11| The Ballet

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The Ballet

"Someday you'll realise the damage that you've caused"

• Bonnie •

My arm was feeling better and better as the days went on.
"Familiar?" Luke said, brushing the horses
"Certainly fucking familiar" I commented, throwing the water onto another horse
Now everyone was actually letting me get up and do things, I felt so much better

Pulling my weight
Building my strength back up.

"So..." Luke said
"So?" I asked
"Roma? She's been talking about you nonstop since yesterday" he said

"Why?" I asked
He shrugged
"Clearly hung up on you" he said
"You can't be hung up on someone you've never been with" I said

"Well she's hung up on something" he said
"She needs to stop. If Adriana hears her doing it, she'll set her straight. Trust me, she doesn't want that" I smiled
Adriana is strong. And deadly when she wants to be

And it attracted me to her no end.
She's so fucking smart. And skilled
She actually knew how to handle herself.

"She needs to get over it. Why anyone would be hung up on you I don't understand" Luke laughed
"Why don't you try your luck then eh? Forget about the imaginary girlfriend of yours and get a real one" I advised

"She is real" he insisted
"Sure" I said
"She is!"

"How's my beautiful girl?" I asked, heading into the vardo
"Tired" Adriana said.
"I was actually talking to my little princess" I said, picking Florence up
"Ha ha" Adriana rolled her eyes

I put Florence into bed, tucking her up next to Kaven already sleeping.
Before I joined Adriana, holding her from behind whilst she picked seeds from the flowers on the sideboard.

"Good day?" She asked
"The best now I'm here" I said, kissing her neck
"Flirt" she chuckled
"Only for you" I mumbled against her skin
Her soft skin...

"Bonnie..." she drawled out
"Mm" I hummed, kissing her
"The ballet... I think we should go" she said, making me stop
"What?" I asked panicked

"I think we should go. Everyone is expecting us. It'll give us an insight into this Mosely guy and McCavern. And it'll show everyone that we're stronger than ever" she explained, turning round to face me, pressed between me and the counter

"No" I said afterwards
"No?" She asked
"I'd have to wear a suit" I said
"So?" She smiled
"I hate suits" I said

"Please. Bonnie? Baby" she tried, winding her arms around my neck, leaning up to kiss me pleadingly
"Please... I've always liked you in a suit" she teased
"Really?" I asked, she nodded

I thought about it
She was right in a way. It would show everyone that I'm not dead
That I wouldn't die.

Because I'm Bonnie Gold. A Shelby champion.
"Fine" I gave in
"Really?" She asked happily
I nodded
"For a kiss, yeah" I demanded, feeling her gorgeous lips on mine.

"We'll have to get you a suit then" she said
I groaned.

One painful shopping trip later, I had a new suit
And Adriana had a new dress
That she looked fucking amazing in.

"Ooh, you two look great" Adelaide said, joining us
"Thank you, are you sure you're alright to look after the children?" I asked
"Course" she said, they were already asleep anyway
It was just a matter of making sure they stayed that way.

I stepped out of the vardo. As everyone began to make noise at us
"Ready?" Aberama said, I nodded
"Why can't we come?" Luke asked
"Because you weren't invited" I said obviously

"You look very handsome Bonnie" Roma said from the fire
"Thanks" he said, looking at me confused
"Well you look beautiful Adriana" Wilder said instead

"Thanks" I sighed, making eyes at Bonnie
"I suppose. You do have to be considerate, she's still losing the baby weight" she said to Wilder kindly
Fucking kindly?

"Thanks" I gritted out
"Let's get going then. I have a lady to propose to" Aberama said
"A lady?" Bonnie snorted
"A nightmare" I mumbled to him as he took my arm in his, laughing with each other

God help Aberama marrying my mother.

