12| Escape

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"I can't unlove you"

• Bonnie •

Adriana left me to go inside
And dad joined me. Which was the last thing I wanted
I mean... what was he doing? Making peace with that scum just so he can marry Polly?

"Are you going to ignore me forever?" He asked, standing above me
"Depends... how long you planning to play happy families with the scum that put us all in hospital. Nearly put us all in graves?" I asked casually

"Bonnie" he said, fed up
"You went off on a fucking wild... unplanned trip to take revenge on them. Now everything's changed because of her?" I asked

"You all told me to slow down!" He argued
"No! We told you to fucking tell us before you do something. We didn't say hold off on the entire thing and marry Polly fucking Gray" I said

"... I love her" he said
"I know. And I hope you're happy with her. But I... I just don't want us to lose dad. And holding off on all this. It doesn't give us a lot of advantage" I explained
"No. But it gives us time to plan" he said

"We need a strategy. A plan to wipe them all out" he said
"Don't worry. I'm already working on it" I assured him.

"Now if you don't mind. I'm going to go and watch this shit ballet. And go home" I said, getting up.

I tried to find the entrance to the ballet space
But all I did find was my wife
Being threatened by some posh cunt
So I intervened.

• Adriana •

"You know, Michael isn't trying to hurt you" Gina said, as the ballerinas danced on the stage
Michael hushed her
"He's just prioritising his family now. You understand that?" She said

"Of course. I see that. I see a lot" I said
"As a gypsy" she said
"Yes" I gritted out
"Michael does not possess that" she said amused

"Michael does not open his mind to it" I said

"So what do you see in me?" She asked in my ear
I scoffed
"A darkness. Jealousy... the same path I see Michael going down" I said

She smiled in the darkness
"What is it? A curse?" She joked
"No" I said seriously, looking at her
"Nothing is cursed when it comes to you. It's natural. It's born darkness" I said. Her smile dropped, and she looked back towards the ballet, seemingly done talking to me

"Do we have to sit here for the whole thing?" Bonnie asked
"No, no we do not" I said, standing up, taking his hand.

"Were we wrong to leave your dad?" I asked
Bonnie glanced at me from the driving seat
"Leaving him with your mum, yeah" he teased
"Stop" I laughed
It was so... uncomfortable picturing them two as a couple
My mother and his dad.
It was almost... wrong in my mind.

"This was nice though, sure they're all posh pricks. But a night out, just us, it was good" Bonnie said
"Yeah" I smiled
The kids took a lot of our time nowadays

But he was right
Tonight was nice. And he looked so handsome in a suit
"Bon?" I said

He hummed
"Pull over" I said
"Why?" He asked concerned
"Just pull over" I said again, and he did so.

"What's the matter?" He asked
"Nothing. But you're right, being together... alone. It's nice" I said
He smiled
That heart melting warm smile
"It's really nice" I said, leaning closer and kissing him

He kissed me back, grasping the back of my neck
"You made me stop for a kiss?" He mumbled against my lips
"No" I said, climbing over into his lap
"Baby we can't-"
"I know" I said, kissing him

I still had a few more weeks to recover but... I miss Bonnie
And I can always still help him
I undid his trousers, as he grabbed my hips tightly

"Princess..." he strained
"You don't have t-"
"I want to" I said, placing my lips back on his as I wrapped my hand around him
And he groaned against me

"Ari" he breathed out, letting his head fall against the seat
"Fuck" he groaned.

"You're early aren't you?" Luke asked, as we trailed up the hill barefoot
"I guess we're not big fans of ballet" I shrugged
"Where's dad?" Estella asked

"Popping champagne with my mum over their fucked engagement" I offered, she rolled her eyes
"Did you have a good time?" Lyla asked, leaning against Wilder sleepily.

"Yeah, we certainly did" Bonnie smiled, hand in mine and squeezing it gently
I looked to him, smiling too
"Yeah looks it" Luke said knowingly
"I need my bed" I sighed, heading for the vardo

"I'll be there soon" Bonnie said, I waved my hand behind me in response. I was too tired to talk anymore.

• Bonnie •

"You got lucky didn't you?" Luke said in a hushed voice
"Shut up" I mumbled
"You did!" He said louder
"Did what?" Esmeralda asked
"Nothing" he said quickly

"You can joke about it when you finally get lucky" I joked back
"I have! I'm telling you, I have a girlfriend" he insisted
"Course you do" I said

"That's why none of us have met her" I laughed
"You will. One day" he muttered, throwing sticks into the fire.

