4| Possessive

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"For someone who doesn't want to lose me, you're not acting like you want to keep me"


"Don't ever. Fucking. Look her at her again" I shouted, kicking the guy in the stomach as he coughed continuously
"Alright Kade that's enough" Elijah said, patting me on the back in a signal to back off.

I took a deep breath, stepping back and looking over the kid on the floor
After asking around I found out this prick was one of the guys putting moves on my Kingsley
Pizza guy apparently
Well he won't be moving for a while let alone working.

I stormed off down the school corridor, leaving him on the floor before the bell rang and a teacher or student would inevitably find him groaning in pain.

The day had only just started and I hadn't seen Kins yet
"You hit him pretty bad" Elijah muttered beside me
I shrugged, it's what he deserved
Everyone knew Kingsley was mine
Maybe not officially but they knew she was off limits.

I stopped in my tracks as I caught sight of her outside
I stood at the window, looking down and out into the parking lot
"Ah come on man" Elijah groaned as he realised I had stopped walking
"Fuck off" I grumbled, staring down at my girl.

Kingsley's Outfit

She looked fucking gorgeous
"Come on I gotta get my shit for science" Elijah whined, I rolled my eyes, tearing them away from my girl and following Eli as he bitched and moaned about being late.

School passed by painfully long
I didn't see pizza guy again so I could only assume he had been sent home
Or the hospital...
When the day was over I was too busy looking at Kingsley I didn't notice the sleek black car out front.

"Master King?" The driver asked, I turned around and scowled when I saw him, trying to ignore the prying eyes before I got in the car
"Just call me Kade next time" I grunted annoyed
What's with titles? They just make you sound rich and snobby.

I sat in the back of the car, going through my texts when I noticed we weren't on our way home
"Where are we going?" I asked
He looked at me through the mirror before refocusing on the road
"Your father has requested you at the office sir, he said you had been informed" he explained.

I sighed. Of course I hadn't been informed
When we finally did arrive I was met with some annoying preppy secretary telling me I had to wait for him in his office
She wouldn't shut up rambling.

I ignored her, shutting the door on her and sitting opposite my father's chair
Waiting. And waiting.
Until Lucas finally came in
Lucas Reynolds was my fathers right hand man
He has known me ever since I was born and I trusted him with my life.

He signalled for me to follow him
I sighed, getting up
"I was told to wait in the office?" I groaned
"He wants you underground" He grumbled, walking ahead of me as everyone watched us.

The underground part of the building were for dad's less than legal activities
As I followed Lucas down the stairs I was met with the stench of blood
A smell so familiar to me by now that it didn't phase me in the slightest.

I was shown into one of the watch rooms
A room that allowed you to see into the next room, without them seeing you
Like an interview room for the police
Except I was met with the sight of a guy tied to a chair, laughing his head off manically.

"Ah son" my dad said, stood watching through the glass
I stood next to him, keeping my eyes ahead on the prisoner
But from quick glances I could see my dad had bags under his eyes.
His hair was slightly messy and his hand kept fiddling with his wedding ring.
A habit he'd picked up years ago whenever he was stressed.

"Who's he?" I asked with a nod in the guy's direction.
"Alexander Terin, smuggler for the Russian mafia... wanker" he explained
"So why's he here?" I asked
"Fucked with my suppliers, they want him gone, thought you could help me out" he mumbled, watching the guy as he laughed so much his chair fell over.

"Why me?" I asked, my thumb coming up to swipe over my bottom lip as I tried to assess him
"Because that Russian prick is planning something, and I know Terin knows about it. But he won't crack and he says he'll only speak to you" he explained.

Me? Why only me?
I thought about it for a moment before nodding
I made my way out the small glass room, taking a deep breath before I entered the large soundproof room with the fucker tied to a chair.

I sighed
"So... you wanted me, you got me" I began, rolling my sleeves up as I made my way over to him
"What did you want to talk about?" I asked, setting a chair opposite him and sitting down.

He had been picked up and set straight again, now smiling at me, blood in his teeth and slowly dripping down his chin
He had bruises littering his pale skin, his dirty blonde hair tainted with red
"Kade Vincent King... the heir... the prodigy" he chuckled
I remained impassive, my forearms leaning on my thighs as I watched him.

"Why did you want to speak to me?" I asked
"Oh I don't know... gets lonely down here sometimes... when all you've got is the old man beating you night and day" he explained casually, rolling his head to the side before smiling at the glass window, I knew dad was on the other side.
No doubt scowling at this bastard.

I didn't say anything, waiting for him to cut the bullshit
"Alright alright... the old man's tired, washed up. I wanted to speak to the fresh face, the one taking over" he offered instead.

