His torture.

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Anaya's POV.

Next morning I offer my Salah and prayed for best. Of course Allah do best. I came down and saw mama sitting in hall. I went toward her and greeted her.

"Beta you awake so early." Mama said.

"Actually I didn't feel to sleep so." I said and she nodded.

"Let's have tea." She said and went to kitchen.

Mama start making tea while I was watching her.

"So how was your night??" She asked and I understand what she is talking about.

But she didn't know and never expected what her son had done with me last night.

I controlled the tears that were welling up in my eyes.

"Come ." She said as she put two cups of tea a tray.

I followed her in hall and we both had our tea together while talking to each other.soon the cook was here and mama told her about the menu of breakfast.she was lady cook. I saw here also all the servants were female. Only guard and drivers were male.

I went to my room and saw that beast of my life was sleeping peacefully. I really wanted to throw that jug of water on his face like he did. But I stopped myself. I really don't want to again get hurt by him.

"Anaya." Mama said as she knocked on door.

I opened the door. She was smiling there.

"Yes mama." I said and she Kissed my forehead.

" bless you beta. Wake your kaif up and join us on breakfast." She said and I nodded.

As I closed the door her word start ringing in my ear.

My Kaif..!! Really??. Never.




I called all his name which I kept. Call him now. I thought to wake him up. I went near him.

"Get up its morning now." I said but he didn't move.

"Hello get up now. Everyone is waiting for us." I almost yelled but no. No movement

I look at the jug placed near on the wooden table. I just couldn't stop myself and picked that jug and in next 3 seconds I pour it on his face harder.

He jumped on his bed and looked at me with his that eyes which always has anger in them.

"What the hell?? What you just did??" He asked angrily.

I just shrugged my shoulders and placed the jug on table again. I was really enjoying watching him like this. I stopped my smile from coming out.

He get up and stood in front of me.

"What you just did?? How dare you?" He shouted.

"And how dare you to do the same with me last tonight. Listen carefully don't try to mess with me. I'm not going to tolerate all this. Get that" I said and turned.

I was about to go when he hold my arm and pulled me toward him.

"I told you not to dare to talk to me like that." He said and his eyes were flaming.

"And I told you not to behave with me like this." I said and freed myself from him.

I turned to go but he was fast. He grabbed my arm and pinned me against the wall. He was looking at me angrily and what not I can see in his eyes. But I couldn't show my weakness to him.

"Oh so you are giving me warning." He said and slammed his hand on the wall.

His face was so near to me. I could see his skin. I could smell him. His fragrance, his breath was getting on my nerve.

No no Anaya,wake up.

"Move." I firmly said looking at him.

"You will regret this. Now you wait and watch." He said and moved away.

He went in washroom. I released my breath which I was holding. My heart was running so fast. He really scared me. I went out of the room. I calm myself and walked toward the dinning hall.

"Assalam-o-Alikum. " I greeted everyone on table.

"Wasalaam.beta come let's have breakfast."  Mamu said and I nodded.

"Thank you mamu." I said .

"Beta I know I'm your mamu but I would like it if you call me baba Jani like hamza and zimal used to call me." Mamu said and I was shocked and then I nodded.

"Okay baba Jani." I said and they all smiled.

I closed my eyes,and thanked my Allah for givibg me such a lovely family.

"Where is your kaif.?" Baba Jani asked and I spit the juice out I was drinking.

My kaif again!!! What is happening.??

He's not my kaif.... Please people.

"Sorry.he's ...he's coming." I said and they nodded.

I heard zimal giggling while hamza was chuckling with her.

I start having my breakfast when he joined us. I didn't  bother to look at him but just kept eating. I was feeling his eyes on me.

"Dad you know Anaya told me that she made the best tea of the world." He said and I looked up at him.

When did I said ??


"Really wow then we'll have our evening tea made by our daughter." Baba Jani said and I nodded.

"Of course baba Jani. Anything for you." I smiled and his eyes widened maybe on my calling his dad as baba jani.

After the breakfast I went in my room and zimal follow me. She sat on bed with me and we start talking to each other. Kaif came in and took his laptop and left from the room but didn't forget to give me a glare.I didn't pay attention on him.

All the day I enjoyed with zimal and hamza and they really made me laugh with their childish acts. Mama helped me in setting my wardrobe.

Mama was telling me about the things which kaif like and which he don't like. I was listening her uninterestedly. I don't want to hear anything about him but here I was helpless. I can't break a mother's heart. She kept talking to me and we were working together also.

