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"The only difference between a good girl and a bad girl, is that good girls are very selective with who they're bad with"


Mom picked me up today, and when we finally got home the house was empty
Meaning dad was still at the office.

"Well... what shall we have for dinner? I've bought some cakes home for dessert" mom explained as she unpacked a variety of goods from work.

"Um.... pizza?" I suggested, she nodded
I ran upstairs to get changed into something more comfortable, then I spent the next half an hour catching up on Netflix.
Until there was a knock at the door.

"Can you get it darling?" Mom shouted from the kitchen
"Yeah" I shouted back, I picked the money up from the side table and opened the door, only to be met with a boy who looked around my age.

"Kingsley?" He said, seemingly shocked to see me
"Yes?" I asked curious as to how he knows me
"Emmett? I'm in your history class" he introduced himself
"Oh yeah... Emmett" I said, trying to sound as though I knew him.

He looked at me hesitantly, before handing me the pizzas
"Oh yeah" I fumbled, handing him the money while holding the pizzas
"Thanks... are you... going to the party Friday?" He asked.

"I'm not sure yet" I answered
I'm pretty sure Alex was going to drag me there whether I liked it or not anyway, but I didn't want this conversation leading where it normally did.

"Oh okay... well if you do I uh- I was wondering if you maybe... wanted to go with me?" He asked nervously
"Um..." I trailed off, trying to find a nice way to let the guy down.

"No. She doesn't" we both turned to see my father walking across the driveway, shutting the car door
He was in his suit, briefcase in hand and a stoic look on his face that seemed to unsettle the delivery guy even more than it did me.

"Hey dad..." I tried to distract him, but he barged past the guy and pushed me into the house
"Next time do your job then fuck off" he said calmly, shutting the door in his face.

"Dad!" I scolded him, following after him as he strolled into the kitchen
"What Princess?" He asked, sitting down at the head of the table.

"You shouldn't be so rude" I mumbled, sitting down with the pizzas
"And you shouldn't give them the time of day" he retorted simply
I sighed, smiling at mom as she sat down.

"So how was your first day at school darling?" Dad asked
I nodded slowly
"It was good" I answered, trying to find a good way to bring up the party
Should I even tell them?
I could just lie and tell them I'm staying with Alex. But then I'd have to call them to check in and they'd see the party across the street anyway.

"What is it?" Dad asked, I snapped my head up to him
"What?" I asked
"You're biting your lip and fumbling with your hands. So what's the matter? What do you want?" He asked bluntly. Oh god.

"Well... there's a party this weeken-"
"No" he cut me off
"What?" I asked
"No. You're not going. It's the start of the term" he said sternly
"Please dad... it's only a party and there won't be any drinking" I tried to convince.

Okay that was a lie. We were all underaged but I doubt that was going to stop anyone bringing alcohol
"No Kingsley" he said matter of factly, he never said my full name unless he was really serious
I stopped talking, looking down at the table.

"Where is it?" My mother asked, making me look back up and dad glare at her
"Oh Grant come on... she's young, let her live" mom tried to reason
"That's the point. She's too young, I won't have her coming home pregnant" dad said annoyed.

"Dad!..." I said shocked
"Darling?" My mother pressed, I looked to her and sighed
"Elijah Denton, he lives across from us" I told them.

More like he lived a few doors down and across but it was over the road nonetheless
"And his parents are okay with it are they?" Dad asked
I nodded
They probably weren't. But I needed permission to go.

"I'll think about it" he said finally
"Okay" I said quietly, resuming dinner as him and mom caught up on their day


"You're such a dick" I grumbled, getting in the car
"What? You never said you were going to talk to Kingsley" Tommy laughed, getting in the drivers side
"Again. Dick" I mumbled, as we backed out the car park.

He just laughed again
"So what'd she say? When's the wedding?" He asked
I rolled my eyes
"Not a lot... said she was going Friday" I said, reading through my phone, again deleting a bunch of numbers.

"That's good then... you gonna get some Friday then or pussy out?" He grinned
I flipped him off, ignoring him for the rest of the ride as he teased me.

"I'm home" I shouted, dropping my keys on the side as I kicked the door shut behind me
Not a moment later Addy came running into the living room, hair wild and face red.

"Kade!" She screamed, running into my arms as I lifted her up
"Hey princess" I chuckled, walking into the kitchen with her on my hip
"You're late" Finn mumbled, pushing off the counter and grabbing his bag.

He worked in a game shop, but I'm assuming he couldn't leave until I got home
"Where's mom and Atlas?" I asked
"Moms gone to the office and Atlas is at band practice... I'll be back at 10" he explained on his way out.

"Okay" I said, placing Addy on the counter and blowing out a breath as the door shut
"Movies?" I suggested, she smiled and clapped her hands together
"Can we watch Sleeping beauty?" She asked, I nodded, grabbing some snacks before picking her up again.

