The Devil

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Anaya's POV.

The Days were passing like minutes. Everyone around me were busy in preparation of marriage.My mamu and his family was still staying with us.

It was strange that never in my life no man was,allowed to come in women section then why all of sudden that arrogant son of my mamu always visit here.No one stopped him.He even came when all women and girls gathered.

What on earth is happening??

My baba also visits but that's okay but he even seems frank with that arrogant monster.He didn't stopped him.I know that arrogant came only to talk to his sister and mother but I don't know I can't tolerate him around me.

I didn't payed any attention to that monster nor I took interest in the preparation of the marriage.Most of the time I was spending in my too and whenever I came out of my I face that one who ruined my all mood.That arrogant I mean he always bumped into me.

What on earth he think he was doing?

Torturing me of course!

He didn't bothered to say sorry or any apologetic word at his mistake.He always showed me his that face which have always attitude,non concerning expression.

Gosh!! He is so arrogant.

I was in my room thinking about the days of my life and of course that devil who always tries to show me his attitude .

Damn him why I even thinking about him..

I turned to the door and saw Zimal standing with a beautiful smile on her face.

"Hi api let's go down." She came to me and hold my hand.

I smiled and nodded.She was so sweet and cute.

Ahh I was missing Aasiya l.She was in Lahore for few days with her sister.He went there to see her new born niece.

She said she'll be here on my wedding day.But who know I don't want this wedding.I don't want to do this.

I was so frustrated and irritated with all this mess which my baba created in my life. I sighs and went down with zimal.

as we reached in hall,I saw a huge crowd of girls and women. They were all maybe our relatives but i didn't know them all.I look around to find any familiar face and I saw my Taayi Ami,zimal's mom and My grandmother seated on a sofa.They were talking and selecting the clothes which were spread all around the huge table between them.

The shopkeeper who was a lady was seated on the floor showing dressess.A lot of dresses of different colours were spread around.

I came and sat next to Taayi Ami. She smiled and hugged me.She started choosing different dresses for me and was showing me again and again.I was not feeling good looking at all this.

I excused myself and got up and immediately went to kitchen and had a glass of water and drank it in just once.The stupid face of that stupid,moron, illiterate kamraan was coming again and again in front of my eyes showing me the future of my.I felt my heart a punch thinking him as my would be husband.

Huh I hate it..I can't do this.

I palmed my face and took deep breaths to calm myself.My mind was again and again recalling that stupid face of that idiot kamraan and I was feeling like to vomit. I hurriedly went out of the kitchen and start moving toward the terrace. Tears were rolling down on my cheeks and I was walking as fast as I could.I was walking in my own state of mind when I bumped with something.

"ahh..Allah what is this?" I said while rubbing my head.

I was bumped with that thing so hardly that i felt a sudden pain rises in my neck and head.Everything around me was rounding in circle.I hold my head.

I look up and my eyes widened.That Devil was in front of me looking at me.

What the hell!!

What is he doing here??

"You??!!" I said angrily.

"Will you stop bumping into me?" He said in the most arrogant tone.

"Excuse me?? Its you who always.." I was saying when he interrupted me.

"Don't.don't ever talk to me like that." He said and I was like really.

He said that.what he think of himself.

"Excuse me.who the hell are you to tell me how should I talk or not.Be in your limits okay." I said firmly and folded my arms on my chest.

I saw his face turning red in anger.

"You.." He said and showed me his forefinger and was now taking steps toward me in anger.

I took steps backward and he was continuously taking steps toward me.His eyes were red in anger.I could feel his pulse rate high because of his anger.

I was stopped because there was no way to escape.My back was touched with wall and now I'm facing that arrogant monster.

He was standing in front of me.He took few more steps and covered the distance between us.He was hardly few inches always from me.I could feel his breath on me.

Ya Allah help me.This devil is looking so angry.but what is his problem??

He was still standing in front of me staring at me.His eyes were big and round.His long lashes were shining..

whose eye lashes shine by the way??

Hey his shines! I saw their shine.He is standing so close to me right now.

