181. What does this world come to

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Dante was in the basement of his Castle in a special circular room total darkness except for candles he had placed around the place. He could feel her heart beats in the castle in their bedroom that made him feel power. His woman was in the castle and she didnt want to leave after the ordeal she had gone through. He wished they hadnt tried to hurt her. Even though it did improve their relationship when she was captured by people she judged to be worse than him, but he prefered  she became closeer to him through other means. What is this world coming to? His healer blood match with her ethical beliefs actually had faith in him to save the world from that elemental and his traitorous cousin. She probably never predicted she would ever feel that way to be on the same team but you couldnt expect any less when facing elementals. All the nonsense they talked about, all the peace, was a front. They were dangerous beings who threatened other creatures.

Dante threw stones around the circular room in form of a circle and conjured the eternal light in the room right in the middle of the circle. He then levitated it to the top of the room. He smiled at the eternal light jewel as it was floating above him. This jewel only answered to him. It was time to raise the game. This was overdue. He never thought he had to use the power of the jewel for what he was about to do. He prefered to preserve the jewel and use the powers much later, centuries later. He had an enemy that need to be dealt with before he recruited more and more. it was bad enough two elementals had uniyed together. He wished he had captured Vasile earlier. Now Vasco and Vasile were together, they would form a dangerous alliance of elementals. That traitorous Ronas, Archelous, a waste of his bloodline he called his cousin, had really formed a fatal trio alliance with them. he wondered if Archelous was going to drag his sister into the mess or not. He doubted that. Azalea was still seventeen and too young.

Dante's eyes turned to a golden colour as he cast a spell in an ancient language. Suddenly, from the eternal light, transparent white light spheres came out and spread around the room. He smiled. It was show time. He then conjured those who were meant to be there.

In place of conjuring stone, the figures one by one appeared. On his right, his father, Eros and on his left, his brother Demetrious. Then at the other side of the circle he conjured Octavian and Eric who had silver hand cuffs on him looking around in surprise.

Eric was the one to speak "What is this Dante?"

Dante's voice roared as he walked to his uncle "Know your place uncle Eric. You are only alive because of your blood. Dont speak out of turn again." He then threw a light sphere at him that made him groan and kneel on the floor.

Eros took a step forward "Dante.... Don't."

Dante turned to his father sharply "Silence father. I told you I would end his torture but if he asks for it, he gets more." He then turned to his uncle and walked to him as he spoke threateningly "If you pull any stunts today, I will kill your wife. She is not a Ronas. She is a nobody to me. I would execute her right in front of you if you try to defy me. Do we have an understanding?"

Eric wanted to get up but he couldnt. His nephew was wiating for a response. He breathed "Where is she? Why did you remove her from my cell?"

Dante smirked "Wouldnt you like to know... She is with my mother. In the palace. She is not in this castle, that is why you can't feel her close by. My mother is lonely these days. She asked me to get her sister in law for her so they could chat over tea and cake. She wont be harmed any longer...  I dont have time for my mother's complaints so I decided to put your wife under survailance with her unharmed. She wont be hurt unless you pull any stunts. Look into my eyes and detect any lies when I say I will kill your wife painfully and slowly if you dont co-operate. Tell me I am bluffing."

Eric whispered as he looked up into his nephew's eyes as he was kneeling "You are not bluffing...."

Dante nodded "Good. Now get up and make yourself useful." As he turned his back to his uncle and walked back to his place in the circle, Eric felt able to stand up.

Dante turned around and stood in his position between his father and his brother as he waved his hands and his uncle Eric's silver hand cuffs came off and diseappared making his breathing become even. Those were painful tortutre devices that weakened anyone wearing it.

