41. The question

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Author's pov 

One month later 

It's been a month since Mehak and Arthit have decided to stay as Friends and they are doing as well.

Late night chats on the terrace with a cup of coffee, going for long drives,  sometimes going to eat street food by dressing differently to avoid people's attention and the family time on Sundays …. They are enjoying each and every moment. 

No matter how busy their schedule is ,they still sneak out some time to spend with each other. 

Both Mehak's family and Arthit's family are happy to see them together making efforts to keep their relationship. Their friends are happy as well.

Mehak and Arthit are the happiest as they got their best friends after almost a year. The teasing, fun, Deep conversations are things they look forward to having every day. 

Mehak has gotten more close to Aanshi as well.

But one thing which disturbs Mehak sometimes is Aanshi's and Arthit's relationship. She never tried to ask him as she feels that it has a mysterious aura around it. 
She has seen how Arthit is a doting father to Aanshi, how Aanshi is attached to Arthit. This makes her feel the warmth but at the same time she feels a little insecure. 

"If he loves his daughter this much, how much may he have loved her mother?" This thought makes her gloomy and insecure. So she tries to keep it far away from her mind but whenever she sees them together she can't help but feel insecure as she thinks of Aanshi's mother.

This feeling is new for her. She won't accept it but she is jealous of Aanshi's mother as she feels that Arthit surely would have been a doting boyfriend or lover to her. But why is she feeling like this? Maybe she knows it subconsciously but doesn't want to accept it….as I said before, she loves to live in denial….her first experience of love has made her like this.

On the other hand Arthit is living his dream...dream of having Mehak with him as they were before. He has always liked her not in a platonic way but romantically. The feelings he became aware of before the mishap happened in their life because of which they had fallen apart.
But now everything is well so he has decided to express his feelings to her and before that he will come clean about Aanshi and his past. He knows that she wants to know but she is fearing what she is going to hear. That's why she isn't asking anything .
He is just waiting for the right moment. 
After that whatever Mehak decides he will accept it but not before confessing his feelings. 

Right now Mehak is getting ready as they are invited by Mrs. Avasthi as it is Manik's birthday. So Mehak and Her mom have arranged a small get together where Rajvanshi family, Kiaan's family ,Hema, Vishal and Sameer are invited. 

"Are you done?" Mehak looked at the clock and rolled her eyes hearing Arthit's impatient voice.

"Come on Dude, it's just 5:45 pm and we are leaving at 6 pm. Why are you being so impatient?" She asked. 

"Duffer, I have come inside to take my clothes as well or you want me to go in this T-shirt and sweatpants?" Arthit yelled back. 

Mehak shook her head and went to open the door.

Seeing her wearing a saree , Arthit got speechless for a moment but controlled himself as he didn't want to make her awkward with his gaze. 

Without saying anything he went inside the washroom which made Mehak baffled. 

"At Least he would have complimented me." Mehak pouted sadly." No problem maybe he will say something later." She thought and smiled.

Mehak was applying lipstick when Arthit came out wearing a shirt and pants. He stood beside Mehak and started to set his hair.

"Leave some space for me, Woman." He muttered. He pushed her a little.

"Why will I ? Can't you see I am getting ready." She said angrily and pushed him back.

Then the war started. They started to push each other. 
But one moment, Arthit stopped with wide eyes and grimaced lips . Mehak looked at him with a frown ,seeing him standing like a statue. She looked at her reflection.

"You are totally gone." He muttered. 


Due to their pull and push game, her lipstick got ruined and instead of lips , the lipstick was drawn from the corner of her lips to cheek. 
And before she could catch him, he dashed out of the room yelling "Sorry." 

Mehak huffed angrily and corrected her Makeup again.
As they drove towards Mehak's home, She avoided Arthit and engaged herself with Aanshi's cute talks. Arthit sulked as he didn't get any attention from his wife which made her laugh but she controlled herself from laughing. 

But seeing his sulking face, she burst out laughing after sometime and accepted his apology which made him grin happily.

As soon as the car stopped in front of Mehak's house, they got down and went inside.

They greeted everyone. Mehak indulged herself with Jigyasa as they met after a long time. Both of the girls talked and giggled like school girls whereas the men--- Arthit ,Kiaan, Vishal and Sameer talked about upcoming matches and business. 

Kiaan and Jigyasa's eyes held questions as soon as they fell on Aanshi. They had seen her in Mehak's reception and thought that maybe she was a relative of Arthit at that time. But today after seeing her in an intimate gathering, they got curious. 

"By the way, who is that cute girl?" Jigyasa asked Mehak out of curiosity. The smile Mehak's face held fell a little as she didn't know what to say.  She knew that Arthit would be uncomfortable introducing Aanshi to everyone and that made her feel a bit uncomfortable as well.

Before she could say anything, Mrs Avasthi called everyone for cake cutting. Mehak sighed in relief.
"It was so much fun, wasn't it?" Mehak asked as she cuddled sleeping Aanshi on her lap.

Arthit nodded with a small smile as his mind was disturbed from the time he saw something in Mehak's bedroom..

"Arthit, are you okay?" Mehak asked , looking at his face which looked kind of gloomy. 

"Yes..yes." He replied .

She wasn't convinced but still she nodded.

Unable to control himself, he blurted out the question in an unexpected manner. 

"Do you still love Kiaan?" 

How's the chapter? Let me know.

Next update will be soon.

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