Rasam-e-Hina and the Truth

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Anaya's POV.
The days were running.Finally today was the day when I was going to apply mehndi of kamraan's name on my hands.I was feeling disgust.How am I going to accept him as my husband??

Too many questions I was asking to myself.I was not ready for this.really not ready for this marriage and especially to marry that illiterate kamraan who don't have any sense.He is totally a villager who have disgust thinking,only wants to rule on a women's life.

I was crying thinking about the coming day.I didn't know what was going to happened next but for now the hina of kamraan's name was going to be applied on my hands.I wanted to do something to hide my hands from his name.

I can't do this!

Ya Allah  save me from this marriage..!

I was looking at myself in mirror.I was wearing a yellow coloured frock with the same dupatta.I was wearing flower Garland in my forearms. My long hair were tied in a loose braid which were hanging on my one shoulder.My head was cover with my dupatta beautifully. My face was clean from any makeup.I was examining myself.I was ready.I was ready to become kamraan's bride but my heart was not.

Ya Allah help me save me from this marriage.

I was lost in myself when the door opened.I turned and saw zimal,her mother and Taayi Ami standing. They smiled looking at me.

"Wow you are looking so pretty bhabhi." It was zimal saying.

I got confused why is she addressing me bhabhi.I'm not her bhabhi(brothers wife).

I looked at Taayi ami,she was smiling.They make me stand up and we all start walking out of my room to the hall where the mehndi function was happening.

I was walking slowly unwantedly. My heart was sinking.I was feeling tears in my eyes.As I entered the hall I saw a lot of women and girls of my village whom I have never seen.They all were looking at me happily.They all were thinking this marriage is bringing happiness for me but they don't know the fact.

Why are these girls are happy for my marriage if they like it they can do all of them to marry kamraan.I don't mind.

I saw kamraan' s family seated there.They saw me and ran toward me.His mother,sisters and bhabhi all were smiling and laughing foolishly. I faked a smiled looking at all of them.

They all hold me and now I was going to the couch which was decorated with marigold flowers.My whole house was decorated with these flowers.

I sat on the couch and looked around.Everyone's eyes were set on like I was a alien or something.I was not liking it.Soon the music was start. All girls were dancing and singing.I was feeling suffocated.

My mind divert from here to the coming day.how am I going to accept that idiot as my husband and if I did what will happened next.I in his room and he would be...

No no I can't think about this.

This can't happened.

He dare to touch me and I will kill him.

Really you cannot.

Why I am helpless..??

Allah show me some way some light.

I was thinking about the coming day and I was feeling disgust thinking about kamraan near me.I felt my heart sinking.A lady approached me and sat next to me.she smiled looking at me.

"Hey beautiful bride." She said and I smiled.

She was the one who will apply mehndi on my hand but before that the ritual of Hina must be done.Zimal's mom came to me and put a thousand rupees on my hand and all ladies one by one start applying mehndi on my hand which had Money on it and some oil in my hair.It is a ritual of mehndi.I was confused why zimal's mom put that money on my hand usually would be mother-in-low do that.

After all the women does the ritual the money was removed from my hand.I looked at the girl who was seated next to me.She picked up mehndi and start applying beautiful designs on my hands.I was not interested in looking at my mehndi.I saw zimal sat next to me on left side.she smiled and her smile bring smile on my face.

As I looked up my eyes met with that devil passing to the stairs.He stared at me annoyancely.

What I have done to him?

He looked at me like he will eat me or kill me!

He just looked at me and then passed out of the hall.He was about to cross the door when his mom called and talked with him and all he was nodding.

I avert my eyes from him.Zimal was looking at me happily.

"Why are so happy today?" I asked looking at her.

"I got the biggest happiness of my life today." She said and I lifted my head to see this small cute girl.

"Okay so what's that?" I asked and she just shrugged her shoulder.

"You'll know." She said and I was confused.

I looked at my hands.My hands were full of mehndi.I was so lost in looking at mehndi when her voice wake me up.

"Your would be husband's name??" She asked and I felt my mouth's taste change into bitter thinking about the kamraan.

I was about to say when zimal speak and what she says shocked me.I turned fully to her to know that I have listened her correct.

"What did you say?" I asked but she smiled only.

