15. Promises to Leona

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Demetrious was not pleased to see his mother at all at his bedroom door. The worst part was that she was smiling at him. That was the most horrific sight of all. Leona's intentions were dark and when she smiled, it only meant demise and suffering for her target. Demetrious had tried every trick to avoid her in the past three days. His excuse was that he was still recovering from his trip to Australia. Obviously Dante had not told his mother what he had done to his little brother. Demetrious was most grateful. Otherwise his mother would have been most likely spending day and night in his room to make sure he was back to full health.

He took a deep breath and addressed his mother in the politest tone that he was capable of. "Mother, I am expecting a call from Dante. He could be calling me any minute now. I would be punished if I miss his summon call. Therefore I may sadly have to bid you good night. I will call upon you tomorrow mother. Please forgive me." Only if it was so simple to dismiss Leona.

"Nonsense my son. Dante would not harm you for spending quality time with me." And she walked inside. That was it. Demetrious was going to be wishing he had taken the offer by Edwin earlier to take a tour of his labs. But now instead of having to listen to Edwin complaining about his problems with the girls he dated on weekly basis, he had to listen to his mother. The most cold hearted woman walking the earth.

"Mother, I am most pleased to see you but this is not really the right time." Demetrious was desperate to avoid having any conversation with Leona. His mother was always demanding and used blackmail and threats as her weapon of choice to achieve her dark wishes.

Leona sat down at Demetrious's bed and looked up at him still smiling. "Oh, my son. you have been avoiding me in the last three days and you thought I would not notice your hesitance. I would have thought Xavier had taught you better than to try to deceive your mother Demetrious."

Demetrious was frozen in his spot standing in front of his mother. He knew from experience that silence meant defeat and submission in his mother's eyes so he kept quiet and hoped when his mother finished her rant, she would take her leave peacefully.

Leona stood up and looked at him with those cold grey eyes. She started walking around his room, almost circling him similar to Dante's manner.

"My son, your acceptance of the commander position in Dante's army has displeased me. I am your mother. Did you not think that I would feel distressed if both my sons were away in battle? I want you to go to Dante this instant and relieve yourself of your commitment to him."

Demetrious expected any confrontation but this was not something he anticipated at all. "Mother, Dante is my leader. I do what he wishes me to do. I would be commiting treason if I disobeyed his wish to serve him as a commander" Demetrious had to play the obedience card. He wanted to join Dante to get information on his army. If he was ever to oppose him, he had to be prepared.

Leona turned sharply to Demetrious. She walked slowly towards him and stood right in front of him looking straight into his eyes. "Demetrious, this is your last warning. The next time you attempt to lie to me, there will be consequences. Dante told me it was your suggestion to be his commander. He told me that he would never force you to join his quests and neither would he charge you with desertion if you resign yourself from your duties. So you have no excuse. You will go to him now and relieve yourself from your position."

Demetrious was speechless. What was his mother really planning for him? If she wished for him to stay at the base, what was his daily routine going to be consisting of? All these questions were racing through his mind.

"Demetrious, my son. Dante has a prophecy to fulfil. But it does not mean we as his immediate family, must stand aside and watch. He would one way or another conquer the world one day and his great kingdom will need heirs and enforcers. You will be no use to this land if you were to die. You must remain under protection keeping away from action. You are of Ronas's bloodline. It is your duty to one day marry a girl with a strong bloodline and strengthen our dynasty's future. But until that day comes and I succeed in finding a female witch worthy of our bloodline, you must continue your private training at the base. You are too young to get involved in Dante's plans."

"Mother, I am not trying to deceive you. Whatever Dante decides, I will obey him. But please do not ask me to resign from my position. It would bring shame to our name, if I walk away. The other commanders would think that I am a coward."

The fury in Leona's eyes was incomprehensible and luckily was not directed at Demetrious. "That is void. No one would dare disrespect anyone from the house of Ronas. Your brother would execute anyone who would dare dream of thinking of you as a coward. You are my son. The 6th heir to ever be born to inherit the Ronas's dynasty. I will make sure to speak to Dante about reading his commanders emotions. The ones with the slightest doubt in your superiority would die with the worst pain ever known to men. I would personally oversee such punishment."

