New Life New troubles 2

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Kaif's POV.
Finally the day came. My dad called me out of the house and start telling me about Anaya and her goodness. I was really not interested. I excused myself and went near hamza who was standing with some boys. Soon more men and boys start coming in house. They all were congratulating me and I was receiving their wishes uninterestedly. I just to divert my mind of all this,I start looking around. And in doing so my eyes looked up and saw her standing in window looking at me. Her hair were opened. Her hand was placed on the window showing the dark colour of her mehndi. She saw me watching her and she immediately closed the window and I scold myself for looking at her.

Later that mom called me and asked me to get ready for the Nikah ceremony. I was really now getting frustrated. They were dragging me to all this when I don't want.  I went to my room,took shower. I stand in front of the mirror and put my shirt on. I was closing the buttons when my eyes caught the orange colour on my chest. I stopped and unbuttoned my shirt. I touched my chest and came to know that it was the mehndi.


I think and then the night scene flashed on my mind. Its the print of her mehndi. I looked closely and saw that a little design was printed on my chest and what was prominent on my chest was my name.

I touched slowly the colour of mehndi on my chest. I was lost in looking the printed design of Mehndi on my chest when the door of my room opened. I quickly buttoned up my shirt and looked at the person. Mom was smiling.

"What?" I asked her as I reached near her.

"I didn't know that my son is so handsome." She said and I smiled.

"Come on now. The ceremony is about to start." Mom said and I nodded.

I felt my heart beat differently. I shake my head to vanish that feeling I start feeling. Soon my nikah was done. I accepted her as my wife. I accepted Anaya as my wife. I was taken to the hall where they made me sit with her. I couldn't see her because she was hidden in that big shawl. I thought how's she breathing. The anger boils up when I saw her father talking to my dad and they were smiling.

All the girls and ladies start wishing and congratulating me but I didn't replied.  How she used me to save herself was killing me and I was controlling my anger.I was about to get up when I heard a gun shot. Anaya grabbed my arm which was continuously touching her arm. She hold my arm tightly. I looked up and find that illiterate,unmannered fellow kamraan was standing there. His gun was pointed toward me.

"Anaya." He shouted and i just kept looking at him.

"Kamraan what are you doing?" Anaya's dad said and try to came close to him but he didn't let him and turn his gun toward him.

"Kamraan stop." He again said and that was enough for me. I stand up and she also stand up next to me.

"What's your problem?" I said angrily.

He looked at me with full anger. I was also glaring him.

"You ba***rd I will kill you." He said and that was really disgusting .

I took two step forward and he fired again. This time the bullet touched my forearm and blood boiled from my arm. All the ladies,and girl screamed but I heard only hers. She screamed loudly scared of the gunshot. I turned a little to see her. She removed her veil and looked at me. I was for few seconds lost in her. Her beauty just made me lost in her. Her wet eyes,the fear and her shivering lips everything was pulling my heart.

"Anaya you are mine. Your heart,your soul and your body is mine. No one can touch you without me" I heard kamraan.

He was disgusting having such kind of thinking. He was moving toward Anaya. His eyes were full of lust. Anyone can see. He was mad and psycho. I looked at her who closed her eyes in fear. He was about to reach her but I came between him and Anaya.

"Anaya you are mine." He said and I really wanted to slap him.

I wanted to hit those eyes who have lust for her. I wanted to stop that voice which threatened her. I wanted to kill that person who made her cry.

"Come to me Anaya." He said and she closed her eyes.

"Don't even try." I said and hold his hand in which he was holding gun.I pushed him and he fell.

"Stay,away from.her." I said. My rage was unstoppable.

"No she's mine.I will kill you. " he and looked at Anaya.

"You are mine Anaya." He said and got up. I looked at Anaya who was trembling in fear.

My blood boiled and I really wanted to kill this psycho.
He got up and start walking toward her.

"No she's mine. Come to me Anaya." His obsession again started.

I came forward and pushed him back.

"She's mine." He again said and I really wanted to cut his tongue.

I punched his face harder which make him move two steps back.

"Stay away from her. Stay away wife. " I said and I was astonished on my own words.

My wife!!!

Why I'm trying to protect her??

Why I was hating this man since the day I know that he was her going to be husband and now I was hating him only because he was taking her name having the disgustful lust in his eyes.

What is happening  to me??

