14| Pregnant

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"Some day you'll wish you were a better man"

• Bonnie •

Don't kick off she said.
"Please Bonnie"
Don't kick off

"He's a nice guy"
Don't fucking kick off

"Nice ride?" Carlisle asked as we pulled up
"Yeah" Adriana said politely as I got down. On a mission

"Oi" I said. Approaching the Fury camp
"Kalei" I shouted, nearing him
"Yeah?" He asked confused

I gripped his neck, pushing him against the horse he was looking after
As his mates took a step back.
"If you go near my fucking sister. I'll cut you" I warned simply. Plainly. Because I meant it
And quietly

Because Estella didn't want me to cause her trouble... yet.

"What?" He asked confused
"Go near her. And I'll fucking cut you" I said
He nodded, until I let go.

"Don't talk to her. Don't look at her, she isn't yours" I said.
"Fine" he gritted out
I turned my back
"I do like her Bonnie. I actually really like her" he said

I pulled my knife out, facing him
"Don't. Because when dad finds out what you've done. When everyone finds out, you're a fucking dead man" I said honestly
Dad will kill him.

I'm sure Rom would too.
I walked away.

"Tommy?" I questioned
It was rare to see him here
"Bonnie" he nodded
"I need you and Adriana today" he said

"For what?" She asked, perking her head up
"Your faces" he said
"What?" I asked
"They're bringing the boats in today. Into the yard... that's why we got off the boat early" Dad said, giving Tommy a look

"And now... I need you both to come with me" Tommy said
"Why do we need to show our faces? If I see that cunt Tommy, I'll shoot him" Adriana said

Again. It was weird hearing her talk like that after so long
Of giving it up
Of being a Gold and not a Shelby.

"Because I need to show him that we are a united front" he said
"Aberama doesn't want to be there. I understand that. So I need you two" he said

"Fine" Adriana said, getting up
"You can't hit him" he added
"Tommy" she groaned
"You can't. No hitting, no insults. No fighting" he said

"Then why do we have to go?" She asked
"Because your presence will be insult enough" he said
I looked to Ari, who told me in her eyes that she wanted to go

I did too. But I also wanted to drive a knife into Jimmy's fucking neck...

"Fine" I said as well.
"Good. Let's go then" Tommy said, already walking away.

• Adriana •

Me and Bonnie stood strong, unswayed
As Tommy spoke to Jimmy away from us
"You ever miss it? I know you say you don't... but... the bad ones. The real fucking bad ones... do you miss it?" Bonnie asked

"Yes" I said honestly
We vowed to always tell each other the truth
"I think I'd cut him, slowly... in the neck" Bonnie mused, looking at Jimmy
"I'd drown him" I said

"Why?" He asked
"There's real fear in a man's eyes when they're drowning. I've seen it first hand. And I often think of my dad. My real dad. Going the same way. It's no way to die... slowly losing your life as your entire body is flooded. It's torture" I said, my eyes flickering up to that snake

"And that's exactly what a man like him deserves" I said
"You scare me sometimes when you talk like that" he said
"You scare me sometimes when I watch you fight" I admitted

He was lethal when he was angry.
And Bonnie rarely got angry
That made it all the more scarier

"Brought the fighters with you huh?" Jimmy said loudly, looking back at us
"I see they're still walking... my men failed" he mused, looking us over
Bonnie strolled towards him

"I'd suggest closing that mouth before it starts a fight you won't win" Bonnie said
"Who said I wouldn't win?" Jimmy grinned
"You have no gun. No back up. One to one, trust me... you'd lose" Bonnie said, stopping in place

"Mouthy boy ain't he?" He commented to Tommy
"Seems I didn't hit your jaw hard enough"
"You didn't do a lot of things. And now... you're a dead man walking" Bonnie said

"Bonnie" I said calmly
Tommy didn't want us to start anything
"Yeah... listen to your missus lad..." he said, eyes finding me

"Yeah... I heard I kicked that baby out of you... you're welcome-"
Bonnie punched him in the face. Hard
And he staggered back
As Tommy quickly stepped in and pushed Bonnie back