"Mother, I can not accept your request."

"Demetrious, I was not asking. You would resign this very minute."

"Mother. I apologise for being forward but please tell me why you didn't ask this of Dante when meeting him earlier in person?"

"Because my son, you gave your word willingly to Dante and swore allegiance. He said he respected your wishes and the words have to come from you."

Demetrious sighed "Mother, I have to refuse. i wish to become a commander."

"Very well then, I will take matters into my own hands". And as Leona's words registered in his mind, he went to block his mother leaving his room.

"Mother wait. What are you planning?" This could not end well. His mother had a reputation of acting extremely ruthless when she was refused anything even from his own sons.

"Demetrious, there are many ways to persuade Dante to drop you as his commander. For instance, if proving your disloyalty is the only way, then so be it. I would contact Benjamin and Nathan this instant . It's not so difficult to get some fake confessions about how you aided some of those freedom fighters in the past." His mother had no idea that those confessions would have been nothing but the truth. He had aided freedom fighters at many occasions without her knowing which was a miracle.

"But mother, this is madness, betrayal carries a heavy sentence for everyone. Being of Ronas blood, would not save me from his wrath. You would frame your own son to prove a point."

Leona rolled her eyes:"Demetrious, for the last time, your brother would never use any high grade punishments for you. Your blood is too valuable to waste."

"Mother, no, you can't do this. You do know that I always do anything that you ask as long as its reasonable. Mother, please at least listen to my proposition" Demetrious was now desperately trying to plead with his mother to drop her plot that could ruin all his plans. He had to spy on Dante. He was going to find out Dante's plans and find ways to save lives but his mother was destroying everything.

"Mother, I can not resign but I think I have found a way of compromise. How about I ask Dante to excuse me from front line action. To give me exemption. For instance, Edwin and Edward are hardly ever instructed to join battle. If Dante makes me a commander in their devision, then you would have nothing to worry about and I won't risk tainting our name by resignation. Please mother consider this before framing me. The building used for the "magic science" devision is also well protected with the most ancient charms. So there are little risks of assassins breaking through with enough time to kill me before I make my escape in event of any attack."

Leona was deep in thought. "My son, you have deceived me many times before. You come to me with your proposition but you can not expect me to agree to it so instantly. I will give your proposition a chance if you commit yourself to all dinner time social gatherings. I have noticed you are shying away from feast time more and more recently. At least this way I will get to spend time with you every day."

"Thank you mother. I shall not disappoint you. But please do not go to Dante ever to condemn me before giving me a chance. He is no longer going to hold back from unleashing his anger. I know he has changed so much over those three months."

Leona's eyes suddenly were filled with concern and she rested her hands on Demetrious's shoulders. "Uh, my son. I would never let Dante to come close to harming you under this roof. You have your duties to honour our name. You should know me by now my son, whenever I have ever witnessed your arrest, haven't I always tried to reduce your punishment. I doubt you will ever be condemned to any verdicts other than watching others suffer for your sins. You will be immune from death. I assure you." Demetrious was now beyond furious. How could his mother so casually discuss the suffering of others as though she was discussing the weather.

"Very good my son. I will see you soon. Do not forget If you miss the dinner time calls from now on, there will be a heavy price to pay Demetrious. I may not frame you for treason but I have many other ways to make you regret your choices. Have no doubt"

"I will be there." I hope I won't be obligated to nothing else but having a meal at night time.

As though Leona could read his mind, she answered his unspoken questions. She sounded determined. "My son, you will honour my wishes. your obligation is to Marry a strong witch and give us grand children. this land needs our heirs to retain its greatness. So from now on you will be meeting women of my choice and spend time with them. You must learn how to make conversations with women of high power. Some courtship will prepare you until I find the one worthy of carrying our offspring. Good night my son."

"Good night mother" and just when Demetrious thought he was going to have some peace, the summon call from Dante came.

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