Knock on heart

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Anaya's POV.
Its been a month I was bearing his torture. He didn't change. I really wanted to spit my all anger on him now. One more time he tortured me,and I will not bear this time. I decided and walked toward room. He was laying on bed using his mobile. He looked at me but I ignored him. I went to my wardrobe and select my dress to dressed was Sunday and I was working like a bull in kitchen preparing his favourite dishes after all the cleaning of the house. Mama and baba Jaan didn't came to see us. I was very sad. He filled my each day with tears. He killed my all hopes,of a happy family.

I took a shower to relax myself. I came out and find him in same position. I comb my hair and left them open as they were wet. I spread my hair on my back and turned to him.

"Lunch.!" I asked as I reached near him.

He got up and walked outside. I followed him. I knew he was going to the dinning hall. I reached dinning hall and he was already there. I went inside kitchen and start serving food on table. He was looking at me. I was feeling his eyes on me. He didn't touch food and I know i have to serve his plate also. I slowly served his lunch and I sat in front of him. He start eating his lunch and I start mine.

After having our lunch I walked toward my room. I was planning to have some rest. My eyes and head were paining as hell. As I stepped in the room,I saw him coming too. I didn't bother to pay attention on him. I calmly lay down on bed and closed my eyes.

I was about to doze off when I heard something fall. I opened my eyes and find him standing in front of wardrobe throwing everything out.

Not again..!

These were the words came in my mind. My head was hurting a lot. It was difficult for me to keep my eyes open.

"What..what are you doing?" I asked as i put my one hand on my head.

He turned to me and I saw his red eyes. The dangerous expression which scared me.I got up and went toward him.

"How dare you to change the side of my clothes??" He shouted.

I took two steps back in fear. He took one step closer. He hold my arms and pulled me toward him.

"Leave me." I tried to free myself.

His finger were pinned harder in my arms. My eyes were closed. The headache was increasing. And the pain he was giving me was making me more weak. My legs were feeling weak to make me stand any further. A tear slipped from my eye.

"Kaif please you are hurting me." I said still with close eyes.

I tried to stop the hiccups but it was hard because I was hurt. My heart was crying.

"How you change the side my clothes in the wardrobe?. Did you asked me??" He yelled.

I was feeling his eyes on me. His breath was burning my face. I tried to open my eyes but as I tried a wave of pain stopped me and I again closed my eyes.

"I'm...I'm sorry. I'll fixed it later.please" I said.

"Now you have to fix it now." He said and I nodded.

I wanted to cry a lot. I wanted to yell at him but I took the sip the tolerance. He leave me and I slowly open my eyes and as I did my head start paining more. Tears were rolling down on my cheeks. I didn't look at him. He went to bed and I start cleaning the wardrobe. I was feeling someone caught my heart in his fist. The headache was increasing.I slowly put his clothes on his side and mine on other side. I fixed everything on its place. I turned to him and he was still there looking at me. My body was shivering. I was feeling my legs trembling. My eyes were swollen because of the headache and crying. I was feeling their redness. I walked towards the washroom and start washing my face. With the water my tears were also steaming down on my face. I came out and find that he was nowhere. I almost Fall on bed. I closed my eyes. My body was paining a lot. I doze off into sleep.

****** ****
I slowly moved my head and tried to open my eyes. I felt my head so heavy. I slowly got up and looked at the clock. It was 7 of evening.

'Oh Allah." These were the first word came out of my mouth.

I removed the blanket I had on me. I remember I didn't took blanket then how?? But I let this go for now and run out of the room to see him.

He'll be mad on me for sleeping so much. I looked around but didn't find him. I came out of the house and there he was. He was walking in lawn thinking about something. I took a breath of relieve I don't know why. I walked toward him. He looked at me and start coming toward me.

"Tea?" I asked and he nodded.

He was looking at me without blinking and I was not able to move. I was feeling my foot stuck on ground.

I almost pull myself toward the house and start making tea for him. My body was still feeling weak to stand. I thought I was going to have a fever. I make a stronge tea for myself and for him the way he likes. With a lot of milk and sugar. I walked out with tea cups and find him in hall watching TV. I gave him his cup of tea while I start having mine. He was searching TV while sipping his tea.

I looked at him for waiting to give some order but he didn't utter a word. I slowly went inside and start preparing dinner. As I finished I called him for dinner. We both had our dinner in peaceful atmosphere. I was amazed on him. He was not saying anything. Not complaining, no demanding no orders. He never let me have my dinner peacefully and now he was eating all quite without saying anything. He finished his meal and rushed toward his room. I washed utensils. I was placing all the utensils on their place when I heard again something fall harder.

