1| Crushes

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"Each time you happen to me all over again" -Edith Wharton

• Kingsley •

I groaned at the light, snuggling back into my covers as I basked in its warmth
Only to be interrupted by my mother drifting into my room, completely throwing my curtains open.

"Mom!" I moaned, covering my eyes
"Up now... your father is leaving soon" she spoke softly
"Breakfast will be ready in ten" she said, moving out of my room and closing the door gently

I stretched my body out, my back arching off the bed as I threw my arms out
I climbed out of bed, my feet dangling over the edge and hesitantly hitting the white carpet.

It the first day back at school, this was going to be my senior year
I slowly made my way into my closet, picking out some clothes for the day and rubbing the sleep from my eyes.

Kingsley's Outfit

After getting dressed, I texted Alex to tell her when I'd be getting to school
I hadn't seen her for the last half of the summer, she'd been in Bali with her family.

I trailed downstairs and into the kitchen, my mother and father sat at the table eating breakfast
"Morning honey" my mom smiled at me, I smiled back, leaning down to kiss my dad on the cheek and sit down
"Morning dad" I chirped, digging into my breakfast.

He looked up from his newspaper, smiling at me and my mother
"Morning princess" he said
We began eating, my mom and dad conversing over what they were doing today.

My mother was beautiful, she had her neat blonde hair tied up, and a smile permanently plastered across her face.
I admired her so much, but the only thing I seem to have inherited from her is her green eyes.

My dark hair and tanned skin coming from my father
My father with an overbearing stature, I suppose he needed to look intimidating though, being a lawyer
He had his own practise in the city, he was known to be quite ruthless in the courtroom.

He never brought work home, but his persistence and stern attitude stayed with him.
He was a very protective man.

I remember being asked on a date by a boy last year and dad turned him away at the door, telling me I wasn't going
I had locked myself in my room for three days before he finally apologised and I told him he couldn't be so horrible to the boys I wished to date.
He agreed, but I knew he didn't mean it, as soon as I started properly dating I know he'll flip.

None it mattered in the end anyway as the boy eventually stood me up, he hadn't spoken to me since.

"Right... come on princess, I've gotta be at work soon" dad said looking at his watch
I nodded and excused myself to retrieve my backpack from my room, when I came down my dad was kissing my mother goodbye, motioning to the door as we began to leave.

I only turned 17 a few months ago and I hadn't started learning to drive yet, so mom and dad took it in turns to drop me off.

"Excited for your first day?" My father asked, eyes on the road
"I suppose... I've missed my friends over the summer and I'm finally on the school newspaper this year" I responded excitedly
I'd been wanting to get on the school paper for ages, I needed to expand my writing and get some experience for college.

"Good... now let's go over the rules" he said, I groaned
"Again really... I know them dad" I said. And they were ridiculous
"Then tell me" he smirked, earning a sigh.
"No skiving, no drinking, no parties, no drugs and no boys" I reeled off bored
"Correct" he said, pulling into the school parking lot.

I tried to open the door and make a run for it as fast as possible, throwing a quick goodbye to my dad
I loved him and I appreciated the ride but his car was a tad... flashy to say the least
I didn't need people thinking I was some rich girl, when I really wasn't.

Yes my family had money, but we weren't excessive with our spending, our house was moderately big but not too flashy
And I wanted people to look at me for me... not my parent's money.

I made my way up the school steps and headed for my locker.

I sorted all my stuff out and checked my phone, Alex had messaged me demanding my presence
So I strode off down the corridor in search of her, we'd agreed to meet before class started.

As I finally found the right hallway, I caught a flash of purple hair, noticing Alex stood with Maria
"Morning ladies" I greeted, Alex immediately engulfed me in a hug
"I missed you so fucking much... 3 weeks in Bali is all well and good but not with my family" she squealed
"Please don't be so loud" I scolded her

She rolled her eyes and twirled back around, rummaging in her locker for stuff, I looked her over
She was in a summery dress as always, it could be the dead cold of winter and she'd still be in a dress, with her bright purple hair and purple makeup to match.

She was a fiery confident girl with the ability to always find trouble.
I peaked over her shoulder and noticed her locker was already a bomb site.

