36. Breaking News

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Author's pov 

"What do you mean by you won't let me enter?" Arthit said to the manager of the resort where the party was held.

"Sir, it is beyond the rule. I can't break it." The manager said with arrogance. 

"Drop your arrogance. I want to see it right now. If you don't let me enter, I will break your leg and then the door to enter… do you want that?" Arthit said to the man coldly. 

Vishal and Sameer were trying to cool him down. 

The manager gulped in fear and stepped aside. He was about to call the police when Arthit's words made him drop his phone. 
"Yes, call the police . But I assure you that you won't be able to say a single word to them after I am done beating the hell out of you." 

Arthit gave a deadly glare and entered the security room after telling his guards to keep their eyes on the manager who wanted to run away out of fear.

Entering the room, he ordered the man to play the CCTV footage of last night . That man hesitated but after getting threats he showed it to him.

"Play the footage of the back side of the hall." Arthit said to him.

He played but the footage of 9 pm to 10 pm was empty. They checked it again and again but the same thing happened. 

"How can this be possible? " Vishal asked.

"Did anybody come except you in this room?" Arthit asked the man.

"No Sir, it's me who is on duty from last night. " The man said .
Arthit looked at his face to find the lie but all he could find was honesty.

They left the room and went towards their car.

As soon as they reached near the car, Arthit kicked the car hard.

"What the fuck dude!!! How can the footage just vanish? " Arthit asked angrily. 

"I think that Manoj had used his money to do that." Vishal said ,clenching his jaw.

Sensing Arthit's anger, Sameer said, "I think that we should leave now. Let's go ,Arthit. We will take in your house." 
Vishal nodded.


"No but ,Arthit. Do you really think this manager will open his mouth if you show your temper or beat him? No..right? So let's go now.. we will plan something out." Sameer made him understand and they drove towards home.

Last night after Mehak slept, Arthit let everyone know what happened at the party . Everyone was furious hearing that. Vishal and Arthit were a second away from killing Manoj and it was a task for the family to stop them. Mehak's mother and brother  weren't informed because they didn't want to give tension to them. Mehak also wanted that. 

 Though he saved Mehak from Manoj , he didn't know about him. After Mehak woke up from her nap, she told everything which happened between them. Arthit was never this furious which he was after hearing everything. He was determined to ruin him.

He sent his men to get information about Manoj . What he came to know was that he had done a couple of films and some commercials. So he was kind of a newbie actor. The important fact was that his reputation wasn't so good.

They reached home unknown to the fact that very bad news was waiting for them.

As soon as they entered the living room, their blood boiled hearing the news.

" Breaking news : Mehak - Manoj the new rumored couple in the tinsel town. 

If we believe the sources ,it is said that Manoj was seen with Mehak before as well. 
We also got to know that they went for dinner dates a couple of times as well. In fact once he was seen coming out of Mehak's vanity van.

But the last night incident at a birthday party is adding fuel to the fire of their rumored relationship. One insider informed us that last night Mehak and Manoj who were present in the party suddenly vanished together. Then they were not seen at the party. 

Maybe they went away to spend some time together. 

We already know that Mehak is married to the very famous Arthit Rajvanshi who is the co-owner of a famous magazine house and Manoj was dating his last movie co-star Jia. 

Though Mehak is married ,we didn't see the Rajvanshi couple going on any dates or doing PDA or posting any kind of picture of them together on social media .

And Manoj and Jia were also not seen together from the last couple of months.

So is the Marriage of Mehak & Arthit a publicity stunt? 

Is the relationship between Manoj and Jia just a facade  for their film promotion?

So is this budding closeness between these stars the meaning of the end of the previous relationships? 

To know more stay tuned to Tinsel updates." 

Not only they, but the whole family including Mehak were watching the news. The Rajvanshi family looked agitated whereas Mehak was crying .

Aanshi was in her room along with a maid.

As soon as Mehak's eyes fell on Arthit ,she ran towards Arthit who was clenching his jaw in anger and said, "Trust me...they are lying. I didn't...I didn't go any dates … in fact I didn't meet him except the film meeting where the director and Hema were also present. All these are lies. " 

She turned towards her family and said crying ," Trust me please...it is all a lie." 

Arthit closed his eyes to control his temper and placed his hand on her shoulder ,turning Mehak towards him.

"I trust you. I know you ,Mehak. You are someone who will tell the truth on the face of a person no matter how bitter it is…. who won't hesitate to accept her fault and most importantly who will be honest in a relationship no matter how much unwanted it is for her . 
So you don't need to give explanations. I trust you more than myself." He explained softly which made her eyes teared up.

"Yes Mehak, we know you. We trust you beta. Don't cry , we will definitely cross this hurdle together. Now come and have lunch. You need food to fight." Arthit's mom said and they went to have lunch.

"Seriously!! How can the media say such things? " Vishal exclaimed angrily.

"That means Manoj and his PR team are giving this news to the Media. Otherwise how will they know?" Sameer said .

After lunch  Arthit,  Mehak, Vishal and Sameer were sitting in Arthit's bedroom, whereas others were resting in their rooms.

Arthit was sitting beside Mehak holding her hand. 

A ping sound echoed in the room and Sameer checked his phone. Soon his tense expression turned into furious and he switched on the TV.

"Breaking news : More updates on the Mehak-Manoj affair.

Recently we got information that last night at the party Mehak and Manoj were in a room in the farmhouse where the party was held. They were inside the room together for an hour which clearly indicates that they were sneaking some romantic time for each other.
But their moments were destroyed when Mehak's husband Arthit reached there and dragged crying Mehak out of the farmhouse.

If we believe our source, it is said that after finding them together, Arthit caused some chaos and Manoj was beaten up by him badly.

Oops!!! Looks like their secret affair is not so secret anymore. 

We can imagine how heartbroken Arthit must be after catching his cheating wife red-handed." 

"WHAT THE FUCKING HELL !!!! " Arthit screamed and threw the flower vase which was on the table on the floor, breaking it into pieces.

"Arthit , control. " Sameer said.

" Control!!! After watching my wife being defamed like this, how can I be sane? " Arthit said angrily. 

Mehak started sobbing. Never in her life she felt so ashamed..not even when a year ago some rumours were spread about her. 

But today the news made her feel nauseous. She felt dirty as the news made her remember the dreadful night at the party.

It was true that she didn't accept the marriage but never in her life she would cheat on Arthit . She would annoy him, curse him and fight with him which she was doing since the time they were married to show her displeasure towards their relationship but cheating was a sin for her.
And here the media was defaming her character by blaming her with some horrible things. 

Her cries of agony made Arthit turned towards her . He sat down beside her and pulled her in his chest unable to look at her crestfallen face. 

"I promise you that I will destroy him and the people who are trying to defame you. They will see their end soon. I promise. " He promised her and kissed her head.

Needless to say  ,his soothing words made her heart calm down. 

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