"Beta tomorrow we are going to our village." Mama said as she close the wardrobe.

"Village??" I asked not understanding.

"Yes the village where your mom and mamu belongs to." She said and I nodded.

"We have our landlordism there. Kaif's taya( father's elder brother) is also there. We had our home there.  We have been out of our country for many years but now when we are here they want us to stay with them. So we are leaving for village tomorrow." Mama completed and I nodded.

"Oh so should I pack my stuff?? I mean we are leaving tomorrow. Time is very short." I said and she smiled.

"You and kaif are not coming." She almost explode a bomb on my head.

"Why?? I want to come with you mama." I said looking hopefully at her.

"Come sit here." She made me sit on bed and sat next to me.

"You both are newly wed. You both need some time with each other. And kaif have to look after business of Hyderabad. He's very passionate about his work. But I'm just leaving you both here alone so that you can get a chance to know each other. He's a nice person but you just have to find his that side." Mama was saying and I was listening her.

"Monster." The word slipped from my tongue and I looked up at mama.

She burst out into a laughter.  I feel embarrassed.

"Oh my daughter called my son monster." She said and again smiled.

I feel embarrassed. She hold my hand and I looked at her.

"The relation of husband and wife is very beautiful. To make this relationship successful you have to keep patience. Its always women and specially in our society who tries to win her husband's heart. You give him a chance. Don't hesitate in front of him. He's your husband. This time will bring you both more closer. Trust me." She said and I didn't reply anything.

What should I??

"And one day you both will enjoy living alone." She said and I blushed understanding her words.

"You can visit us on every week and. I will tell kaif. Okay now?" She said and I nodded.

"Good girl." She kissed my forehead and left from my room.

I was suddenly feeling shy after listening mama's words. My husband I mutter under my lips and a smile craved on my lips.

Wait why I'm smiling?.

Stop Anaya.

I scold my myself and divert my mind from him but it was hard. His room was filled with pics. A huge pic was hanging on the wall behind the bed. I smiled looking at his picture and again I slapped myself for smiling like an idiot.


It was evening.we all were sitting in lawn. I made tea for all. I was smiling on something when I saw him coming. He parked his car in porch and came near us.

"Assalam-o-Alikum mom dad.," he greeted them.

"Wasalaam beta. How are you." Baba Jani said and he nodded.

He looked at me and smiled evilly. I avert my eyes from him and start talking to hamza and zimal.

"So dad you all leaving tomorrow?" He said but I didn't turned to him and showed him that I'm not listening him.

" yes..tomorrow we are leaving. I will come in a week. Don't worry." Dad said.

"Okay. You have to come soon for helping me in opening the publishing house." Kaif said .

"Of course son. But you have to take care of my daughter first." Baba jani said and place a hand on my head.

"Of course dad. You just don't worry." He said and I looked at him. I find something in his eyes

Something that terrified me. My intuitions were telling me that I was in  trouble now. I'm not going to be in goods hands now. His intentions were not good. The way he was looking at me I was scared what he was going to do.

Later that evening we had our dinner together. Mama tells me all about the house and security. She showed me kitchen and its stuff. She guided me about everything,about household. I was listening her carefully. She instruct maids and the cook about the work of house. Mama was really an experienced woman.

I went to my room after getting all the guidance from mama. As I entered my room the first thing I saw was him. He was coming out from the washroom. He was totally wet. He was shirtless drying his hair with towel. Water was running on his chest making my heart flutter. I avert my eyes from him. I walked toward the wardrobe to get my sleeping suit. As I opened the cupboard and start checking the closet for my dress,two arms wrapped around my waist. I startled.

"What...what are you doing?? Leave me." I said and tried to unwrap his arms around me.

" shhh...Rapunzel stop struggling." He said and snuggled his face in my neck.

His wet face dip in my neck sending shivering in my body.  I closed my eyes to control what I was feeling.

"Le..ave me." I said as I open my eyes.

He put his chin on my shoulder and tighten his grip.

"Stop struggling. Because you are now stuck with me. I'm just waiting to be alone with you." He said and I turned a little to look at him.

He looked at me. Our faces were merely two or three inches away. I could feel his breath on my face.

"What are you trying to do?" I said looking in his eyes.

I stopped struggling. His arms were still on my waist holding me tight. My hands were on his hand which were around my belly.