Devil is awake..!

I thought and run toward the voice. Continuously I was hearing something falling on ground. I went in room but he was not there. I heard the voice again and it was coming from the study room. I walked toward the study.

As I stepped in my mouth opened in shock. I looked at him in disbelieve. He was looking at me angrily.

"What is this??" I asked as I look at the whole study.

All the book racks were empty because he threw all the books on the ground. His files were laying here and there in study room.

"What is this kaif??" I asked looking in his eyes.

"Clean it." He ordered it.

My eyes widened. I looked at him.and then at room where a mess was created and he created,it. I know on purpose only to torture me.

"Huh! Excuse me?" I asked still not believing.

"Yes,you heard me right. Clean it in half an hour."he again ordered.

I closed my eyes to calm myself. I felt his hand on mine and I open my eyes.

"What are you waiting for? Hurry up." He said and pushed me toward the mess.

I turned to see him. He looked at me. My all tolerance was fading away. I really wanted to shout at him. Really wanted to tell him that he was a devil with his every act.

"Don't give me that look. Hurry up. I want to see my study clean." He said and smirked

I really wanted to snatch his smirke and throw it away.

"Hurry up. I don't like to repeat myself." He said and that was enough for me.

He turned to go but I grabbed his hand and turned him to face me. He looked at me confused but now I cannot let him torture me more.

"What you think I'm huh?? Your maid?? Or your puppet?? I'm your wife damn it. Why are you doing all this?? I know you didn't want to marry me but its not my fault too. You know from which family we belong. Girls are,not allowed to say anything. They don't have any right on their own lives too. If my baba and your dad tied us in this marriage then where I'm on mistake? What is my fault? If you being a boy couldn't say no then how you were expecting me to say no.? You trully said that you will create hell in my life and now I'm living it . you prove it you are a devil. You don't care anything and about anyone but of your happiness." I was saying and he was looking at me with widened eyes.

My tears were falling on my face. I paused and cried. I looked at him.

"Since The day I came here you start your torture but I didn't say anything.I thought you will one day realize that you are doing wrong. You will understand me but no I was wrong. You were you are and you will be always remain a devil. I'm more angrier than you are but I controlled my anger on every step but you are not going to understand. Now I'm saying no to your every work. I will not do anything you will say. Got it." I said firmly looking in his eyes.

He tried to speak but I stopped him.

"Don't don't say a whatever you want but I'm not going to bear,your torture now. Don't try to force me to do anything. What you thinking of yourself huh!! King of somewhere?? Listen don't you dare to talk to me like this again and I'm not going to listen your orders. " I said.

"You completed?." He asked looking at me and I felt a relief on his face.

"No not yet. I'm not going to clean your study. I'm not your maid. I'm your wife. I'm not going to bear your this behavior now. You.." I was saying but my words stuck in my throat.

I was shocked on his act. The devil hugged me. My eyes were open widely. I looked at him who was holding me tightly in his arms.

Kaif's POV.
"No not yet. I'm not going to clean your study.I'm not your maid. I'm your wife. I'm not going to bear your this behavior now. You.." She was saying and I couldn't control myself.

I pulled her in my arms and hugged her tightly. Gosh!! I really wanted to see her like this. The same Anaya who fights who never listen to anyone. I smiled hugging her. The happiness was overwhelming me.

The day I start torturing her. She remain quite. I wanted her to shout but she didn't. I only wanted to tease her and when on the dinning table I pulled her toward me I couldn't stop myself from kissing her forehead. Her fragrance was making me crazy. When I kissed her the peace and happiness I felt in my heart was indescribable and here my inner fight starts.

How could I do this?? How she can make me feel this which I never felt?

No this cannot be happened??

I won't let her to do such things with me. In all my inner frustration I start torturing her hurting her. But she was making me more mad and angrier because she was not yelling at me. She was bearing all what I was saying. I wanted her shout and spit her anger out but she was not saying anything. I wanted her to open her heart. Her anger should come out.but she was quite which was making me more mad and angry.
I kept torturing her in hope that one day she will stop bearing my torture.

