9. The Saviour

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Mehak's pov

As soon as Manik said that Mom met with an accident, My mind ran to the worst scenario and the phone slipped out of my hand.

The word "accident " started to ring in my ears.

Ankur picked it up and listened to Manik. 

"Mehak,Mehak...nothing happened to Aunty...she is perfectly alright….we have to go..Mehak." Ankur said ,shaking my shoulders. Hearing him, I came out of the trance and my senses started to work. 

"Ye..yes...yes...Ankur...we need to go….hurry up...we need to go." I said and within a second we ran out of my vanity van.

I was so shaken that I didn't realise how and when we reached home. 

"Come let's go." Parking the car,Ankur said.

We got out of his car and rang the doorbell.

Manik opened the door . I asked, "How is Mom,Manu?" 

"Relax...Come inside," He said and we both entered. We went straight to Mom's room. A doctor was checking her,making me more panicked.

"What happened? tell me clearly"  I asked Manik.

"Mom went to the temple while returning from the Bank. When she was crossing the road, a truck was about to bump her when suddenly a gentleman saved her. In fact he dropped her at home. But before we could Thank him and ask his name,he left because of his urgent work.
I called you to inform you and cut your call. After that ,she fainted ,that's when I called the doctor. " Manik said.

I mentally thanked the person. He had no idea what he had done for us.

"Doctor ,how is Mom?" I asked. 

"Nothing serious...out of shock and nervousness, she lost her consciousness. Don't worry...she will be awake after some time. " The doctor said.

Manik left her till the gate.

I sat beside her and held her hand. Suddenly her hands started to move and very slowly she started to move her eyes.

"Mom," I called her. She looked at me and gave a smile.

"Are you okay?" I asked. She nodded.

"I want to sit." She said softly. I helped her to sit up.

"Aunty,how are you?" Ankur asked as he stood beside Manik.

"I am perfectly fine. " Mom said with a smile.

Looking at our dull faces,Mom said,"Why are you guys making a face like this? See,nothing happened to me...Thanks to that boy who gave me a new life…
Come on,smile now. Come come let's eat something..Ankur ,join us." 

"No..no please...I have to go  home,otherwise Mom will get tensed." Ankur said.

"Okay then,I will not force you but you have to join us next time. " Mom said. 

"Done. " Ankur said and bowed down dramatically. We laughed. After some time he left.

"Mom ,why did you tell the driver to go back? " I asked. 

"Actually,I didn't know how much time I would take..that's why I told him to go. " Mom said.

"You should be careful Mom...you know nah if something happens to you,we will die ….please." I said softly,controlling my tears. The thought of Mom not being with us itself is very scary.

"Yes Mom..we already lost our Dad..but we can't lose you." Manik said ,hugging Mom.

"Aare Pagal(Mad), nothing will happen to me… so many things are left to do which I need to complete...So chill." Mom said with a wink. We chuckled. 

After that,I took a bath and made tea for us along with some Pakoras. 

Yes,I am on diet but I can't say no to food. I will workout an hour extra tomorrow.

"Wow...it smells amazing. " Mom said giddily. I smiled.

We all ate happily.

"Let's order the food from outside for dinner...Manik,do that." Mom said. Seeing Mom's enthusiasm, we smiled. 
Manik nodded and ordered the food.

"I have an off-day tomorrow. " I said to Mom. I wouldn't go anywhere leaving her.

"If you are taking this leave because of my health issue,let me tell you I am perfectly fine...no need to worry about me. Moreover I am going somewhere tomorrow." Mom said.

"What? Where ? Do you really think I will allow you?" I asked sternly. 

"Who are you to allow me? Don't forget, young lady that I am your mother...so I am the Boss. I am going to my friend's house ." Mom said like a boss.

Manik chuckled and I poked my tongue at him.

"But Mom...at least take rest for tomorrow…" Manik said.

"Come on ,I am fine...nothing happened to me...moreover I am not boring like you guys...I like to meet my friends, spend time with them ." Mom said jokingly, making us laugh.

"But my plan of staying at home is still on...okay Let's have a nice outing...we will start in the evening till night. It's been long since we had fun ….we seriously need a break.
 What do you say?" I asked. They both jumped in excitement .
We started to plan our outing.

Later at night after having our dinner,we retired to our room.

I laid down on the bed and took my phone to check my phone.
There was a message from Ankur. He messaged me at around 9pm. 

How is Aunty?

It was already 12 pm. I replied, "I am sorry for replying lately...and yes Mom is perfectly fine." 

I kept my phone aside and started to think about the mishap which we were able to avoid today only because of that saviour.

"Thank you so much Saviour." I said and drifted to sleep.

Mohina's pov 

Next day as it was decided,after having breakfast,I went to my friend's house. It was a difficult task to make Mehak and Manik agree.

At around 11 am,I reached  her house.

"Welcome Mohina,I am glad that you came. " as soon as I rang the doorbell,my friend opened the door.

I smiled and asked,"How are you Sunita?"

"I am perfectly fine..please have a seat. " She said and I sat on the sofa.

"So how is everything going?" She asked me.

"Yes everything is perfect." I said and we engaged in a conversation. 

"Oh ...here is my son...Finally you are going to meet my son." She said excitedly. I smiled widely . Everytime I came to her house,for some reason or other I didn't get a chance to meet her son.

 I have 5 more friends and I have met their family . But I didn't get a chance to meet Sunita's family which includes  his son and her brother in law and his wife.

"Beta,come here." Sunita called her son.

"Yes Mom." 
Hearing the voice,somehow I felt as if I had heard this voice before.

"Meet her ,she is Mohina Avasthi….my friend." Sunita said .

I turned around to see the very familiar face who saved me yesterday. 

"You!!!" I said.

"Aunty…" He said in shock.

"Do you know each other?" Sunita asked.

"Yes ..Mom I told you about the accident yesterday..remember!! She is that aunty whom I saved." He said.

"Beta...thank you so much...I am sorry ,I was disturbed that I couldn't thank you…." I thanked him.

"It's okay ,Aunty…" he said with a smile.

"Oh my God!! How are you now?" Sunita asked worriedly. 

"I am perfectly fine...Thanks to your Son." I said with a smile.

"What's your name beta?" I asked.

"I am Arthit….Arthit Rajvanshi." He said with a charming smile on his face .

I am Sorry everyone, I couldn't update the chapter as I mentioned previously. I was busy with my assignments so couldn't get the time.

How's the chapter?

Here comes our Arthit..let's see what he does.

Next update on Saturday.

Stay safe and healthy.

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