuckled.

"A second ago you were saying that you are not scared and now!" I said while smiling.

"Very funny." She said annoyingly and went to kitchen to keep the utensils.

We both walked toward the room. She took her pillow and put it on couch and lay down. She didn't say anything which was a clear sign of her being  offended .

"Hey so eager to sleep!" I called her but she make an annoying face and turn to other side.

I closed my eyes with smile. Her face not leaving my eyes. I fall asleep with her thoughts.

Anaya's POV.
"Don't be so late or I will sleep and then you will shout." I said while putting pillows on bed.

He turned to me. I straighten myself and look at him.

"Come here." He said and I give him a confuse look.

Is he calling me??


I thought and then look at him who was still looking at me.

"Come Here Rapunzel." He again said as he put the comb on dressing table.

I slowly walked toward him. I don't know why but I like the way he called me. His voice flutter my heart. I stopped in front of him.

"What?" I asked as I came here him.

He didn't say anything but just keep looking at me. I was getting nervous on his gaze. I felt myself melting and I mentally scold myself for feeling this way.

His hand reached my hair and I look up. He slowly open my hair from the clip and spread them on my shoulder.

"Keep your hair open ." He said and my eyes widened.

Am I listening right??

"Why?" I asked looking at him whose fingers were playing with the locks of my hair.

"Just keep them open until I'm here." He said and my eyes  lower down.

No no Anaya you can't feel like this.

He can't make me feel like this!!

I said to myself and removed his hand from my hair and in just a second I tied my hair. He was looking at me confused.

"But I like tie my tie hair." I said and turned.

I just took a step to move but he grabbed my arm and pulled me toward him. I collide with him chest and now I was in his arms. He was holding me tightly. My hands were on his shoulders. My eyes widened.

"What are you doing?? Leave me." I said  as i put my hands on his chest to create some distance between us.

"Ah..uh..Rapunzel don't waste your energy. You are not going to set free so easily." He said and pulled my more closer.

Our faces were so close to each other. I could feel his breath on my face. His eyes were deeply fixed on me. I stop struggling. I just kept looking at him.

"So what were you saying?" He said while his hand touched the strand of my hair.

Stop him Anaya!

His hand reached the bun of my hair and he open my hair.

"Stop looking at me like this.I know I'm very handsome." He said while he brushed his finger on my nose.

I came to my senses and saw him smirking.I pushed his hand back.

"Who said you are handsome? Have you ever seen yourself? devil" I said.

But I knew I was lying. He was so damn handsome. His that deep eyes which can caught anyone to lost in them. His that smile which can flutter anyone's heart and most of it his attitude and the way he walk everything about him was attractive. Everything was perfect making him more handsome.

"Really!Devil huh! Don't change your words okay." He said and spun me to the mirror.

I was facing mirror and I saw his reflection behind me. His hand reached my belly and he hugged me from behind. I was so lost in watching him that I didn't realise that he was coming more closer to me. He put his chin on my shoulder and i look up in mirror.

"So! What you say now?" He asked but I just kept looking at him.

Our eyes were fixed on each other. I was not able to move. I was liking it. The hold of his on me. The way he was talking to me. The feel of his touch was making me feel strange feelings.
My heart skip its beat on his gaze.
We were looking so perfect, so beautiful together.

"We are looking beautiful together." His voice shiverer me and a blush came on my cheeks.

"Sir breakfast is ready." It was uzma's voice which bring us out from our world.

He was not moving. I tried to free myself but he was not letting me.
I look up in mirror and he was watching me.

"Kaif leave me." I said still trying to unfold his hands.

"Say it again." He said and I look at him confused.

"What?" I asked as I put my hands on his hands.

"My name. Call me again." He said and whiffed in my ear.

I shivered and turn a little to look at him.

"Kaif." I suddenly said his name.

"Again." He said while his hand reached my face and turn it fully toward him.

"Kaif." I called his name again.

I don't know what I was doing. I was just liking it calling his name again and again.

He smiled and my eyes lower down with strange feeling. My heart was running fast. And then I felt his lips on my forehead which make my heart to skip its beat. My eyes were closed. He kissed my forehead and I felt strange sensations in my body. I open my eyes to see him who was already looking at me. My face flushed red with blush.

