16. The Castle of Spears

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Dante was now focusing on the 11 burgundy coloured stones he had spread around his throne room. He closed his eyes and summoned his most trusted members of his army.
And within seconds 10 figures with black cloaks and one with his distinct white cloak appeared in front of him. As they touched the ground, the 10 figures knelt on one knee and bent their heads down avoiding eye contact as though their lives depended on it.

Demetrious stood tall with his white cloak. He held his head high and was staring at his brother with a mixture of emotions. There were many questions running through Demetrious's head; "Was there any point joining the commanders? Was it worth risking his life for?. " All could be answered in due time.

Dante smirked at the sight of his brother standing in front of him. At last he had him where he wanted him all these years. Dante never felt threatened by Demetrious but he was not thrilled every time his mother came to his younger brother's rescue. Now it was the moment Demetrious had to be put on the spot.

Dante turned his back to his commanders and walked up to sit on his throne. He stared at his commanders. All were here now; xavier, sean, benjamin, nathan, alexander, edwin, edward, tanya, flora, lucia and of course his little brother. all ready to report to him about what they had done in the past three days. But first things first. He gestured for Demetrious to come closer and pointed to a spot on his right hand side. Demetrious walked slowly and stood half turned towards the commanders and also slightly facing Dante too. It was obvious he was about to be introduced as the new recruit.

"Very well, you may rise. You are also permitted to look up commanders. We have a new recruit tonight. As you know, my brother turned 18 recently and naturally he became the next candidate to join us. He will be my second in command eventually after he turns 21. For now, he will join any division I order him to serve. But I must warn you, Demetrious shares my bloodline. Even though he is now your colleague as a commander, he is still my brother. So any interaction with him outside the field of your instructions that may imply disrespect towards him would not be tolerated in any shape or form. I assure you."
Then he addressed Demetrious directly. "Welcome aboard commander. Now you may take your place next to Lucia." And he watched his brother with interest as he walked slowly to where Lucia was standing and faced Dante.

" now let's make an introduction to this location, you have been summoned to. Welcome to the castle of spears."

All men gasped at his revelation. The look of shock and admiration was visible in all faces. But of course all he could see in Demetrious's eyes was pure horror.

"Your interruption is forgiven. I can feel your waves of awe and disbelief. I conjured this castle from the depths of the earth and it is our meeting base from now on. This castle is located at the far side of the south region of Ronas properties. You may know this region as the forbidden zone where no guards, servants or fighters are allowed. However, soon it will change. I will be ruling my territories from this very throne room you are standing in."
"Now that the introductions are over, lets hear your daily reports. Lucia, you may begin."

Lucia was abit startled to be called upon as the first one to report today. When her master picked the order, there were two scenarios for the ones to go first. Her master was either eager to hear from them about their mission or he was disappointed in their under performance and wanted to make an example of them in front of the other commanders.

Lucia took a shaky breath and started her report. She gave vivid descriptions of all the territories she had lead her army to find the wanted list who had held Dante captive for three months. The same army had accompanied her that had murdered every last vampire in Quebec. Accompanying Lucia on this mission was their only option for redemption and from the sound of the report, they had performed outstandingly well.

"That is fine Lucia. I knew you wouldn't disappoint me. It is great success that all those on the list have been tracked and brought to me. Now, Benjamin and Nathan I would like a joint report. Nathan you go first."
Nathan was also nervous but he was better at hiding his emotions than someone like Edwin who was shaking like a leaf. Nathan looked up at his master with awe and began "master, all the prisoners brought to us by Lucia have been secured. In the coming days as the previous instructions demanded, they will be interrogated all day long and Alexander has also been allocated a special new chamber with more space and facilities to treat the prisoners."
Dante sounded pleased: "very well. Benjamin report to me about how the detaining of those foolish enough to break the martial law is coming along."

"Master, many vampires and freedom fighters continue to be brought to us on daily basis. Many vampires have already been sentenced to serve various households in the territory as simple servants. However some are still awaiting trial. The freedom fighters arrested on the other hand are also being questioned daily and all information acquired from them are recorded in the "classified files" held in the secure area in the dungeons as you wished previously. All files are sorted in alphabetical order ready for inspection at any time master."

Dante nodded his head and addressed the next commander "Good report. I would drop by to check the files soon. Now, Alexander tell me about your work."

Alexander jumped at Dante's voice. He normally went for him in the end. He spoke with the voice he was trying to hold as steady as possible "master, I transferred my fighter training duties to Dylan as you wished. I have been introducing him to his responsibilities in the past three days. As you are aware, The number of fighters have doubled this year due to the increase in the new volunteer recruits from Phoenix academy. Therefore I was not able to complete Dylan's induction in one day. In terms of my healing duties. I have been on call while away from my treatment chambers training Dylan. I did attend the dungeons as requested whenever summoned by Benjamin and Nathan. I believe I will be able to work full time at my new head quarters at the dungeons from tomorrow now that Dylan is fully trained."

