13| Consequences

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"It's a lot easier to be angry at someone than it is to tell them you're hurt" - Tom Gates

• Adriana •

"We weren't in love. Not really" Ada said sadly
"You can still be upset. Even just losing someone who supported you, it's rough Ada" I said
She ducked her head, looking over to the kids playing with Karl

"I always thought Freddie was my other half. This part of my soul that I had found and he just... understood me" she smiled, looking at Karl warmly
"I was so young... we were so fucking naive. But... I still think he was. I don't think I'll ever find someone like him" she said

"I feel the same for Bonnie... I thought he was... I honestly thought he was and my heart broke" I said, the image of him lying there kept flashing in my mind since it happened
And every time it did, my heart ached
And my head hurt

Because I didn't understand how Ada went on. Living. Coping.
I would die. My heart would die with that man.
Because he owns it. Completely.

She grabbed my hand comfortingly
"You still have him" she assured
"I'm sorry Ada, this isn't about me" I said, wiping my eyes
"It's about everyone Ari. Sides are being drawn. You and Polly, you'll have to decide where you stand" she said

"I stand with my family" I said
"It's Tommy or Michael. You know that" she said

"I don't feel like I know Michael anymore. Maybe I never really did" I said sadly
"Ari" she said

"We met late Ada. We had years apart, years together and then he went to America and... it's like I lost someone all over again. He never called, he never wrote. And now... now he's here it's weird. All he cares about is business. Is... Tommy" I said
"And Polly?" She asked

"You know mum. Michael is her precious boy, he can do no wrong" I sighed
"And if he does, do you think she'll side with Tommy?" She asked

"You hope she will?" I pointed out
"I hope there isn't a war. It's all Tommy and Arthur know. And Michael... he's never fought a war. He won't win" she said
I thought about it. And she was right. If he does try and go against Tommy. He'll lose

And I'll have a dead brother opposed to a distant one.

• Polly •

I mused through the wagon at the bottles
They didn't have much.
I turned around. Carlisle Kean.

I looked him up and down
"You're still alive?" I said, stepping down
He threw his arms out, smiling

"You hoped otherwise" he said
"No. Just didn't expect it" I said honestly, leaning against the wagon

"I hear congratulations are in order" he said
"Go on then" I said
"I hope your wedding is less eventful than Adriana's" he said

"Yes, more family there for one" I said
"Come on now. She had family there" he said
"Supposed family" I said
"We looked after Adriana for years before she found you" he said

Don't I know it?
"I know" I said shortly
"She's as good as my daughter" he said
I nodded slowly

"You're still a step up from her actual father" I said, giving him the point
"We really love Ari you know?" A blonde girl said in passing
"My daughter. Lyla" Carlisle said

"Adriana is happy, isn't she?" He asked
"Yeah. She's rolling with the Golds. She's three children in and she's only twenty two... and she's the happiest I have ever seen her" I admitted

I didn't approve of Bonnie
He tried. For her
But she could still do better than him.
But I would admit... that they were happy together.

Despite her age. Despite giving up working for the family
Despite travelling around with one of the worst camps out there.

• Adriana •

When I got back to camp, mum was still there, talking to Carlisle?
"Ari" Estella said, grasping my arm
"Yeah?" I said, she fidgeted in her place, looking around

"Can I talk to you... in private" she asked
"Sure, uh... Lyla, can you take Noah?" I asked
She nodded
"Come to your auntie baby boy" she grinned at him

I followed Estella
Until she reached the trees. And my legs began to ache
"Estella" I chuckled, stopping her
She took a breathe, turning to face me.

"I need help" she said
"Help?" I said amused
She never asked me for help
She always went to Esmeralda if she-

"I think I'm pregnant"

• Bonnie •

"Right. It's a simple job, we see the boats in, no bother" Isaiah said
"No bother?" Dad raised a brow.
"Just stick to the plan" Arthur said

"Is there one?" I asked
It was just overseeing. What could go wrong?

