14. The Lonely Commander

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Demetrious was back in his bedroom standing next to his window looking outside at the sunset. He was used to this view now. This room was his prison for the past three months and the sunset was his least favourite sight.

Demetrious closed his eyes and thought back to his childhood. How he used to enjoy playing with his friends in the forests at night. The days when people partied and enjoyed themselves at gatherings after sunset around the Ronas waterfall. The days he could aid the freedom fighters near the borders when the few border control guards were diverted by him. Freedom fighters found nighttime most convenient to break the seals at the borders and enter Arkansas. it was also much easier for them to blend into the crowed at night time to collect information by spying on the residents especially those who worked for the Ronas dynasty. But now there was only darkness and fear after sunset.

All hope of any possible resistance in Arkansas was lost. Dante had declared extension to this martial law three days ago when he had returned. The worst part was that from Dante's point of view, such curfew was not even for Capturing freedom fighters as Xavier had intended. Dante saw any outsiders entering his territories as good as dead. They couldn't survive for long. It took a lot of power to break out. Only if an Arkansan born was involved, there was a chance of escape. After all the descendants of Ronas's army which were hand picked personally by him using the sphere of time were mainly now residing on this soil.

Dante may have hid his true agenda about agreeing with xavier's martial law but Demetrious knew him too well. Dante's capture in Quebec had fuelled his hate for vampires and he could never admit to his commanders how much his capture had affected him to hold a grudge.

It was common knowledge that even though, vampires could live in daylight, The call of the night was too tempting for them. Each vampire had to at least have an outing at night once a week to help their system feeling at ease. The intention was now clearly to capture, torment and condemn all resident vampires to a lifetime of servitude. Dante was more than happy to extend the martial law indefinitely as a front to his plans. Dante had now even put martial law down as a condition for the agreements with the central territory who's leader had surrendered to serve the Ronas dynasty. There was no doubt that Dante intended to bring misery to all vampires resident in any territory he conquered from now on.

Demetrious shook his head in disbelief at hearing Dante's plans for conquer. When Dante had brought him back, he had ordered Alexander to treat him and make him aware of the contents of their earlier meeting. After all Demetrious was a top commander now which meant that there was no longer requirement for him to be confined within these walls. In fact he was going to be initiated into his role in a few hours. He knew it was a big risk to work for a man he had deep disagreements with and he was fully aware of the horrific consequences if he had even one slip up as a commander and even implied defying his brother in public in any way. But still he preferred pretending to serve Dante to his living hell in the past three months.

Demetrious had his mother to thank mostly for his house arrest. Leona's fears for Demetrious's safety especially for the danger of assassins had lead to his demise. In fact, Leona influenced most of the decisions her husband, Eros made. Leona was a well known powerful witch but luckily she was not so interested in politics and ruling at all therefore Eros was mostly at the front advising Dante and his commanders. Leona never showed any emotions unless her sons were affected in any way. She was a cold blooded assassin with great skills. Everyone feared her, even Demetrious.

Demetrious had so many dark memories of his mother's horrific extreme methods in treating the weak to the point that he welcomed solitude. He did not like being in presence of either of his parents and any noble families who his parents frequently invited over most nights. His three month house arrest might have saved him from socialising with the nobles but still it was a living hell because he had to endure unwanted visitors.

The security restrictions meant that the only people who were allowed to enter his room besides his parents were Dante's top 10 commanders. From time to time, His parents sent them to visit Demetrious to keep him company and give him extra tuition alongside Xavier, his official trainer/tormentor.

He hated the girls the most. Those three cousins were the deadliest and most cruel women he had ever met alongside his mother. Tanya was the one who always preached him about importance of showing no mercy to the weak. She kept telling him accounts of what she did to humans serving in her household. Upon hearing those horrific details, he used to ball his hands into fists and grit his teeth and stay silent until she left his room and then he would unleash his anger on His possessions in his room. He could never say anything to upset Tanya because angering her boyfriend, Xavier was not something he wished at all. Xavier had been strict and harsh but he was fully aware what Dante's right hand man was fully capable of.

But Demetrious never held back. When the other trackers, Flora or Lucia came along. He made them feel unwelcome and made sure they knew their views were not worthy of his time. The good thing about them was that they normally got the message.

After the girls, Alexander was the most hated by Demetrious. It was not his company that bothered him the most. In fact Alexander was the least talkative. he hardly said anything at all. it was obvious he was only there because he was ordered to be and not by choice. Alexander in fact normally carried on with his duties like making remedies in Demetrious's room. And that was what was most detestable about Alexander, His role as a healer. Even as the head fighter or rather former head since Dylan had taken over this morning, Alexander was not causing as much suffering. he treated the convicted prisoners who had to go through repeated cycles of torment at the hands of Nathan and Benjamin and felt no remorse. Once Demetrious had asked him why do you do it and he had replied; "because it is an honour to serve my master".

Edwin and Edward were the most bearable to be around amongst the commanders. Edwin was around the same age as him and was talking about the girls in his division most of the time when Edward was not accompanying him. But if Edward was ever around, those brothers mostly focused on educating him about the new discoveries in their division. Demetrious did not mind discussing magic science and the arts of retrieving powers from stones in any way at all. But still he did not want to trust those two commanders fully yet. Afterall, those two brothers both descended from a long line of commanders serving the Ronas dynasty. It was also clear that they were faithful believers in Dante's protocols.

Well, in the case of Benjamin and Nathan, Demetrious had drawn the line and refused to see them even though his defiance meant double training with Xavier. Those two were too horrific.

At the thought of Benjamin and Nathan and the possibility of arrival of new captives, a chill went down his spine. Suddenly Demetrious remembered Dante's promise to deploy Tanya to hunt down Evelina and her trio. He missed her so much. Her best friend at Phoenix academy and the only one who made his lessons bearable. Even though she was from a noble family, she was never one to show any cruelty towards the weak and She was quite skilled in hiding her emotions. Months before graduation she had decided to run away with three others to help the freedom fighters.

Demetrious had covered for Evelina's absence and when Dante had found out about him assisting Evelina's escape all hell had broken loose. It was again Leona's interference that had saved him from Dante's wrath. Leona had made excuses, that Demetrious's actions were due to Evelina seducing him and Dante should be glad that such bad influence had left her youngest son's life.

Dante's rage was limitless when it came to losing any of his prized possessions. Very few Arkansans had ever abandoned their heritage to serve him loyally. Dante saw any noble Arkansan as his inheritance. So, when Evelina's escape was found out that night, a furious Dante had gone on an anger fuelled power display at the servant's head quarters where many humans and weaker class members were heavily injured or tormented to the brink of death. Alexander had a busy night healing them all.

Now Demetrious was waiting to be called upon by Dante. The summon call was coming soon. Lucia and her army were going to arrive within the next hour from the reports that was sent to Dante. And it seemed like she had managed to lead the capture of all the names on Dante's wanted list. She never failed. Now, she was most likely going to report to Dante in front of other commanders tonight. The others had been assigned to prepare the fighters and Demetrious was certain that not many people in their right mind would fight against such army. His estimation for Dante to conquer all North American territories was 6 months unless there was a force that could prolong the resistance.

Demetrious was deeply in thought when a presence outside his bedroom door brought him to present. He reluctantly called upon spells to unlock his door and the sight made him wish that he hadn't.

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