2| Kingsley fucking Hadley

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Kingsley fucking Hadley

"If she only wants you, don't worry about who wants her"


Kingsley fucking Hadley, the girl constantly on my fucking mind, day or night she's there, consuming my thoughts.

Today was the first day back at school, I'd finally get to see her again, after 6 long fucking weeks.

I threw the blankets off me and trudged to the bathroom for a shower, throwing on some clothes and heading downstairs
Mom was sitting at the table eating breakfast with Addy, my little sister.

Her smile beamed up at me, syrup dripping down her face from her pancakes.
"Morning" I greeted them both, ruffling Addy's messy hair and grabbing an apple from the fruit bowl
"You're not having breakfast with us?" My mother asked, a small frown forming on her face
I shook my head
"Got to get to school, I've only got 10 minutes" I stated, moving to get my bag.

"Is dad still here?" I asked
She shook her head
"He had to get to the office early, I can call our driver to take you" she offered
I nodded, it was better than taking the bus at least.

My dad was a business man, he owned various production factories, hotels and restaurants, he also owned an accounting firm
Which is all just for covering up the shady side of business
The mafia meant he was always fucking working.

I know he had to keep on top of stuff but he was barely ever home anymore, mum would go and visit him at the office but I'm pretty sure I haven't seen him around the house in at least 3 days.

I waited until the driver arrived and then left, but not before kissing Addy and mom on the cheek
I'm assuming Finn and Atlas were still asleep
They were my younger siblings, twins. Still in middle school and therefore getting an extra half an hour of fucking sleep till they had to go school.

I got in the car and checked my phone as we made our way to school
I sighed, seeing a bunch of texts from my dad and random people from school
Great... I needed to change my number again.
Girls were always finding my number somehow, but I didn't want them, I blocked all the numbers that had text me and then text Elijah telling him to get me a new phone.

He was one of those people who could get you anything. At any time.

There was only one girl I wanted. Kingsley fucking Hadley, that's how she was referred to practically everywhere
She was the ultimate perfect girl, I'd wanted her ever since I met her in kindergarten.

She was your girl next door type, gorgeous, smart, innocent, kind... everyone loved her, which I suppose was a good thing... but it meant all the other boys wanted her as well.

I remember when I had to beat up Liam Mckellan when I overheard him talking about asking her out last year, fair to say he didn't after the beating I gave him.

She barely ever noticed me though, and I wanted her to, but I promised myself this year I was gonna talk to her
I wasn't gonna pussy out like I always did... I was already hers
I just had to make her mine.

When we got to school I made my way to the entrance, Parker and Tommy stood by the doors
"Hey Kade" Tommy greeted, slinging his backpack over his shoulder

Tommy was my mate... but he was a fucking idiot, I'm not judging but at the same time we didn't need to hear all about the girls he was banging
He was only 17 for god sake and he'd fucked like 20 girls already.

"Hey" I said back, Parker just nodded at me, he isn't really the chatty type.
"Excited?" Tommy asked
"For?" I asked, completely clueless
"I thought this was the year you were going to get the white whale" he said dramatically, making me roll my eyes.

Yeah Kingsley has a few names around school. The prominent being the white whale.
Everyone wants her. No one can get her. She was an enigma.

"Shut up" I laughed, this year was the year I was gonna get Kingsley, but he didn't have to shout about it.

We walked through the door. And as per usual. All fucking eyes were on us.
Seriously can they not just get a life?
I scoured the hallway, my eyes landing on Kingsley by the lockers.

She looked fucking beautiful, dressed innocent, soft brown hair tied up in a bun, small wisps dancing around her rosy cheeks.
She was looking straight at me, but as soon as my eyes met hers she whipped around.

I couldn't help but laugh, she was either nervous because of me or embarrassed I'd caught her staring, I'd take what I could get.

"Staring after her again" Tommy laughed, nudging me in the side, I looked back at her, but she'd already started off down the corridor.
"Fuck off" I told him.

We made our way to the first lesson, but I didn't pay any attention, I wasn't really the academic type.
I was good at maths though, had to be in order to sort out figures for dad's company.

I didn't pay any attention to the teacher though, she was droning on about microorganisms or some shit, I was just staring at Kingsley.
She was so fucking pretty, and it pissed me off to see every other fucker staring at her too.

She was in view of everyone, sat slap bang in the middle of class, surrounded by everyone's prying eyes, I couldn't help but look her over.
She was definitely the girl to get.
Her jeans hugged her hips in ways that would kill a man. Her jumper rode just above her waist when she leaned forward in her chair.
Dear god.

Her smooth skin looked so fucking inviting. The curve in her back, the way those jeans strained against her ass.

I'd always wanted her. I used to give her things for her birthday... Valentine's Day. Any occasion really. She never knew it was me though.

I used to leave a card or flowers in her draw, her locker, on her desk, and she never found out who it was, I was too scared to tell her.
And I'm no coward. But when it comes to her I get weak in the knees.

When lunch time rolled around, she was right in my line of vision, which was what I wanted, needed in fact.

I could make sure no one bothered her and have the perfect view of her gorgeous face.
"Stop staring... you'll freak her out" Tommy said in a singsong voice.

"Fuck off" I grumbled, glancing at her occasionally
"Hey" Elijah grumbled, sitting down next to Tommy opposite me
Parker was sat beside me, his head buried in a book.

