7| Like what you see?

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Like what you see?

"I remember every word you told me. I can't stop thinking about it"


He likes me? Kade King likes me? Oh my god
He had swooped in to kiss me again, his hands gripping onto me for dear life as he moved me to the top of the bed, his mouth attacking my neck in deep open mouthed kisses
"Kade" I moaned

He didn't stop, one hand snaked just under my dress, gripping onto my thigh as he sucked on my skin, no doubt leaving a mark I'd have to cover up.
"Kade" I said breathlessly, pushing him up
He hovered above me, looking at me expectantly, waiting for what I had to say.

"You- we need to slow down" I said, he was breathing deeply before he nodded, moving to lay beside me
Then it was silent. Both of us just looking up at the ceiling as I felt his hand entwine with mine.

"You really like me?" He asked after a while
"Yeah" I whispered, looking to my side, he was smiling
"Good" he beamed, making me smile
"Can I take you on a date?" He asked
"A date?" I practically choked.

"Yeah" He confirmed, rolling over to look at me
"O-okay" I stuttered out nervously
I felt like I was slowly sobering up now, and I was becoming more and more mortified by my previous actions.
I straddled him and stuck my tongue down his throat for god sake.

"Great... are you, staying here tonight?" He asked, I shook my head
"I'm supposed to be staying Maria's" I explained, but the way she was sucking face with Parker I wasn't so sure anymore
"Want me to see if I can find her? If she's still with Parker you can always just stay here" he suggested, I nodded.

I'd rather wait for Kade to check than try and navigate my way through all those drunken idiots
Plus Kade was huge, and intimidating
I'm sure he could handle himself
He nodded back, planting a kiss on my forehead before he got up and left.

Finally giving me a moment to think. And breathe
I laid there, trying to let everything sink in, Kade liked me... he asked me on a date
I couldn't help the excited squeal that escaped me.

Kade had been on my mind constantly for years, and all I had ever imagined was him asking me on a date, but then we'd catch each other's eye and I'd look away blushing like an idiot.

I was secretly hoping Maria was... tied up with Parker so to speak. Then me and Kade would be left alone together for the night
I could stay here and we could talk some more.


I just fucking kissed her. I don't think I had ever smiled so widely in my life
And everyone around me seemed to think so as well as they moved out of my way quicker than usual
They probably thought I was high
But I was just completely wrapped up in her.

I wanted to find Parker as soon as possible, the quicker I establish Maria was held up the quicker I could go back to Kins.

I checked around downstairs before retreating back up
They must be in a bed room somewhere
Elijah's 'no upstairs' rule had completely gone out the window as I walked past couples eating each other's faces in the hallway
And almost every bedroom I checked had two idiots getting off together in there.

Until I finally opened one to find Maria straddling Parker, kissing his neck as he noticed me in the doorway, swiftly pushing her off next to him
I smirked
"Good night?" I asked, Parker just glared at me
"No? Okay, well I actually came here for Maria" I explained.

"Me? I thought you were head over heels for Lee, don't tell me you're jelly Kade" she laughed
I smiled
"No, Kins wants to know if you're staying here" I asked.

"Oh, I think so, is she alright getting home?" She asked worriedly
I nodded
"Yeah she's fine, have fun" I laughed, shutting the door again and heading back to the room I left her in.


When Kade had finally come back I was a bit more sober
And now I felt a thousand times more nervous
What if I do something stupid?

"Hey, Maria's a bit... busy with Parker" he explained as he locked the door, someone banging against it drunkenly straight afterwards
I nodded, thankful there was at least no chance of a drunken idiot bursting in
"That's okay, I can always just sleep in here... can't I?" I asked nervously, he nodded, sitting down next to me.

"Are you staying?" I asked quietly
"Uh, I think so" he replied
"Where?" I asked
"I normally just crash anywhere when everything's over" he shrugged
"You... you can stay in here... if you want" I offered.

"Okay" he strained, staring at me with a look I couldn't work out
"Okay" I said back, silence engulfing us for the next few minutes.
"Do you think... Elijah has anything I can sleep in? This dress is so tight... and uncomfortable" I explained.

His eyes cast down to my dress, before he swallowed harshly and his eyes found their way back to mine
"I'm sure we'll find something" he mumbled, looking around for a moment
"Want another drink?" He asked, nodding to the bottles on the cabinet.

I nodded, god knows I need one if I'm going to talk to Kade and not sound awkward...

And that... was the last thing I remember.

"Mm" I groaned, feeling my brain start to stir as warmth spread through my body
"Mm... hmm" I moaned sleepily, snuggling into the warmth more, before I felt an arm tightening around my waist, another weaved into my hair.