"Take a walk" Tommy said
"Don't you ever fucking threaten my wife!" He shouted
"Walk away Bonnie" Tommy said again louder

He did so, storming away down the canal edge
As Jimmy laughed
"I see why he's a fighter..." he commented, wiping his jaw

I stepped closer to them
"You want a pop too? I'll give him that one. But you... I might just hit back" he smiled
"I won't hit you" I said
"Adriana" Tommy warned

"But when you do die... and you will die. That baby you kicked out of me... will play in the fields you're buried under. Forgotten... disregarded" I said
His jaw tightened
"My 'tinker scum' family will dance in the dirt that you rot in" I said lowly. Before following after Bonnie

"Calm?" I asked
"No" he said, looking down at his hands
I looked too. Bloody knuckles caressed in his other hand
He hit the wall...

"Bon" I said, bringing his head to my chest, hugging him
He wrapped his arms around me
"He will die" I assured him
"I know" he said, standing up, towering over me

"And I'll be the one who fucking drowns him" I said
I kissed him softly
"What's that for?" He asked
"Punching him in the face" I smiled.
Making him smile too.

When we got back to camp. It wasn't as relaxing as I thought it would be
Because Estella and her secret pregnancy was buzzing in our minds
She needs to tell Aberama

She knew that. She was just scared to
"He won't kick off" I said
"He will" Bonnie said, arms crossed, leaning against the cupboards

"Bon" I scolded
"What? Don't lie to her, he'll be fuming... and then he won't be" he shrugged
"You just have to get the bad part out of the way" he said
"Will you tell him?" She asked

"Not a chance" he replied
"What's Kalei said?" I asked
"That he'll support me, he'll marry me. He'll look after the baby" she said
Alright. That's good at least.
He wasn't running for the hills. Literally.

"Fine... fine, I'll... I'll do it" she said, making her way outside
We followed her
Someone had to be on hand in case Aberama tried to kill the boy

"Luke... Luke" I called on the way
"Give me Noah" I said, taking him
"Why?" He asked, concerned
"Because you might have to help Bonnie" I said
"With what?" He asked as we came to a stop

Aberama was laughing and drinking with Rom and Carlisle
"Dad, can I talk to you?" She asked
He looked at all of us
"About what?" He asked

"Can we talk... just us?" She asked
He looked at Bonnie, who nodded to Estella
He got up
"Okay..." he said, clearly confused as he followed her away

"What's going on?" Carlisle asked

I looked over to them
"He fucking what?!" Aberama shouted at her, making her flinch.
"Dad" she tried
But he was already walking away from her

"Guys" Carlisle said warily, standing up with Rom
We watched as Aberama stormed over to the Fury's part of camp
"Bonnie" I said cautiously

"Dad" he called, going after him with Luke
I rushed over after them. As well as everyone else
But as I got over there, Kalei was on the floor
And Aberama was kicking him repeatedly

"My daughter" he shouted, kneeling over him and punching him hard
"My fucking daughter" he shouted, pulling a knife out
"Abe! Abe?" Rom said confused, pulling him away just as he slashed Kalei in the collarbone

"Get away from me" Aberama demanded, pulling his gun out on Rom
"Dad" Bonnie said
"What's going on?" Esmeralda demanded
"Look, I don't know what's happened, or what you think has ha-"

"He got my daughter pregnant. My daughter. She's only just turned eighteen" he shouted angrily
"It was a mistake" Kalei coughed out
"A mistake?" He shouted
"No... no I mean... we didn't mean to... I like her" he spluttered out, dragging himself up

"I really like her Aberama. I told her... I... I'll step up" he said breathlessly
"Step up? I'll fucking kill you befor-"
"Abe! Calm down" Rom said

"Calm down? My daughter is pregnant and you're telling me to calm down!" He shouted, hitting Rom in the face
He took it, he stepped back. And he looked at Aberama

"You can have that, you're angry. But don't hit me again. I fucking warn you. Now let's sit down and talk about this" Rom said

Aberama shook his head. Spitting at the floor in front of Kalei before walking away.
Estella stood in tears. As Kalei lie bleeding.

I mean... it could have been worse.

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