35. Mishap

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Author's pov

Everyone was sitting in Arthit's room ,waiting for Mehak to gain her consciousness. Vishal and Sameer had also joined after hearing her condition from Arthit. 

Arthit was sitting beside her, holding her hand. He was controlling his temper whenever his eyes fell on the bruises on her cheeks . 

Suddenly he saw her eyes moving. He looked at her keenly. Slowly her hands moved and her grip on his hand tightened.

Mehak groaned as the pain on her head grew ,she was having difficulty while opening her eyes.

With great difficulty she opened her eyes only to be blinded by the sudden light in the room. Slowly she opened her eyes after adjusting with the light. 

Others were relieved to see her awake but didn't make any sound in order to not disturb her.

She turned towards her right to see Arthit sitting there and looking at her in concern.  The other family members also came to her sight.

She felt a slight pain on her right hand and looked at it to see the I.V. was attached to it . She also saw that Arthit was holding her hand in his grip which surprised her.

She was about to ask the matter when the incidents of the previous night hit her brain like a truck and a tear slipped from her eyes. 

Arthit who was watching her expression carefully wiped her tears away. His heart broke the very next moment when Mehak looked at him with a painful  and broken look in his eyes. 

"Do you want to sit?" He asked her softly. She nodded and with the help of Arthit she sat up.

As soon as she sat down, she broke down and hugged Arthit who was shocked by her gesture. Recovering from the shocked state, he hugged her and rubbed her back to console her.

"Sshh..okay okay. Mehak you are safe...no one can touch you. I am there for you...I promise." Arthit whispered the words in her ear and kissed her head. 

Soon Mehak's sobs turned to sniffs and she broke the hug.

"What happened , Mehak? Who did these?" He asked her. She again started to sob .

"Okay...okay ,Don't cry. See ,I am here. Nothing will happen to you. I promise you that. I seriously don't want you to be traumatized by making you remember the incident but if you don't tell me how will I punish the culprit because of whom you are hurt? " Arthit tried to make her understand. 

Hearing his soothing voice, Mehak whispered ,"I will tell you." 
She looked at her family and friends. 

"Do you want to be alone with me?" He asked as he saw her being a little apprehensive. She nodded.

Everyone went out  with a worried face.

Arthit looked at Mehak to continue. 

Last night 

Mehak got out of her car and told her driver to leave for home and she would call him when she would leave the party to pick her up.

It was a birthday party of a famous director and almost everyone from the film industry had been invited. 

She went inside after posing for the paparazzi. 

Everyone greeted her with a small smile to which she reciprocated. After greeting, she went to sit at the less crowded corner and took a glass of soft drink from a nearby waiter. 

She was enjoying her drink when someone patted her shoulder from behind. She turned around to see Tania was there. 

"Hey ,Mrs Mehak Rajvanshi. What are you doing here alone?  Don't tell me your husband ditched you as he didn't want to attend a party with someone like you by his side !!!" Tania said with a fake sad tone.

Mehak rolled her eyes and said ," Don't you have any work other than to insult me ? Or you  really like the way I insult you every time….Aww  ,I didn't know that you had an insult fetish. You could have told me Sweetheart. 
And by the way, my husband has more important work rather than wasting his time at such parties. " 

Tania fumed in anger and said ,"You will regret insulting me..remember that. "  She left from there. Mehak huffed and rolled her eyes.

After that she met her co-stars and talked with some directors. Suddenly her phone rang which showed an unknown number. First she ignored it. But when the second time it rang, she chose to accept the call as she thought that someone had something urgent to say to her.

Walking towards the corridor to avoid the loud music and sound , she picked the call up. 

"Hello," She said but all she got was silence. 

"Hello...who is this?" She asked once again. This time she got an answer but not from the call. 

"Hello ,sexy." 
Hearing the voice she turned  around to see Manoj standing there with a smirk on his lips.

She cut the call and said to him ,"What do you want?" 

