6| Crushes and Confessions

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Crushes and Confessions

"The best feeling is when you look at him, and he is already staring"


She looked fucking gorgeous in that tight little black dress
I wanted to abandon the spot I was rooted to and take her over the kitchen counter... repeatedly
My eyes travelled her entire body, her tanned legs, her soft brown hair tied neatly away, those plump red lips.

"Kade?... Kade?" I snapped out of my less than holy fantasy and refocused my eyes back on hers
"Yeah?" I said
"I said... do you want another drink?" She giggled, pouring her own.

I downed the rest of mine and nodded, my hand brushing against hers when she reached for the glass
She's so warm... and soft
"So... the party seems to have already gotten out of control" she laughed, glancing into the living room.

I nodded, my eyes still glued to her
"Yeah, Elijah doesn't know what 'enough is enough' means" I explained, watching her laugh
He'd spent so much on alcohol it was unbelievable, and he had to clear all this shit up tomorrow.
He can fuck off if he thinks I'm helping him.

"Well god knows where Alex and Maria have gone" She mumbled
Alex had completely disappeared into the crowd of dancers, and Maria was still probably running around after Parker
"You can always stay with me" I said, trying to let it sound casual but the blush that crept up her neck made me second guess the way it had come out.

She then meekly nodded
"Okay" She agreed. My heart felt like it was gonna burst out of my chest
This was my chance
I had the night with Kingsley, with no one interrupting, just us...
None of her friends. None of my moronic friends

"Shall we go outside, it's so hot in here" She said, heading for the back door before giving me a hesitant glance
I nodded, following after her as we made our way outside.

I couldn't help but notice how small she really was
She always looked tiny, but in these moments where she was right next to me, she looked like the most fragile thing in the world.

She also looked different given her attire. She normally wore innocent little clothes, clothes she was unaware of how sexy she looked in them
But this dress had my knees week at the skin she was showing.

She led me through the garden, all the way to the bottom where some wooden table and chairs sat
It was in view of everyone else, but you'd probably have to squint to see who was down here.

Now I felt even more nervous, we were completely alone. I had to say something tonight
I had to tell her how I feel
That she was mine. Maybe without mentioning the 'beating the shit out of any guy that comes near her' part.


I've been sat with Kade for an hour or so now, and as much as I was able to carry the conversation on... I was still nervous.
I was sat with Kade King. Alone.
And he was telling me a story about him and Elijah that involved a baseball bat and two broken windows.

I didn't think I'd ever be in this situation
"What about you?" He asked
"What about me?" I smiled, having slightly lost track of the conversation as I was staring at him too much.
"You've gotta have some crazy childhood story" he said
I shrugged
"Not really... my dad never let me do stupid stuff, it was mostly Alex that got into trouble for things" I explained.

Alex was wild, there was no denying that, but even as kids she wasn't afraid to say it how it is, or cause a fight just for the hell of it.
She threw herself into situations before thinking. And they often came back to bite her in the a-


This girl has been giving me the eye for ages now, she's been dancing with me, grinding against me, and yet she still hadn't spoken to me
"I'm Alex" I shouted over the music, she smiled, her hand winding in my hair as she pulled me into her.

"I'm Athena" she said in my ear, before I felt her soft lips against my neck, the music drowned out as soon enough I found myself in bed with my gorgeous little dance partner.

Kingsley •

I think I may have drank a little too much.
My eyes were starting to feel a little too dizzy, and Kade looked more and more attractive the more I looked at him. Was that even possible?

"Kins? You okay?" He asked, his voice giving way that he was also quite drunk. I nodded, offering a lazy smile as I stared at him
He was so cute. Why hadn't I ever told him that?

"You know you're really cute" I said confidently, so confidently I barely recognised my voice.
He looked surprised, his face was normally stoic, set in an emotionless expression.

"Cute?" He echoed, scrunching his face up slightly at the word
I nodded, scooting closer to him on the wooden bench we were on
"Very cute" I said, my voice barely above a whisper as we were now quite close.

We stared at each other for a moment, both a bit drunk and yet he still smelled godly
I wanted him. I've always wanted him
So why have I never told him that? Why have I never just made a move?
I should make a move right?

I pressed my chest against his side, my leg slowly crept over his, until I was practically attached to his side, his body stiffened at my touch and he looked down at me.
I looked in his eyes, they were hesitant, unsure of what was happening
I don't know if I was even sure what was happening. I just wanted to feel him. Even if he pushed me away and I woke up tomorrow with embarrassment deep within me.

I leant up slowly, my hand coming up to grasp the back of his neck, before I felt my lips brush his, I let my eyes flutter close as I closed the distance between us, connecting our lips
And god it felt so good.

He was frozen for a moment, barely moving as I tried to move my lips against his, before a small squeal left my mouth as his hands found my thighs and he scooped me up and placed me in his lap, so I was straddling him.
My hands found his shoulders as he placed his lips back on mine.