I looked across the fire
Where Estella sat laughing with Rom's boy. Kalei
A bit too fucking close
"Luke" I said, raising his head
"Go break that up" I said

"What? How?" He asked
"I don't know, just do it. My sister isn't getting with a fucking Fury" I said simply.

He got up, musing his way over to them and sitting in between them, chatting.
Good lad.

"Hey Bonnie"
I looked up, to Roma stood smiling with a bottle in her hand
"Want some?" She asked, sitting beside me
A bit too fucking close
I shifted over
"No... thanks" I said

"It's been so long you know... I really missed you. We all have" she said
"Catch up with the girls then, I'm sure they'll fill you in on everything" I said

"Like what?" She asked
"You can tell me, we have time" she chuckled, patting my arm
I pulled it away. What is she trying to do?

"I'm a fighter now. Got married. Had three perfect children" I smiled
"And a perfect wife?" She questioned
"Yeah" I nodded

"She seems... great" she said
"She is. She's perfect" I answered. Standing up
"And I'm keeping her waiting" I said
"Night" I said, walking away from her

I looked to Luke, who gave me a reassuring nod he would keep Estella and Kalei apart
She liked to rebel. She liked to piss dad off
And getting off with a Fury boy would definitely piss him off.

"Ah, there's my gentleman" Ari said sleepily from the bed
"And there's my princess" I said, undressing
"You come back for round two?" She asked, her eyes roaming over my body

I leant down, grabbing her jaw and kissing her hard

• Adriana •

"Let's just stay here all day" I sighed, snuggling closer to Bonnie
It had been a day since the ballet
A day of quiet like I wanted. And we all spent it lounging around, drinking and catching up like old times.

"Wish we could. Camp isn't exactly friendly right now is it?" He said
"Isn't it?" I asked, looking up at him

"I don't know. I just... Estella and Kalei seem... close. Roma won't leave me alone and Rom is begging dad for some bloodshed" he said
Yeah... the Fury's made Carlisle's camp look safe.

"Come on. If we leave them to it. Someone will end up dead or pregnant" I laughed
"Don't jinx it" he warned

"What are you doing here?" I asked mum. Who sat by the burnt out fire pit alongside an apprehensive Esmeralda
"Look" she said simply, holding her hand up. A big diamond ring on her finger.

"That's nice" I said, as Bonnie followed me out with Noah on his shoulder and Florence on his hip
He was shirtless and looking... so good.

I took Florence from him, whilst Kaven ran off to Luke
"Give me a hold" mum demanded, taking Noah from Bonnie

Who gave me a look as he wandered off to Aberama
I sat with mum
"I have something to tell you" she said
I groaned
"What have you done now?" I asked
"You're not pregnant are you?" I laughed

"Don't be stupid" she said
"Ben Younger died yesterday" she said
"What? Is Ada alright? How?" I asked panicked
"His car blew up. He... Tommy thinks it was Mosley" she said

"Or the IRA, or the Billy boys, or any fucker else picking a fight with him" I seethed
"Fuck" I said, dropping my head in my hands

"I'll... I'll go see her, talk to her" I said
Ada is always there for everyone else
I can't believe she's had him ripped away from her
When she was finally happy?

• Bonnie •

"Why is she here?" I asked
"She's my fiancé" dad said in an obvious tone
"Why are you saddling the horses?" I asked
"We're going on a job" he said
"What job?" I asked

"The boats. From the Chinese, they're coming in today, Tommy wants us there" he said
"When do we leave?" I asked

"We don't" he said, before Rom and Jack approached us
"We are" he said, gesturing to them
"I want to come" I insisted

"No, you're healing. Your no good in a ring if you rush a recovery" he said
"I can hold a gun" I argued
"But can you pull the trigger?" Rom asked
"Yeah, I'm coming with you" I said

"Bonnie, maybe jus-"
"I'm coming" I cut Jack off
"Tommy hasn't asked for you" dad said
"I don't care" I said, walking back to Adriana

"I'm going to help dad today" I said, she nodded
"I need to go and see Ada, I'll take the children. Be careful alright?" I said
He nodded, kissing the top of my head
"When am I anything but?" He joked, rushing back over to dad

"That boy will get himself killed" mum said
"Michael's the one getting himself killed with all this talk of moving forward" I said
"What?" She asked

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