"What have I missed?" Elijah asked
"Just the usual stalking" Tommy laughed
I shot him a warning look

Elijah laughed, glancing at their table
"You guys heard about the party Friday?" He asked
We shook our heads
"No. Who's having a party?" Tommy asked
"Me" Elijah grinned, making me roll my eyes.

"It's the first day back" I said
He shrugged
"Everyone needs a party" he said off handedly
"Yes! Since when were you cool?" Tommy asked, throwing his arm over Elijah's shoulder.

"I've always been cool" Elijah said, shrugging Tommy off
Bull shit. Elijah was nice to people but he wasn't exactly a social butterfly.

"No seriously" Tommy said
"My folks are going away for the weekend, so why not have a party?" He said
His words made my eyes flicker over to Kingsley, as per
Would she go? Who am I kidding? Like I'd even be able to talk to her.

"Oh come on... Eli's talking bout a party and your first thoughts Hadley?" Tommy asked rhetorically
I turned back to them and shrugged
"Is she going?" I asked
"Not sure... I told Alexandria about it" Elijah said, digging into his fries
Useless. I sighed.

"Why don't you ask her?" Parker asked, eyes still stuck to his pages
"Look who's talking" Tommy laughed, referring to Maria
"What?..." Parker asked, glancing up
"Nothing... I'm actually shocked you're talking" Tommy laughed, making Parker roll his eyes
"It was just a question" Parker mumbled.

"Mm... well here's another one... when you gonna dick down Maria?" Tommy asked
Fuck sake. Not this again
"Leave him alone... she's scary" Elijah laughed
"She's not scary... she's just... very forward" Parker grumbled, trying to avoid the conversation.

It was obvious he liked Maria, he'd always stare after her and talk about her.
Well... the rare times he actually talked to us.

"Whatever..." Tommy dismissed
"He's got a point though, ask her" Elijah said to me.
I took another look at Kingsley, she was laughing, her smile brightening up her already gorgeous face.

"He won't ask her... he's a pussy" Tommy chuckled
"Fuck you. I'll ask her" I said, getting up from the table
"Now?" Elijah asked, seemingly shocked.

I looked at her again... she's sat with her friends... I've never really spoken to her that much before
"No... I'm going for a smoke" I said, walking towards the doors, ignoring the laughs that followed after me at my obvious attempt of avoiding the inevitable.


"Greek god at 10 o clock" Alex grinned, her eyes following something behind me
I turned my head to see Kade walking outside, probably off to smoke somewhere
I didn't really like smoking
But I couldn't help the flutter in my stomach when I saw him smoking outside school.

It looked so... good on him.
"You're drooling again Lee" Maria laughed, I frowned at them.

"Leave me alone... like you're not drooling over Parker" I threw back
"Oh I most certainly am" she sighed softly, leaning her chin on her hand as she looked at him.

He was reading. Naturally.
"Why can't he look at me like that?" She asked
"Like a book?" Alex snorted
"Like I'm the only interesting thing in the world" she sighed.

"I thought Aubrey and Lee were our poetic goddesses" Alex laughed at her
"It's not poetry... it's literature" Aubrey commented, staring back down at the mass of homework she was doing
She was still slightly on edge after being late and so panicked about the rest of her work.

Work that wasn't due for another week.
She was right though. She was into literature.
It was only me that really read through poetry.

"I'm an actress Alex... an artist... it's natural to have flare and a way with words" Maria argued

By the end of the day I was exhausted, I forgot how draining school was and yet it seemed like I had never left.

"Uh Kingsley?" I turned my head only to lose my breath
Kade fucking King was stood in front of me.

His broad shoulders and huge stature looked even bigger up close, I found myself swallowing hard as my eyes raked over his chest.
Even his voice. It was so deep and rough

"Kingsley?" He asked again
"Y-Yeah?" I asked, snapping back into reality
"I uh- I just wanted to know if you were going to Eli's party on Friday?" He asked calmly, yet his voice seemed to have a slight hesitation in it as he spoke to me.

Me? Why did he want to know if I was going?
I found myself nodding before my brain could catch up
Alex had mentioned it at lunch, and I kept saying no.
It was the first week back at school and I had a ton of work already.

But Kade's asking me
Does he want me there?
And Elijah does only live across the road, so it's not like I'll be stranded in the middle of nowhere with drunk teenagers
"You are?" He asked.

"Yeah" I breathed out, staring into his eyes
Those god damn captivating eyes
"Great... I'll uh... I'll see you there?" He asked
I nodded
"Yeah" I said again, god say something else.

"Okay... did you maybe wann-"
"Hey I told you to wait for me" Tommy whined, throwing his arm over Kade's massive shoulders
"And I told you I'd meet you outside" Kade said, shoving him away, seemingly annoyed.

"Did you?... oh well, how long you gonna be?" He asked
"Just give me a minute" Kade gritted out
"Okay" Tommy said, staying in the same place.

"Tommy" Kade said warningly
"Yeah?" Tommy asked clueless
Kade sighed
"Doesn't matter... I'll uh... see you around Kingsley" Kade said, his voice a lot softer towards me.
My name on his lips sounds so good.

"Okay" I said, watching them walk away, not missing the smack Kade landed upside Tommy's head.

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