"What you think Mrs.Kaif?" He asked in strange tone.

I didn't know what to say. I was actually trying to understand him. What was he and what he was trying to show himself.? What he really wants?? I didn't know.

"Ah..don't give your this little brain the burden of thinking Rapunzel. "  he said and hold me tightly that It hurts.

"Ahh.leave me. You are hurting me." I said and try again to free myself.

"So what you were thinking about?? Me romancing with you?? Ah wash your face. I was,I'm and I will  always think to give hurt and torture. "  he snarled and I was froze where I was.

That much hate!!

That much frustration!!

Why for me?? What I have done to him??

But whatever happen I will not let him hurt me or insult me.

"Leave me you monster. If you think of only hurting me then I want to know how you will hurt me and how much.I want to see your that face too." I said and freed myself from him.

My neck was little wet. I turned to him and he moved closer to me. I stepped back and touched with cupboard. He leaned on my face.

"You will regret this. Tomorrow I will free for whatever I want to do with you. " he said and I pushed him but he was strong.

"Ah..ha. Angry cat. Don't waste your energy." He said and smirked.

I really wanted to!!!

I don't know but for now I just want to yell at him. I wanted to hurt him the way he tries to hurt me. I wanted to scare him like he used to but all I do was just watched him smirking at me. He winked at me and went toward the bed.

He didn't put his shirt on and off the lights. He lay down on bed and covered himself with blanket.

I went to washroom to change my clothes thinking about the coming day.

Kaif's POV.
She was near me. I was feeling her breath. Her scent was going through my nostrils to my mind making me lost my senses. When I saw her coming in the room and the way she ignored me, I thought to have fun and teased her but when I wrapped my arms around her I came to know what mistake I have done. I was here to tease her but now I was in trouble. I was not able to resist the urge of going near her. I hold her tightly in my arms,feeling her. My face dip in her neck and I inhale her smell which brought peace in my heart.

The warmth of her body against mine was making me relax and happy. I was not aware what was happening to me but whatever it was for now I was liking it. She was continuously trying to free herself. I teased her and when she freed herself and I leaned toward her,her big eyes caught me. Her neck was little wet with the drops of water I had on my face. My eyes were again and again went to her long neck on which that gold chain was shining and claiming her neck. I stopped the urge to touch her neck. She was looking at me deeply in her thoughts. I came to my senses and scolds myself for what I did.

I went to bed and tried to sleep but was not possible. Her fragrance was still on my nerve. I really wanted to feel that fragrance again. She came to Bed and lay besides me on bed. My heart was compelling me to turn and have her near me but I stopped myself.

What the hell man!!!

I got up when my all effort of sleep fails. I looked at her who was drawn to deep sleep. I got up and open the door of balcony. I stepped in and sat on a chair. I looked at the moon. My mind was working differently while my heart was feeling something else. I was getting frustrated with my own conditions of mind and heart.

I got up and took my sketch note and start sketching looking at the moon. My eyes were travelling from moon to my sketch note. I kept sketching the night I was living,the night in front of me,the stars the moon and...I don't what else. But I was sketching. After completing the sketch I take a look at the sketch and sighs.

Why it always happened???

I asked myself as I saw the sketch because I sketched her again and this time I sketches her face in the moon. She was shinning in the moon. All stars were around her face.

Since the day I met her,after that none of my sketch was where she was not. Every time I sketched I consciously or unconsciously sketched her and bring her out of my thought into the reality of my life. Sketching gives me happiness and she start coming in my happiness, she start becoming a part of it.

I sigh again looking at the sketch and smile on my own mental condition.

You really are giving me tough time Anaya..

I smiled and wrote date at the corner of sketch and something which bring smile on my face.

"Two moons together."

I smiled as I read the words I wrote. She was like a moon as bright as was moon. As Different as was moon.I closed the note book and went toward the bed to have good sleep when my mobile rang.

"Hello." I said as i received the call.

"Hi kaif. How are you???" It was Hina and my all  memories return.

Her words start ringing in my ears.

"Can we meet tomorrow? Actually I want to buy some gift for zakriya." Hina said and start talking about her fiance.

I start fuming and turn to see the girl on my bed. My anger start boiling up. It was because of her. I didn't get Hina in my life only because,she entered in my life. I would be at the place where now zakriya was but no she has to come in my life and created problems for me.