What I'm doing?

How he is developing these feelings in me..??

"Ma'am breakfast." We heard knock on door and then uzma's voice.

"Kaif you are getting late." I said looking at him.

He removed his hands from me and I moved from there and almost run out without looking at him. My heart was beating so fast. I sat on a chair waiting for him. I saw him coming.  He sat and we both start having our breakfast without looking at each other. After the moments we shared in the room none of us was talking. I was still feeling his touch on my body. Mt heart was fluttering. I wanted him to say something to fade this awkwardness but he was all silent.

"I'll be home soon." He said as he got up from his chair and took his files and coat. I saw him putting his mobile in his pocket.

He look at me for once and then went out without saying anything.

I almost run after him to see him. I don't know why I did that but I just wanted to see him. I saw him going to his car. He turned and look at me. I just kept looking at him without saying anything. I wanted to stop him.


I didn't know the answer. He waved bye and a huge smile appear on my face. I waved him too and he sat in car.  The driver drove the cat out and I went in my room just thinking about him.

What is he doing to me?? What is happening inside me?? What I'm feeling?? What,are these feelings??

I asked all these question to myself but no answer. I took my sketch note out and took my pencil and start drawing. My hands were moving rapidly while a smile was not leaving my lips.

After half an hour  my sketch was complete. I was looking at the sketch I made. It was me and kaif. The morning moment was in front of me. I sketched a mirror in which our reflecting was visible. His hold was the same as he was holding me in morning. Our eyes were closed. His lips were on my forehead kissing me. My hair were touching his face.I smiled looking at the sketch and put today's date.

After thinking for a second I took my pencil again and wrote at the corner.

The most handsome devil kissed his Rapunzel.

I smile as I read what I wrote. I put my sketch note in my drawer. I was about to watch TV when a I heard phone ringing.

It must be kaif.

I thought and run out of the room. As I receive the call my hands were shivering with excitement. I don't why I was waiting for his call.

"Hello." I said trying to hide my excitement.

"Anaya my love." I heard him again.

That voice I heard last night on phone. It was the same.

"who...who are you?" I asked

"Love you can forget me but not me. I'm coming." He said and I cut the call.

My hands were trembling. My forehead was fully sweat. I sat on sofa and trying to control my breath which was uneven because of fear.  After 10 minutes again phone start ringing. I picked the receiver with trembling hands.

"Hel..lo" I stammered.

"Love why are you scared? You should happy that I'm coming to take you with me." Again the same voice.

I put the receiver without listening him any further. What should I do?? Who is he??

I went to my room and sat on bed thinking about the call. My body was shivering in fear. I again heard the phone ringing but this time it was the phone which was placed in my room. I took the receiver and put it slowly on my ear.

"Anaya don't you dare to cut this call again." Again that voice which make me shiver more in fear.

"I told you you are mine. I'm just waiting for the time when you will be here near me in my arms and then no one can stop me from making you mine. I'm coming love to take you." He was saying and I was trembling in fear.

I put the receiver down and start crying in fear. I didn't know what to do? Who was he? And why was he after me?? 

Whole day passed and in every half an hour he called and talked all these rubbish and distasteful things to me. I was trembling in fear. I had no one to share my problem. I was scared. I put my hand in my ears as I again heard the ring of the phone.

Kaif's POV.
All the morning moments didn't leave me all day. I just wanted to see her. What I did in morning was totally not my plan. I just wanted to tease her and to fight with her but I don't know how and why I pulled her closer to me. I was feeling her in  my arms so close to me.

I saw our reflection in mirror and my heart smiled. I forgot everything everyone. I didn't think what I was doing. I just wanted to see her. When  she called my name I love it. That time I even don't want to remember Hina. I kissed her forehead which gives me happiness. I freed her but this was first time when  I didn't regret what I did.   All day my thinking was roaming around her. It was 8 of night when I drove to home. My heart was beating. I was so eager to see her.

I entered in hall and find no one was there. Not even servants. Anaya was also not there. There was all silence in the house..

Maybe she fall asleep.

So soon??