In noon I saw her. She was not feeling good. I was feeling guilty. But she has to bring her anger out and for that I messed all the wardrobe. I could see her eyes were red and she had a headache and all this was because she was not letting herself to speak up.she was controlling her anger hate and frustration which I really don't want her to do. But here again she calmly and patiently did her work and I couldn't handle this. I ran out of the room. Her body was shivering. I saw her cheeks red. Maybe she was having a fever. I went inside the room and find her on bed with her legs on ground.

I went to her and make her lay comfortablely on bed. I covered her body with blanket. Her head was moving here and there. She was having a headache which was disturbing her.I sat near her on bed and start running my fingers in her hair to give her relieve. I was enjoying it. I smiled looking at her. She was peacefully sleeping. I don't know what happened to me that I leaned toward her and kissed her forehead.

"I'm Missing you my angry cat." I said and smile on my own words.

I went out of the room and went directly in my painting room. I took off my jacket and throw it aside. I was feeling so restless and frustrate. I was hating myself for my act. For my behaviour. I was hating myself for what I was doing . I was hurting her I know but I wanted to see the same side of her as she was before.

Why do I care???

Why I'm doing all this??

My subconscious said and I stopped where I was. That was true why I was missing her fighting mood.?? Why I wanted to see her red angry nose .?? Why even I was thinking about her?? Why??

Am I falling for her??

No no this can't happened!!

I start roaming here and there. Too many questions were running in my mind. I was not accepting what my heart was saying. I can't Fall for her. I'm just...just..

And I was stopped on word just?? I didn't know the answer. I can't name the feelings I felt.

Why do I like to fight with her??

Why I want her to behave the way she used to??

No no I can't let her effect me?? I can't let myself to drawn in her. In her thoughts.

I took the brushes and took a new canvas. I took out colours and start painting whatever comes in my mind.

I hate you Anaya and I hate myself.

Why are you effecting me so much???

I was continuously saying and start painting her face on the huge canvas. My hands were moving faster and mind was looking only and only her face. In front of my eyes it was just her.

I hate your eyes which pulled me toward you!!

I whispered as I painted her eyes. My fingers moved to paint her nose.

I hate your nose which makes you more beautiful with its redness.

I start painting her lips and my hand froze. I just kept looking at the outline of her lips in front of me.

I hate your lips through which you called my name and I loved it.

I hate myself for loving the words spill from your lips.

I again started and my hands were busy in making her face on the canvas. I start painting her hair and my eyes were froze when I completed the hair.

I hate your hair which makes my heart flutter.

I completed. I looked at the face which I painted. My eyes were stuck on her face.

I hate you for making me feel all this.

I hate you for making my heart to skip its thousand beats.

I said and rushed out of the room. I washed my hand and went out in lawn. I kept walking and my mind was only thinking about Anaya.

I saw her coming toward me and my foots moved toward her. She asked me of having tea and I nodded. We both were sitting in hall. I was searching channels on tv and she was also there. I was feeling her eyes on me. I wanted her to say something. I wanted her to broke her silence. And to bring her out from her silence I start throwing all books on ground. Her silence was killing me. She came inside and I showed the devil side of mine. Here I succeed. She spit her anger out.

I was watching her. She was crying and yelling at me. I was just listening her. I couldn't control myself and i just hugged her. As my body touched her our heart met with each other I felt a peace run in my body. In all these what I was missing and wanted was this peace and here just holding her in my arms bring that peace to my heart. I smiled and inhale her fragrance.

"I missed you." I whispered.

She was still shock. But i didn't leave her.

"Kaif." She said but I didn't leave her.

I felt her arms around my shoulders hugging me back and she start crying. I let her cry. I touched her hair. I pulled back to see her. She was still crying.

"Why are you crying now?" I asked and she looked up.

"You made me cry." She said while crying.

I stopped my smile and make a serious face. She looked at me with the same dare in her eyes. She was back. The same fighter and angrier Anaya.

"Who will clean this study now??" I asked as I folded my arms on my chest.

"I don't know. But one thing is confirm I'm not going to do it now. You can't force me to do anything now." She said and walked out.

I smiled happily. I followed her and we both reached our room. She didn't look at me and I took my mobile. I went out in balcony and dialed a number.

Anaya's POV.
My heart was still beating fast. I was still feeling myself in his arms. The warmth of his embrace was still around me. My heart was fluttering and shivering. I looked at him who was talking to someone. I went to washroom and washed my face. I look up in mirror and find the image of me and him hugging each other.

Gosh Anaya what you did?? Why did I hug him back??

What is happening to me??

Why are you beating so fast???