Zimal looked at the mehndi designer and said.

"Her would be husband name is kaif." She said and my eyes were widened in shock.

Wait what!!

Did I heard kaif?

That devil!


The monster!

I'm going to marry him??

Is it a joke or a nightmare?

Surely a nightmare! Wake me up please!!

"What are you saying? I asked looking at zimal but she pointed her hand toward my hand.

I looked at my hand and there in the design of mehndi,the designer wrote beautifully name of kaif.His name was shinning on my hand.


I slowly said his name and suddenly his eyes full of anger and flames appeared on the curtain of my mind.I hate it.

I hate having his name on my hand.I wanted to remove it.I wanted to escape from here from all of them where no one play with me,with my life...

Zimal took my hands in her and looked at my mehndi.

"This is the reason of my happiness bhabhi." She said and it reveals to me that everyone knows it but how this happened.

I looked around and found that there was no kamraan's family was there.They all left.Kaif's or I can say that devil 's mom arrived to me and kissed my forehead.He hugged me and whispered in my ear.

"You are welcome beta in our family.you are best for my kaif." She was whispering and I was listening to her.

Kaif..kaif...Allah what is happening?

First that illiterate kamraan and now this devil kaif..!!

But first I wanted to know how this happened.All of sudden this change and how that devil agreed to marry me.and if he agreed doesn't mean I will accept it.

I was seated there.the function was continued.I wanted my answers.I wanted to..I looked at Taayi Ami who was smiling tears in her eyes.She smiled looking at me.

I didn't know what to do.I need answers and now.Finally after sometime I was taken to my room. As I entered in my room,I hurriedly turn to see Taayi ani.she looked at ne and understood.she sends all the girls out of he room.now only I and Taayi ami was in the room.

"Taayi Ami what is all this??" I asked impatiently.

"Relax first sit down." Taayi Ami said and make me sit.

"Why are you shocked?! You should be happy that you are not going to marry kamraan." She looking looking into my eyes.

"But why this devil? I mean I don't want to marry kamraan neither with that arrogant,selfish monster devil." I said angrily.

"Wow hold down whose name are these?" Taayi ami asked .

"Obviously that devil whose name is written on my hand." I said..

"Soon it will be written on your heart." Taayi Ami said.

"It won't happened ever." I said confidently.

"We'll see." Taayi ami said.

"But tell me how this happened?" I asked.

"Your mamu asked your father for your proposal and he said yes." Taayi Ami said and I looked on.

"So easily? Just like that?" I asked still not believing.

"Yes. Now don't stress yourself and have sleep.Tomorrow is a big day for you." Taayi Ami said and went out of the room.

It was that simple they were showing to me.I understand I'd Baba said yes but how that devil even agreed to marry me.And the question also rises that why Baba suddenly changed his decision.

Something is fishy!

I need to find out.

I was feeling something wrong in all thing.How just that happened.I was about marry kamraan and now all of sudden my groom changed how.?

I can't take this anymore I need answers

And with that saying I got and went out of the room but the hall was still filled with people.I went again in my room and laid down on bed.

I put my hands up because of mehndi.I got up and looked at my hands.My mehndi was still wet.
I inhaled its smell and I smiled.The fragrance of mehndi always attracted me.

Its smell I'd my weakness.its fragrance gave peace to my mind.I closed my eyes for a while and then open eyes immediately and looked at my right hand.

I looked at the words written on my hand.His name was shining on my hand claiming me to be his.I was just staring at the alphabets written on my hand.


I recall his name under my lips and soon his image of yesterday and his behaviour remind itself to me and I felt my blood boiling.How can I tolerate him in my life who in just minutes make me cry and gave me pain.I can't do this.

This can't happened to me!!

Why always me Ya Allah..

I have to talk to him.

I start waiting for the function to end.Finally all the ladies went to their houses.I looked at my hands. Mehndi was dry now.

I waited for some more time and then came out of the room.I was still wearing my Mehndi dress.I looked around ,no one was there.The whole rooms way was empty.I knew he will be in his room which was near to my room.

I didn't understand why he is staying here in ladies section when no outsider is allowed.

He's not outsider but your would be husband..

Shut up..He will not..

Myy conscience and I was talking.I reached near his room and before I could knock the door opened itself.I looked up and what was in front of me shocked me.