Dante spoke firly "Now, I will cast a spell and you will repeat after me.... Before you ask uncle Eric and get yourself hit by another sphere, this spell is a protective spell. My blood match was abducted yesterday by Vasco, son of Vlad with the help of the traitorous Archelous of course. i dont want that to happen with any other citizens. When I rescued my blood match, I did cause some havoc in that underground stonehenge where his base was. He would need to sort out the place before he can strike again. I made sure I caused some distractions with the help of Octavian outside of course. Good job Octavian. Those creatures did well, damaging the soils around the place... The pillars of Persopolise that hold his udnerground base up were disturbed well. Now, once he sorts out his place, he would be attacking again. We cant have that happening. So this is a protective spell for my territories to stop him from abducting my blood match. As long as my blood match is alive and safe, Vasco knows he cant beat me thats why he abducted her in a cowardly act. Well, its going to be a lengthy war. He takes my blood match, then I will locate his blood match. I will abduct her and will bring him to his knees. An eye and for an eye. Now, lets get to the spell first. Repeat after me..."

Dante's eyes turned to a golden colour. He murmured an ancient spell as the Ronas, one by one repeated after him. White clouds of smoke were emitted from the jewel and floated above the jewel. Dante waved his hands and the clouds disappeared. He ordered "Do the same again."

Dante repeated his actions over and over again until enough protective spells were cast.

Dante addressed the Ronas in the room "Now, go to your bases and await instructions. Uncle Eric, you will go with Octavian. Dont pull any stunts with him because the turquoise eyed warrior will come out if you do, Dismissed." He then waved his hands and everyone disappeared  from the room.

Dante was glad the meeting was over. So now he could go tend to his blood match. He teleported to his room and found Aretha sitting at the edge of her bed talking to his blood match as she was laying down still recovering. He cleared his throat as he stood in front of Aretha "Time is up. Goodbye."

Athena protested "Wait. One more minute. Aretha has something to say to you Dante."

Aretha was looking at Dante warily. It was no secret he didnt like her since she had tried to turn Athena against him. Athena had asked her to be civil to dante since there was a new enemy and peace was needed.

Aretha tried to be polite "Thank you for removing the dagger spell."

Dante spoke harshly "I didnt do it for you. Just watch what you say to my blood match or that dagger will come back and will get stuck into your chest indefinitely. Thats a promise and not a threat. Bye Bye." He then waved his hands and she dissappeared.

Athena gasped "Dante. Why did you do that? I asked her to be nice and she actually meant it when she thanked you. Why didnt you let her stay longer."

Dante sat at the edge of the bed and took her hand in his "Do you know how beatiful you are."

Athena sighed "I asked a question."

Dante slowly climed on top of Athena and pinned her down as he stared into her eyes " I want to marry you... Will you marry me...."

Athena was shocked "Dante... This is ...."

Dante kissed her lips as he moaned in pleasure. He pulled away when he was satisfied "You dont have to answer now. I will ask you after dinner again. But I want to marry you ...."

Athena was surprised "You blackmailed me to marry you. We were meant to marry in a few days...."

Dante shook his head as he stared into her eyes "That was a marriage of convenience as a front... We both know you werent going  to be sleeping in the same bed as me if we went ahead with that marriage. We both know we werent going to be really married after that forced ceremony.... For me, a marriage is not a marriage until heirs come to existance and .... We both know having heirs in our world is not as simple as forcing someone to marry you ... You must want it. You are the woman in this marriage. You must want heirs or it wont happen. I threatened to kill your family if you resist having heirs... But,... I want a real marriage... Forget all my theats... Give me an answer tonight. Do you want me or not? If you say no, I will cancel the scheduled ceremony. I want you to truly want me."

Athena spoke in a confused tone " I dont understand you at all... But you did all this to just cancel it. You threatened me... You said you could have me by force.... You threatened life of my parents and sister if I dont give you heirs and dont give into you fully... Now why have you changed?"