I said as I put my hand on my heart. Whatever I was feeling,I decided not to express it. I don't want him to know that he start effecting me.

I came out of the washroom and bring some meal for me. I was again feeling hungry. When I fight or cry my appetite increases. I start eating biryani when he came closer to me.

"You start eating without me? But we just had our dinner a half an hour ago." He asked and I just shrugged my shoulders.

I put another spoon of rice in my mouth and concentrate on my meal. I was showing him that I really don't care if he ate or not but in reality it was hard for me to eat without him.I know he did his dinner but still I was not feeling good eating without him. In this whole month I used to eat with him and now without him I felt my all appetite gone. But I pretended that I'm enjoying my meal. He grabbed my plate and I looked up in shock.

."what the hell are you doing??" I yelled don't know why.

Maybe on my inner situation. The feelings developing inside me were irritating me.

"you didn't asked me and start eating without me. How dare you??" He asked with angry face.

He again started!

But not this time.

I stand in front of him.I tried to grab my plate but he was not letting me.

"Give me my plate." I said as I went closer to him.

I kept trying to reach my plate but he was not giving me.

"Kaif." I yelled.

"Yes Rapunzel." He said and smile devilishly.

"If you want to eat then go get your food not mine. Now give me my plate." I said but he shook his head and start eating from my plate.

"You." I said and run after him.

He was running to save himself from me and I was behind him to catch him. He place plate on table and turned to me. I was about to reach him when he run out. I followed him.and as I stepped out he throw a glass of water on my face. I was shocked. I looked at him. He came near me.

"Stop doing all this Rapunzel. I'm the best you know." He said and winked at me.

He went inside the room and I was still there in shock. I touched my face and wet hair. My anger start boiling.

This is too much you monster!!

I turned to my room fully angered. I saw him eating peacefully. I went near the table and picked the jug. He was not looking at me. I stand in front of him. He looked at me confused and I smiled innocently.

I leaned toward his face. His eyes were in front of me deeply engrave in my eyes.

"You should stop messing up with me." I said and in the next second I pour the jug full of water on his head and face.

He was shocked. I smiled mischievously. He open his eyes and looked at me. I raised my both eyebrows to tease him. I laughed looking at his wet face and hair.

"You." Kaif yelled and that was the time for me to run.

I place the jug on table and almost run. He was after me. I was running around bed and he was trying to catch me.

"You are going to pay for this." He said while chasing me.

"Catch me first." I said and tried to run out.

I was near the door when he grabbed my arm and pulled me toward him. I collide with him and we both couldn't maintain our balance and in next second we were on floor. I was on top of him. It took few seconds to realize in which position we were. I tried to get up but he pulled me more closer to him. His one hand was around on my waist.

"Leave me." I said and looked up in his eyes.

I stopped where I was. His eyes were deeply fixed on me. His other hand reached my face and he hold the strand of my hair in his fingers. He pulled a little and my face leaned more closer to him.

I wanted to say something. I wanted to yell. I wanted to free myself but he just captured me in his eyes and I forget that I hate this man. How I let him coming closer to me.

He spun me on ground and now he was on top of me. He didn't avert his eyes nor I. I was not able to. His hand reached my face and start caressing my cheek with his thumb. I didn't stop him.

"You really like to fight with me don't you?" He broke the silence and I came out the trance of his eyes.

I put my hands on his chest to move him back but he was so stronger for me to move.

"Move." I said and he leaned more closer.

His wet hair were touching my forehead. I was getting nervous on his nearness. My heart was beating so fast and I was feeling it will come out.

Before he could say or do anything his mobile rang. He came out of the trance and straighten himself. I got up and went inside the washroom to hide myself.

As I stepped in washroom I put my hand on my heart to stop its faster beats but it was impossible. My heart was running more faster just to think about him.

Stop Anaya what is happening to you??

I scold myself but my heart was not in my control. I took deep breaths to calm myself. I came out and try to behave normal. He was nowhere in the room. I took my pillow and lay on couch. I closed my eyes and his face flashed on the curtains of my eyes. I open my eyes immediately.

Go away.

Leave me alone.

I said frustrated imagining him. I closed my eyes. I felt him coming in the room. I didn't open my eyes. I was feeling his eyes on me. My palms were getting sweaty. My heart beat was increasing.

I turn to other side to hide myself from his eyes. My body was burning just to think about him. He was increasing my heart beat.
I closed my eyes tightly and fall asleep.