"Well I'm here. So talk" I said sternly
He sighed, but it seemed fake as he smirked
"You want to know what Boss has got planned right?" He asked, his accent thick and prominent
I nodded once
"Well... I can't tell you that" he laughed.

"How about you try thinking what you can tell me?, while you're still able to" I said, getting slightly irritated but keeping it hidden
"Alright... I know you go to Dantbury high school, I know you have a close knit group of friends, I know where they work, live, eat, fuck... I know about the pretty little whore you're chasing at school" He laughed.

I clenched my jaw at his words, standing abruptly and delivering a harsh blow to his head
"Mm... hit a nerve?... What was her name?" He thoughts for a moment
"Ah... Kingsley... Kingsley Hadley, tight little body living on Pladern drive" he taunted.

I took a hold of his neck and squeezed, watching him slowly gasp for air
I waited till he was on the brink of suffocation before letting go
He coughed and spluttered blood until he could breathe again.

"Not like talking about the pretty bitch eh? Yeah I wouldn't talk about her either, or to her... lot more you can be doing with her mouth-"
I cut him off with another blow to the head
His nose cracked and he began bleeding from there as well.

"Shut. The fuck. Up" I warned
My eyes flicked the red light flashing in the corner behind him
It was a warning from the other room, telling me to leave
Clearly my dad thought I was too angry
And he'd be damn fucking right
This man didn't deserve to even have Kingsley's name in his mouth.

So I was going to cut it out
Ignoring the flashing light, I pulled a knife out my pocket, watching Terin's impassive expression as he eyed it
"What you gonna do boy, cut me free?" He laughed.

I smiled back, before gripping his jaw with one hand and driving my knife with the other
Despite his struggles, it only took a few moments to cut his tongue out
Followed by several teeth
He clearly didn't want to talk to me anyway, he just wanted to rile us.

And he succeeded, by the time I was done he had lost his tongue, fingers, ears and eyelids
I left my knife lodged in his chest, hoping it prolonged the loss of blood and he'd die slower.

"What the fuck was that?" My dad shouted after me as I made my way to the exit
"Not now" I said simply
"Kade!" He shouted
"Not fucking now!" I shouted over my shoulder, continuing my way out of the building, ignoring the men staring at me in horror

I pulled my hoodie on in the car, making sure it covered the blood stains on my shirt before I wiped my face.

I needed to see her, I needed to make sure she was okay, I started the car and headed for the diner
She was working, I just had to see her.
If he was threatening her, if he knew about her, it meant everyone else did too.
My mind wandered as I drove, the images of his gory face flashing through my mind as I tightened my grip in the steering wheel.

I had nightmares.
Terrible, mind ruining nightmares
I hated doing this, I hated destroying people like that
But I had grown up with it, grown used to it.

I'd shot my first kill when I was 16.
Ever since I've had this whole other world
The violence, the money, the Mafia
And I was used to it.
I pushed it all down and acted like it didn't phase me, even though my mind would scream at me at night.
Refuse me any kind of sleep. Or relief.

I had to see her. I had to calm down
To just look in her angelic eyes and lose myself
I pulled into the parking lot and walked inside, my eyes immediately finding her in her cute little uniform
Her tanned legs on display as she sauntered round the tables.

Kingsley's Outfit

She was so beautiful
Her smooth skin, her alluring eyes
The way everything she wears accentuates her earth defying curves
Her soft hair pinned up and just teasing to be pulled as rogue wisps danced around her dangling earrings.

I realised I was just standing in the doorway watching her, so I took a seat in a booth, waiting for her to come and talk to me.

After 5 minutes or so of waiting she finally reached my table, standing quietly for a moment as she looked at me in surprise
"Um... w-what can I get you?" She asked, her eyes flickering down to her notepad
"Uh-" I looked down at the menu, forgetting I had to actually order something
"Can I get the cheeseburger and fries... with a Coke please" I asked, she nodded, writing it down before giving me a sheepish smile.

"Won't be a moment" she smiled, clearing a few tables on her way back to the kitchen
After 15 minutes of just watching her working, My food was finally ready
But it wasn't Kingsley that brought it out, it was a different waitress.

"There you go hun" she smiled, turning to leave
"Wait, where's Kingsley?" I asked
"Oh she's just about to go on break, Sorry" she smiled
I nodded
"Can I speak to her quickly?" I asked.

She nodded, disappearing back into the kitchen before Kins came out
Her uniform covered by her jacket
"Is there a problem with your order?" She asked worried
I shook my head, I wanted to talk to her, to get to know her better.

"Sit with me" I blurted out
"What?" She asked surprised
"Sit with me, you're on break right?" I asked
She nodded
"Good. Then sit with me... please" I asked
She started at me for a moment before nodding softly, sliding into the booth on the opposite side.

And so here I was
Sitting here
With Kingsley fucking Hadley just inches away.

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