• Adriana •

I shifted in my seat. Nervous.
"So this could all be nothing?" Estella asked hopefully
"I don't know. A feeling isn't a lot to go on" I said
"But I could be wrong" she said

"I don't know" I said
Before the lady poked her head around the door for Estella
We stood up, following her
"Do you want her here?" She asked

Estella nodded. Sitting herself on the table
Before the lady began her exam

How can she be pregnant?
Aberama will kill her
Bonnie will kill her!
Esmeralda will fucking kill her!

"It appears you are correct. You're pregnant" she said
"What?" I asked shocked.

Estella deflated
"What... what does that mean now? What do I do now?" She panicked
"Well now, you have an option. You go to the doctors. If you want it. If not I can get rid of it. Or I can give you the number or someone who can get rid of it once it's born" she explained

Estella stared at the floor in front of her, before quickly getting up
"I need to get out" she said, rushing from the room
"Thanks" I said, leaving the money for her on her side and racing after Estella

"Stel!" I shouted, stopping her in the street
"I can't be pregnant" she whispered shouted back at me
"I know... I know" I said, pulling her into an alley
"Look. She's blunt but she's right, those are the options. And I'll help you no matter which one you decide. But... who's is it?" I asked

She looked away
"Stel" I said sternly
She rolled her eyes
"It... we didn't... we only did it twice" she said annoyed

"Only needs once" I shrugged
"It's Kalei" she mumbled
"Fury? Kalei Fury?!" I shouted, earning looks from some people passing by
"Yes" she let out, crossing her arms

"Oh my god. Oh m- Bonnies going to kill him" I stressed
"They can't kill him" she stressed back
"We need to tell them. We ne-"
"No. No we can't tell anyone" She worried
"We have to, we can't keep this a secret. Tell Bonnie, alright? He'll... he'll understand... eventually" I said

"You think?" She asked sarcastically
"I do" I said sincerely
He's her brother, he loves her
And I know he'll do whatever it takes to support her

The night came and went
And the boys were still gone
And the next day, they returned
Tired and wary. And... shot?

"What happened?" Adelaide asked worried, examining the bullet wound that Jack was holding in his side
Bandages messily wrapped around him, bleeding through his shirt

"The job didn't go too smoothly" Aberama explained vaguely
"Bonnie?" I questioned, as he pulled me to him
I looked him over
"Hey, I'm fine, don't worry" he said

"What went wrong?" I asked
"Titanics... fancied a fight" he shrugged
"You're not fine, you're grazed" I said, looking at his arm

"I'll bandage you both properly" Adelaide said, sitting Jack down. Who seemed all too happy to be bandaged by her
Whilst Bonnie waited.

"I can help you Bonnie" Roma offered
"I think Addy can manage" I said back
"What's the problem?" Roma asked

"I don't have one. Let's keep it that way" I said
She scoffed
"Why?" She asked
"Roma" Rom said simply. Looking at her warningly

"What? What's so bad about offering to help? I know you're not a real gypsy, so you won't understand. But we have a sense of community. I'm just offering to help" she argued

"Which is very kind. Maybe offer that help to someone who isn't my husband" I said
"Why? Are you scared he'll leave you?" She pouted

"No. I'm scared I'll have to show you the consequences... and I don't think your family would like that" I said
"No, we wouldn't. Roma pack it in" Rom said

"You're just making things worse" Jack said
"You couldn't hurt me" she said, ignoring them
"Even if I was still pregnant. I'd put you on the floor" I said determined

"God... she's a fucking wind up" I said lowly, sitting beside Bonnie
"Don't worry, they'll be gone soon. The Keans too... thank god" he said

"What's wrong with the Keans?" I asked
"Wilder is just as bad as Roma" he shrugged
He was right really.
They all needed to go eventually

But I couldn't see that happening
Not then Estella tells them about Kalei
About the baby.

"Baby" I said
"Yeah?" He called back, brushing the horses
"Keep a calm mind when I tell you this, alright?" I asked, glancing at Estella on the wagon

We'd gone for a ride. That's what we told the camp
That's what we told Bonnie
But really we needed a wide open space for him to kick off once she told him the news

"Tell me what?" He asked, turning to look at me
I looked down. Unsure how to say it
"What?" He grinned, looking between us

"I'm pregnant" Estella blurted out.

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