Kaif's POV.
She was really testing me. Her every move was making me crazy for which I was scolding myself. Why I was liking to tease her?. Why I wanted her to talk to me,to fight with me.? All the chase and water game we played in our room was the time which I really enjoyed. I just wanted to stay with her like this and this thing was killing me.

Why I was thinking her??

What is she doing to me??

I'm pulled toward her unknowingly.

I don't want this stupid kind of feeling inside my heart which makes my heart beat faster when I came near her.

I was roaming here and there in lawn just thinking about a few minutes ago moments. I was so closed to her. Her eyes,her nose,her lips and her wet hair everything was making me crazy. I was lost in her when Hina's call bring me out of this hypnotism.

I went out and start talking to her. She was talking about her fiance and their wedding preparation while I was still in those big eyes. My mind was still recalling all the moments we shared. I was not listening her but my heart and mind was just thinking about her.

"Kaif are you listening??" Hina asked.

"Rapunzel." I whispered.

"Huh! Excuse me." She said and I without hearing her other word cut the call and run to my room.

I even forget that she was Hina. I was talking to Hina the girl whom I wanted to marry. Even she was calling me but my all concentration was fixed on Anaya.

As I entered in room I saw her laying on couch. Her eyes were shivering mean she was pretending to sleep. I smiled and sat on my bed. But my eyes were fixed on her. She was feeling my eyes on her. That's why she turned to other side to hide herself from me. I smiled and fall on bed. I start staring the roof of my room. I was only thinking about her. Her thoughts were bringing a huge smile on my face. With her thoughts I fall asleep.

Anaya's POV.
Sun rays touched my face. My eyes opened and I look around. He was still in sleep. I decided to take shower. I got ready hurriedly. I made a messy bun of my wet hair and went down to prepare breakfast. As I stepped in hall my eyes widened. All maids were there. The cleaner was cleaning the house. I went in kitchen and saw uzma preparing breakfast.

"Assalam-o-Alikum ma'am." She said as she saw me.

"What are you doing here? Kaif will shouted again if he saw you here. Go before he come here." I said looking at her.

"But ma'am sir called us yesterday night. He ordered us to come to our work so we all came." She said and I was shocked and confused.

I nodded and went to my room. He was not on bed. He might be getting ready. I waited for him. He came out of the washroom while rubbing his hair with towel. He looked at me for once and again was busy in drying his hair. He was again shirtless. He went near the wardrobe and took his shirt out. He wear his shirt and start combing his hair.

"You called uzma back?" I asked as I step closer to him.

I stopped near him. He turned and look at me. He nodded.

"Why?" I asked

"I was fed up from your taste. You cook very tasteless." He said.

"Huh! How dare you! You are saying I'm a bad cook?" I asked as I stepped closer yo him in anger.

What he think of himself??

He just kept looking at me. I raised my eye brow.

"Come closer." He said and my eyes widened.

"Closer." He said and took a step closer to me and then one more.

He stopped an inch away from me. My eyes start shivering. My eyes lower down. I step back and was about to turn when he hold my arm. I turned to see him.

"Leave me." I said looking down.

"Look at me Rapunzel." He said.

"Don't called me that." I said as I looked up.

"Oh you like your other name angry cat don't you?" He asked and I glare him.

"Don't talk to me like that. I'm not angry cat okay. I don't like you talking with me like this." I said and tried to free my hand.

I freed my hand and sat on bed. He sat next to me on bed. I was not looking at him. I felt something on my hand. I turned and saw his hand on mine.

"So what should i say that you like? What you want to listen from me?" He said and this time his tone was different making my heart beat faster and flutter.

I looked up and his,eyes caught mine. I don't know what was in his eyes but I felt a strange knock on my heart. The warmth of his hand was making my heart flutter. I felt butterflies in my stomach. My condition was changing. His nearness was effecting me.

He leave my hand and went out of the room. I took deep breaths to calm my heart. In just this second what happened I don't know but I was,liking it. My heart start beating on different rhythm.

Uzma called me for breakfast and I went out. We both had our breakfast in full silence. Not he nor I was,saying anything. There was all silence,an awkward silence. He was not looking at me. I also didn't dare to kook at him.

"I'll be late." He said as he picked his laptop and files.

I just nodded. He didn't move nor I. We were standing in room. Our room was filled with silence. I wanted way something.

"Okay Allah hafiz." He said and stepped out.

