5| Break

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"Little does she know... he thinks about her too"


I've never felt more nervous in my life, sitting across from Kade freaking King as he stared at me.
His food untouched. His dark eyes fixed on mine as I tried to think of something to say. Anything.

"So, did you want to speak to me about something specific or?" I trailed off, unsure as to why one of the hottest guys I'd ever known was sitting with me.
"No" he said simply, still staring intensely, his deep voice doing shameful things to me.

"Well... I uh, I really gotta get going, I only get half an hour" I mumbled awkwardly, standing up
"Sit down" He said, making me pause for a moment.

"Sorry?" I asked surprised
His hand reached out for my arm to pull me into the booth next to him
"I said... sit down" he repeated lowly, his face now inches from mine.

He was so close. And he smelt so good. Dear god send help
I couldn't look into his eyes anymore, so I looked down, awkwardly clearing my throat.

"Want some?" He offered, nodding to his plate, I looked at him nervously, reaching out for a fry before eating it. Licking away the salt left on my lips.

I looked back up, to see his gaze had intensified, his body ridged
"Are you okay?" I asked hesitantly
He nodded once, stiffly. Okay he was definitely mad about something.

"I uh... I- I" I didn't know what to say as I stumbled onto my feet, swiftly tripping over myself to turn around, crashing into a hard chest
Before I felt arms wind round my waist, steadying me.

"Careful there sweet cheeks, shame to ruin such a pretty face" a cheeky voice said
I looked up to see the owner of the voice
And I was greeted with a guy in my year, he was in a football jacket, his blonde hair slightly messy and a lazy grin on his face.

I could see his friends just ahead of him, all settling into a booth as they watched our interaction.

I offered a small smile to him, mumbling a quiet thank you before I squeaked at the feeling of being pulled back
And before I knew it I was out of the guy's arms and into another's
Kade's to be exact. My back against his hard chest and his arms securely hanging on to me.

"Fuck off" Kade said bluntly, I looked up to see his face in a scowl, yeah he was annoyed.
"Woah... just saving a pretty lady from falling" the guy laughed off, holding his hands up in surrender.
"I didn't ask for an explanation. I told you to fuck. off" he snapped.

"Kade" I tried
"No it's okay, just... keep your boyfriend in check yeah" he chuckled awkwardly, beginning to back away
"Oh he's not my boyfri-"
I was cut off as I was quickly turned around, crashing back into Kade as he stared down at me.

"Are you okay? Did he hurt you?" He mumbled, eyes raking over me.
I shook my head frantically, trying to unfrazzle my head as he glared at the guy
Kade was touching me. Kade King was touching me.

"I uh- yo-you didn't have to intervene, I- I could have handled it" I mumbled quietly
He hummed
"His hands lingered too long" he grumbled angrily, but it sounded more like he was talking to himself than me.

"W-well thank you anyway I guess" I said, nervously looking down, but I didn't miss the ghost of a smile across his face.
"Do you maybe wann-"
"Lee dear... your breaks over" I heard Lana call from behind me.


I offered Kade a smile as I untangled myself from his hold, but he didn't look very happy about it, his arms dropping to his sides
His moods seemed to do a 180 all the time. I didn't understand it.
"I have to get back" I said simply, going to turn around.

"Wait" he said deeply, turning me back around by the arm
I looked at him expectantly, as much as I wanted to be near him... I also wanted to get as far away as possible before I could embarrass myself further.

"Uh- thanks... for... keeping me company" he mumbled, I smiled again, nodding once
"Come on sweetie, I don't pay you to goof around with your boyfriend" Lana called again, I wished the ground could've swallowed me up then and there.
Why does everyone keep assuming that we're together?

I winced at her words in embarrassment, before looking up at Kade hesitantly
And then he moved in... closer and closer
And I felt my eyes widening as his scent intoxicated my senses.

God I wanted to touch him... to feel him against me
And I did. Because the next thing I knew his lips were pressed against my cheek in a small soft kiss.

"Bye sweet cheeks" he whispered next to my ear, before straightening up, pulling some money from his pocket and enclosing it in my hand.
And then... he left.

And I was stood there, dumbstruck with 15 dollars in my hand and the ghost of a kiss on my cheek.
"Who was that fine piece of ass?" Carla asked as she sauntered past me with food, the customers she was serving looking at us weirdly.

"Carla... you can't say that" I mumbled scoldingly, moving back towards the counter as my break was seemingly over
"I'm serious" she laughed as she followed me, leaning on the bar on the opposite side of me.

"He was delicious" she said dreamily
I rolled my eyes at her
"He's just a boy from school" I dismissed
"No sweetie... that was a man" she giggled.

"So is he your boyfriend?" Lana asked as she came up beside Carla
I shook my head aggressively
"No he's just in my year... he- we aren't..." I sighed
"He would never go for a girl like me" I mumbled.

"A girl like you?" Carla echoed curiously
I nodded
"You know... inexperienced" I explained, beginning to wipe down the counter.