I know I might be weird for it but I love organisation, schedules and binders
Planning things out. I go crazy over a good colour coordination... yeah, weird.

"Hola mamacita" Maria greeted me, I smiled at her
"Hey Mari" I responded, giggling at her Spanish
She truly was the definition of a Spanish beauty, she had wavy brown hair and tanned skin.
She had the curvy figure that all the boys dropped to their knees for.

I wasn't as curvy as Maria, I had a very small figure, my boobs were quite big for my body, and I always hated how big my thighs and bum were, where Maria looked beautiful I felt like I was just out of proportion.

She was a drama queen though... and that's not an exaggeration, she loved the drama subject, she aspired to become an actress and be on the big screen.

"Where's Aubrey?" I asked, my question directed towards Maria as Alex was still trying to find something

"She's running late... her brother's car broke" Maria said, looking through her schedule
"Bet she's loving that" I retorted, laughing slightly
Audrey was like me... loved to be organised and on time, so she'd probably be freaking out if she was late.

She was quite shy, her and Alex were on the cheerleading team.
Yet she spent most of her time reading.

Alex was my best friend, but me and Aubrey were more alike just as Alex and Maria were more alike than us, they were confident and outgoing whereas me and Aub liked staying in and studying.
And it was often them two dragging me and Aubrey out to do things.

"So are we ready for senior year my beauties?" Alex asked, slamming her locker shut and spinning around, tying half her hair up with a purple scrunchie.

"Mhm, I finally got on the paper" I squealed excitedly
"I meant the parties, the drinking, the boys" she elaborated
Maria snorted at her words
"You do realise you're gay?" She questioned Alex

Alex rolled her eyes
"Yeah duh. I mean for you guys, I'm not exactly going to find me a girl around here very easily am I?" She commented, leaning against the lockers
"You'll find someone" I assured
"Mmm, well Ashley Jenkins is looking very nice this year" she commented, checking Ashley out as she stood with her friends across the hall.

"Pretty sure Ashley Jenkins is straight" Maria retorted
Alex shrugged
"I could turn her" she mumbled, I rolled my eyes and giggled at her
"Well this year is the year. I'm becoming Mrs Parker Eden" Maria exclaimed dramatically

We laughed at her, dismissing her words, she'd been chasing Parker Eden since middle school, never actually having the courage to tell him she liked him.

"Right and Alex will actually turn Ashley Jenkins" I snorted sarcastically, earning a small smack on the arm from Alex

"Well looks like now is your chance" Alex announced, nodding to the double doors at the end of the hall
Me and Maria turned around to see Parker Eden, Tommy Phoenix and Kade King.

Parker was in his usual attire, hidden under a hoodie, he was sweet enough, we were maths partners and we'd spoke a few times, he just preferred to stay quiet.
Quite the opposite of Maria

Tommy Phoenix was the 'funny one', the big mouth of the group, he was also apart of the football team
I only often interacted with him when we went to the movies as he worked there.

And Kade king, he was the best of the best, tall, muscly, a few tattoos gracing his tanned skin, dark hair and blue eyes
Yeah, I kind of had a crush on him ever since middle school.

I noticed Elijah wasn't with them though
Elijah was Kade's best friend and the fourth to complete their friendship group, he was quiet but very nice in the few talks I'd had with him, we were both apart of the science club last year.

Plus he was my neighbour

Maria's eyes widened and she swirled back around, me following soon after as I made eye contact with Kade
"Aww you two are just too adorable" Alex gushed, locking her hands together and holding them to the side of her face.

"Shut up Alex" I hissed, praying he wasn't looking anymore, I scoffed at the thought, as if he'd even give me a second glance.

"Oh come on, I get that Parker is a bit antisocial but Kade is staring you down hard Baby Kins" Alex commented, looking between me and Maria to the boys down the corridor.

I ignored her and began walking down the corridor, Maria shooting after me as she wanted to avoid being around Parker, she was one of the most confident girls I know but around that boy she was as good as jelly.

"Come on guys" Alex shouted, jogging up to us and throwing her arms over our shoulders
"This is gonna be a good year" she assured, me and Maria still ignoring her as we walked to lesson.

Shoutout to Softie113123 for the amazing covers and banners for this story, please go check her out!!!

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