" she's mine.Mrs Anaya Kaif Hashim." I said holding him and then I pushed him back.

He again tried to came closer to Anaya. He had something in his eyes which I really wanted to fade from his eyes. She was again scared but this time I didn't gave him chance and smack him down. I looked back to see her.

She was standing there shocked. I went near her and cupped her face. He condition was not good. I was scared. Her pale face,the fear in her eyes was making me worried.

"You okay??" I said but she just kept looking at me.

"Anaya." I called her and she came to her senses.

She nodded and looked in my eyes. I came out of the trance and realize what I was doing. I leaved her face and asked her friend to take her in.

Kamraan was taken to his house and Anaya's dad warn kamraan and his family. I was scolding myself on my reaction and the emotions I felt for her.

I came out of the house and took my car and drove out. I just wanted to be in some peace for sometime. I came to a lake situated in the village. I start roaming near the lake thinking about what just happened today.

Only one thing was disturbing me that was my reaction. Why I was feeling hurt when I saw crying? Why I wanted to kill kamraan only because he threatened her and why I don't want him to think about Anaya?? The thing which he had in his eyes for her was still boiling my blood. I really wanted to hit his eyes through which he looked at her. In which he has lust for her.



I will kill him!!

These were the words which I was muttering under my lips. I closed my eyes. Her image flashed on my eyes. I opened my eyes immediately to get rid of her face but I was again and again thinking about her and her face was coming again and again on the curtains of my eyes. I was getting frustrated. I got up and drove to home. It was evening when i reached. I saw a lot of gathering in the male section. All the men were talking. They pulled me in them and made me sit with them. I really wanted to go to my room and take rest but My dad was not leaving my arm.  Soon we were severe our dinner and I ate just to show that I did my dinner.

Finally I got permission to go to my room. I walked toward my room and as I entered in my room my eyes widened.

The the hell!!

These were the first words I spill. She was seated on my bed. She looked at me and my anger came to its peak. I rushed to her and asked her what she was doing in my room.

I was actually in shock to see her in my room.she calmly replied that she's sitting. I just wanted to throw her out of my room because whenever I saw her she start getting on my nerve which for now I don't want that!!

She was I can not easy to deal with. She got up when I ask her to leave from my room. She said that its our wedding night so I thought to tease her. She was standing so close to me. Her fragrance was overwhelming my nerve.

"Wedding night huh!" I smirked at her and before she could take step back I pulled her toward me by her waist.

I don't know why I did that but when I pulled her towards me and she bumped into me. her bangles and jewellery she was wearing rings and I felt my heart start racing on her closeness. She tried to free herself but I didn't let her. I start taking steps toward her still having my arms around her waits. Her eyes were widely open looking at me. I really wanted to lost in them.

She fell on bed and i leaned on her. My intensions were only to scare her and tease her but I was trapping in her,In her fragrance. I just couldn't resist the urge of being near her. I nuzzuled my face in her neck. Her fragrance was making me crazy. I forget what I was doing. I slightly placed my lips on her neck and kissed her.

"Stop please." Her voice bring me out from her effect.

I was shocked on my act. What I just did?? How even I think like that??  She hiccuped and I felt her tear on my face. I pulled back and looked at her.

She was crying. I hated myself for that moment because what I have done hurts her. I scolds myself and was angry on me and here again I spit my all anger on her.

"This is just a beginning Anaya. The hell is waiting for you." I said angrily and went inside the washroom.

I stand in front of the mirror recalling all the moments I had with her few seconds ago. I closed my eyes and scolds myself.

What the hell man!! She's just a girl. The girl that you hate. Don't even think about her. You belong to Hina. She must be waiting for you. Why are you thinking about this stupid girl.

I was scolding myself and reminding each and everything to myself. I looked up in mirror and my hand went to my face and I slightly touched the place where her tear fall on my face. My cheek was still little wet.

I made her cry!!!

Her tears!!

Stop don't even think about her. Its her punishment. She entered in your life forcefully so she have to bear,all this.

