51.Strike on the Ronas

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The healer coven were sitting around a round table and closing their eyes and holding hands. They were trying hard to conjure the jewel of illusion from the sacred river in the central territory. That jewel was a large piece of diamond that was their only hope for making this break in a success. The jewel of illusion was hidden within the depths of the river by the elder tree protector council of Alaska decades ago and now it was to be resurrected and put to good use. Now it was the time.

As the blood red diamond the size of a coconut appeared on the table, the healers cheered. They were all smiles and shaking each others hand.

Athena spoke " Now girls, lets do this. There is no turning back. Now that the party at Dante's base is over and all commanders and enforcers are in their own division, we have better chance of getting to the captive area. Dante would be in his own chambers and i will do my best to use this jewel to keep him inside long enough for us to rescue some of the captives who haven't hopefully yet been transferred to Arkansas. If i failed to keep him in long enough, Do not wait for me. You must save yourselves and the captives we are rescuing. We must do our duty."

Alexandra nodded " Before we depart, I just like to remind every body that we are entering a possible mission of no return. It is not just Athena who is at risk. Well she is taking on Dante and most in danger of not returning with us. But anyone can fail. If we make the wrong choices in our possible upcoming duels, there will be disaster for us. We could even get captured and interrogated. But they would never break us or end the fight for those we protect. Lets hope that luck is on our side."

Tatiana spoke; " Lets go over the plan again. Once we enter the captive headquarters, we would start attacking the enforcers. We can use our enchantments to delay the intruder alarm being initiated for as long as we can. The commanders are in their residence at this time of night since it is after their victory. So those average enforcers should be easily taken care of. In the unlikely event that there are surprises and some commanders maybe visiting or meeting in the head quarters when we strike, well lets go over the match pairings. I will be taking on Nathan and....."

Eliza rolled her eyes: " Haven't we been over this already. Me and Elena will be taking on Sean."

Helena spoke: "Mariana and I will also be onto Tanya and Lucia. Those horrid women make me cringe. Uh. Their records are disturbing."

Aretha smiled " I can't wait to do my duty too. My share is Xavier. He will get a taste of his own medicine surely."

Alexandra sounded determined: " And I will be taking on Dylan. I can't wait to get him."

Tatiana nodded " I know. I know. We have been over the plans but the matching is important. We may not encounter the commanders but we should be prepared for the unexpected. If required We must challenge the one who we have a chance of holding up or defeating. I say all of these commanders are extremely dangerous. Each one is skilled and is expert in a different art of defence. Good luck To all of us."

Then the healer coven held hands, took deep breaths and muttered in unison. " Lets do it." As the words were spoken the healer coven and the diamond teleported their way to Dante's base to face their enemies with all they had.

The healer coven parted with Athena as they touched ground. As Athena made her way to reach Dante's headquarters, the healers looked at their fellow healer with great concern. She was risking so much with jinxing Dante's chambers and locking him in to keep him busy while they rescued the innocents. Only a miracle could save her now. They all silently were praying for Athena to make it back to them safely on time.

Shortly after, the healers encountered their first batch of enforcers in the captive headquarters as they entered. The route was smooth and straightforward. They beat the enforcers into losing consciousness and as they had predicted, their spells were working on disabling the alarm to avoid notifying the other divisions.

They made their ways towards the end of a long and dark corridors. They went past some white rooms that seemed like interrogation rooms. They were empty but the faint waves of distress and pain could still be felt from its walls.

Suddenly they got to a dead end where there was no door. Tatiana's eyes widened. She spoke suspiciously; "This is a maze spell. We need a password to go through it safely. Basically once we cast a spell to get through, we may feel we are in a maze of different corridors. We may encounter some surprise attacks individually. I have no idea how we will be split up if we enter. We may be on our own or in our large group. We could try holding hands as we cast a spell to get past this wall but it may not make a difference."

Eliza gasped: " Seriously? We maybe split up?." She looked at her twin sister Elena worriedly.

Elena rolled her eyes. " Yes initially. But this is a maze spell so it means there is a good chance we can get through it and meet each other at the end."

Aretha looked baffled. " So how can Ronas enforcers find their way?"

Alexandra answered: " Well. as you know, there wont be just enforcers. There maybe some commanders here too. They like their night visits to captives to torment them and calm down. To answer your question, It's an ancient spell used by the Ronas. All those who work here have a password and don't need to get lost in corridors. They may be at their posts right now and be doing their guarding duties, but their surroundings would look normal to them since they know exactly where they are and the passwords get them through the maze."

Mariana gasped: " This is the most sick and twisted system I have ever seen. When I signed up to be a healer, I had no idea I would be entering the Ronas captive base one day. We do rescue people but we have to admit, this is beyond any rescue mission we have done."

Helena nodded " Couldn't agree more Mariana. Lets hope we get to the other side safely. What are we waiting for. Lets go."

The healers looked at each other and took deep breaths and closed their eyes. They were now entering into the unknown and there was nothing that could save them from facing the enemy head on.

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