"Me!!! Maybe a little time of yours and maybe ……" he let his words hang and ran his fingers on her arm.

Mehak slapped his hand away .

"How dare you touch me!!!" She said angrily and was about to slap him when Manoj caught her hand in his tight grip.

"You like slapping people too much..right?" He said as he twisted her hand . Her back touched his chest.

She was about to shout but Manoj shut her mouth by his hand and took her inside a nearby room.

"What the hell?" She shouted as he threw her on the bed and locked the door.

Mehak was shaking from inside but didn't want to let him know that she was afraid of him . His eyes were screaming lust which made her nauseous .

She searched for her phone but remembered that it fell outside the room when Manoj  manhandled her.

"Sweetheart, why did you think that I would leave you after you slapped me two times? " Manoj asked with a fake innocence. 

"You bastard!!! You deserve to rot in hell." Mehak screamed and threw the glass which was on the bed side table targeting his head. But he dodged it.

Mehak went towards the window and tried to open it but Manoj dragged her away and slapped her hard, she fell on the floor. Her head throbbed in pain and her forehead, lips started to bleed.

"Today I will break this fat ego of yours...just wait and watch how I ruin you." He said and came on top of her ,holding her hands in his tight grip. 

Tears started to pour from her eyes but she didn't stop fighting. She kicked him between his legs and he fell on the other side ,groaning in pain.

Mehak stood up and ran towards the door . She tried to open it but couldn't. 

"HELP….HELP…" She shouted. 

Suddenly she heard a sinister laughter. Mehak turned around.

"What do you think? I came unprepared, huh!!! The door open until I want it to..I always desired you and finally I am getting the chance. 
So Don't waste my time, come here and let me taste you." Manoj said ,standing up.

"Leave me..please...why are you doing this?" Mehak requested in a small voice.

"I will leave you surely..but after I am done with you..now come here." He said and started to drag her towards the bed. 

With her free hand Mehak slapped him hard that her palm stinged.

Manoj looked at her furiously and wiped the blood from his nose.

"Bitch!!! I will kill you today." He yelled and clutched her throat, choking her. 

She started to fight but he kept tightening his grip.

When she started to lose her strength, he withdrew his hand , making her cough.

He clutched her hair and brought his face close to her to kiss her forcefully.

She closed her eyes in pain and prayed to God to stop this torture.

"If he does something like this I will kill myself." She said to herself. 

Before he could kiss her the door burst open. 

Flashback ends.

"I thought that he...he..will ...will...but luckily you came on time. But how did you know that I was there?" Mehak asked him in between her sobs.

"I was trying to call you but it was engaged.
When you were not picking up my call, I already started my car and told my guards to look after you. Luckily it took only 10 minutes to reach as I was nearby  and I entered inside.
I asked people who were present but they didn't know. Then a waiter told me that he had seen you going to the corridor which was at the back side of the hall.
After searching for you and hearing your ringtone, I located you. " Arthit said to her.

Next moment Arthit caught off guard as Mehak hugged him tightly. 

"Thank you so much if you weren't there...I don't know what would have happened to me. " She said while crying. 
She couldn't thank God enough to send him there.

"It's okay Mehak….you are my wife..my best friend...maybe you don't believe in this, but for me you are my family. As I told you always I would be there to protect you if you want me or not that doesn't matter. " He said softly and kissed her head.

Mehak looked at him in surprise. 

"Do you want to eat something?" He asked. 

She shook her head.

"Okay...then sleep." He said and made her lay down on the bed.

He was about to get up but Mehak held his hand.

"Please don't go...I...I am..I am scared." She said in a whisper and a tear rolled down her cheek.

He clenched his fist to numb the pain of seeing her so broken and vulnerable. 

"I am not going anywhere...Sleep. " He said and held her hand.

She tightened her grip on his hand and tried to sleep.

"I promise you Manoj...you will face hell. Start counting your days. I will destroy you for breaking my wife. I promise. " He said to himself .

A tear of pain, frustration, helplessness and anger rolled down his cheek.

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