"This is awful" Bonnie said in my ear
"The whole thing will be awful" I said back
"Then why are we here?" He asked

"For image" I said honestly
"We have to show the snobby cunts that you're still kicking" I said
"And hitting" he added, making me chuckle

We slowly made our way in to Tommy's dining hall
Where Michael and Gina were tucked away in a corner talking
"He looks different" Bonnie said
"He is different" I corrected

"Michael" I said, stopping in front of them
"Anna" he smiled, hugging me
"Nice to see you again Bonnie" he said, holding his hand out
"Yeah, been a long time" he replied

Bonnie didn't exactly look the part tonight
Neither of us did
With bruised faces and a recovering shoulder
We were clearly dressed up as something we weren't

"This is my wife, Gina" he introduced
She held her hand out to Bonnie
Who remained still
"Bonnie we've been over this" I laughed
"Kiss her hand" I said

He did so, and she put on a smile
"You didn't brief your new wife about us did you?" I asked, trying to keep it light hearted
Yet Michael's words from before still annoyed me
And hurt me
"If you think the peakys are bad. You'll be in for a surprise with us" I said to Gina

"I'm beginning to see that" she said, looking over us
Looking Bonnie up and down
Like he shouldn't be here
"Christmas will be chaos huh?" I chuckled

"Well... probably not. We're going to be living in the states, aren't we honey?" She said, linking her arm with Michael's
"You're going back?" I asked. Trying not to let it show how hard that was to hear

"I think so. Tommy still needs me over there" he said
"I thought he needed you here? For the boats" I said confused, and hopeful
"No. It's still to be decided but... we'll most likely live there" he said

"Oh" I said, deflating
"Sorry to interrupt. Bonnie, Adriana, can I steal you both?" Lizzie asked
"Sure" Bonnie said, leading me away
He was going to leave again?
Right after he's come back.

I leant my head against Bonnie's shoulder, looking up at the sky
"We don't belong here" I said, admitting defeat
"No. We don't" Bonnie laughed, wrapping his arm around me

"Let's leave" he suggested
"We can't leave. Our parents are going to announce their engagement" I said in horror
"It's going to be weird. Them two..." Bonnie shivered

"It's already weird" I said
"Yeah..." he sighed
"I'll go get our seats. Maybe we're hidden in the back somewhere" I said
"Fingers crossed" he laughed, kissing my head as I got up, leaving him

I passed Aberama on my way
"Talk to him" I said, glancing at Bonnie
"He's angry with me" he said
"We're all angry with you. Never stops you though does it?" I smiled sadly, grasping his arm gently

"He'll understand... eventually" I said
"Do you?" He asked
"I understand why you want to do this. But mum... I'm still figuring that one out" I said.

"She loves me" he said
"I don't doubt that for a moment" I said honestly
Because I truly think she does
I just don't understand her methods sometimes.

On my way inside, I was waylaid
By a man with dark hair and a horrid moustache
A man I knew the face of
Oswald Mosley

"You're one of them" Mosley said
"One of them?" I laughed
He was that stuck up?

"A gypsy dressed like a princess" he commented
"And a man dressed like a king" I said back
"There is nothing wrong with men" he said
"But there is something wrong with gypsies?" I asked

He looked down at me, before his eyes found mine again
"Not when they're in the right position" he said

I stepped closer
"Move out of my way" I said
He laughed
"Or what?" He asked
"Come on, threaten me, liven my evening won't you?" He smirked

"I don't threaten" I said simply, pulling my knife out slowly.
He eyed it
"There you are, I've been looking for you" Bonnie interrupted

I put it away, smiling at him as his hand graced my back
"Shall we get seated?" He asked
I nodded, as Mosley finally moved out of the way
And I went looking for our seat

• Bonnie •

She stepped ahead of me, and I gripped Mosley's arm before he could move past me
"Don't try and scare her again" I said calmly
He laughed
"You're all so entertaining" he said

"It won't be when you're lying in hospital" I warned

• Adriana •

We were seated near the back 
Beside Michael and Gina
Was Tommy trying to test us? To see if we'd all talk about him?
To see if we would complain being seated far away?

I know Michael. I know he's hiding something
But he wouldn't take Tommy out
He couldn't.

"It's a beautiful dance, don't you think?" Gina said to me
"I don't think you do" I pointed out
She smiled
"It bores me. I prefer the theatre, the cinema" she said

"I prefer quiet" I said simply

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