I thought and walked toward my room. As I opened the door of my room I saw only darkness. I turned on the lights and the first thing I saw was Anaya. She was sitting on ground. Her arms were wrapped around her knees hugging them. Her body was fully sweat. She was shivering.

"Anaya." I called her as i took one step toward her.

She looked up and our eyes met. I saw a relieve on her face.

"Kaif." She said and in the next second she run toward me.

She hugged me as she came near me. She was crying badly and trembling. I was not understanding what happened to her.

"Anaya what happened??" I said as I caress her back to calm her down.

But she didn't stop. She was crying and crying holding me tightly.

"Stop now Anaya. Please tell me what happened?" I asked and pulled her back to see her.

Her face was wet with tears. Fear was visible on her face. She hold my shirt tightly. She looked up and I saw her eyes redden. She was crying for past many hours.

"What happened?" I asked and cupped her face.

"That.. That call..last night...again.." She was saying and I was not getting her.

Her long hair were spread on her shoulders and some on her back. Her red eyes was fixed on me and fear was visible on her face.

"Shhh...calm down. Come here." I said and took her toward the bed.

I make her sit and give her water to drink. She drink the water but tears were still falling down on her cheeks. I wipe her tears and turned her toward me. She was still holding the sleeve of my shirt.

"Now tell me. What happened?" I asked looking at her who was looking so pale and weak in just few hours.

"Last night I told you someone call and was talking rubbish. Since morning when you left he again start calling and was saying distrustful things to me. " she said and I kept listening her.

"What was he saying?" I asked because I wanted to know.

"He was disgusting. " she said and was crying.

"Tell me Anaya what he said." I asked angrily.

"He said you are mine Anaya. I'm...i'm coming to take you and many more. I don't  want to say it."she said and start crying again.

Who the hell is he??

My anger was increasing but now for her I have to control my rage. Whoever he is I'm not gonna let him go easily.

"Hey listen look at me." I asked and cupped her face made her look at me.

"Don't think anything. I'm here okay. Nothing will happened to you." I said looking in her eyes.

"What if he really came and took me? I'm scared kaif." She said as she hold my hands tightly.

"No one can take you away from me. You are my wife. Whoever he is he will pay for this." I said and took her tear on my finger.

"Don't be scared. I told only would have one devil in your life." I said and she looked at me confused.

"Me." I said and she smiled.

She hugged me and I hugged her back. She was sobbing but I could feel her getting relaxed.

"He won't come na?" She asked like a kid and I smiled.

"I won't let him come closer to you." I said while hugging her tightly.

"Promise." She asked while holding me tightly.

"Promise." I said but I still was feeling her tears falling.

"Stop crying now." I said as we parted from each other.

I wipe her tears and she was just looking at me.

"Look what you have done to my favourite shirt??" I said and start cleaning my shirt only to tease her.

She slapped my arm and I look up in shock.

"You are worried for your this stupid shirt not for me?" She said and slapped my arm again.

I laughed and wipe that little tears from her face.

"Don't be scared. I like this fighter Anaya not the one  who scared and cry." I said looking in her eyes.

She didn't say anything but just kept looking at me.

"Won't mind to have dinner with your poor husband who is starving." I said trying to cheer her up.

And I got what I was looking for. Her smile. She smiled and a peace run in my body. Gosh! I really wanted to see her like this. Smiling and happy.

"Give me 5 minutes." She said and I nodded.

She went in washroom while I took my T-shirt and trouser out. I heard phone ringing. I look at the washroom door which was closed.I slowly went to pick the call.

"Hey love missing me??  I'm missing you too. I'm coming soon love to make you mine." I heard as I received the call.

My blood start boiling. My rage reached on its peak. Who was he talking like this about my wife??

"Who are you?" I asked controlling my anger.

"Oh Mr.kaif is here. Listen you bast**d she's mine. Anaya is mine. I will kill you first and then I will take her with me." He said and before I could say anything he cut the call.

I start roaming in room restlessly. My rage was not ending. Who was he talking like this?? He even knows me??

I went near the phone and note the number from which he called. I dialed a number.

"Hello yes I want you to find about this number. " I said and give number to my personal detective.