I came out of the washroom and find her still in the same condition sitting on bed. I reached her and asked her to got up from my side of bed so I can sleep. But she did the opposite and lay down peacefully on my side and covered herself with blanket. I tried to talk but she act as she was fall asleep. My angry was out of control.I pulled the blanket from her and picked her up in my arms. Her dupatta fell on the floor but I didn't care. She struggled in my arms to leave her but I was not going to do that. She was perfectly fit in my arms. I was liking it carrying her in my arms. Her arms were around my neck and her bangles were scratching my neck. I asked her not to but she didn't stopped. She was asking me to leave so I leaved her and she fell on ground. I stopped my smile and looked at her .She stands up and looked at me angrily. Her nose was red because of anger.
I really wanted to call her" angry cat." But I stopped myself. She looked at bed and I understand what's going on on her mind. We both looked at each other and ran toward the bed.

She was ahead of me and I grabbed her long hair and stopped her. I pulled her hair slowly toward me and she was walking back steps toward me. Her back touched my chest and she stopped.

"Keep your hair in your control Rapunzel." I said.

Rapunzel!! I smiled on my own word.

I was enjoying her fragrance but I can't let myself fall for her. I leave her and went to my bed and sleep.

I went for a walk in morning and after coming back from walk I took shower. I was getting ready when I heard a knock on door. I thought that she will opened the door but no. She didn't move. I heard again a knock and I opened the door. Zimal was standing with a huge grin on her face.

"Bhai breakfast. We all are waiting." She said and I nodded.

She left and I came to her. She was still asleep.

How to wake her?

I took the jug and pour it on her. She screamed and got out of bed.

She was looking at me angrily and was saying something but I was not able to listen her. I was lost in her. Have you ever seen a sleepy beauty with wet face.

I was lost in her. Her wet hair were hanging on her face. Water drops were making her beautiful. I was lost in her. Her eyes were still having sleep in them.. I was not able to blink my eyes.  Her voice bring me back to reality and I wore the shell on my face and went in washroom.

What the hell you were thinking???

This girl is making me crazy ! How can I feel something for her?? Huh hell with her.

After a fight with my inner i came out and we had our breakfast. I noticed her eating peacefully and with full of concentration. Like eating is the most important work in the world.

I everyday found something new,about this girl. I shrugged my shoulders and had my breakfast. She went to her old room while i packed my luggue. I was feeling restless. Her face was not leaving my eyes. I took the sketch book and start sketching her. My fingers were doing its work. My mind was again and again recalling her face. I completed her sketch and looked at it. Her sleepy wet face was visible on the sketch  note. I slightly touched her face which I sketched.I dont know why but I smiled looking at her face. I mention today's date and wrote on the corner.

"Sleeping beauty."

I put my sketch note in my bag and went out of the room. She hugged her family members and we all depart for our home with a newly family member Anaya.

Family member!!!

What is happening to me??

In plan she was scared and hold my hand. I enjoy watching her like this. She always pretend that she's so brave and specially in front of me but I really wanted to tell her that she was just a tiny cat with a fergile body and heart. She don't need to be show herself stronger because it somewhere hurt her.

But wait why even I'm thinking about her so deeply.?? Why I'm trying to know her.??

We reached on our city and we both sat on our car. I don't want myself to get trapped again in her thoughts. I concentrate on driving when my mobile Rang and I gladly received the call because it was Hina's call. I talked to her and mostly to show her who was seated next to me. I don't know but I really wanted to know her expressions. But she was looking around not paying any attention on me.

I felt anger boiled in me. Her behaviour was making me angry. We reached in home. I went in my room without her. I was still thinking about her and that was the reason which was making me more,angry.

Why?? Why is she getting on my nerve??

She entered in room and I smiled devilishly. I went near her. She looked into my eyes. Her deep eyes were fixed on me. I felt her eyes will engraved her name on my heart but I will never let that happened.

"See this room here your hell begins." I said and I clearly saw a shock in her eyes but I didn't allow myself to lost in her.

I talked to her cruelly. I received Hina's call. She asked me to meet her and I got ready to meet her. After so many days i was going to see her. I was happy. Very happy.

Our families were family friend and we both families shifted to Pakistan. I was driving and thinking about Hina. Gosh! I really missed her.

You really miss her???

My heart say. But I didn't pay any attention on my inner conversation. I stopped my car in front of hina's house. I went happily in her house.

"Assalam-o-Alikum aunty. How are you." I said as I reached in hall and I saw hina's mom seated there

"Wasalaam bete. How are you??" She said and I Sat in front of me.

"Allhamdulillah. I'm okay. Where is Hina?" I said looking,around for Hina.

"She's in her room. Go meet her. She must be waiting for you. " she said and I nodded.