I talked a little with Hina and cut the call. My sleep was gone. I start roaming in the room in anger.I was again and again watching her sleepy face who was in deep slumber,having a peaceful sleep while I was here burning. I can't let her sleep like this.if I'm suffering then she also have to.

I took the jug of water and throw it on her face in anger.

"Ahhh." She yelled and got.

She looked at me shocked and stand in front of me.

"Are you insane?? Or lost your mind??" She said and I took step closer to her.

Her eyes were red because of sleep. I woke her up in her half sleep. She was looking at me angrily but my anger was on its peak.

"I told you not to talk to me like this." I said and she start wiping the water on her face and looked at me angrily.

"Next time if you did this. I will..I will.." She said and start looking here and there.

She picked the glass full of water and in next second she throw it on my face. I was shocked. My eyes were widely opened.

"I will not tolerate all this you get that Mr.Kaif." she said and that was enough for me.

I stepped toward her and hold her hair in my fist and pulled her toward me harder.

"Ahh leave me you are hurting me." She said and tried to free her hair from my fist but I hold her more tightly which bring two tears out of her eyes. I felt my heart hurt as I saw her tears but I didn't let myself to flow in the feelings I felt. I hardened my heart and leaned on her face.

I hold her face with my other hand. I start looking in her eyes. Tears were streaming down on her cheeks. But I didn't allow myself to become weak.

"Don't you dare to talk to me like this again or you will regert on your words. And one more thing Don't you dare to sleep on my bed again. You get that. Sleep wherever you want but not on my bed." I said and pushed her aside and went on my bed and covered myself with blanket. I closed my eyes because I wanted to hide myself from those eyes who were looking at me shocked.

I closed my eyes tightly but her eyes and tears were not leaving me alone.I turned and saw her laying on couch. I hit the bed with my hand. I was remembering what I did but my anger was not letting me to think about her but to hurt her. I got up and sat. I looked at her whose back was facing me. I could hear her sobbing. I went out in balcony to avoid her voice but my heart was compelling me to see her. My mind was recalling me what I suffer is because of her. I lost Hina because of her. My anger took over the softness I had for her and again I become the tough man and went inside to sleep still reminding myself the anger I have for her.

Anaya's POV.
Whenever I thought that maybe everything would go better but  he always proved me wrong. He always broke my hopes my courage. I was really hurt by him. He was doing everything to hurt me i don't know why he was doing all this.tears were rolling down on my cheeks. I looked at him who was peacefully sleeping. I kept crying and crying and don't know when the fairy of sleep took me in her land.


Mama was ready and so was hamza and zimal. I was not feeling good because they were going today leaving me alone with this monster.

"Ready mama??" Kaif asked as he entered in hall with baba Jani.

Mama nodded and then all the luggage was taken to the cars. I was crying. It was hard for me to stay away from them . They were now my family. All love I wanted in my life I got from them. I got my mama,my baba and the love of sister and brother. I was gonna miss them.

Mama hugged me and advice me about many things which I quietly listened.I hugged zimal and baba hugged me. They left leaving me alone with their monster son who doesn't care about me.

As they left I went to my room while he took his car keys and also gone. I was roaming all alone in this huge house. I had no one to  talk. I missed Aasiya.

I went inside the room and took my sketch note and start sketching. My mind not telling me what to sketch. I just start making circles on note book. I open new page and again start thinking to sketch anything which can bring happiness and smile,on my face. My fingers,start moving and I was deeply in it. I was sketching with full concentration. My fingers stopped and I came out of my zone and saw which I not planned to sketch.

Not again Anaya!!

I said as I fixed my eyes on the sketch. It was the moment of me and kaif when he wrapped his arms around me and I turned to look at him. The whole moment was,alive in front of me on my sketch note. I hold my head in my hands.

What I'm doing???
Since the day you came in my life I didn't sketch anything but just you. My all thinking stopped on you. Why??? When I hate you; I don't want to see you then why again and again I sketched you. Why always your picture came in my mind whenever I took pencil in my hand. Why I'm not able to sketch anything but you!!! Gosh what's happening??

I talked to myself fully frustrated.I looked at the sketch and wrote date. I think for a moment and then wrote at the corner.

Flutter moment with devil

I put my sketch book in my bag and went out.
I went to kitchen and saw the uzma. She was cook of this house. She was preparing meal for dinner. I spend time with talking to her only to avert my mind.

Finally it was night. He came home but I didn't bother to call him nor he did.