Dante stated "I carried out all those actions but ....I wasn't going to force you to have my heirs until you were ready... I love you Athena... Do you really think I could do that? ... You drove me insane with running away... So I threatend you out of anger and I hoped you accepted me soon before our marriage... .I want a true marriage. Not a forced one. When you were taken away, I had along time to think about our relationship. I want a real marriage so I can be happy, so you can be happy and so our children will be happy. My mother was forced to marry my father. My father threatened to kill her brother if she didnt say yes... That was enough for her to feel close to my father. She was put in the situation to marry my father by force but she accepted my father because their blood match bond was so strong. She accepted her faith on their weddidng night and didnt feel forced ....But you are not like my mother... Your blood line is so much stronger than my mother's blood line even though you dont want to show off your true powers and you keep hiding your offensive true forces within you, you are stronger... You are the strongest female on this planet but your healer blood has made you too compassionate and reluctant to use your powers.... so .... Lets say .... I think blackmail wont work with you... You have to want me.... Or there is no marriage in a few days..... I want a real marriage... But I can't wait if you tell me to wait... I cant wait but I have to wait if thats your wish and I dont want to wait... You are just torturing me and I let you think about it until tonight... If you say no... then I will cancel the ceremonies and we can start over. It would be torturous for me... But that is what will be if thats what you wish .... If you say yes, then the marriage will go ahead and we will have a real marriage.... Now, I leave you to think about it... I dont want you to rush to give me an answer. I want you to mean it... Now sleep my love... You need to recover..."

Athena sighed "Wait Dante... Dont... Just because this is your castle you shouldnt control me like this..."

But it was too late. Dante snapped his fingers and she felt her eye lids were heavy... She fell sleep within seconds... Dante looked at her sleeping form beneath him as he was still pinning her down... He kissed her forehead and got up from the bed reluctantly. He put a blanket on her and stroked her hair "My blue rose, you can't fight me and win." He then smiled and walked to the window... He conjured himself a butter beer whiskey and opened the top of it... He started drinking as he looked outside. He then threw a burgundy coloured stone on the floor and conjured one of his commanders from the tp floor of the castle of spears who he was keen to see.

Seconds later, Tiberious appeared kneeling on the floor. He didnt even look at him as he whispeted "Get up Tiberious... I see you are shaking... Has he attacked your mind again?"

Tiberious stood up on his shaky legs and breathed "Yes master... He sends me messages in my nightmares...."

Dante turned around "What was his last message?"

Tiberious swallowed hard "He said... You will be fighting by my side.... wisdom sorcerer sooner than you think..."

Dante chuckled "He is playing mind games with you, my young commander. He is trying to scare you off... has he threatened Tanya, your sister?"

Tiberious shook his head "No."

Dante chuckled "I knew it... if he theratens her, you may go to a mental war with him..... You can telepathically do some damage and he knows it... I want you to train yourself. Spend time developing your abilities... read up, research... The research division commanders are at your disposal..."

Tiberious was taken back "But master... Commander Edward and Commander Edwin are on punishment duty because of their crimes..."

Dante stated "And what if they are? They can be serving you instead of what they are doing..." He then conjured a red sphere and threw it towards Tiberious. The red spehere gently landed in his palm of his hand "This is your pass. You show it to any enforcer and commander, it will reveal my instructions that you have to have them at your disposal with no questions being asked. You must do what you need to. I want answers at any cost... You have all my commanders at your disposal Tiberious... You cant leave the castle but you can conjure anyone in your room up on the top floor here. If you have to get work out of commander Edwin and Edward day and night, then do it... I dont care what you do and how you do it... I want answers... I want you to tell me something I dont know about elementals... Any information about what they are planning or what they could do or any visions of future will be well recieved by me."

Tiberious quickly reponded "Yes master."

Dante stated "Dismissed." He then waved his hands and Tiberious disappeared.

Dante closed his eyes as he was drinking his butter beer. On his mind, he was thinking of Archelous... He focused all his energy and concentrated his mind. With satisfaction, the image of him in his bed sleeping came in his imagination. He was back in Bran castle sleeping. With satisfaction, he watched as Archelous woke up from his nightmare breathing heavily. Dante had sent him a message calling him a traitor to his bloodline." Dante laughed as he cleared his mind.... He  didnt use telepathy much but he found it entertaining at times to use. He looked at Athena and smiled as he walked to her. He got into the bed next to her and laid down at one side of her staring at her peaceful sleeping form... He never thought that the start of their marriage was going to be at a time when wars were going to errupt between warlocks and the ever exanding army of elementals. It was inconvenient but all that mattered was having her by his side finally. He leaned close and kissed her cheek as he whispered "I love you so much."

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