8. Mishap?

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Mohina's pov
(Mehak's mother)

"Hello,Manik." I said as soon as Manik received my call.
"Yes Mom…" he said. 

"I am going out as I have some work in the bank...do you have the extra key with you?" I asked my son.
"Yes I have Mom...Don't worry,you go...I will come at around 2pm or so.." Manik said. 

"Okay ...I have kept your lunch,eat that okay.." I said.

"Okay Mom...bye." he said. 
"Bye beta." I said and cut the call. 

I took my bag and came out of our house,locking the main door properly. 

I sat in the car and the driver drove the car towards the Bank.

I am Mrs Mohina Avasthi, the mother of Mehak and Manik….my two precious gems. 

My husband had died years ago whom I loved more than my life and till today he is the one whom I love beside my kids.His void can't be filled ever in our life.

I never thought that some day I will be so proud of my children.
 Manik is excellent in academics...he scored 96% in his 10th board exam. Now he is preparing for his 12 th board exam as the exam is going to start after two months. He wants to be a cardiologist. 

And What can I say about Mehak? 
I remember when for the first time,she told me about her dream of being an actress...I was really apprehensive about it. I had worked in that industry….I have seen the darkest side of that industry. I didn't want my daughter to face something horrible . 
But today when I see her working so perfectly and the way she protected herself by using her knowledge and talent...I can't help but feel proud . After my husband's absence, the way she had started to take the responsibility of our family along with me was something I will never forget. 

Both my Mehak and Manik are very responsible and understanding kids who never objected  our poor financial condition. They didn't demand for anything ….in fact they had always tried to help me every way possible. Maybe I had something very good in my previous birth that I got children like them and a husband like him who had left us years ago.

Soon I reached the bank. It was already 2 pm. I completed the work within half an hour and started my journey towards home. 

On my way I saw a temple. 

"Driver ,park the car here." I said.  I came out of the car and told him to go back as I will hire an auto and go back to home. It will take only half an hour to reach our home from here.

The driver drove away and I made my way towards the temple. 

I entered the temple and sat there to enjoy the peaceful ambiance. As it was almost afternoon,the temple was quite empty.

This is the temple where we got married. I still remember the day when his face was glowing and eyes were sparkling in happiness and mine wasn't something different. We were poor but he never made me feel less than a queen. Our love, respect and loyalty towards each other made every single day of our life beautiful and memorable. We both were someone who could get happy by smallest things.

When I told him that I was pregnant for the first time,he came here with me and prayed to the God for a girl child.
 His prayers got answered and we got Mehak. Those teary eyes of him after seeing the delicate form of Mehak depicted the immense love and affection for our daughter. 

When I was pregnant with Manik,I had to face complications. I was kept under observation for 15 days at a stretch in hospital. It was hard for us financially and emotionally. But he never let me feel the hardship through which he had to go through. The whole day ,he did the works in home then in the set ...he did overtime as well and at night he stayed with me in the hospital along with Mehak. 

I still remember the unfortunate day when he left us alone in this world.

As usual that day was passing but We didn't know that for the last time we were seeing him...for the last time he was kissing  Mehak and Manik on their cheek affectionately…..for the last time ,he was expressing his love for me by kissing me on my forehead...for the last time we were hearing his voice...for the last time we were touching him. 

That day I was waiting for him to come back but instead of his happy and alive form ,his dead and distorted body came back….

He broke his promises of staying with us forever, growing old with me and left me to never come back. 

But the wait for him remained constant because I will be waiting for him to be with him in our next birth and then I will never let him go away from me...he has to fulfill his promises then.

I wiped my tears and stood up to go back home. 

I looked at my left and right and saw the road was void of any vehicles ,so it was easy to cross the road. I started to cross the road .

I was on the middle of the road when I heard a honk. Looking at my right I saw a truck coming towards me in a high speed. I stood frozen there unable to understand what I should do as the truck was very near to me.

The shouting of the people in the background got blurred. 

I closed my eyes to accept a blow when someone pushed me.

"Are you okay?" 

I heard someone asking me..I opened my eyes to see a man around late 20s looking at me in concern. I nodded in trance. The shock of the accident shook me to the core.

He helped to get up and asked me about my home. Somehow I told him about my address. 

"Are you with someone?" He asked. I looked at him for sometime and said,"No..no…"

Seeing my disturbed condition, he decided to help me and took me towards my car.

"I will drop you to your home." He said. I was about to deny him,when he said,"No no Aunty...you are quite shaken due to this...it will not be correct to leave you alone. " 

We settled down and he started the car.

Throughout the time, the question which was eating me alive was what would have happened to my kids if I died today…..they would have left alone in this cruel world. 

"We are here." He said and my trance got broken.

We went towards the main door and rang the doorbell.

Manik opened the door and said,"Where were you? I was waiting for you so long."

I looked at him and hugged him. I was so afraid due to the accident. 

"What happened, Mom?" He asked me in concern. I  broke the hug, wiping my tears. 

The man who saved me told everything to Manik who looked pale ,hearing it.

"Mom...what was the need to go there? What if something happened to you? What would we do without you Mom? Are you okay? Are you in pain.?" Manik asked,checking my hands and legs. I shook my head and cried.

"I think she needs rest. She is quite disturbed and shaken." The man said.

"Thank you so much, Sir. Please come inside. "Manik asked .

He said ,"No no it's okay… I need to go...it's late actually. " 

"Please come Sir...you don't know what you have done today for me and my sister. Please come inside." Manik pleaded.

He looked embarrassed and came inside.

"Let me bring the water." Saying this,Manik went inside .

"Are you okay now? Please take some rest." The man said.

"I...I..am okay..b...but it's ju..just…." I stuttered.

"It's okay ,I  understand ...don't worry." He interrupted. 

Before I could say anything,his phone rang and he picked up.

His relaxed expression changed into serious. After some time he cut the call.

"Aunty,I am sorry...but I had to leave now...it's urgent . Please take care." He said . I nodded and he left. 

"Where is he?" Manik came as soon as he left.

"He...he...some urgent work came…and...and..he ...left." I said. 

"Oh Shit!!! I couldn't thank him properly...in fact we don't know his name as well. I hope we meet again." Manik said. 

"Come now….you need to take rest." He took me in my room.

"Let me call Mehak." He called Mehak and told everything. 

My head started to feel dizzy .

Suddenly everything went black and I heard Manik's voice before losing my consciousness. 

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Stay safe and healthy.

Next update on Tuesday

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