37. The Proofs

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Author's pov 

"Why didn't you tell me all these ,beta?" Mehak's mom asked as Mehak was sobbing in her mother's arms.

After the news got viral, Mrs Avasthi and Manik came to Rajvanshi house to meet Mehak in the evening. Mehak got emotional seeing her mother and brother.
Manik was agitated after hearing such vile news about his sister, whereas Mrs. Avasthi was controlling herself from crying. Her heart ached seeing the bruises on her daughter's face and arms.

After coming here, she heard everything from Mehak. She cursed Manoj numerous times in her mind.

Arthit wasn't at home as he went to file an FIR against Manoj.

"I didn't want to make you tense,Mom. That's why I didn't inform you." Mehak replied hoarsely.

Before they could say anything, Arthit entered their room.

Seeing his mother-in-law he greeted her and Manik. 

He looked at Mehak to see her drowsy and she was trying  hard to keep her eyes open. The effects of Medications and crying were making her drowsy and sleepy.

"I think you should take a rest. You hadn't taken a rest since the morning ...it is important. " Arthit said to her.

Her mother also agreed .

Mehak was reluctant but glares from Arthit and her mother made her lay down on the bed. As soon as her head touched the pillow, she slipped into deep slumber.

They left the room in order to not disturb her.

"Arthit...what happened to my daughter!!!! Why only her? Just because she protested that monster's manhandling and refused to work with him, he did such a horrible thing. I still can't believe it. That's why I was always reluctant about her decision to become an actor. " Mrs Avasthi cried. Manik held her shoulders to comfort her.

"Mom, please don't cry like that. I know that you don't regret agreeing with her decision to become an actor as she is doing great without compromising her ethics and self respect. 
It's just that people like Manoj who can't take "no" from a girl and have that nasty mentality of forcing themselves on a girl to prove his manliness. Mehak did the correct thing by protesting his manhandling and I will encourage her in future to continue to do that because girls aren't weak. 
Like a Queen she will fight and I will be there to watch her back .
You don't worry. Just trust me." Arthit said with a smile.

Seeing the pride and admiration in his eyes for Mehak,  Mrs Avasthi was sure about one thing that she will never regret the decision of Mehak's Marriage with Arthit.
Arthit told Mrs Avasthi and Manik to stay with them for some days as Mehak would like to be with her mother now.

 Though his family loves her enough,he knows that she is still not so comfortable with them and the mental state she has now ,it will be perfect if she stays close to her mother who can give her the amount of comfort she needs.

After playing with Aanshi for some time, he entered his room to see Mehak sleeping peacefully. 

It was already 8 pm. Still he didn't wake her up as he knew that the more she sleeps, the more she will be staying away from the tension and that news ,rumours and shit.

The vibration of his phone broke his thoughts.

Taking the phone out of his pocket, he looked at the caller id to see Vishal calling him. 

He picked the call  up.

"Hey bro..what's up? I am sorry ,today I couldn't come to your house." Vishal said to him.

"Hey, it's okay. Nothing is well ,man. I just can't see her like this." Arthit said ,looking at Mehak and letting out a sigh .

"I know. By the way, I am done with my shoot . Today I completed my scenes which were scheduled for the next two days. So I will be there tomorrow. " He said.

"That's nice. But you don't need to compromise your work." Arthit said to him reluctantly. 

"Oh come on man. Mehak is like my sister...you guys are my family so I will definitely do that. Don't outcast me like this." Vishal said to light the atmosphere. 

Arthit understood and chuckled, shaking his head.

"What happened today? Did you file the FIR?" Vishal asked him.

"Yes..yes. I did that.
 Trust me, I will make sure that he regrets touching my wife." Arthit said, clenching his fist in anger.

Vishal agreed. 

"Okay Bye, see you tomorrow. " Vishal said and they cut the call.
Next Day 

"Arthit, the hacker friend of mine is back in India and I told him to hack the system of the resort. He has started his work. We have to go there. " Sameer said.

"Let's Go then." Arthit said and Vishal nodded. The trio left for their destination. 

From the time Arthit came to know that It was Manoj and his PR team who was behind the media stuff ,it was beyond his tolerance. 
He was trying hard to control his anger. If it was in his hand, he would have gone to Manoj's house and beaten the shit out of him . But he was controlling himself as he didn't want to add fuel to the fire of the rumours.

He isn't someone who will take a decision in haste and regret it later. He likes to deal with everything in a calm mind no matter how tough the decision is. 

He didn't reply to any media questions and messages.  He had decided to give them his final reply in the form of the evidence against Manoj.

They reached Sameer's friend's house and watched the recovered CCTV footage which only made their blood boil in anger. 

"I need three copies of it. One will be with me for an emergency , one I will hand it to the police and one to the media. " Arthit said after calming himself down.

The hacker nodded and did the needful.

"But before that we need to do something with the channel who started to spread this rumour." Vishal said angrily.

" Don't worry … I am handling it personally. " Arthit said with a smirk.

"Now...who will save you from the law ,Manoj?" Arthit thought to himself. 
Arthit entered his room only to hear a baby voice followed by a sweet chuckle.

He looked towards the bed to see Aanshi who was sitting on Mehak's lap talking to Mehak about something and Mehak in return replying and letting out a small smile hearing her babyish talks. 

He had noticed that their relationship had changed . Mehak had become cordial to Aanshi and Aanshi was ecstatic as she had gotten someone to play with her.

He was happy about this. But he also knew that sooner or later he had to let Mehak know about Aanshi's birth. After that he would announce to the world that Aanshi was his daughter. 
He would do that after sorting this Manoj matter up .

Suddenly his phone rang which brought the attention of Aanshi and Mehak. He excused himself and walked towards the balcony.

Seeing the caller id, he smirked.

"I knew that you would call me." 

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Next update will be soon.

Stay safe and healthy.

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