"Excuses accepted Alexander. I am aware of the volume of the services asked of you. Your delay in handing over your position to Dylan would have no consequences." Alexander took a deep breath out of relief.
Dante now turned to Edward who was emitting full waves of concern most likely for his brother's inability to stand still. "Now Edwin and Edward, your turn has come. Report to me. Edwin. you start."

Edwin felt so intimidated by Dante he could not even use his voice at this moment let alone make sentences. Seconds had passed and no response was given by Edwin to his master. Edward was standing helpless awaiting some words to leave Edwin soon. Dante could take this as the sign of a challenge.

Edward suddenly knelt on the floor on one knee and bowed his head in a submissive form. He was clearly asking Dante to give him permission to speak. Dante was enjoying this. He knew Edwin was only 18 and even though his bloodline was one of the most powerful in the whole territory, his powers were not complete until he was going to be 21 just like Demetrious. Dante was not going to pass this opportunity to intimidate Edwin and make an example out of him. So Dante spoke the words that Edward dreaded the most.
"Permission to interrupt me is denied Edward. You may rise. If your brother has decided to challenge me, then he has to face the consequences."
Edward looked horrified. He shakily rose and stood up in his position next to Edwin. Dante's words had not done anything but increase Edwin's distress and now there was no way he could dare breathe one word let alone finish a report.

Dante suddenly rose from his throne and walked down the steps towards his men. Edwin was his entertainment for the day and nothing was going to change his mind about the horrific consequences he had planned for Edwin. The only way he could be saved was if Edwin could miraculously find his voice any minute now.

Demetrious knew that Edwin could be seconds away from feeling the most excruciating pains that could take him weeks to recover from. Having experienced Dante's punishing spells, he knew what could be thrown at Edwin shortly. So without further consideration, he decided to do the unthinkable. Demetrious closed his eyes and initiated one of the spells he had come across in one of the ancient jinx books he read multiple times in his hours of solitude. He knew that Dante would have his head if he even suspected that he had interfered. But he didn't want Edwin to suffer at the hands of his brother. Edwin used to be his practice partner at Phoenix Academy ever since he had joined that noble school at 14. They were close friends until their senior year when Evelina had started dating Edwin. After that Edwin was not very liked by Demetrious because Edwin dating Evelina for the few months before her departure meant he had missed out on spending time with her for her final days in Arkansas. But now he felt sorry for Edwin. He was not that bad after all.

And as Drmetrious opened his eyes, as though a miracle had happened, Edwin found his voice. "Master, please forgive me. I was unable to speak."
Edward released the breath he was holding and waves of relief left him. Dante was also amused at the waves of disappointment he felt from all his other commanders with the exception of Demetrious of course. They wanted a power display from Dante and somehow by some miracle, Edwin had escaped.

Dante looked at Edwin sternly. "Since it is your first offence I would let it slide. If you ever cause delays to my future meetings, you will be sorry. I would punish you so severely, you would lose your voice for real by screaming from pain for hours, if not days. Is that understood."
"Yes master" Edwin answered with relief clear in his voice

Edwin delivered his report successfully and Dante made Edward exempt from reporting for today and moved onto xavier and Sean. After all there wasn't much to report really. Edward and Edwin managed their division so efficiently. They were working consistently well contributing their findings to the "central discovery files" kept at the secure area of the division that Dante visited at least on a monthly basis.

As xavier and Sean were reporting, all attention was on their reports except Edward's. He was an observant and skilled warlock who had recognised the signs of the spell that Demetrious had used. He knew that there were only two warlocks in the room capable of carrying out such ancient and powerful spell especially in such a concealed way that no one noticed.
There was no way Dante would pass up the opportunity to torment any one who dared defy him. So his focus was now on the other man . The one who had saved his younger brother from the horrific punishments that he would have endured if It wasn't for him. At that moment Edward felt that he was now forever in debt of Demetrious. It was a serious offence to interfere with Dante especially when he was addressing his commanders and Demetrious had risked it all to save Edwin.

When Tanya and Flora delivered their report on their arrangement of the army of trackers and their training of new recruits, the meeting came near its end.

Dante looked into the eyes of every single one of his commanders and spoke; " now commanders, you are free to get back. My further instructions will take place tomorrow in our meeting. You may leave, all except Demetrious. The 10 commanders knelt on the floor and bowed their heads in respect and teleported out.

Dante's voice was void of any emotion when he spoke. So it was impossible to tell what mood he was in: "oh brother, it was nice of you to join us. After mother came to me last night I thought you may not show up. The way she described you was priceless. You are apparently "the defenceless vulnerable younger brother I am supposed to protect, not endanger."