We settled in front of the tv, I fucking hated princess movies, but if she wants to watch them I'll suffer through.
"Tell me the story about Knight K again" she asked
I dropped the remote as we waited for sleeping beauty to load.

"Well... he saw the princess again" I began
"Really?" She smiled, I nodded
"Yeah... and she looked even more beautiful than the last time" I explained
"Did he woo her yet?" She asked
I sighed, running my hand through my hair
"Not yet" I answered.

She looked down at her lap, thinking for a moment as her face scrunched up
"Flowers?" She asked
"What?" I asked confused
"He should get her flowers... girls love flowers" she explained excitedly.

I chuckled at her, she was so cute.
Sleeping beauty began playing and it was like a switch flicked in her head, the world was dead to her as her eyes were glued on the movie.


Today was just as uneventful as yesterday.
School dragged and by the time the last bell had rung I was still in a day dream in maths class.

"Lee... come on, we gotta go" Aubrey said as she shook me
I gathered all my stuff and we made our way outside.

I had to work on Tuesdays, so Aubrey's brother would always drop me off on their way home.
The diner I worked at was populated daily with the kids from school.
Sometimes it was nice but most of the time I would just get hit on or talked to like dirt.

"Thanks for this" I thanked again as I got out of Jason's car
"Anytime gorgeous" he winked at me, making Aubrey embarrassed as she scolded him for it.

I chuckled as I made my way into work, only to stop dead in my tracks upon seeing Kade King and his friends in booth 5.

Oh god... how am I supposed to serve him?
I can barely hold eye contact without blushing or stuttering
His eyes trailed around until they met mine, and I immediately snapped out of my daze and continued my path to the back room, feeling his eyes on me the whole way
I changed into my uniform, nearly bumping into Lana on my way out.

"Hey sugar" Lana greeted me, her grey hair bunched up in a bun, I offered her a smile and tied my apron up
"Carlas not in today so you'll have to manage the tables on your own, alright?" She asked with a smile, I nodded
Lana usually manned the till at the front of house, her husband Rodney was the chef in the kitchen.

I made my way out and began collecting empties and wiping down tables.
"What can I get you?" I asked a table full of football players
"Just your number baby" one grinned at me, I recognised him. Danny Taren, idiot.

I refrained from rolling my eyes
"Any food?" I asked again, looking towards the others
"Oh I know what I wanna eat. But it's not food" Bradley Caston said as he eyed me up and down
I frowned, I was just trying to do my job.

"Come on now boys... leave my baby alone, go on sweetie, I'll handle them" Lana said as she shooed me away, making all the boys groan
"Shush... what do you want?" She snapped.

I moved over to the next table, freezing up as I saw it was Kade and his friends
"What um- what can I get for you?" I asked, focusing my eyes on my notepad.

"Coke" Parker said simply, eyes back down on his phone
Tommy rolled his eyes
"Can I get... two double cheeseburgers, 2 fries, a coke, a chocolate milkshake and... some nuggets please" he finished, I'm surprised he could still breathe after that.

"Idiot" Kade mumbled
"Can I just get a burger please Lee?" Elijah asked nicely, I nodded, writing it down and then looking to Kade
He just stared at me
Until Parker nudged him in the side without looking up.

"Oh uh- a coke please" he said, his voice dominating the whole table
I swallowed harshly, trying to calm my nerves
"Okay..." I said, heading back to the kitchen

When their food was ready I took it out, setting it down on their table and abruptly ceasing their conversation as they all looked at me
"Thanks Lee... I hear your definitely coming friday" Elijah laughed as he took a bite out of his burger.

"Uh- y-yeah I think so" I said, clutching my notepad in nerves and glancing at Kade
"Well Alex said she was dragging you there no matter what" Elijah continued, making me roll my eyes
"Of course she did" I mumbled.

"Soooo... you going with anyone?" Tommy asked, looking up for the first time from his food
I giggled at his sauce covered face
"If that's an offer I think I'll pass" I laughed.

"No... I just meant I bet all the boys have asked you" he grinned, glancing at Kade with a smirk
"A few" I laughed awkwardly, swiftly shutting up when I saw Kade grip the table tighter, the creak audible.
The whole table silenced.

"Um- well if you need anything let me know" I mumbled, quickly walking away and taking other orders.


"It's surprising natural selection hasn't thinned out the gene pool enough" Parker mumbled from beside me
"Fuck off" I muttered, my fists still clenched

"He's right... why the fuck did you react like that? It's not like she's said yes and even if she did, she ain't dating anyone... you scared her off" Tommy said through a mouth full of food.

"That's not the point" I gritted out
"No the point is you over react when it comes to her" Elijah commented
"I wanna know who asked her" I said sternly
"Kade you can't go threateni-"
"I want to fucking know" I said again, my voice low as I looked at the angel moving around the diner.

Blood was going to spill
These kids are stupid if they think they can make moves on my girl.

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