Carla scoffed, throwing Lana a look
"I put money on it you'll end up dating" she said with finality, picking up two plates from the kitchen window and sauntering off to another table.

I wish


"Kade I can't keep fucking up every guy that looks at her" Eli groaned down the phone
"Well he didn't look at her. He touched her... So break his fucking legs" I seethed.

He sighed
"Just do it Elijah... Calvin Davies" I gave him the prick's name.
"And what happens when your dad finds out that you're out breaking the legs of any guy that comes close to a girl you can barely talk to?" He asked.

"Fuck off, I talk to her" I grumbled
"That's what you took from that? Kade your dad will go fucking mental" he tried to yell, so I just hung up on him.
Fucking idiot.
It wasn't my fault they didn't know how to keep their hands to themselves, now they had to lose them.


The rest of the week had been fairly quiet, I went to school, went to work, came home and avoided talking about the oncoming party
My dad was still annoyed I was even going, and I had only just managed to convince him to let me stay at Maria's.

Even though the party was across the street, I had a pretty good idea there would be alcohol... and I didn't want to stagger home drunk and get grounded.

So when Friday finally rolled around, I said goodbye to my parents and then went to Alex's house, I didn't need a row over my outfit so I thought it'd be safer to change at hers.

"Come on baby, we haven't got long and I need you to curl my hair" Alex rambled as she looked through her closet extensively.
Meanwhile I disappeared into the bathroom to change, my outfit was slightly more... risqué than I was used to
But I liked it, and I never really got the chance to let my hair down and have fun.

Kingsley's Outfit

I stepped out of the bathroom nervously, maybe this dress was a little too short
I pulled it down my thighs as much as I could.

"Damn Lee, you're looking fine" Alex whistled, having finally picked something to wear.
"Shut up" I chuckled, sitting down to do my makeup.

"What's up bitches?" Maria shouted as she came barrelling through the door carrying bags
"Shh my parents are home" Alex hushed
"Hey bitches" Alex's mom shouted as she followed in after Maria
"Oh for fuc-"
"Don't you dare" her mother scolded, making me laugh.

When we were finally ready, we made our way over to Elijah's house, and I practically bolted for the front door in case my parents were looking out onto the street.

"Fuck he really went all out" Maria muttered, looking around at all the lights and alcohol around the living room.
Elijah had a pretty big house... and it was already full of kids drinking and dancing.

"Let's get a drink" Alex suggested, grabbing hold of me and Maria's hands, before pulling us towards the kitchen
"Where's Aubrey?" Maria asked
"You know parties aren't really her thing" I shouted back over the music.
She shrugged, her eyes darting around in search of a certain quiet boy.

When we entered the kitchen I was met with a glorious sight
Elijah was stood pouring shots, with Tommy by his side downing all of them before he could give them out
And Kade was sat by the counter, a glass of clear liquid I could only assume was vodka in his hand.

And damn did he look good, dressed down in black jeans, a black shirt that accentuated all his muscles and allowed tiny peeks of small tattoos he had already collected.

"Ah, there's the guests of honour" Elijah greeted
"Guests of honour?" Alex laughed
"Yeah, dear old Kadey here wouldn't stop bitching until you arrived" Tommy explained, his eyes on me.
Did he mean all of us? Or just me?

I let my eyes drift to Kade's, and for a split second I forgot how to breathe.
God he was handsome.
"Hey uh- where's Parker?" Maria asked, looking around the kitchen.

Tommy chuckled at her, nodding towards the back door
"Out for a smoke" he explained, Maria nodded, before swivelling round to face Alex
"Can I have a smoke?" She asked, only to receive laughter.

"You don't smoke baby girl" Alex replied, making Maria frown
"Well I do sometimes" she grumbled, crossing her arms
"Fine. Here" she said, passing her a cigarette.

Maria then all but bounced into the garden in search for Parker
"You gotta give it to her... she's persistent, even if she chokes" Tommy laughed, and just as Maria had left, Alex's head perked up.

"I see a hottie" she mumbled, her eyes fixed on the dance floor
I glanced behind me into the living room but there were so many bodies grinding together I couldn't tell who she was looking at.

"Here baby, mamas gonna find her a lady" she said as she handed me her purse, before she pushed her boobs up in her top and danced away to the living room.

I put her purse in a cupboard in the kitchen, I wasn't holding that all night, especially not when she was getting lucky
I turned back to the boys, only to find them all looking at me awkwardly, before Tommy cleared his throat
"Hey Elijah can I show you that thing?" He asked.

Elijah's face scrunched up in confusion.
"What?" He asked
"That thing, you know... the thing" he emphasised, nodding to the stairs with wide eyes
"Oh yeah... the thing" Elijah said in recognition.

They then disappeared from the kitchen, leaving me and Kade alone once again.
I turned my attention to him, and he looked... different
His eyes had darkened, raking up and down my figure.

"Hey princess" he said, his voice deep and dominant as he eyed me like I was prey.

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