Dante was now in front of Demetrious and started circling him. As always he took his time. Demetrious was wondering what this meeting could be about now. of course, he had almost forgotten about his little stunt that had saved Edwin. Could he know about Edwin. Most probably yes. He was Dante after all.

"it seems like you never learn the lessons I teach you. Do you Demetrious? Tell me your reasons behind saving Edwin's backside today. He refused to respond to me and he had to face the consequences. Give me one good reason why there shouldn't be a repeat of three days ago right now in this throne room like how it happened in that cabin."

"what you were going to do to Edwin was unjust. he was shaking like a leaf all throughout your briefing. You know yourself, that he wasn't trying to defy you." Was he over stepping the mark again?

Dante shook his head at his brother's response " I gave you a chance at explaining Demetrious. And guess what? Wrong answer little brother."
And Demetrious was thrown right across the throne room hitting the wall with full force. Demetrious Weakly Moved his hand to his chest and started healing himself. It was the most excruciating pain ever. It was not only the pain of broken bones but also the sting of Dante's powers on his injuries were the worst pain of all. If anyone was unfortunate enough to be attacked by Dante personally, then the pain would make them beg for death in every minute of their torment. It was one of Dante's simplest skills and yet the most painful and unbearable. Demetrious was just lucky he could heal himself shortly afterwards to reduce the length of time he was going to be in agony.

Dante was as usual taking his time. It was as though he was enjoying the view and that view was Demetrious's pain and suffering. "Well brother, you can not complain that I didn't warn you. You defied me in front of my commanders and not for a good reason too. I would have thought, you wouldn't want me unleashing my anger so soon after I taught you a lesson in that cabin. Like I said wrong answer. You have to pay for your little empathy episode back there." And this time Demetrious was thrown upwards to the roof and back to the floor. The distance must have been at least 10 meters. The castle was massive.

Demetrious was weakly laying down on the ground and touching his stomach and hoping for his agony to be over soon. He was getting weaker and weaker. The beating at the cabin was nothing compared to this. It seemed like Dante was holding back back there. The sting behind each attack was much much worse. He healed his injuries with the last remaining ounces of energy he had and started breathing heavily.

Dante was circling him on the ground; "come on Demetrious stand up and fight. take responsibility for your actions like a man.

Demetrious was thinking hard about how to use calculating words to imply that he respected Dante. He had to choose his sentences wisely. From the waves coming off Dante, he seemed on edge. One trigger and there was no doubt, that this beating was going to be the least of his worries.

"Brother, the reason behind me saving Edwin was because of our mother. she paid me a visit an hour ago. It seemed like the only way for me to remain as a commander would be to be joining a division that does not take part in action and is closed off to assassins. Otherwise, mother won't be at ease and would do anything in her power to get me to resign. Also Edwin's brother is one of the most experienced in his field. I had to learn from the best to serve you well if there was a possibility you would let me join. Harming his brother to the extent I was feeling you were planning on, was a distraction for him that I could not afford. You know I am telling you the truth. Check the conversation." Demetrious used his last few bits of energy and waved his hand and images of his talk with his mother was now hovering in the air around Dante.

Dante watched intently and he started laughing as the images vanished.
"Uh, brother. I should have known mother would try to blackmail you into getting you to quit. She is exempt to all rules. I can not believe she wanted to frame you and charge you with treason to get me to exclude you. Very well then. I assign you as an overseer in the magic science division. Your role is to inspect the areas and as you said, learn from the best. This will do for now. But I have big plans for you brother. Make no mistake."

Demetrious was baffled. Disbelief was evident on his appearance. He stood up from his position and looked into the eyes of his brother. Was this a trick? Was Dante trying to put him at ease only to carry on within seconds? How did he become convinced this easily to let him choose his decision?

Dante felt the waves of doubts and amazement radiating of him so he answered his unspoken questions. "The reason I am agreeing to this is because I know our mother well. I have no doubt that She would have gone ahead with her plan to frame you if you hadn't come up with a solution to compromise and I must say Drmetrious that I am most impressed with your quick thinking. I felt her being convinced in those images. It takes so much for anyone to change her mind. If you hadn't put forward that proposition, She would have found a way to frame you but not through Nathan and Benjamin. She knows where their royalty lies. Deceiving me is a death sentence, they would have never dared."

Dante smirked "I am agreeing also because her plans for you amuses me. She wants to arrange a courtships for you. I wish I had thought of it before her. Have fun."

"Thanks for sparing me Dante." Demetrious hated showing obedience but he had to. If he wanted to be undercover, he had to get Dante to trust him.

Dante now talked in a serious tone; "I can feel you have enough energy to teleport out of here. Commander, your next instruction is to make your way to Alexander's head quarters to get yourself fully healed. That's an order. Then you can visit Edwin and Edward and maybe get the introductions out of the way. Farewell" and then as Demetrious started to teleport he heard Dante's laugh echoing through the walls once again. The most menacing sound of all.

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