He reached directly on dinning table where me and uzma served dinner. I saw him coming. I sat down on a chair and start having my meal without waiting for him. He looked at me. He sat in front of me and checked the food which was served on table.

"What is this??" He asked looking at me.

"What?? Can't you see its food." I said and I could see the anger in his eyes.

"I don't want to eat this." He said and i raised an eyebrow.

"Okay your wish." I said and put a spoon full of rice in my mouth.

I kept enjoying my biryani while he was giving me death glare.

"I want to eat aloo paratha." He said and I looked at him.

"Now??? " I asked looking at him.

He just nodded and i shrugged my shoulders.

"Uzma make..." I was saying when he interrupted me.

"Nah...not uzma you will make aloo ka paratha for me." He said and leaned on chair relaxed.

My jaw opened.

No way. I check the time it was 9 pm. And he was asking me to make paratha for him. I shook my head.

"No way. I'm not going to cook and specially not for you." I said and gulp the water.

"Uzma you can..." I started but again the great Mr.kaif spoken up.

"Uzma you can leave now. And one more thing you don't need to come now. My wife would make my breakfast,lunch and dinner for me." He said calmly looking direct into my eyes with that of his smile which was flutter my heart and also boiling my anger.

"What??? Are you mad??" I shouted.

"Uzma you go." He said and uzma leaves from there.

I looked at him and narrowed my eyes at him.

"What!! Its your duty to do my works. From now you will do my all works ." he said and I just kept looking at him.

"Go Hurry up and make parathy for me. I'm very hungry." He said looking at me innocently.

"I'm not going to cook anything." I said and got up. I went inside the kitchen and put the plate on counter.

.as I turned I collide with his strong chest because he was standing right behind me.

"I don't like to repeat myself. I need what I say in just an hour. You get that??!" He said dangerously looking in my eyes.

I was not able to blink my eyes. It was not that I was lost in his eyes but it was some kind of trance or hypnotism which caught my eyes in his. He kept looking at me.

"Start making it." He said and leaved from there.

I was still standing in the same position. My mind was not present but I was still in the hold of his eyes. I shook my head to wake me up from his gaze. I start making parathy but for that I first boiled potato and then mashed them. I made parathy of potato for him. I was really tired. I looked at the clock it was more than a hour I was cooking. I completed my cooking and serve the meal in a tray with yogurt and salad. I went inside the room. As I enter the room my mouth opened in shock.

"What is all this??" I said as I put the tray on table.

"What???" He said and turned to me.

"These are my clothes can't you see.?" He said and walked toward me.

"Yes I can see that but why you spread them on ground.?" I asked looking at the floor filled with his clothes and jackets.

"These are my clothes which you have to wash tomorrow." He said calmly and start eating his meal.

"What??" I turned to him in shocked.

"You really think I will do this?? No impossible." I said and walked toward bed.

He didn't say a word but was eating his dinner silently.

"And those clothes which are on that couch;  you have to iron those tonight." He speak again and this time I narrowed my eyes at him.

"What you think I'm huh?? I'm not going to do any work or anything you say to me." I said and turn on the tv.

I was busy in watching movie when he grabbed my arm and pulled me toward him and in next second I was on floor standing in front of him.

"Listen carefully. I will not repeat myself. I bring you here to give you hurt and pain which I felt. Now this is your life. You have to do what I will tell you to do. "  he said and tightened his grip on my arms pining his fingers tightly in my skin.

It hurts really hurts. He was hurting me physically and emotionally. Two tears find their way on my cheek and I could not control the hiccups which leave from my mouth.

He pushed me and I fall on bed. He leaned on me and I just kept looking in his eyes.

"Next time don't waste my time. Do as I say." He said and I could see his face turning red because of anger.

He was scaring me. I was scared of him. The change in his behavior really hurts me. He was strange but dangerous. I nodded and  moved .

"Now go and iron all the clothes there." He said and I slowly start picking his clothes from.the couch and went near the iron stand.

I start ironing his clothes one by one. I was feeling his eyes on me. He turned on the TV and start watching it and I kept ironing his clothes. When I finished I checked the time it was 12am. My legs and back was hurting badly. I was ironing his clothes for 2 hours non-stop. I put all his clothes in wardrobe and took his clothes from ground to keep them aside.

"Wash them tomorrow by yourself." He said and i didn't replied.