I turned immediately. Kaif was standing without his shirt on.

"What?" He said but I didn't turned to him.

"Put some on." I said.

"I will not what will you do?" He said arrogantly.

I felt like to punch him.

"You just wear something so I can talk to you." I said still not turning.

"What if I didn't? Why you can't talk to me like this?or you can't handle my hotness?" He said smirkingly.I can feel it.

Wait !! what did he say? Hot and him please.."

"Don't you have any shame.?" I said still not looking at him.

"Just don't waste my time.go away." He said in annoyance and shut the door.

Did he really shut the door on me!!?

That monster..

Doesn' t he  have manners to talk to a girl..!

I won't give up and I again slammed the door.

"What?" He shouted as he opened the door.

I took two steps back on his shouting. He was looking dangerous. I gulped. He was still standing in front of me without having any shirt on him..

"I..I..need to talk." I said stammeringly

"Get lost." He said and was about to shut the door when I hurriedly went inside his room.

"What the hell?" He said and slammed the door behind him.

I took two steps back and he looked at me with rage.I didn't know what he was going to do but it was confirm that I was  not going anywhere without knowing the truth.

"Get out or else you will regret on coming here?" He said giving me warning.


What can I expect from him!


I didn't moved and he just kept staring at me.

"Just out." He shouted pointing his finger toward the door.

I got scared but didn't show it on my face.I bring confidence in me and looked directly in his brown eyes.

"I want to talk to you.need to know something." I said and looked at his face who was changing its colour.

He pulled me toward him by holding my both wrms .I was now standing in front of him a few inches away from him.His hold was so tight on arms. His face was leaning on me.His breaths was burning my face.His eyes were full of anger and rage.

I was standing on my tip toes because he was holding me up with full of his force.His fingers were deeply pressed on my arms giving me pain.

"What? What you think are you trying to do? " he said angrily.

His eyes were burning with rage.I could feel it. He was pressing his finger more deeply on my arms as his rage was increasing.My eyes welled up.I was shivering.

Tears rolled down on my cheeks.But his grip was still that tight burning my skin.

"Lea..ve me.you..are hurting..me" I said and he bring me more closer to him.

His nose was touching mine.He was standing so close to me that my body was touching his bare chest.

"Really is it hurting? And now?" He hold me more tightly making me yelled because of pain.

"Hurting right? I feel the same." He said and I looked at him.

My eyes were fixed on him widely opened.

"You ruined everything in my life.you destroyed my dreams,my desires everything."  He said and was looking into my eyes.

"Then why are you marrying me?" I asked looking into his.

I was still in his hold standing near to him.

"My luck or can I say bad luck!" He said sarcastically.

"Tell me why you agreed on this marriage and what happened so suddenly that our marriage got fixed?" I said looking at him.

My forearms were touching his bare chest.The flower Garland were touching his shoulders.I take a look at his collarbone he had a scar on his left collarbone. I felt the urge to touch it but soon I came to my senses and looked up at his eyes.

He was taking deep breaths to control his anger.


I mutter under my lips.

"What did you say?" He asked looking into my eyes.

"I said why are you marrying me if .." I was saying when he stopped me.

"No after that.." He asked and narrowed his eyes.

I think for a second that what I said.

"Monster." I said quickly.

As I said it I realized what I did.I looked up and gye was looking at me.He leaved me.And i took two steps back.

"Monster huh.." He said taking steps toward me.

I was walking backward.I stopped suddenly because there was no way. My back was touched with wall.He was coming closer and I was getting scared. He stopped near me and put his both hands on the wall caged me between in in his arms.I was really looking like a tiny sparrow who stuck in the cage of this devil.

My eyes were getting wet but I controlled myself.I can't be weak.

"Monster really! So let me show what the real monster is." He said looking into my eyes.

I pushed him back but he didn't moved a inch.My hands were placed on his bare chest pushing him back but nothing was happening. He was standing in his same position.

"Move." I said bringing confidence in me.

"Monsters don't move away from their prey." He said and smiled.

His smile...

Stop mind...

No his smile really is...

Stop I said.

I looked down.

"Why are we marrying?why my baba fixed our marriage instead of me and kamraan?" I said not looking at him.