I cut the call and turned where she was standing in her pink shirt pair with white shalwar and white dupatta. Her hair were open spread on her shoulders and back.I smiled looking at her. She came close to me.

"Go freshen up. I'll bring your dinner here." She said and I nodded.


I was waiting for her and then I saw her entering the room with tray in her hands. She put it on table and we both start having our dinner. I was again and again looking at her who was still feeling scared. Her eyes were again and again looking at the phone.

I swear if I got to know who he is I'm not gonna leave him. He has to pay for what he did. How dare he to threatened her like this??

He has to pay for making her cry. For her every tear I will make his every breath painful. I'm not gonna leave him.

We both had our dinner and I saw her taking her pillow...

"Um..I think you should sleep here today. I can sleep on couch." I said but she didn't move.

I went to her and hold her hand. I bring her to bed and make her lay. She was not saying anything but was lookong at me.I covered her with blanket and turned to go but she hold my hand.

"Please don't go." She said and a tear slipped from her eye.

"What happened?" I asked looking at her.

"I'm  scared.what if he call again?? I'm scared." She said and two more tears slipped from her eyes.

I sat on bed. She was looking at me.

"You sleep I'm here okay." I said but she was not satisfied.

I put my arm around her head and put my legs on bed half laying with her. She turned a little to me and her head touched my chest.

"You won't go?" She asked and I shake my head.

"I won't go. You don't need to be scared because I'm here with you. And no one can harm you until I'm alive.  I'm here and will always be here to protect you." I said looking at her while my hand was caressing her cheek.

"If he again calls then?" She asked.

"I'm gonna find him and smack him down." I said and she smiled.

"Now sleep."  I said looking at her eyes which were fixed on me.

"You won't go right?" She asked and I smiled.

"I won't go" I said and removed the strand of hair from her temple.

"Promise." She asked and I nodded my head.

"Promise." I said and she  smiled.

I start running my fingers in her hair and playing with her hair. She was just looking at me. Her eyes closed as she got relaxed. I kept my fingers running in her hair.  She drown into deep sleep but I was not able to. How on this situation?? This was the first time we were so close to each other like this. She was here next to me laying. Her breath was fanning my chest. Her hand was placed on my chest. She didn't mind having me so close to her and why I didn't mind??

Why I'm feeling myself helpless when I came near to her?

Why I couldn't stop myself from caring about her??

I lay down and she turned fully toward me. I feel her head on my chest and I look at her.  I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her more closer to me.

Gosh! What is this??

What these feelings are? Why I'm liking this so Much? Why??

She snuggled more in me and I felt my heart was jumping in happiness. Her fragrance was overwhelming me. My heart was running fast. A peace was running in my body having her in my arms.

I closed my eyes and fade my all thinking away. I just wanted to live in this moment. In which she is with me,here close to me. The peace I was feeling in my heart I never felt before. Her breath on my neck was tingling my heart. I smiled and close my eyes.


I open my eyes as the sun rays touched my face. I saw her sleeping next to me in my arms. At the same time she opened her eyes and our eyes met. She got up immediately and I also. She was not looking at me. There was awkward silence between us.

"Um..I.. I'm going to freshen up." She said and jump out of the bed.

I again fall on bed. Her fragrance was still here. I could feel her warmth on my body. I smiled thinking about her.

My mobile start ringing and that pulled me out from her thoughts. I check the caller and received it.

"Hello yes okay I'll be there soon." I cut the call and saw her coming out in her red long shirt paired with churi pajama.

Her long wet hair were hanging on her one shoulder. I just stole a glimpse of her and got up to get ready. I open the wardrobe and start checking my clothes while I heard her bangle voice. I look at her who was wearing bangles. I never saw bangles in her hands but now she was wearing and I was liking their voice.

I went to get ready because I wanted to reach somewhere. I came out after shower and find that she was nowhere. I went out of the room when I was completely ready. I saw her placing juice on table. She look at me and then again lower her eyes. We both sit and start having our breakfast. I look at her who was busy in having her breakfast. The awkward silence was still there between us. I wanted to hear her voice. I wanted to fade this silence.