One hand stayed gripping my bare thigh as the other caressed my cheek, pulling me flush against him as his lips assaulted mine
I couldn't help but let out a small moan into him, the feeling of his lips on mine was unlike anything I'd ever experienced.

And truthfully, I'd never kissed anyone before.
I pulled away first, in desperate need of some air as I tried to catch my breath.
"Kins..." he breathed, his eyes staring into mine, his grip still tight as his chest heaved.

"Upstairs" I breathed out abruptly
"What?" He practically choked
"Take me upstairs" I whispered, leaning my forehead against his
I wasn't expecting us to have sex or anything.

My heart was beating so rapidly I thought I'd have a heart attack, and that's just from kissing him
Plus I was still a bit too young to be doing... that
And I'm sure Kade was far more experienced than me. I don't need to embarrass myself anymore than I am right now.

"O-okay" he coughed out, leaning forward as I climbed off his lap, I stood up, waiting for him
"Just uh, give me a minute" he said
"A minute?" I asked curiously with a tilt of my head
He nodded
"I uh... I have to speak to Elijah real quick, you go up and I'll find you" he explained.

I nodded, unsure of why he was acting weird before I made my way back into the house, walking past Maria as she now seemed to be sucking the face off of Parker.
And then Elijah and Tommy who were gawking at me mindlessly.


It feels like I've been sat here hours. When it's really only been minutes
I kissed her. I kissed Kingsley fucking Hadley
And it felt so fucking good
Maybe a little too good, as I definitely couldn't have got up in front of her.

And it didn't help my... situation even when she had gone, as I had a front row seat to her swaying hips and her ass as she walked inside
When I had finally calmed myself down, I shot in the house as quick as I could, trying to desperately find Elijah.

I found them sat by the window as they both looked gobsmacked
"Did you just kiss Kingsley fucking Hadley?" Tommy shouted as I neared them
I grabbed him by the collar and shoved him back down to his seat
"Shut the fuck up will ya?" I asked annoyed, sitting down as well.

"So why is she heading upstairs?" Elijah asked
"She wants me to follow her up" I explained, bobbing my knee up and down as I thought about what was going to happen.

"After I made it very clear no one was allowed upstairs" Elijah sighed
"Oh shut up Eli, if Kade's getting freaky they need to be safe... we don't want any kids yet do we?" Tommy asked innocently.

I glared at him, smacking him upside the head
"We're not gonna fuck, we're just gonna... I don't know" I sighed, putting my head in my hands
"Just go up, the more you think about it the more you're gonna talk yourself out of it. And the more she'll be left alone up there, thinking you don't want anything to do with her" Elijah explained.

"I want everything to do with her" I thought aloud
"Then go-oh" Tommy sang as he opened another bottle
"Honestly Kade, sex isn't as scary as you think" he went on. I ignored him.
But I nodded. Yeah. I could do this
It's just Kingsley. My Kingsley. The girl I've wanted all my life.

I stood up, making my way upstairs and checking all the rooms until I found her.
When I eventually did, she was in a guest bedroom, looking at the bookshelf, I closed the door behind me, which seemed to gain her attention
She turned round and smiled at me. Fuck she was beautiful. I don't think I can do this.

I've tortured people. Killed people. I've done things worse than nightmares... yet I could barely get a word out as I stared at her
Her heels were long forgotten as they lay on the floor, her hair was now down and out of its bun, and she was staring at me expectantly... what was she waiting for?

"I wondered where you had got to" she laughed
"You wanna... sit down?" She said, sitting at the bottom of the bed
I nodded, sitting down next to her, again thinking about how small she really was next to me.

It was silent. Neither of us knowing what to say as we sat. The moment from earlier had gone.
"Kade?" She asked quietly
"Yeah" I said
"Can I..."

Kingsley •

"Can I... can I tell you something?" I asked, waiting for his response. I wanted to tell him I liked him. That I'd had the biggest crush on him for years now
I was a bit drunk granted... but if I didn't do it now I don't think I ever would.

"Of course" he said, his deep voice and godly face was doing things to me that were too shameful to admit
I wanted to kiss him again so badly
"I... I like you. Like, I like you like you" I clarified, getting a bit confused by the end of it.

His eyes widened and his body stiffened as he listened to me
"You... you like me?" He asked
I nodded
"So much" I whispered, absentmindedly staring at his face... his eyes, his jaw, those lips.

"Really?" He asked, a small smile on his face, I nodded again, being taken by surprise halfway through as he swooped down to kiss me again
"Mm" I moaned in surprise, falling backwards on the bed as he climbed over me, hovering above me as he cradled my face in his hands.

"Fuck do you know how long I've dreamt of hearing you say that?" He asked breathlessly when he pulled away
"What?" I asked, my mind a bit hazy
"I like you Kins, well more than like you, I want you, so fucking badly, I have done for years" he spilled out.

He... he likes me?

I know this may seem a bit rushed but the story is based more on their dynamic rather than a 'how the couple get together' kinda story ☺️

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