I felt him looking at him.He was not moving away.

"What?" I asked.

He didn't say a word but was looking at me continuously without blinking his eyes.


"What is your problem? Why you always tries to fight with me?" I said bringing confidence in me.

"My problem is spoiled everything in my life.I didn't know what is happening in my life.You just enter in my life to ruin my dreams and life." He stopped for a while.

I'm scared now.This monster is really scaring me.

"What are you talk..." I was saying but was interrupted by him.

"Shut up just shut up.Don't say a word or else.." He was saying and I could witness anger building up in his eyes.

What seriously is his problem??

"Or else?" I said looking into his eyes.

He didn't say a word but put his gaze on my.

"Don't...don't tr...y to..threat..ened me." I stammered and I saw a little smile on the corner of his lips.

"Really!" He asked and this time his eyes were red but I saw softness rises in them.

" someone is scared." He said and I hold my heart and build confidence.

"You wish.scared and I.huh keep dreaming." I said in a jokey manner.

He looked at me deeply and leaned toward me.He placed his both hands on the both sides of wall and caged me in his stronger arms.

"So you are not scared?" He said looking into my eyes.

"Are you trying to scared me.?" I asked and looked directly into his eyes.I folded my arms on my chest.

"You should." He whispered in my ear.

"Excuse me?" I asked.

"You should sacred of me.The hell you created in my life ,I will create in yours." He almost snarled.

I felt afraid of this monster whose eyes were enough to make me scared.He was looking at me like he will kill me at any moment.

"What did I.." I was saying but was stopped by the pain.

He held me face so hardly.He pinned his fingers in my face hardly that Tears start rolling down on my cheeks because of pain..

"" I said with much difficulty.

He was leaning on me.His grip on my face was tightened and it was hurting me.Tears were rolling down on my cheeks.I tried to free myself but he had his grip tight on my face.

"You ruined my dreams,now you are crying." His eyes were flaming with anger.

"Its hurting.isn't ?" He said while tightened his grip on my face.

"The hell is waiting for you." He whispered in.anger looking directly in my eyes.

I scared of his this side.He was real a monster.He was hitting me with his words and with his actions.

My hand was still on his hand trying to remove it. He smiled devilishly. And removed his hand from my face.My cheeks were hurting and burning.Tears were out of control for me.

"This was just a trailer." He said and a devil smile appeared on his face.

I took two steps back and my back  touched the wall.My eyes were widened with shock and fear.

He smiled devilishly and went downstairs. I was not able to move.My face was hurting a lot.

What the hell he was saying?

I slowly started walking and went my room.My face was still burning.I was feeling the pain on my cheeks.I stand in front of the mirror and saw myself.

My Eyes were burning because of crying.I touched my face and there I saw the finger prints on my cheeks.His pinned finger leaved its marks on my face.My face was hurting badly.

What the hell was he saying.What dreams? What I have done with them?He is insane totally insane.

I walked toward the washroom and washed my face with cold water to awake my mind from the horrified moment.

I washed my face and came out of the room.I sat in front of dressing table.I examine my face and still u saw there were marks of his fingers on my face.

I hate you.I hate you from the bottom of my heart.Mr.kaif.
You said I ruined your dreams but how is this possible? You are insane totally insane.

I was looking at myself and cursing that devil monster but hurt me a lot.

You really are a devil,monster.I thought you were arrogant but no you are selfish monster with devil mind.

I hate him.I hate him more than anything else.I wish I could never see him again.

I came to my bed and lay down.

I closed my eyes and jis face,red eyes appeared on my eyes.I hurriedly opened my eyes.

I was feeling fear building up in me.He actually threatened me for what I did or not maybe but I really now scared of his.

I wish I could never see him again.I turn to other side and closed my eyes to have some sleep.

A/N:: Salman people.

So how was it??I mean this chapter.I hope you all liked it.It was a short chapter.

I hope you liked it.Tell me about your opinions in comment box..

Do vote and share and please avoided grammatical and spelling problems.I will edit this chapter soon..

Love you all..

Keep reading...
Keep smiling...

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