I don't know why I followed him. For the first I don't want him to go. The way he looked at me in morning,I think I lost everything. All hate I had for him was faded away. I just don't want him to go. I wanted to stop him. But u just followed him. My heart was running faster. A strange kind of feeling was knocking in my heart.

He turned to see me and then smiled a little. I waved him bye and he sat in. He start driving and I just kept looking at him until he was out of the house. I looked at my hand which was still in air waving. I came to my senses.

What was I doing???

What is happening to me??

I said to myself and stepped in. My heart and mind were just thinking about him. I tried to get rid of this feeling but it seems impossible. The more I tried the more he overwhelmed on my thoughts.

Third Person's POV.
"Did you get the address?" Kamran asked as he reached near his friend.

"Yes they are in Karachi." His friend said and hand over a piece of paper on which some address was written.

Kamraan took the paper and smiled evilly looking at the paper. He hugged his friend and went toward his house. He directly went to his room and took out a picture from his drawer.

"I told you you are mine. You are mine Anaya. No one can separate you from me. You are born for me only for me." He said and kissed her picture lustfully.

His eyes were fixed on the picture he was holding. His eyes were exploring the lust he has.

"I'm coming Anaya. You are mine. I told you your heart your body is mine. Your soul is mine. I will never let you go now." He said and smile evilly.

Kaif's POV.
I look at the watch and find that it was 1 of the night. I packed my stuff and picked my laptop. I drove toward home. The while day I was fighting with myself,with my feelings.

I was doing my all work but my heart and mind were just thinking about her. When I hold her hand I don't know what was special in that moment but I felt my world stopped. Her eyes,her nearness was making me crazy. My heart beat was increasing just to think about her. All day I spend restless lost in the morning moment.

I parked my car in porch and stepped in house. As I entered in hall my foot stuck. She was in front of me laying on sofa. Her eyes were closed and she was peacefully sleeping. I start taking steps toward her. I stopped when I reached near her.I bend down and sat in front of her. I kept looking at her. TV was on. I turn off the TV and again fixed my eyes on her. I don't know how maybe the warmness of my eyes bring her out from her sleep. She looked at ne and straightened herself. She fixed her dupatta on her shoulders and stand up. I also stand up in front of her.

"I just served the food. You go and freshen yourself." She said and took two steps but I hold her hand and stopped her.

I stand right behind her and she turned. The distance between us ended. She looked up in my eyes. Her hand was still in my hand.

"You are still awake! Why?" I asked looking at her.

"You asked me to. You told ne not to sleep until you came." She said and I felt a huge bunch of guilt in me.

"You don't need to now. From noe you don't have to wait for me. If you want to sleep you can whenever you want " I said and she nodded.

We stayed there. Not moving not saying anything.

"Anaya." I called her.

She looked up.

"I'm hungry." I said and she smiled.

"You freshen up. I'll just bring your meal in room." She said and I nodded.

I went to my room with a huge smiling face. I don't know what was happening but I really like it. I mean being with her talking yo her and the most of it saw her smiling.

Anaya's POV.
I was waiting for him. But he was late today. So just for time I start watching TV. I don't know when I fall asleep. And as I open my eyes I find him in front of me. He was seated there looking at me. When I got up and was going to kitchen he hold NY hand and my heart start tuning. The strange feeling again start knocking on my heart.

I was smiling thinking about gin while placing food in a tray. I put a glass of water when phone rang. I check time it was almost 2 of morning.

Who is calling now??

I slowly walked toward the phone stand and pick the receiver.

"Hello." I said as I put receiver near NY ear.

"Anaya." Someone said.

"Who..who is it.?" I asked

I don't know but a fear run in my body.

"Who are you?" I asked again.

My forehead was filled with sweat. I heard a laugh which threatened me.

"I'm coming Anaya." I heard.

"You are mine."

A/N:: Assalam-o-Alikum Lovely readers.

I know I'm very late. But I was first very busy and then I got fever. But still I tried to write. Life is going very busy but I still stole some time to give you this chapter.

A very long chapter agree???

So what you think where their feeling lead them and of course kanraan is back. This is called a real devil who never forgets what he wants ha hah ha.

Jokes apart I really hate people like kamraan. Do tell me about your opinion about this chapter. I hope you love it. Do vote readers please. Pleas vote for my story and for every chapter you read.

For next update please give me sine time I have some problem with my eyes also. I hope you understand.

Till next update Allah Hafiz

Keep reading...
Keep smiling...

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