40. Back to Buddy

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"I knew that you would call me." Receiving the call, Arthit said with a smirk.

"Why not? You are helping me . Then why won't I call you back? Now tell me what do you want?" The person asked him.

"Meet me tomorrow. I will text you the address. " He replied.

"Sure." Saying this the person cut the call.
Next day

"Where are you?" The person asked Arthit on the phone after reaching their meeting place.

"Turn to your right. In the corner table." Arthit instructed the person.

"Hello, Miss Tania." He stood up to greet him. Tania greeted him back.

Yes, that Tania who is unofficial competitor of Mehak.

"By the way, does Mehak know that you are meeting me ? Or it is any kind of trick to make her jealous by meeting me. After all there are many rumours about her in the air." Tania asked him. Mischievousness was clearly visible in her eyes.

"Do you believe in those?" Arthit asked her, ignoring her useless assumptions.

" She is too innocent to do all this shit. As far as I know her,She can't even think about cheating on her husband. So absolutely it's bullshit." Tania said with a shrug. Honesty was evident in her words.

But as much as I know you hate her. Then why aren't you taking advantage of this situation?" He asked, hiding his smirk.

"Listen, maybe I don't like her but that doesn't mean that I will take advantage of her terrible situation. Moreover I am not so cheap to do something like that. Besides I am just jealous of her as she's perfect in every sense which I am not ...so I don't hate her.
Moreover as a girl, I know how it feels when people say these kind hateful words about you. So definitely I support her and help her out as I know that she is innocent. " Tania said honestly.

Arthit smiled. He knew Tania through a friend of his. So he knew that maybe she didn't like Mehak but she wouldn't cause any harm to her.

" By the way, My wife doesn't know that I am meeting you and it's not a trick to make her jealous. I trust her more than I trust myself. " Arthit said.

Tania smiled seeing the soft expression of his when he was talking about Mehak.

"So what's the reason for this meeting?" Tania asked him, removing her goggles.

"Let's come straight to the point. I have heard that tomorrow you are going to shoot with Manoj in a commercial. I need you to insert this chip in his phone whenever you get a chance. That's it. " Arthit said to her.

Tania looked at him as if he had gone Mad.

"No , I am not mad . But I am sure that only you can do it." He said to him confidently.

"And how so?" She asked him, narrowing her eyes at him.

"See, you are going to be with him for the next 4 days for this ad shoot. Moreover I have heard that he was showing interest in you for the last couple of months. That means he will definitely meet you in your vanity van in between the shoot. What you have to do is just to create a situation where he will leave his phone and be out for some minutes. Just take the advantage of the time and insert this chip. " He said to her.

Soon her confused face turned into a smirking face which brought out a smirk on his lips.

"I hope you got what I want to say." He said to which she nodded.

"By the way, I know that you don't like my wife much...you are kind of enemies. But please I trust you with it. Don't let me down." He said.

"Don't worry, Arthit. I will do as you say. Trust me we will win." Tania smiled.

Flashback ends

" So as per the plan, she inserted the chip in his phone when he was busy shooting. That chip helped us to track him and hear his conversation with his PR team and the news channel with whom he hatched the plan of spreading the fake rumour about you.
After recording everything Arthit gave the recording and the recovered CCTV footage of the farmhouse to the Police who arrested him.
Don't worry, Arthit has pressed strong charges against him which would make it impossible for him to avoid any dreadful punishment. " Vishal said in a go.

Hearing everything, Mehak was beyond shocked. She never thought that Arthit would go to this extent to punish her culprit.
What was more shocking to her was him knowing Tania before and Tania's help to prove her innocence.

"By the way what helped Arthit do to Tania that she helped me out. And why the hell she helped me out when I know she doesn't like me?" Mehak asked Vishal.

"Actually Tania has a ex-boyfriend who is one of Arthit's friends. Due to some misunderstanding, they broke up.
He is a fashion designer. He needs a model for his next fashion tour. As Arthit wants them to be together as he knows how much they love each other, so he literally forced his friend to appoint Tania as the show stopper . In return Tania helped him out in this case. " Vishal said.

How come I don't know anything?

"As if you tried to sit and talk with him." Her heart taunted ,making Mehak tongue tied.

"Listen Mehak, I know whatever happened in the past shouldn't have happened. But if you ask me ,I will tell you that I highly doubt about Arthit's involvement in that matter. He won't do anything so cheap.
I know your mountain size ego won't let you accept it easily but please talk to him and clear the misunderstanding before it's too late.
After seeing him fighting for you these days, I am sure that this guy is ready to kill and get killed just for you. So please as I said before, give him a chance and yourself as well in this relationship. Don't lose someone like him. " Vishal said to her.

Mehak ,knowing well what she had to do, nodded.
Next Day

Mehak is standing outside Aanshi's room where Arthit is staying from the time they are married.

She is contemplating whether she should knock on the door or not.

This evening, he came back from his two days business trip.

Here she is waiting to talk to him about the relationship and future.

Yesterday after talking to Vishal she understood that it was inevitable to ignore their relationship and it is better if they start all over again as friends. She wants to give this relationship a chance.

Before she could knock the door, the door opened revealing Arthit who looked confused seeing her.

"Is everything okay? Do you need something?" He asked after composing himself .

"Did she see a nightmare again?" He asked himself as after the incident she had become quite paranoid.

"Umm...actually can we talk?" An embarrassed Mehak asked.

He frowned but nodded and both of them walked towards their room.

"Yeah ." He asked her as soon as he entered the room.

"Um..how's the trip?" She asked him to start a conversation.

He frowned and said ," At 12 am , you haven't brought me here to just ask me this, I guess. What you want to say is something different, I am sure.What's the matter?"

Hearing his sarcastic reply, Mehak pouted. As always he catches her lie.

"Umm..Arthit, I know how we got married and then we started to fight each other. But as we know that we are bound to stay with each other for the rest of our lives, why don't we become friends again? At least it will make our life easier." Mehak said, which shocked Arthit to the core.

Firstly she indirectly said that she would remain married to him forever. Secondly she was eager to rekindle their friendship...a Beautiful relationship they shared.

" After whatever you did for me these days ,I am sure about one thing that I am the safest when I am with you . I really don't want to lose a true friend like you. Please Arthit, can we be friends?" Mehak asked as she forwarded her hand towards him.

"Are you sure? No one is forcing you, right?" Arthit asked her.

"No no...absolutely not. It's straight from my heart. So can we ?" She said honestly.

Arthit smiled and shook his hand with hers.

"We are back ,buddy. This time forever. " Mehak said with a full blown smile.

Arthit laughed in return, "Yes , Buddy. Forever. "

How's the chapter? Let me know.

So they are back again.. let's see where life takes them.

Next update soon.

Stay safe and healthy.

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