"Ahhhh." I shouted and she look up.

I hold my neck and start breathing heavily.

"Kaif.what happened?" She said and in the next second she was  right behind me caressing my back.

"What happened?" She again asked and I could  see the worrieness in her eyes.

I laughed and she look at me confused. She touched my neck and I was still laughing. And here again I got another slap from my wife.

"You idiot what you were doing? You scared me." She said and turn to go.

"Oh so Rapunzel again got scared?" I said and she turned with narrowed eyes.

"Don't  you dare Mr.kaif to do this again." She warned me and I smiled.

"Yeah right like I will do what you will say huh! Please." I said and again start eating bread.

She snatched the bread from my hand and I was shocked. I turned to her.

"You are not going to have breakfast until you say sorry for what you did." She said and start eating my piece of bread.

"Huh! Sorry and I impossible." I said and got up.

I took my jacket and walk toward the door.

"Kaif." I heard her and I turned to see her who was running toward me.

"At least eat your breakfast." She said.

"You have it." I said and turned to go but again turned as I remembered something.

"Come here." I said as I hold her hand and walked toward our room.

"Here take this. Don't receive any call from landline number. If you want to talk to me then there is my number in this mobile. If I have to contact you then I will call you on this number. No calls should be received from the landline phone." I was telling her as I gave her my mobile and she took it.

"Okay you understand?" I asked her and she nodded.

"And one more thing don't go out. Stay in home." I said and then she again nodded.

"Don't be scared. If you feel scared just call me but from this mobile." I said and she just kept looking at me.

I saw her hair open. Today she didn't tie her hair. I smiled and suddenly I leaned on her face and kissed her forehead.

"Bye take care." I said and went out of the room.

I doubled the security of the house and instruct the guard to stay alert. My detective told me that the number was of some local criminal. I went to check all the details.  I send some of my men to find that man. In two hours he was in front of me.

"So why were you calling again and again to my wife??" I asked looking at him.

"It wasn't me." He said and I punch him on his face.

"Tell me the truth." I asked ad I grabbed his collar.

"My friend took my mobile and now he is using my number." He said and I nodded.

"Address." I asked for the address of his friend which he gave immediately.

I again send my men to find that man as soon as possible.  I went to my office and start doing my work but my all attention was on her. I took my mobile out and dialed her number.

"Assalam-o-Alikum." I heard her voice and I smiled.

"Wasalam. What are you doing?" I asked imagining  her .

"I'm in a park with uzma." She said and I alerted.

"Park what park? I told you not to go out and where are you now?" I asked immediately.

"Relax I'm in a park which is nearby our home. I was feeling so bore so I thought to have a walk here." She said and I palmed my face in anger.

.such a stupid girl.

"Anaya I told you not to go out. Go back immediately." I said as I took my car keys.

"Kaif I'm..." I heard her last words and then she was not there.

"Hello Anaya.hello!" I called her again and again but no answer.

I cut the call and again dialed the number but no one was receiving the call. I went out of my office still dialing her number but no answer. I drove the car and reached the spot in twenty minutes. There was no one in the park. I look around to find something someone but no one was there. I dialed again her number and I heard the phone ringing. I went to the direction and saw her mobile on ground. 

Anaya where are you??

I look around to find her. I saw uzma laying there unconscious. I went near her and try to wake her up but she was faint.  My mobile start ringing and I received the call.

"What are you looking for??? She's here with me." I heard his voice and my whole world shatter
In fear.

"Who are you?? Where is she?" I yelled.

My heart was about to stop. She was far from me. I failed in protecting her.

"She's with me obviously she's mine. And now you will never see her again." He said and cut the call.

My mind was again and again recalling his words.

You will never see her again!!

"Anaya." I whispered her name.

A/N:: Assalam-o-Alikum readers.

After a long time a long chapter. Hope you enjoyed.
So what you think about the chapter?

I like the romance blooming in kaif and Anaya but what will kaif
When Anaya is far from him?? How will he rescue her??

Tell me your favourite scene of this chapter. I hope you guys enjoy it.

Please avoid grammer mistakes if you find any!

Till next update Allah Hafiz.

Keep reading...
Keep smiling...

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