I opened my eyes slowly, the curtains still open and blinding me as I tried to focus, I looked up, seeing Kade's peaceful sleeping face... that I was just inches away from
I was in his arms... in bed with him
I looked down, noticing how shirtless he was as my hands were pressed against his bare chest.

What the hell happened?
I looked down at myself, seeing the shirt Kade previously had on, now on my own body
I pulled the covers up softly, peeking underneath to see him in only his underwear
Oh god... did I?

No I couldn't have. I'd feel it wouldn't I? I'd feel different
But why was I in his shirt and why on earth was he practically naked?
I mean... it wasn't necessarily a bad sight
His scattered tattoos and large... muscles, he felt warm under my hands, his legs tangled in with mine gently.

I looked back up, tempted to touch him, to run my fingers over his cheek and through his hair, to kiss him the way I did last night. Oh god. Am I dreaming? Is this even real?
This can't be real.
No way in a million years would I wake up pressed against a shirtless god like this.

Christ he had defined abs... I just wanted to-
"Like what you see baby?"
I looked up, he was smirking at me, in a 'just woke up, I'm too adorable' kind of way
And his voice... it made my knees weak any day of the week
But his morning voice... made my thighs clench together just to stop myself from jumping him.

Was I still drunk?
"Kins?" He said, brushing my hair back with his hand
"What?" I snapped out of my thoughts, he smiled
"Don't worry... I can't stop staring at you either... you look fucking gorgeous in my shirt" he mumbled, nuzzling his head into my neck.

"Wha- um what happened last night?" I asked
"You don't remember?" He asked, shifting so he was on top of me, his hands gripping my waist as he trailed kisses up my neck
"Oh... uh... n-no" I gasped, he was being so forward
It was weird, seeing Kade be... affectionate towards me.

"We drank way too much" he chuckled, looking down at me
"Then we passed out" he explained
"Why am I?..." I looked down at my shirt, my eyes unconsciously drifting to his chest again
"You wanted something other than your dress to sleep in. Don't worry, I didn't look" he mumbled the last part as he continued peppering kisses on my upper neck.

"Oh... okay. Um thank you" I said
"What for?" He asked confused
"Not... you know" I looked down, it sounded stupid thanking somebody for not having sex with you.
But I was still a virgin and I would of hated my first time to have been when I was a drunken mess.

"Kins... I'd never do that to you" he said honestly, I nodded
"I know" I smiled softly
"Should we... get up?" I asked hesitantly
He nodded, climbing up off the bed and giving me a perfect view of him...
His bare... almost naked body
I needed Jesus...

"Keep staring and I'll do something about it" he smirked, pulling on his jeans
I snapped out of my daze once again, getting up and picking my dress up
"Can you..." he turned around before I even finished asking, so I took his shirt off and put my dress back on, awkwardly clearing my throat when I was done.

"Here" I said, handing it back, he smiled, his fingers brushing against mine.


The house looked a fucking mess
And I just know I'll be roped into helping clean it up
Last night was perfect
Albeit a bit messy and drunk
But I still got to kiss Kingsley, and sleep with her in my arms
And now my shirt smelled like her, it was fucking amazing.

"Where is everyone?" She asked sweetly, looking around at the passed out kids from our year
Before we heard a groan from the stairs, watching as Tommy came trudging down with his head in his hands
"Hungover?" I asked
"Mm... and some red head won't stop nagging me for her number" he mumbled.

"I'm right behind you, you asshole... and I didn't nag you, I asked you. Once" she said annoyed, shoving him out the way
"Ssh" he scolded, earning an empty cup to the head before she left, the light from the doorway and the resounding bang waking Elijah who was passed out on the floor.

He looked around for a moment, before setting his eyes on us
"Coffee... now" he groaned, collapsing back on the floor
Tommy sighed, rounding into the kitchen as we followed him
"Coffee?" He asked us, I shook my head but my little princess said yes.

"So... how was your night?" Tommy asked in a gossipy voice as he handed Kins a cup
"Well... I can't remember most of it" she mumbled, making me panic slightly
Did she remember our kiss? The date I asked her on? She had to.

She tapped me on the shoulder, breaking me out of my panic
"Don't worry... I remember all of... that" she mumbled the last part, looking down at her mug shyly
"What you two... no way" Tommy gasped, only amplifying Kins' blush
"No. We didn't you idiot" I grumbled at him.

He held his hands up in surrender
"Sorry" he apologised, his eyes flickering behind us
"Ah... theres the love birds" Tommy said with a grin
We looked behind us to see Parker and Maria, they looked like they'd been through a fucking hurricane.


"So are we going to talk about last night?" Maria asked as we got into her house
I shook my head
"Ice cream" I said simply
"What?" She laughed
"I want ice cream... then we'll talk" I decided.

"It's 11 in the morning" she laughed
"Yeah and we both woke up next to guys this morning, I need. Ice. Cream" I said.

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