I felt strange going to her room. We were best friends but I never went in her room. It was not good. I never liked that going in some girl's room.

"Actually aunty can you call her here?" I said and she nodded.

Hina came and her mom left from there.

"Oh kaif how are you?? I missed you so much." She said and almost hugged me.

I didn't like her hugging me. I mean we were friends and hugging each other was our daily routine but I don't know why I didn't like it anymore. I pulled myself and sat on another sofa.

"You called me?? What do you want to tell me?" I asked hoping that she will say that she loves me.

"Kaif I'm..." She started and I looked at her. I saw a blush on her face. I really wanted to hold her hands and tell her that i also like her but what she said leaves me all shocked.

"I'm engaged." She said and smiled shyly.

"Huh??" My answer confused,shocked and what not I was.

"I'm in love kaif and I'm happy that I'm engaged to him. Next month I'm getting married." She said happily.

"Wait how this happened?? Who is the guy?? " I asked feeling broken.

"My dad's business partner's son umer. He proposed me and I accepted." She said happily.

"See this ring he selected it for me." She showed me her ring but I was not listening her.

"When he proposed you?" I asked because when I left her she was single and in just two weeks she got engaged.


"After 3 days you left for your cousin's wedding ." she said and I fall my head on my hands.

Anaya what you did to me!! Only because of you I lost her. I lost the opportunity to get her. She was perfect for me now what will I do??? You have to pay of my loose.

.I talked a little with her and then excused myself and drove to home. I was furious. I start driving here and there on road thinking about what happened in my life.

It all happened only because of you Anaya. Only because of you I loose the chance of proposing her. I wanted to marry Hina not you. Now I'm stuck with you. But its time for you now to face the hell which I promised.

I drive to home. It was quite late. I saw the time it was 10 pm. I parked my car and went in. I stepped toward my room and as I opened the door I saw her sleeping peacefully. My all anger came back. I walked to her and picked the jug of water and pour it on her face.She got up immediately shocked. Her eyes were widely opened. She looked at me shocked.

"What the hell?? " she yelled and I pulled her to me by holding her hair.

I tightened my grip on her hair and her eyes start getting wet. I was blind in my anger. I was feeling happy watching her like this,helpless and in pain.

"Ahh...leave me" she said I pulled her hair more tightly in my fist.

"Shhh..." I said devilishly.

My anger was not in my control. I was feeling all the hate in my heart for her. I really wanted to see her cry as my heart was crying. Hina's words were ringing in my ears. She was getting married to someone else because this girl didn't let me to ask her for marriage. She was the reason that my dad compelled me go to that village and then to save her I married to her leaving behind my all dreams and wishes.

"Leave me." She said and punched my chest with her tiny hand.

"Don't... And  your troubles starts now." I snarled and pushed her back hard.

She fall on floor and I sat in front of her on my toes.

"Don't ever sleep on my side of bed.and don't try to sleep until I came home. You get that???" I said angrily and hold her face in my hand pinning my fingers on her cheeks.

Tears were streaming down on her cheeks but I didn't care because I wanted to spit my anger and that's what I was doing.

I pushed her and went in washroom to take a cold shower to calm myself.

Anaya's POV.
How the real monster looks like and how can he be with you?? I witnessed today. His snarling,his anger everything was in front of me. He was looking like a beast. I touched my cheeks where my skin was still burning . his pinned finger did its works and my face was hurting a lot. I slowly got up from the ground and came in front of mirror. I saw myself and was shocked. Tears were rolling down in my cheeks. My hair were roughly spread and my face had still red mark of his fingers.I touched my cheeks and closed my eyes,feeling the pain physically and emotionally. My heart was paining. The hopes which I build in me of this marriage from him he broke them. My dream of to be loved was broken. He broke my hopes, and my faith that one day I will be loved by someone and I will have a lovely life.He break everything. He broke me today.

He was not a human but a beast who only wants me to cry. Who wants to make my life hell and he start to create hell in my life which he promised.

A/N::: Assalam-o-Alikum readers.

I know I'm late but I really was so lazy to write. But I tried at least to finish this chapter and give you this chapter to read. I hope you like this chapter. Next chapter will the new start of kaif and Anaya's life.Some new problems Anaya has to face and maybe a knock of love on kaif's heart.

Tell me how you find this chapter.

Till next update Allah Hafiz.

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