I was so tired. My body was badly hurting. I really wanted to drawn into deep sleep but as I was about to lay down on my couch to sleep,his voice snapped me out from my sleeping mode.

"Coffee. I need coffee." He said and I looked at him shocked.

I looked at the clock. It was 12:30 of midnight and he wants coffee. I really don't want to go but I know if I dare to say no he will again start the fight for which I'm not ready not now. I slowly walked toward kitchen. I made coffee for him and try to awake myself from sleep that was trying to overcome me.

I walked toward the room and hand over him coffee. I was about to go but he said.

"Where are you going?? Who will wash this cup?" he said pointing toward the coffee cup.

I took deep breath to control my anger. I kept looking at him who was slowly taking sips of coffee like it was precious drink that he won't it to end. I was standing in front of him,waiting for him to give me that cup. Finally he gave me that cup and I went to kitchen and washed it.

I entered in room again and waited for few seconds if he has something else for me to do but thanks to my Allah that he turn off the lights and lay down to sleep. I took a breath of relieve and walked toward the couch.I almost fall on it and hug the sleep.

Next morning I got up but my whole body was paining. I offered my prayer and again fall asleep. It was 8 of morning when I woke up. I looked at kaif who was still sleeping.I took a bath and dressed my self in pink frock paired with my heavy laced dupatta. I went near him to wake him up.it was quite late. I shook his shoulder.

"Kaif get up." I said as I leaned on his face.

"Hmmm." He hummed and open his eyes.

My eyes met with his and I straighten myself.

"Get up. You'll be late." I said and turned to go.

I went down where uzma was waiting for us with breakfast. I smiled at her And start waiting for him.thank God she was here. After 20 minutes he came down and i just lower my eyes because my heart start running fast as I look him in his Maroon shirt having his sleeves folded on his arms. He was looking so handsome. He sat on table and looked at me.

"Where is my breakfast??" He said and I pointed toward the table which was served with breakfast.

"Who made it ? You?" He asked and I shook my head as no.

"Uzma take this away. And now,you don't need to come. I have told you but you didn't understand. Now go. I will have breakfast made by my wife." He said and I was shocked.

Uzma left from there and I got up immediately in anger.

"What you think you are doing?? I'm not going to.." Before I could complete he pulled me in his arms.

I collide with his chest. His arms were wrapped around me. I was struggling in his arms to free myself but he was so strong for me to get rid. I stopped and looked at him.

"Now listen. Everyday every morning its your duty to make breakfast and lunch for me. And of course I like to have dinner made by you. And don't take too stress. Look your little nose turned to red." He said and pinched my nose.

"Stop that okay. Why are you doing all this???" I asked still near him.

"What?? I just wanted to taste whatever you cook. Even I don't mind tasting you." He said and smirked and my eyes widened.

He leaned on my face and Kissed my forehead sweetly which make my eyes to close.I felt butterflies in my stomach. A tingling in my all body.

Huh!! Devil just kissed me!!

After few second he leaved me and turned around.

"Hurry up I'm getting late. Make tea and breakfast." He said still keeping his face on other side.

I went inside the kitchen and start preparing breakfast for him. I was still feeling the warmth of his lips on my forehead.I slightly touched my forehead and my heart start running fast.

What is happening to me??

And what is he doing??

After that day it become my duty of preparing his breakfast to dinner. He start torturing me more with his words. After that morning he become more angry. I didn't know wat happened to him all of sudden that he start throwing more anger on me. He shouted on me. He threatened me and I was just silent letting him do whatever he wants. My whole nights were filled with tears. I was not allowed to sleep until he came home. I was bound to wait for him. He usually came late from his office and I waited for him. When he felt that he was still not that satisfied with his torture he throw all his clothes,out of wardrobe for me to wash them again. I ironed again and again his ironed clothes. He didn't let me take rest or sleep on time. I thought he will become normal but its been 15 days that he was torturing me like this and I was quietly doing all this,letting him torture me. I don't want to argue with him. He said he would created hell in my life and that he was doing. Making my life's every minute miserable like hell.

A/N:: Assalam-o-Alikum readers.

This was a long chapter. I'm really tired bow. Hope you enjoy that's all matter.

Kaif is little insane isn't? I mean who torture a beautiful girl. ;)

Tell me about your opinion, about this chapter. And all silent readers I want you to comment to tell me your interest about the story.

Thanks for reading.

Till next update Allah Hafiz.

Keep reading...
Keep smiling...

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