I felt his breath getting heavy.He was breathing angrily.

I looked up.My hands were still placed on his bare chest.I was not able to remove my hands. His dangerous look was scaring me. I was looking at him.My eyes were shivering.

"This is not a marriage but a deal." He said and I looked at him confusedly.

"Deal??" I asked not understanding.

"Your dad sells you to save his business." He was saying.

"No you are laying!." I said in disbelieving.

"Really? Only because of this stupid deal my life is ruined.My all dreams are destroyed.Only because of you." He was saying angrily.His eyes were flaming.

"My all dreams,my plans are now finished.My dad made a deal with your dad to save your dad's  business and save you from marrying that your illiterate cousin and in doing all this he didn't think about his own son.My dad made your dad to make this deal to save your dad's business." He was saying and I was feeling that the roof fall on me.

"Only because of you and your dad my whole life is ruined.Only to save you." He was saying but stopped.

My tears were rolling down on my cheeks.I became a business deal for my father.He didn't even once think about me.He just did this only to save his business.If someone will else make deal with him he would make marry with some else.

I looked at him whose face was red because of the rage boiling in him.

"Then don't." I said and looked into his eyes.

His eyes were red and so were mine.Mine because of crying ad his because of anger.

"Then don't marry me.you don't need to." I said while sobbing.

"Are you out of your mind? Don't try to ruined what is set now.and as I told you the hell is waiting for you." He said and hold my face in him fingers.

"Ahh.." I yelled because of pain.

He pinned his fingers in my cheeks deeply.

"You can't boycott now.Now not I nor you can refused to do this marriage.My dad did all this only to save you.He didn't even care for me,my life and dreams so I will make sure to give you a safe hell where you get all that I wanted to give you tears,pain and lone less." He said and leaved my face with anger.

He didn't went but still stood in front of me glaring at me.My hands were still on his bare chest.He took two steps closer to me.My hands pressed on his chest.

"You took everything. I'll make sure to give you the same I got from you.The miserable married life." He whispered in my ear and I trembled.

"Now get the hell out of here." He yelled and I jumped.

He took few steps back and my hands which were placed on his chest fall down.He walked toward his study table and I slowly walked toward the door.Tears were forming in my eyes again and again and I was wiping them from my cheeks.

I stopped at the door and looked at him.He turned to me and looked at me.His eyes were normal.There was no anger I could see but I felt his eyes shining.His eyes were wet.

I slowly opened the door and went out.I slowly walked toward my room. As I entered in my room,I hurriedly closed the door behind me and went to my bed.I sat on my bed and laid down.

My mind was fighting with me to stop what is happening.I cried that night on my destiny.

Everyone just think that I'm their toy so they can play with me just the wat they want. They think I'm emotionless.I don't have a heart to feel anything.

Baba first fixed my marriage with his nephew,and didn't care about my thinking my wish.and now he just for his profit throwing to that devil who hates me more than hate.

And that devil who don't have a mind thinks only he has life.Only his dreams are ruined but I didn't anything.I was used always.

No one cared about me.no one think about me.Everyone knows their best and flaws.

What am I going to do with this marriage?

Let's see for how much I will tolerate all this and what that monster will do to make my life hell.?

But one thing was clear,I was not going to give up.if we ended up on marrying then let it be.But you will regret marrying me Mr.kaif.

I said to myself and wiped my tears.I looked at my hands.My mehndi was dry but smudge.His name was flashing on my palm.I rub my thumb on it to smudge it.As the mehndi removed I saw its colour.His name was printed on my palm with its full colour.

I make a disgust face looking at his name.

"If you are going to make my life hell and I will make your the worse."

I picked my sketch book and took my pencil.I opened a new page and start drawing him.I was sketching as as I saw him today.I was thinking about him looking at me angrily. I was drawing and muttering.

As I complete my sketch I looked at it.I thought for a second and wrote today's date on the corner and at the end I signed.I looked at the sketch but still something was missing.I thought for a moment and then wrote something and closed the sketch note.

Everyday I will sketch you to remind myself your Devilish look you always gave.

I said to myself and laid down on my bed to sleep.

Tomorrow my life is gonna change but I'm not gonna change. I won't give up.That devil will regret accepting me as his wife.

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes.

A/N:: salam people

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